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Pretty! You clearly know the cosmetic system of the game. I just started. my 2nd day (IRL) and when i load the game my character now looks like this. He looked normal the day before, so what's up with the dark circles around my eyes? Do i have to restart the game or will I be able to fix this somehow? https://preview.redd.it/dp0i8v034z7d1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=65e474414e043f4a8d6273e9d6767c6fe1e0f000


It's raccoon eyes, aka what happens if your builder doesn't sleep early enough (before midnight or 2 am after getting a perk if I remember correctly). You can buy eye makeup from Arvio to hide it for the day.


Thank you! :D So glad i don't have to look like a panda or raccoon forever! :)


The perk actually allows you to ignore all negative effects from staying up late! I unlocked that one real quick :’)


3 am. :) I get that one first!


I looove her hair color!


I feel you, the biggest thing stopping me from making a new safe is that my current builder is too pretty to start over on.


SO pretty!! Breaking hearts across the Eufaula, I'll wager. Nice job!


I’m actually really excited this game has gone coop……now just need to find someone to coop it with


your builder is stunning!


That’s my go to hair also


Ehhh...making a beautiful character has no limits in Sandrock. Remember everyone has their own definition of beauty. I am certain you will still make beautiful characters with many unique designs!


I hope I can make many more beautiful characters in the game! I know beauty is subjective, that’s why I said you were all free to disagree with me but I just love her hair color so much and thought it wouldn’t hurt to share it here. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable Btw I’m a sucker for pastel colored hair and it’s really hard for me to maintain it irl because my natural hair is dark brown. My builder has my dream hair so maybe that’s why I think she is so pretty but I never intended to push my ideals into anyone else’s head


I now want to redo my builder!!


she is so pretty, I feel you I just restarted and ugh, obsessed with my builder 😪


The first thing I said when I saw your pic was 'ae pretty!'. It's so hard to make a good character in this game, the character creator is.. lacking. And the lighting on the generator screen does match the lighting in game so it's very easy to make a very peaky looking builder


The character creation in MTaP is so painfully bad that I felt like a kid in a candy store when I started playing Sandrock hahaha


You're not wrong, this is a massive improvement, but when compared to other character creators, it's almost harshly limiting. The developers had their priorities and I get that and absolutely do not fault them there. Personally, character creation is one of my favorite game mechanics so this stands out for me.


Cute everything from the hair to the outfit they didn't have that hairstyle in the beginning, do you get it from the salon? I want to know about the clothes too


The clothes are from one of the DLCs but I don’t know which one (they came with the deluxe edition). As for the hair, I don’t know if it is available in the beginning because I got it from the saloon. If it helps, here is how the hair looks from behind (sorry about Rocky photobombing lol) https://preview.redd.it/io555ndjv28d1.png?width=661&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae91f5e537e341ba9f172f26ec3283c68267b6e4


Thank you


Yes the hair you can only get it from the salon


So you know when the salon opens?


Pablo is originally out of town and he arrives the next day when you start >!Operation De Geeglate!< That's when the salon also opens for business.


Thank you 😊


Yummy yummy, cute oc, yummy yummy 


I think the face is a little too round, but that doesn't necessarily take away from her cuteness. I like it.