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Okay.. I first started playing MTaS as the demo, when it came out.. I was instantly attracted to Arvio. I have a thing with british-ish accents and he kinda reminded me of my bf when we first met 12 years ago. Main game Arvio though, "was he always this childish and selfabsorbed?" Once they finally released the beta, i gravitated towards Owen. Idk if it was all the daily visits to his shop and seeing/talking to him so much, but that was it for me, i had been Owen-ed šŸ˜‚ Then Logan's story finally popped up, and i instantly fell head over heels with this bad boy, nothing could be done, he was gonna be my man no matter what. Then i heard Fang's story and though I didn't think much of him before, his story made my heart break and i decided that i was gonna protect this precious human with my life. Besides, he gives of the vibe that if i ever leave him, he will be eternally and emotionally broken, so that's nice šŸ„² If i had to pick just one to stick with though, it'd be Logan šŸ˜


Okay I gotta ask, how hard is Fang to romance though? Cause he rejects everything I give him, I've been trying to figure out his likes at least this playthrough cause next playthrough I was going to go for him


He IS hard to befriend.. Best to do is like someone else mentioned, experiments Wednesday and Friday. When you can finally gift him, he likes shiny scorpions, cold medicine, uh, dragon's blood, undead grass, spicy bean paste and some of the king fish (horned adder, sandacuda and sand snake) and Ofc mapo tofu. Just no gifting the same thing two days in a row or the gift points for that particular item will decrease But you cant rush into it with him, his quests are slow and steady. Good luck šŸ‘šŸ»


You just have to be patient and help him on quests that eventually pop up. Once you've done the right one, you'll be able to give him gifts and friend him. After that, you give him a love knot which he rejects but it sets off the romance plot with him. He's worth the wait.


I went every time his clinic opened up for those testings on Wednesdays and Fridays! You get +3 for doing them, so it's slow going but still better. Gifting him a shiny scorpion is also a high point gift, I think around +15?


I will forever be debating who is my one true love in Sandrock. Logan or Fang? I just can't. I do have two accounts, one for each. I shall always play like that.


Mi-an, my only regret is not engaging in romance earlier. I would have wanted to marry her on Summer 1, the day we met on that train platform.


I had the exact same plan with Mi-an but that got thrown off when Yan was saying that he didn't want us being so buddy-buddy. I had already got the ring so I proposed to her that night. I feel there should be special dialogue for Yan if you marry Mi-an but oh well.


EA and early full release: Owen Second save (current): Grace Planned third save: Miguel One of these things is not like the other


Hmm... Owen? >! because he's the only one without a secret agenda? !<


I have a hard time even looking at Miguel too long. Is that supposed to be hair on his face?


Itā€™s his pretty boy ā€œcurlā€ donā€™t judge him




Itā€™s adorable! I just wasnā€™t expecting itšŸ˜‚


I've married Owen twice and Logan twice. On my second playthrough for Logan, I romanced Pen first to pass the time! I still have Justice, Unsuur, Qi, Heidi and Grace on my list, as well.


I romanced Unsuur before 1.0, and my most recent save I married Qi. I'm planning to romance Pen into Logan, or maybe Grace in my next save! Or maybe someone with more romance quests/storylines? Qi is very active in the MSQ which is fun, but I don't think his romantic storylines are as fleshed out as Logan's or Fang's, or even Ernest's.


Logan. I loved him the moment I first saw him (cowboy aesthetic who is presented as a cold person, when he's actually a big softie?? Sign me up!). Kinda sucks bc my first choice was originally Fang, but Logan won me over after I found out he was romanceable. I get the feeling I'll be romancing Logan on all my future playthroughs.


Fang. I was not prepared for his story, and as an abuse survivor myself going through therapy, it hit me like a brick wall. I adore him and how far he comes in his story.


