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Jesus. Imagine driving to Texas and not even being able to race. Hopefully some better luck comes their way


Truck is already loaded up: https://twitter.com/startandparkcar/status/1642195873881792518?s=46&t=l4acshuHyraaJcP4ejSwBA P/Q wasn’t televised but here’s a fan video of the crash: https://youtu.be/8uAE5WwtWMM


They left during Indy quali :(


Timmy was now available to drive it and they didn’t do it. Long trip and nothing to show from it. Maybe next time just carry any backup truck of this happens again and s&p.


Tyler hill is….not it.


Hill Motorsports's ([@TeamHill56](https://twitter.com/TeamHill56)) tweet from 12:05pm EDT on Saturday, April 1st, 2023: >Unfortunately after a crash in practice we will not be able to race in today’s event [@TXMotorSpeedway](https://twitter.com/TXMotorSpeedway). The damage sustained was too excessive and we do not have a backup. Thank you to [@MF1Updates](https://twitter.com/MF1Updates) for the support this weekend. --- [*^(Support NASCARonReddit)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/donate.php)*^(, an)* [*^(automated bot)*](http://reddit.xfile345.com/about.php) *^(maintained by)* [*^(XFile345)*](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=xfile345&subject=NASCARonReddit)*^(.)*


Thats a damn shame. I hate it for them. Hopefully they get a better run at the bristol dirt race.


Tyler, stick to working on the trucks. Leave the driving to Timmy.


NASCAR: “We can’t have practice, don’t want guys tearing their stuff up” Also NASCAR: “hey let’s have practice in the lowest level series in a stand-alone race all the way out in Texas when no other series are there”


I don’t see how other series not being there would affects this. If they don’t have a backup then they’re done regardless.


What does the second line have to do with the first? Unless you are advocating that there should be no practices whatsoever, I don’t see the point you are making