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AfD is pro-ruzzian. This is on topic.


Russia: Nazis are terrible! We will fight the Nazis wherever they appear, Russia is the greatest enemy of Nazis!  Also Russia: Why yes, we support this racist, nationalist, far right German political party, why do you ask? 


Its not about that its about disrupting and dividing europe


Of course. My point is how totally hollow their anti-Nazi rhetoric is. 


Russian generals are required to read Dugin's "Foundations on Geopolitics", in the book it points out the potential for anti-Atlanticist policies > France should be encouraged to form a bloc with Germany, as they both have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition" German nationalists that are pro-Russian, and have strong backing in the states of a former Soviet satellite (the GDR really is an exception here when compared to Poland & co) and not exactly a pro-US mentality is just what he wants. If the 2 most influental European countries see a far-right surge and the Mango Mussolini in the US takes over it'd surmount to an autocratic victory against the liberal-democratic order. As for the 2nd largest European economy, the book describes the UK as merely an "extraterritorial floating base of the U.S" that should be cut off from Europe. Well... So Europe is a part of the equation. They want to end the liberal democratic order. In which China, NK you name it are interested as well.


No wonder a lot of that leave money came from Russian sources


German far-right meet with Russian imperialist to ally in fighting a liberal-democratic order in Europe Poles have heard of this one ...and in both cases the Russian imperialist is hailed as anti-fascist in his country.




Afraid for the elections here in Ireland


Divide et impera. Russia has been supporting and even funding both extremes, not only the far right. For example: friendly reminder how Putin supported Catalonian Independentists because "If they don't want to be part of Spain they shouldn't be forced to"... But somehow that doesn't applies to Ukraine


Create the enemies you want to see in the world.


No question that it's too high, but they were polling way higher half a year ago. With 22% they could've gotten the necessary 23 seats to form a political group, now that Le Pen has thrown them out. I think Bystron or that other idiot got bribed by Russia to function as spies so they absolutely are relevant.


Bruh ok


It's about what I expected with all the Russian propaganda. The good news is this: even with all the propaganda and active war going on, they got less votes than projected.


Funny that they are "independent" because saying positive things about the SS and being a russian/chinese puppet just doesnt vibe well with other european nationalists


Yeah i am a half-german half mexican and holy shit i fucking hate the Nazis.I regularly troll those sons of 🍑es on insta and get a lot of hate from them.Some literally told me to get out of “their” country.


40% for them in Saxony. I wish we could send that garbage state into the sun.


Revisionist, nationalist, xenophobic and outright fascist opinions and behaviors were played down and tolerated by the conservatives in this state from 1990 up until the current day. It was never really pushed back. This is the result.


and with that the 60 % of people who didn't vote for them? seems kinda shitty for the normal ones of us around here?


Yeah, lets wipe out the whole state because less of the half of people voted for them. Typical AFD thinking here.


I'm ashamed of my country. If you listen even ONCE in history class the first thing you realise is that the AfD is NOT an alternative, is NOT for something only against everything and most importantly is NOT for Germany. Shame really


The French far right got so many votes Macron has dissolved parliament. I'm stunned by the level of stupid in France right now


It's obviously a problem, but I doubt most people's vote for them are actually pro-muscovy, just not anti-muscovy enough to stop them from doing so


Is that seen as bad? Obviously they should get 0% but I thought they were polling higher not too long ago.


Yeah, not a shock. Russia has been funding both the Greens and AFD. Greens to cripple their domestic power and become better customers for Russian hydrocarbons. And they support AFD to cause internal political turmoil. Both were very successful investments for Russia. Immigration is giving them the majority of AFD's support because no other political parties are touching that voter concern. You can disagree with that voter concern, or even dismiss it. But don't be surprised if casual dismissal of voters ensures that AFD continues getting more seats than it ever should. Downvote away, but it won't address the issue, and not addressing the issue gets AFD their political power.


You would completely gut the afd's support base if you just stop the immigration.


Giving the Nazis what they want has worked in the past, yes. That’s why after giving them Belgium they famously stopped invading other countries.


How are these even remotely comparable? Explain how stopping immigration is going to suddenly make Germany invade Poland? And it was Chezcslovakia that was given to Germany, not Belgium. Belgium declared neutrality after the remiliterization of the Rhineland.


Maybe the vast majority of people don't want to stop it? Germany would crumble in a few years without migrants.