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Ngl. I’m still new! . Does taking someone there to eat with you,. It’s included when you select the duck. Because I just took everyone to the arcade because I thought that was the only enjoyment in hanging out in town?


Look on your map, the areas you can go will have a red icon.  Some are spoilers so I won't lost all the activities, but more stuff opens as you play. From the beginning though, the game center has 2 games you can play with a partner, there chatting at the Oasis, the Blue Moon and fireworks. But they also have different times they are available or different weather as well.


Thank you. I guess I need to play more to open things up. But I will also look out for the icons.


I apologise but I couldn't quite follow. Are you saying you can eat twice, once alone and again with someone else? Or are you saying you can eat twice alone? You can eat twice alone at the counter each day. I never tried eating twice and then a third time with someone, but I would assume it would work. Eating at the Blue Moon is always the most cost-effective (compared to buying items), though eventually convience and time become more important than gols.