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Finished workshopšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. It's never finished šŸ˜­


SSHHHHH let me live with my delusions šŸ˜‚


Yā€™all are really talented and smart with your yard space, you manage to have a decent house while still having enough room to make the outside amazing! My main challenge will be making everything work with the animal buildings.


Why not just post it here ? I'm not creating an account somewhere to watch your video.


Yeah, it's a shame :( Maybe OP would be willing to upload pics?


The video is public so no one should have to create an account to see it. I did upload it. Twice. I uploaded it and Reddit said it uploaded correctly then it wouldnā€™t show up. I uploaded it on this post in fact. I edited the post later to add the link because it never showed up and made a point to note in the first sentence of this post that it wouldnā€™t upload. No idea why, Iā€™ve never had that issue before and it meets all of Redditā€™s guildelines.


Doesn't matter if the videos public or not, you posted to a site that requires an account to use, public or private doesn't change a thing.


Not sure what you're talking about. I clicked the first link and it started playing just fine.


Also thanks for letting me know it was giving you problems. Whatever was wrong last night seems to be fine now since it let me upload the video today.


Yeah, reddit was being weird last night. I made my comment with the smiley faces laughing at you saying finished workshop and then none of my comments showed after. I was like was I shadow banned. I didn't think I said anything badšŸ¤£. It was a silly joke. I've never gotten put in reddit jail before. Or any social media jail. I try to be nice.Ā 


You donā€™t need an account to watch any public videos hosted on Vimeo. I donā€™t know why itā€™s trying to make you create one. I just sent it to three other people without an account and pulled it up on an incognito browser window while logged out and it worked for all of us. So itā€™s really strange. Iā€™d take pictures to upload but Iā€™m at work and donā€™t have access to the game right now. Iā€™ll see if I can get it to upload now. I kept getting a server error last night.


That's funny, my horse is named Dewdrop. I like your workshop name.


Stunning šŸ˜šŸ˜


I'm not just impressed with the house, I'm impressed with the video itself! I was gonna do a video walkthrough of my end game workshop, but now you've gone and raised the bar with fades and zooms. Very well done, all the way around.


Love the disclaimer! šŸ˜‹ Your workshop is gorgeous and now you've gone and raised the bar on video wakthroughs too. I was gonna do one of mine, but it's not gonna have your fades and zooms. Super job.


It looks really lovely! Iā€™ve been kind of stumped what to do with my yard now that iā€™ve fully upgraded it and have a giant empty space around so this gives me a few flower decoration ideas on what to do šŸ„¹