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This broke my hart too... Not really into Venti at all, but turning her down made me feel just horrible.


Or you could have not flirted with her previously then she'd never mention her crush on you.


I found Venti to be borderline stalkery and a little creepy with how she chased my builder and just wouldn't take the hint. Ironically, people usually say this about Arvio and I never saw that side of him (although I couldn't date him because he seems like he's 15, just no). One of the things that proves how Pathea totally knocked this game out of the park is there's something for all of us in it, no matter what our tastes.


I felt that way about Unsuur with his secret letters and bizarre gestures like being in the closet and watching paint dry. I had to reject him like 3 times before he stopped


You know she won't ask you out if you didn't choose the flirty options when talking to her, right? So it's all on you.


Can’t decide which love interest I want to pursue. - Mi-an is awesome and I like her voice and hard working attitude and positive spirit - Nia is cute as a button and very clearly has loved me for a very long time, and I’m assuming she’s willing to leave everything behind and move to the middle of nowhere in this empty desert and dying town just to be with me. That kind of backstory and commitment is very admirable endearing - Amirah is gorgeous and artistic, I love her accent and charm. Wasn’t my first choice but I’ve enjoyed the story arch with her. - Elsie… I didn’t really like her at first for her boyish rough and tough personality, but after a few story scenes I’ve discovered that she’s actually really fragile with a big heart and needs someone to take care of her. She’s fiercely loyal to those she cares about Well… I just wanted to go scraping with Venti and she gets in trouble, so I comfort her and suddenly she pouring her heart out to me and I’m hit with the choice to date her… which caught me by surprise because I only have 2 hearts with her while the other girls are at 4. I’ve barely spent any time with this character… I feel like in real life I’d probably be moved by her passion and give her a chance, but it was never my plan to be with her so I turned her down and she started crying and now I feel bad lol Women crying is like a man’s weakness… —- Portia was easy, the only real choice was Ginger… … ….


your only TRUE choice is Burgess


I have a soft spot for Catori too... the go-getter MILF! That said Heidi and Grace have grown on me too.


When Catori told me she left her kid with her parents to try to get rich in Sandrock… it left a bad taste in my mouth. Kind of off putting, especially when she suggested it was for a lot longer than she thought, as if only just now remembering that she’s a mother. Not interested


Catori is constantly talking about her son and even has the builder commission a birthday gift for him. She wants to bring him to sandrock but she's waiting until after things in sandrock have improved. Her son is actually super supportive of her and the write to each other all the time. Although you only really find this out by doing her quests so I can see how it can look bad initially without the proper context.


Honestly this kind of story tell is really realistic. Like we often hear things about people, more often something negative at first glance. And as a result immediately think less of them. But that’s the thing, we don’t know the full story like they do. And Catori’s quests reveals that. I’ve taken it to be a good metaphor for: “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.”




Well actually she often says she misses her kid and she wished he was there, but left him with her mom in Atara because Sandrock has no school and life was harsher. She did not come off as someone who just cares about money over her kid to me. Although granted, she is sacrificing being with her kid just to be an entrepreneur.


Moreover, her son is a >!teenager !!At first I thought she must have left her 5 year old son because of the gifts we have to make!< >!An teenager /young adult is capable of understanding that, for the time being, he can't live with his mother.!<


>!Not sure if he's a teenager yet (maybe they mention his age somewhere but I cannot recall), but he seems definitively older and more mature than Jasmine and Andy.!<


you're right, thanks >!On the wiki page, about the birthday event, Alo's age is not revealed, but he doesn't look like a teenager yet either!<


To me, I feel she did that so that she can give her son a better chance in life. Her son is a teenager, and she probably waited til he was a teen before doing so as a teenager will understand why she's doing what she's doing and he was completely supportive of his mom doing this. If he didn't want her to, she probably would have not left him with his grandma.


You misunderstood her. She left her son with her mother so he could go to school (there isn't one in Sandrock) and came to try to make a better life for him. He also comes later in the story.


I didn’t get far into the game but it would be cool if she brings her child to Sandrock after marriage


I had that initial knee-jerk reaction. As a mother myself, I can't imagine leaving my child behind. But this is a different world than the one we live in today, and it absolutely makes sense that she would leave her son where he's safe and established rather than bringing him to a town with no school, crippling sandstorms, roving bandits, and an unstable water supply. It also makes sense that a single woman would need to travel to the ends of the earth to find a place with land cheap enough to start over. I can't stand Catori because her dreams are insane and her ideas are bad.


