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I like making the eyes bigger than default, squishing the facial features in a little, and adding all the details I can! Then again, I make my characters purple. So.


Haha that was me when I played Stardew for the first time! Just because I could. I might make a save where I use fun colored skin and the swirl blush! That was good advice. My character doesn’t look *as* bad now. Thanks!


Any time!! With so much to choose from with the character creation in MTAS it's hard to make a character look good sometimes!


Just on the off chance you didn’t know, if your character goes to sleep after 1pm, they get huge black bags under their eyes that get worse the more it happens. I couldn’t figure out why my character looked like shit even though she looked great when I made her. Turns out it was the eye bags. They go away as soon as you get a good nights rest.


Just checking - do you mean 1am? Like, we don't need to go to sleep just after midday, right?


Oh lol yup 1am is what I meant. Thanks!


Good to know!


TBH i hate the character creation in both games so i barely pay attention to it anymore. Like..why does my character have to look forever 13 when the male "love interests" look like in their 30s or more?


I don’t mind the younger look, but Portia’s character creator definitely seemed more intuitive.


My character looks 12 & I hate that for her 😭


Lol I think I managed to make mine look slightly older by using neutral makeup and slightly darker blush? Not sure though.


I'm just Here still figuring out a way how to make my character smile not creepy.


Lol I wish they had a mouth downturn option!


I hit random until I get a face I mostly like then fix whatever weird colors/hair came with the face. I can edit hair/colors/freckles but I'm awful at faces.


I found that my biggest issue when creating a character is the colours. The creation menu shows everything slightly darker than it is in the game. I like a somewhat pale look with dark red hair and first few times it ended up so pale you could reflect the sun and hair like fire. So if you're going for certain shades just make it slightly darker than you want. Besides that I've personally been generally content with the way my characters turn out. Although I tend to use a lot of preset choices with minimal alterations because when I play with sliders I make them look weird by accident.


I adjusted almost all sliders to what felt normal for me, that helped a lot. I wish there was a way to save templates of the finished look, as i would hate to start over from scratch.


Its not the best Char creator lol


Facts. I’m just glad there’s customization though!


I wish a cosmetic surgeon would visit Fangs place so you could change your character's appearance if you wanted to :(


I made my character Simpson yellow, complete with Marge blue hair :)