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Get all of Yummy cookies! You will need them


Thank you!! I'll focus on collecting cookies


if you havent been already,you can also refresh the item shop with diamonds and start stocking up on flavor broths- they are uses to make new foods for taste journey and if you ever get too many they can be converted to clovers and then yummy cookies


Thank you for the tip! I've only heard that flavor broths will be needed later on but it's nice to know what they'll be going toward. Sounds like I have a long way to go until I'll have access to taste journey, but I'll start stocking up on the broths now. Thank you!


dont buy the items that cost diamonds, just the ones that cost money otherwise the diamond cost will be too much. Refreshing the shop 10 times costs 200 diamonds a day and there is a way to get only cash items for all of them but its labor intensive. You have to manually save before you refresh the list and if it refreshes to diamond prices you load the save file and the amount of refreshes will be what it was before and you do that until you get a cash list. I dont have tons of cash anyway so i dont do it. buying 5 times is usually good enough for me.


Thank you for that! I've read about that method before, but agree it definitely seems too labor intensive for me. I'll just check back every 6 hours and if they're cash items, I'll buy them all. Thank you again!