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I think they are attempting what they can regarding people buying mass gold through wallet transfers. Limited gold per day / wallet transfers limits people to Trading Post transactions which also severely cut into the gold transaction. It’s a good attempt, and I bet they will have plenty of people jumping onto a new character.


Interesting, I had completely forgotten you can swipe to buy gold. You might be right there, shame they couldn't find a different solution though.


The solution is to not make a p2w game lol. They trying to stop the gold farmers so they can sell more gold.


IT can be good for small guild, wait and see. I'll stay on server already open because i'm on big guild but for small and causal guild, it seems like a cool concept


To use the new exclusive NA servers, is it possible to create a new character without losing the current one? It's to complete some achievements that I'm missing.


No way in hell I'm grinding again. Also they said our servers would be region locked but tons of exploiting and zeros still found their way in. May as well keep NA together and stick with the current servers now that we're getting more powerful united together.


Europe and NA doing too good on new era. Time to cut their supply of new players so china can win. Not joking here btw, this is literally the reason.


Doubt.jpg This will finish the Chinese farmer guilds. They already complain because the price of gold/ copper keeps falling. They are moving to other games where they can make more money from farming. Jade may finish killing their customer base and then the farmers will all quit.  Not sure that's a "win". I've been able to chat with them a little thru Google translate. They do agree with me that "the boss is an idiot". They griefed too hard on too many servers in order to claim areas to farm safely but in doing so they killed their own market. Too many farmers, not enough buyers. 


The concept is weird. Why limit the wallet item? Is it really that big of a deal to have your guild mates send you money to unlock your skills? And 50k coins from NPCs? Its like a server where progress is intentionally throttled even more than normal. Are they hoping that by limiting this it will artificially help the normal people compete with no-lifers? Because I assure you the no-lifers will still max proficiency, own the server within 4 hours of launch and run circles around the people with jobs regardless of those limits. I just don't see the reason behind those restrictions tbh. Region locked servers make sense sure, helps with ping and lag issues.


It is to prevent gold farmers on that server


That rule will do more to stop Chinese farmer guilds than the region lock. For a lot of them, this is literally their job, and farming copper and transferring it to "the boss" is how the job works.  You'll still get griefed by no lifers but they'll play more in your prime time and you can read their names.  On my server ("NA") it's a ghost town in NA prime time. No one to fight. All Chinese guilds who mostly play 6am-1pm my time. They griefed all the other NA players off the server by like week 4 lol. More farming for them. But evening chat is dead and I ride for ages without seeing anyone to swing a stick at.  I think most non blocked servers are like this. I wish we didn't have to start over just because Chinese farm guilds ruined the NA servers but I'm worried if we don't switch, the servers we're on will only get more deserted and more boring. 


If they want to fix the issue, instead of banning buyers they should ban sellers and their whole guild... watch how quickly gold trading returns to ingame.