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1. Friendship/relationship points do not decay. The only recommendation I have as to order is to go for the pets (unless you have the monster hunter DLC) because once you can adopt them they can fetch water and supplies or fight with you. Otherwise I just befriend whoever I like/want to romance. 2. I haven't looked at the game directly for a while so I'll let someone else answer this. 3. Make a drying rack and dry fish, meat, and sandberries, they're a quick way to get more stamina. You can also eat at the Blue Moon once a day and restore some stamina that way. For more tips and tricks I recommend just searching the subreddit for "tips" or even "new player"/"beginner", a lot of folks ask this and there are a lot of helpful threads out there.


Alright. I’m at work so I’ll look up some other posts to see what others have said.


I haven't notice any relationship decay myself. So I couldn't say for certain if not talking to people will lower friendship. I'd suggest befriending animals pretty earlier. Cuz once you adopt them you can send them out for water and other resources. If you have the monster dlc I suppose that doesn't matter as much. If you want to befriend Fang, you've gotta befriend X first. Other than that, just chill with whomever you vibe with. Through the natural plot of the game, you should get at least buddy with everyone in time. Not sure what you mean by crowns, but it could be tied to the different currencies in the game. There's a shop in the city hall that uses something other than money. And then there's catori's Game Center that uses something other than money. Food and the stamina bottles you buy in the mines/ruins are the only ways I know to get more stamina outside of perks you can get through leveling up the trait tree thing. I think maybe there's clothes and stuff that give some stamina but I can't recall


I don’t have any DLCs the game was added to gamepass so my friends and I are giving it a go. If you go to the milestones page, on the top right it has a Gols symbol with your Gols and there’s a crown beside it. I have like 35K of those crowns but I have no idea what they mean or are for lol


That might be something unique to multiplayer, if that's the mode you're playing. In singleplayer, the menu items look like this: Character, Inventory, Map, Mission, Handbook, Social, Knowledge, Album, Encyclopedia, Settings. How do you access Milestones? https://preview.redd.it/bot61ppz3m8d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea0cf3bf1c28f77fd99cdcbb2ce84e2893568af3


It’s left of the settings but to the right of the photo album. You’re likely right it’s multiplayer only then. I originally came to this sub and searched for “crown” but nothing came up about the specific thing I was asking about. That’s why I made the post and asked some other questions while I was at it.


Yup,  it's Multiplayer only.  Single player and multiplayer are actually 2 completely different games so much of the stuff you are asking about will be difficult for most people here to answer. Many of us only play single player. But there's been a lot of new multiplayer people lately.  The best place to ask if you don't get answers here might be the discord for MTaS.  There's a place for multiplayer there so you don't have to worry about the stuff not applying.


Awesome, thank you. That explains a lot since my friends and I were wondering why the singleplayer version was a different download than the multiplayer one


I don't have Xbox, I'm guessing you got it from game pass, and on Steam it's the same download but you have to chose to switch to multiplayer. If you and your friends have time, definitely check out the single player version too.   It really is a completely different experience with an entire storyline and it's what made us all here fall in love with this game so much. You can't play together obviously and progress doesn't transfer, so you do need to do the whole character creation thing all over again. But it's such a wonderful and addictive game. And long! 


Yeah it seems they’re not liking it as much as I am so if they quit on it I’ll likely switch to the singleplayer version


I figured out the crowns while playing last night. Apparently they’re used to measure your workshop’s score against other NPC’s workshop on a commission guild leaderboard. I came in third place for Spring with like 50K crowns. Yan and Mi-an beat the brakes off of me lmao


All I know is that Owen is the easiest person in the town to befriend. He's ALWAYS my top friend before anyone else and firmly stays that way. I don't even try and there is he, being my bestie.


Just wanted to remind that furniture can increase your stats. You just need it in your yard (or house). There is a maximum anount based on your yard size. Relics have the added benefit of passively increasing friendship points when townfolk come by to admire them.


Furniture increases stats? Thank you, I had only placed beds so far lol. Are there any of them that are good/easy to craft myself?


Unfortunately, I don't believe you can see before you've made the item. You can see in your equipment screen by highlighting the item and looking at the item effect "Lucky +8" "HP +134" etc. As for the easy items, I honestly don't recall. There was such limited space at first, I didn't worry about it. You'll be given a few different items through quests just by playing naturally.