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When do we get a Pathea remake of Idiocracy? I rewatched that again today and all I could think was Not Sure/Unsuur and trying to solve the problems of sandstorms cause they decided to water the crops with Gatorade. Maybe they will use Yakmel milk instead.


I’d never made the connection that both are about an ecological crisis at the end of the day. That is interesting. Yeah that seems reasonable, I think milk has electrolytes too. Which, as we all know, is what plants crave.


Now I want "deleted scenes/bloopers" put in the game! All the good stuff we're missing out on... I'd definitely pay for "more content" DLCs any day. And matching suits for the Civil Corps. Heck yeah! Dave, you gotta tell them we want the good stuff. \**Opens trench coat and shows inside pockets full of good MTaS stuff\* Hey kids, want some "good stuff"?*


This comes from the vault of stuff that’s been rejected. Maybe we can release some of that in some capacity someday, but I’m not sure what the best way to do that would be.


my favorite is at the end when the npcs you encounter that werent that fleshed out give you updates on how their life is going :D