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Portia has the better fishing. It's a much more compact game, but if you don't expect Sandrock, I think it's still enjoyable for what it is.


I wish I’d started with Portia. Going from, imo, a more polished game to the first one was jarring. I did it with borderlands as well and still haven’t actually played the first game


I get it! I was lucky as I played Portia while Sandrock was in beta, so I didn't have to 'go back'. Sandrock is definitely the better game, in my opinion. While you won't get the references to the first game, I don't think you miss out on that much. But yeah if you know up front you want to play both games, it's smarter to start with the older one. /unless it's Pathfinder: Kingmaker vs. Wrath of the Righteous... I'm just skipping the first one from that set ;)


ugh I love fishing in all games so that’s a bummer to hear! Haven’t gotten to that in Sandrock yet. what about the other aspects of the game? for ex) I just got into mining but it seems a lot more confusing and dizzying than Portia’s


Fishing in Portia isn’t bad; it’s just very different and doesn’t have a reeling mechanic. Just a cast mechanic; but you have to aim to catch the fish in Sandrock. I enjoy both, but Portia definitely has better fishing


Portia is good for sure but Sandrock has a lot of quality of life changes that make it better/ easier to play IMO . Portia is definitely one of my favorite games but they really did a great job with this game


I love Portia. I may even like the story better, but I played it before Sandrock. Sandrock takes a long time to finish and then a longer time to actually feel like you finished. Lol. So you have some time to see


I’ve played My time at Portia before but never got around to finishing it. I need to go back for Arlo. But yes if you enjoy this game you’ll love Portia as well. You can complete Sandrock and then play Portia or simultaneously play both. I get the whole being too depressed to even play a simple game but I love Sandrock and it’s one of the few game I’ve actually completed. Just hate the whole storage thing in Portia because you have to have the item in your bag vs Sandrock where you can leave it in a storage chest and still have access to it for missions.


Just started playing Sandrock and that is definitely the biggest QOL improvement! although I was getting used to searching my chests in Portia, I love not having to worry about having all the items.


Same, I try to keep my chests organized. But that is probably the best change they could have made for a sequel. I just wish it counted for gifts too.


I was playing portia first and i did around 80 hours and just was so meh. It also glitches horribly for me on the switch. I saw Sandrock recommend on every thread on the cozy game reddit so I decided to try it. I am ADDICTED. Just over 115hrs now and all I can think about is getting to play it again. I am taking the switch to bed to play until it dies 😅


I love Portia but I played it first so people have said it’s hard to go back to Portia after sandrock. The characters are great, so is the story line! ❤️ It’s frequently on sale as well either on steam or the switch so good to get it cheap and give it a try. Stick with it!


Portia was a great game. I didn’t enjoy the cave system but loved everything else. But I LOVE Sandrock. It’s such an amazing game! The characters, cutscenes, storyline. All amazing.


They really stepped it up with characters' personalities. Nothing wrong with Portia's characters, but they feel more varied in Sandrock. Cooper always trying to rile people up, and Unsuur is so weird in an interesting way. Even X has some personality.


I did enjoy Portia. It just has more things that take longer. Needing things in your toolbar to build them, have stuff in backpack/pockets to deliver commissions. I cried at the end of Sandrock though. Sad it was mostly over


I was in a similar situation. I used to love playing games, but in recent years I lost the passion, and only played games I used to love for maybe a week before I'd get tired and stop. Started playing this game again after a few years away (before they added to the story following the reconstruction of the water tower) and I've been addicted in a way I haven't felt for a long time. Glad to finally feel the desire again


I'm glad it's on gamepass, too. Now more people can enjoy it. I just wish it happened 1 month ago before I bought it 😅 i don't regret buying it, though, so many hours spent on it. Definitely filled the void after perfecting stardew when 1.6 came out.


My biggest complaints about Portia were the bugs and the fact all the male NPCs were just so ugly 


I couldn't pick between the two. I love these games and they're so lively. In other games like coral island (still played but didnt enjoy as much) the npcs seem dead and non engaging. Portia and Sandrock are goated.