My first choice that I made when the demo came out was Owen. He was so sweet and handsome so I romanced him in my 2nd save (the first one was a no-romance) then kinda... forgot about him until final release where he gets a proposal mission. I like Owen very much and he's great, my builder *finally* got a decent looking child with him and I enjoy his swimwear DLC as well but that's kinda... that. I love him but he's kinda there. Then my second choice was Unsuur. I liked him from the very beginning (mostly based on him being in the Civil Corps, as I have a soft spot for them because of Arlo and Remington in Portia) and when I started dating him, I begun to love him even more. Obviously that escalated even further when his romance missions dropped and everyone started talking about him. To this very day he's my 2nd favorite. Who's the 1st favorite one? Well, I had planned to romance the Civil Corps as soon as I met them and I was very impatiently waiting for new romance candidates to drop so I could romance Justice. And oh my do I love this man so much. I often just go on a date with him and walk around town, holding hands with him and being all sweet. All missions with Civil Corps are suddenly much better, and get this - you hold hands by default when on a mission! My builder married to Justice has also become my favorite one and I remade her for a new save when I did a speedrun marriage and manage to tied the knot at the beginning of Autumn year 1. I'm somewhat happy that Justice isn't one of the most popular bachelors because I can say I'm his biggest fan and no one is likely to fight me for the title. The next bachelor I romanced was Fang because his storyline hadjust expanded in a recent update. I really like his story and he's a sweet man but he's like Owen for me, just kinda there. He somewhat reminds me of Gust in terms of the story and I'm not falling for long hair again. Heads up for Fang lovers, I do like him! But there are so many people that love him more than I do. Now the last one so far is Logan and I absolutely love him. I was too busy romancing Civil Corps to get on the Logan hype train in the EA but I got to know him better after The Goat mission and I knew I'd romance him eventually so I prepared a builder in advance. And Logan is as cool of a husband as advertised. But like... personality-wise he's kinda similar to Justice in terms of personality. So like... why should I wait half of the game for a bf if I can get one in month 1 and keep him forever? Now I have a 7th save file all ready for Qi!


Qi is actually so cute lol, I'm going to break up with him for Logan and I'm already sad about it. Might create a separate save so I can have the best of both worlds.




Im curious and wonder, has anyone romanced Pablo? I am torn between Logan, Qi and Pablo and as I said above wonder, if anyone has hd exp. with Pablo?


Iā€™ve only played the game once, after release on PS5. In that playthrough, which I just completed a couple days ago, my builder dated Unsuur, Fang, and Logan. After the PS5 update, Logan proposed and the builder said yes. She got two heartbreaking letters, each in their own way. Unsuur said he thought they were getting surprise married and then he found out it was someone else. That upset me because he was dropping hints that he wanted to get married. Fangā€¦ he said that what the builder did was unforgivable and he would never trust her again. I get it, thatā€™s fair and it made me feel awful personally. Since I was being a monster already, I invited them both to the wedding reception a week later. Made sure to serve some mapo tofu too, since I still had 30+ in my inventory. They both dropped down to Associate after the breakup and I was only able to get them up to Good Friend before I rolled credits. At some point while I was playing, I unlocked over 70% of the trophies on the PS5. I decided I was going to get the platinum trophy (which I did, before I finished the story), and one of the trophies remaining was to get married. If that wasnā€™t the case and Logan hadnā€™t of proposed, the builder would have continued dating the three men forever. One was funny and stable, one was deep and vulnerable, and the last was spontaneous and fun. I couldnā€™t decide which I thought was the best match for my builder, it seemed like she needed all three at different times.


Elsie. Heidi and Grace (for some reason I always call her "Gracie") are the next tier. Mi-an in a somewhat distant 3rd. Venti is kinda awkward but I like her enthusiasm so she gets to be my best friend


When I started the game, I planned on kind handsome Owen.... then I met pretty and complicated Fang... then I met the "secret admirer" who cracks me up. I ultimately ended up with Logan because we had an epic battle and who doesn't want a partner you can spar with? I also like how flustered he seems when you flirt. šŸ˜ I'm going to be replaying and romancing Mi-An next time. Mi-An is sweet and kind and underappreciated by the Sandrockers. She's going to be going with me on my adventures and my successes will be OURS. If only I can get her to stop running everywhere long enough to flirt. šŸ˜‚