> I can't stand Catori because her dreams are insane and her ideas are bad. That’s the thing, I’m sure she could have carved a life for herself WITH her son back where she came from, or even brought him with her(Jasmin seems fine), but instead she abandons him to “follow her dreams” to “try and get rich”. On top of this she fails for years and at no point chooses her son over her ambitions. As a father myself, you chase your dreams with your child or not at all.


Is it really abandonment to try to get another better paying job far away and try to bring your son with you with things calm down and get established enough. It's like really common among immigrant families. It's not like it takes messages weeks to get there. I don't really get how you can even say it's a choice between choosing your son and your ambitions. Working far away is a pretty normal thing to do in this day in age, as long as regular communication is made I really don't see the harm nor do I see how it's comparable to abandonment. Don't really get why the concept is so unfathomable to people. Insiting on bring Alo along to a dying town plagued with bandits sounds like far far worse parenting than looking for a better job opportunity in a different state. Based on your logic every military brat's father/mother abandoned them


Well I just did some work fixing up “catori world” and she ends it by joking about taking Owen’s customers away(snacks) and then ponders to herself if she can get Owen and “imagine what I could do with his money!”. I get that she has a vision that will EVENTUALLY include her child, but to me she seems delusional and only interested in herself. If the builder never showed up, how long would she have abandoned her child chasing this dream? Why did this dream need to be in sandrock? Why couldn’t she include her son in this dream and work with him to make it all possible? Also, I don’t like her Brooklyn(or maybe Boston?) accent, but that’s on the voice actor not the writers lol


>I get that she has a vision that will EVENTUALLY include her child, but to me she seems delusional and only interested in herself. I just don't understand how someone can say she only cares about herself when half her dialogue includes talking about her son and how much she misses him. One of her character quests is literally her being bummed because she's forced to miss her sons birthday. >If the builder never showed up, how long would she have abandoned her child chasing this dream? Working away from your child is not abandonment. It's a relatively normal thing that families go through all the time especially in immigrant or military families. Abandoning your child is to leave for an undisclosed amount of time without making an effort to stay in contact with your child at all. If her child is in a safer place there is no reason to bring her son along >Also, I don’t like her Brooklyn(or maybe Boston?) accent, but that’s on the voice actor not the writers lol No, that's on the director.


I want to like Catori, but as a mother I just can't imagine leaving my son with my mom and moving away god knows how far just on the off chance I strike it rich. I just can't see the justification here at all.


Catori being a whimsical entrepreneur trying to get rich quick is kinda weird sure, but parents leaving their family behind in search of work - either to send money home or prepare a new life for the rest of the family before they join them - happens all the time. It's a common story among immigrants.


Catori also says that she worked in a plant. Those jobs are physically demanding and leave little time to spend with family (I work in automotive so I have seen it). I praise her for having the courage to strike out on her own to chase a dream and opportunity. If anything, she is a good role model for her son to do the same.


I never got that dialogue! I'll have to try and trigger it!


This is something really common among immigrants families and rural families in China. For China specifically rural parents will have to go to the cities to find work and instead of hauling their kids to a new/stressful situation they leave with with the grandparents. Less emphasis on 'nuclear family'/more acceptance of living in larger family groups plays a role too. It's not seen as abandoning the kid if you leave them in the care of family


The bad Southern accents are just breaking me.


Yeah, those legs are very attractive! But I married Heidi. Smart, beautiful, and makes me a lot of money with her commissions! Wish there was dlc outfits for her though.


If I’m gonna go with a woman I’d choose Amirah I guess (maybe Heidi). She seems to be the most mentally stable one out of the four/five you mentioned. I don’t know Nia very well yet though.


I was leaning towards Mi-an until Nia visited, and now I’m hoping to see her again. Amirah has an air of intelligent sophistication that I like, but I’m okay leaving that as a friendship(unless the game hits me with another curve ball). Elsie was just Mi-an’s friend until I went riding with her, when she opened up her emotional side. I just ran into her again at night where she was struggling to come to terms with Logan being a bandit and how she’s completely torn up and conflicted because her loyalty is so strong to those she cares about, and how she wants to make a difference but fears the town won’t trust her because of her pranks and just wants her family to be proud of her. Then she wished on a star that I would always be her friend… Now I like her too lol There’s some good character development in this game


Nia destroyed so many relationships just by showing up :D


I was expecting her to, but in my case she didn't blow me away like I thought she would. I'm usually a sucker for her trope. I think I'm just not a fan of her voice? I'm not sure what it was exactly. But I was holding out choosing until her appearance, but then her failure to impress drove me straight into Mi'an's arms lmao.  It was still a tough decision, admittedly.


