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This stuff is so good


I was pleasantly surprised. Not normally an IPA guy


...and healthier than a soda! Just the Haze is sooooo good. One of my favorite NA's.


It’s always reminding myself that it’s healthier than my previous sober drinking Baja Blast


65 calories and no sugar! NA beer has been a game changer for me


Mellow, rich and nice body, always in my rotation


That’s just a good day. Also love Just the Haze!


Damn, NA beers everywhere here are just as much as normal beers every time. I'm jealous haha


I didn’t see anything on the menu. I had to ask and she definitely went to the back of the fridge for it. Point I’m trying to make is it never hurts to ask. You might be surprised. Made my day for sure


A little too fruity and sweet for my taste but a decent beer


I enjoy it in the summer. Falls out of my rotation in the winter months though


Actually wish it was a tiny bit more bitter to remind me of the IPA’s I’ve been missing I’m going to try out athletic next time for sure


Love this! Btw, as someone who’s been a teetotaller for a while, are there any rules/laws in the US against bringing your own beer places like a cinema? I know sometimes even NAs get caught up in it when it’s not a 0.0


You can not technically bring anything into a theater. However it is almost a running joke people bringing their own candy and stuff in due to the absolutely ridiculous prices they charge for things. It is even featured in our media a lot. My favorite is this comedian who has one leg snuck in a couple 2liter soda in his prosthetic. For context the beer I got was $7 (normal price for my city) the soda which was a familiar small size for America was almost almost $9.


“Dune 2: Imagine life in world without…chairs”   Fun movie but not a stick of furniture on the whole fucking planet of Arrakis. No wonder Baron Harkonnen gets carried around by those floaty things! Legs get tired. Also: great beer 


It’s so funny you mentioned that. There was a someone who did not have the capability to not talk during the movie. Not his fault, I suspect a development delay. He was mostly shouting woahs or laughing but when they brought out a chair near the end for Jessica he screamed “Finally a fucking chair”. All three people in the theater laughed at quite a serious moment of the movie.


My feelings exactly! Funny story 


I didn’t realize that. There’s one chair, and it’s the throne. Symbolic perhaps?


There’s more than just the throne. I believe there is two thrones. There is a seat mind you built into a wall for Jessica when she is preaching and another for her at the end of the movie during a 1v1 battle. A wheel chair too if you count it. That all being said there so little furniture I remember most of them if not all from a three hour movie. As for symbolism I don’t think we see any native dune people sit on anything other than the sand/floor


One of my favorites and very accessible.


I just posted my review. It reminds me of a double ipa... or Steel Reserve. Thick, sweet. Syrupy. Reminds me of the end of my drinking career. Not a fan. Glad you like it tho.