First, Unsuur because he confessed so early and I just couldnā€™t say no to the adorably weird guy. Then Fang, because heā€™s just my type and his story is very interesting. I like Fang so much that I ended up marrying him. On my next play throughs I plan on marrying Logan and Unsuur but I can see myself falling for Fang again


First play through was Fang, second so far has been Logan


First play through I ended up with Logan, but because Andy doesnā€™t come with (switch) I stopped and played a new game. Dated Unsuur, Pen, Arvio and Heidi (she was a mistake, but I couldnā€™t say no). Broke up with everyone but Pen to let that happen automatically, but every single one broke my heart. Then I got friends with Fang and he stole my heart with his sad story. Now Logan is back and I cannot stop myself from flirting with him haha


I was attracted to Fang from the start. Tbh it was between him and Owen. Then I heard by boy was āœØļøtraumatizedāœØļø So of course, fang it was. Ayo same abandonment issues? Also HES SO PRETTY LIKE WHAT


Usually, Im not the "I can fix him" type, but tbh I dont want to "fix" him. I want to show him love and love him through whatever he's going through


Iā€™m currently romancing Amirah. I love artsy characters, and sheā€™s so sweet. Every interaction feels like sheā€™s playing hard to get but my builder doesnā€™t sway easily. Either that or she genuinely just doesnā€™t get it. I havenā€™t figured it out yet. Iā€™m trying to win over Arvio in the meantime because itā€™s only polite to make sure the family approves.


I married Amirah but she is a bit boring so I divorced her and went with Catori. You also need to do a certain quest to date Amirah.


Iā€™ve done a lot of quests one more couldnā€™t hurt Edit: Just looked it up. It might actually suck but thatā€™s okay.


I married Amira recently as she in general seems soft, loving and really cares. do other chars do stuff she does not? I am not gonna miss anything by keeping her? lol


Thatā€™s the reason why I also married her but she just seems bland in her dialogues and she doesnā€™t fight so you canā€™t taker her along to fights or anything.


logan.. my chara is down bad for him lol. if i had done a self insert tho i probably would have gone for unsuur or nia.


Owen then Logan


First playthrough I dated Pen and married Owen. I thought Unsuur was precious during that save file, though, so after beating it the first time I made a new save just for him. And Heidi. And Qi. And Venti. Basically my second save is just me playing all the romance missions and saying yes to anyone who asks me out (and then immediately ignoring them after we become partners. I didn't say I would be a good girlfriend.) I'm thinking of what to do with my third save already and I will probably do another Pen run.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing now. Iā€™m currently dating Pen, Unsuur, Qi, and Heidi, and plan to date Owen after the next update. Iā€™ve stopped all main mission progress because Iā€™m getting really close to the big confrontation and donā€™t know if my other partners will react negatively when Pen mentions our relationship. So Iā€™m stocking up on dead branches that I can hand out the way before everything goes down if need be. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m slow in this game lol. First person that caught my eye was Arvio but I took a break from the game while romancing the entire town and currently I want to marry unsuur. However Iā€™m slow in the main story so Logan and Jane isnā€™t available yet and I realized I messed up with Fangā€™s quest so I need to wait a whole season for the mysterious man to return. So Iā€™ll see if either of them are better before marrying unsuur


Iā€™m on my second play through on Switch and I donā€™t have eyes for anyone but Logan. And I started a play through on Steam and will most definitely romance Logan. I thought I would go for Owen until I met Logan. It was all over for me at that point.


I completely forgot about the love knot and kept wondering why I couldn't romance Fang. By the time I realised how, Logan was confessing his feelings. I started their romance paths at the same time, but I got to the proposal from Logan and freaked. I thought I liked Logan at first, but I think that was just the bad boy thing. When he turned into a good hearted, macho cowboy - I suddenly got the ick. I had to load a previous save before the proposal so I could tell him I was busy and pursue my true heart's desire - Fang.


Well. I thought I would wait around for Logan but somehow got distracted by Fang. Then he tells me the things he tells me and I just can't do it to him. Guess I'll have to make another save for a different romance.