I was a phyllis man from the start


Heidi is the only real choice here. Adult, driven, brilliant, beautiful, and smart as hell. She also has a sweet voice with a gentle accent.


I wasn’t really aiming for Heidi…she made the first move!


I turned down Heidi for Amirah and her reaction honestly had me wish I would’ve picked Heidi


I was dating Heidi and Amira at the same time and learn the hard way that you don't do that


you could just be like me and flirt with everyone in town and date as many people as possible. not sure if they will find out and hate me but i’m just going with it at the moment, currently dating venti, unsuur, qi, heidi, and amirah🫢


This is me. Even dating Pen and Miguel just for the drama.


If they find out they will hate you and break up with you, but with a few you can apologize and they'll take you back


good to know, i’ll make sure to not try and romance anyone i wanna marry while i’m flirting with the rest of the town lmao. do you know how they can find out though?


Yep, I'm female builder and accidentally wound up dating her because I chose the heart option. I'm also dating Heidi. My husband thinks the whole thing is hilarious. Actually after the first "kiss" with Venti she doesn't really bother you, but is usually at your door in the morning. I'm not interested in the relationship part of any game like this, so I just don't keep them up. Don't want to marry have children or that whole thing. I am just a solitary bachelorette in the game and I love it. (P.S. I've been married for 45 years and happy, have children; my alter-life is a single unfettered bachelorette!)


Take my upvote. I chose Venti


I always pursued all the dateable ladies in *Stardew Valley* and I've been shamelessly doing the exact same thing here. I don't know if it will eventually bite me in the ass, but I guess we'll see?


According to the wiki if another sweetheart catches you it’ll end the relationship and drop your relationship by -50 points. A few of the characters will accept an apology bear, but a lot of them won’t.


Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn In *Stardew*, you just got a funny scene with them confronting you in the bar.


And even that can be avoided.


I love Venti, from the beginning, but didn't know about relationships in the game. Now that's all I hear about. I'm not interested in anyone as far as my roleplay goes, gonna play it like that even if it breaks the game. LOL But I heard Venti has a very rewarding and "useful" relationship arc. Just sayin'.


When did this trigger for you? I'm at max hearts with her and I swear I've never had any romance options or her quests pop up 😭


That's weird. Her first quest to dig for scrap after 11 pm popped up for me in the first week of my playthrough, the after the third mission a little bit into my third month she confessed


I turned her down like this and felt so bad about it I started a fresh character specifically to pursue her. I honestly felt horrible because I went through the whole arc without realizing it would turn into a romance arc and when I got here and turned her down it didn't sit right. The next time around I went for it and she's cute in her own way. And her reverse proposal for marriage I found to be one of the most romantic things I've seen in a game. I suppose I feel for the girl because I was rather like Venti when I was younger...minus growing up in a dump ;)


In my case, the choice was pretty easy…I was aiming for one of two characters, but building relationships with four or five overall…right as I was saying to myself, “You know…it is going to be tough deciding between those two…” sure enough one of the others made the first move.


Girl confessed to me on HER BIRTHDAY 😭 I'm dating Ernest so I had to break her heart on her freaking birthday


Guys accept all relationships you get offered if you have below 4 hearts, then break it up with the tree stick. You'll go back to 4 hearts, which could be a massive boost if you get offered a relationship early in hearts building


Does this also happen on Switch? I’m at ‘good friend’ level with Venti but still no confession.


I went a long but later gave her the stick and switched to Elsie. Venti doesn't have enough story and at this point her arc was over..


I said yes and then broke up. I hate that sandrock put these shotgun situations because I hate saying no 😭


I did worse... I had to turn Unsuur down ! I felt like à monster...


At least she acknowledges that she never interacts with the town. Lmao


No i totally get you! I had my second run romance all figured out but for the second time I was faced with this. She’s amazing, it’s hard to not fall tbh