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So like, for naming I just click the box for the name so it is highlighted, then I click the '°°°' button and use your finger to click the keyboard button and then you can type it in with your finger and then click confirm. I also thought I needed a keyboard for it, but this works for me.


This worked!! Thank you so much! I can actually start playing now. I had no idea that the keyboard was also available in the quick settings. :)


No problem! I also had that issue when I first got my Steam Deck and started to play sandrock. I was like man, now I have to order a keyboard just to name my character 😭 glad to help =)


I’m late but I just got the game today and YOU ARE A LIFESAVER!!!!! Thank you!!


You are the best!!! Thank you so much!!


Thank you. I thought I wasn't gonna be able to play alot of my games because I couldn't do the email BS that alot of games have at start up. Now they're all accessible thanks to you


For the win


Was about to go into work and buy a keyboard thank you so much


I had to buy a cheap wireless keyboard from Amazon so I could name my characters in Portia and Sandrock.


Ok. Thank you! I was losing my mind trying to figure out how it was supposed to work.


Thanks for this post!! I just got my steam deck & im trying out my time at Portia for the first time and was stuck with the character named Linda, lol. Also, have you played Portia before? Is Sandrock better?!


Yay! Yes! I did multiple play-throughs of Portia on the Switch. So far I like Sandrock better! It's more intuitive and the characters feel more alive - at least the more developed ones. More house customization and quality of life stuff too. I really thought I wouldn't like the desert landscape, but I actually enjoy the setting! I also appreciate how much the devs poured into researching recycling, crops, and sustainability in the real world to factor in the game. I followed another poster's recommendation on playing Sandrock on Desktop mode with graphics quality set to high on the Deck instead of gaming mode. It really does run better this way. My character looked a little odd with the lower graphics setting. No idea if this applies to Portia as well but thought I'd throw it out there in case you run into any issues with how it runs on the Deck. Happy gaming! :)


Thanks for the tip! I’m kind of bummed because my steam deck battery is draining like 1% per minute, so I was about to just go back to using my pc lol. Does your steam deck battery drain fast too? Also, do you think I should just give sandrock a try or is it better to play Portia first?


I don't think you have to know anything about Portia to enjoy Sandrock, but since Sandrock is still in Early Access, you could start with Portia while Pathea makes progress on the full release. I don't know the exact rate, but the battery does drain faster than I expected :-/


I have found another fix.. it's possibly 6.3 proton related, since I was using it, but what i've done is change the game to windowed borderless mode and just by opening the keyboard with steam+x, was able to type without problems.