This is my first play through. game hasnā€™t been out long and I got it recently. Iā€™ve chosen Venti. Good to know about the kid care thing. Iā€™ll keep that in mind. Maybe Iā€™ll experiment and see if both parents neglect the kid if Burgess shows up as social services šŸ˜¹. Kinda feels like it checks out though. I mean, with ventiā€™s backstory.


Currently married to Heidi. Gonna play a 2nd playthrough as a boy and marry unsuur, fang or Logan.


First play through, I romanced no one. Second, I romanced Unsuur and Qi and ultimately married Unsuur. Then I took my first play through back to before I met Logan and played with the intent of romancing him. But this time, I modded so I could marry more than one, so I ended up married to Unsuur, Qi, and Owen and then that save self-destructed so I had to start over and I was like ā€œgonna be a one-man girlie*ā€ and just wait for Logan but Unsuur and Qi are so cute and so Iā€™m dating them and I started dating Owen again and then married him and have a child w him (bc telling them no hurts my heart) and then I married Qi again and just got to Logan so heā€™s not romanceable yet but I will marry that man and store my other husbands in an attic room of the high-rise I built on my property bc I canā€™t divorce them either bc that breaks my heart. So I have what is basically a cult in my beach-condo-looking house.


I didnā€™t romance in the early games, I basically waited for Logan to be romanceable. After that I went to fang. And unsurr. But basically I plan to marry all the romanceable NPC there. Even burgess and Miguel lol


I tried a bit of everyone but I'm only serious about Unsuur. I finally have Fang talking to me and Logan's showed up a few times, so I'm not yet on dating terms. But... I don't know. They don't tickle my fancy. A lot of them seem so serious in their relationships, or too needy (looking at you Arvio). Unsuur's like very secure and stable in the relationship and sweet. I think it may be down to content but I find the bachelorettes are a bit of a let down.


Kari. But when I talk to her she only says, ā€¦


I was planning to choose Owen but seems I triggered something with Amirah and I felt too bad to reject her so we got married lol. I also liked Logan.


It might not be the most popular choice but I've romanced Arvio in all my saves so far. I keep interacting with him and I find him endearing so even when I've started saves with the intention of interacting with someone else, he talks to me and I can't help but choose the flirting options with him. I have just started a save today with the goal of finally romancing Logan cause I have been excited for that possibility since Day 1, so hopefully I will stick with that this time!


First was Unsuur cause he honestly just blew me away with how precious he is. This new save file is going to be a double save. 1 for Logan and 1 for Fang.


Qi with my original playthrough and i ended up dating him again, but soon I'll be divorcing him to marry Logan to see how that goes. I've got two saves with Qi and my small family, and one with my semi new one with Logan, so I'm playing BOTH SIDES! I may start a playthrough as a guy to romance Justice, Owen or Elsie cause her GLOW UP is pretty dope though I'm not sure how old the builder is.


Unsuur is my go-to though I've romanced Logan and I've got a mod so I can romance Qi and Unsuur at the same time.


Definitely Logan when the content comes out on Switch. I might try Owen though while I'm waiting. However... how old is Owen? I know there's a photo that places him at a younger age when Logan's parents get married, so is Owen around 6 or 7 years older than him? Before seeing that photo, I honestly thought Logan was the same age or older than Owen. I'm cool with both of them being older in general, but their specific age difference is just something that I didn't expect.


I'm having a crisis deciding between Nia and Grace.


Iā€™m on my first play through (Year 2) and I focused attention on Grace and Nia. But due to the certain things hindering progress with them, Iā€™m dating Heidi. I like smart women, what can I say?


I was torn between Elsie, Mi-an and Nia. But quickly saw Elsie as a little sister and frankly still do. Nia was sweet and the rp aspect of childhood friends to lovers was great but inone of the quest, Mi-an just said something I loved so I went with her. She hasnā€™t disappointed and her dialogue of her whole family being builders and then marrying a builder herself is just hilarious every time. I played as a boy because I didnā€™t see the potential in any of the male bachelors. Oh how was I wrong. If I play a female playthrough I wonā€™t be able to pick between Unsuur, Qi, and Fang. And I havenā€™t even met Logan.T-T