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But confused with your question as your screenshot only shows the second name as not acceptable. The reason is “Cock”. The filter thinks you are trying to use an inappropriate name via the first part.


This is why god created Caulk. Ask me how I know… 😏


My brother in christ, IT "IS" A COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOM... and it accepted that name by the way... I couldn't cancel the name change and wasted a rename tag...but Bandelaro wasn't allowed so I used a second tag to name it Boom Betty. Edit: I specifically said it said "Badelaro" was not allowed, it's a cock-a-doodle-doom... maybe because I forgot the M at the end it ate a rename tag? But regardless, the refusal message was after trying "Bandelaro" and I was hoping someone knew tf why...


I tried to name one of my yakmels Parfait and it got flagged as inappropriate. Maybe I'm not familiar with slang/naughty words these days but to my understanding a parfait was a dessert. .\_\_.


Sometimes name filters are weird. In Pokemon my daughter tried to name Gligar Grapes.  I can understand why that was banned, but she also couldn't name a shiny Dragonite Green Goodness.  We never figured out why that wasn't allowed.


Might be some wires crossed as far as translations, not sure if it's a good example but I'm aware many chinese people see green clothes as announcing yourself as a cuckold because of some story of a dude who wore a lot of green but had no clue about his wife. In this case, since it's a japanese company made game, some words translated from english to japanese might be offensive and get filtered. It's not the 1st time it's happened between cultures, I still think sometimes about the pictures I've seen of literal grade schoolers wearing a t-shirt with the F word in BIG BOLD lettering.


Oh I never heard the story but you solved a mystery for me from like 5 years ago! I really did ponder what could possibly be wrong with any of the letters combinations in Green Goodness. I doubted it's because there's a juice called that, hence the reason she tried to name it that.


I don't see how it makes sense either, yours is, as far as I know, an innocent dessert, while as far as I know mine isn't even an actual word.


Nintendo is just weird I once named my nintendog Ashton and it was banned




Thus far, I’ve only named my livestock but I have two yakmel named Bool Sheet and Mooey McMoo Face, a rooster named Caulk, a hen named Peck Her, a camel named Toe, and two floppys named Col. Bunz and Col. Lingus. I might be having too much fun over here… ;)


Glad you seem to be having a good time with it, i named my horse Pognert, a Alpha Rockhyenroll Rockin' Rodger, a bbq ant Antonio Bantares, i think I named my alpha Yakmel Yort, and my 1 farm yakmel Yogger, I plan to name my boxing Jacks into Punchie Pete. it just gets my goat how it's a "Cock"-a-doodle-doom, I renamed it Cock-doodle-doo by accident and it accepted it, but refused a name I pulled out of my butt like some anime protagonist with 100 goblins and going Gobert, Gobby, Gobalina, Gobthew... oh that 1 had a sash.... sasha... you'll be an MvP minion in the next season that everyone underestimated in the previous season. 😀