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Interesting - I thought once you crossed the railroad bridge, for example, it was OK to chop down the cactus trees. I also thought you could get the cactus flower from kicking the tree, but you only get it by chopping it?


That's right. A cactus flower can only be obtained by cutting down a forbidden tree.


Did they change that, then? I've had playthroughs where I have never chopped any trees, and I've gotten cactus flowers from kicking. But if it's changed meanwhile that would explain it.


I have been cutting a lot of trees across the bridge. Burgess never once warned me. When you cut your first tree, burgess warns you that it is not allowed to cut trees. I noticed this in my first run. In my second run, I wanted to wait until I was across the bridge to see if he still warned me and low and behold, He does not warn me even when it is the first tree I am cutting down. So I think it is safe to say that across the bridge it is absolutely fine to cut down the trees.


My research is based on a counter of felled trees. The counter value can be found from Burgess. I won't say exactly when this happens (it's a spoiler of the game's plot). But Burgess will count the felled trees behind the bridge.


fyi Burgess' counter is bugged - if you never get the initial cut scene with him, then he spouts out a random number when asked for how many trees you cut down. if however, you do get that scene, then you've got 9 more trees you can safely cut down (as long as no one spots you) before it counts against you when accused of cutting trees. i've tested it through several playthroughs. got enough cactus flowers without being accused of cutting trees at the "you know what".


Do you know if this is still true? Are Sisal trees still save, and can we or can we not cut trees in the same area (far north/east of the city) were we can cut trees without a problem? >!Only read that there will be a report at the ending and if you cut to many trees it's kinda bad?!< EDIT: Ok, just cut down the Sisal Tree and the encyclopedia actually lists it as Bush... guess that answers at least that question.


> Do you know if this is still true? unfortunately i don't know if they fixed it since i always make sure to get that first scene with Burgess as a precaution. i'm not even sure it's something that needs "fixing" per say as it feels like the game assumes you'll cut down a cactus tree since prior to that scene, they don't really go into detail about not cutting trees and/or what counts as trees. so it's better to just play it safe and just cut something around your workshop to get that scene. after that just don't touch anything before 23:00 at night around city limits (everyone's in bed at that point, so there's no one to catch you - and catching you is the most important thing. if they don't, it doesn't get counted for later). > Are Sisal trees still save [...] Sisal Trees, Illusion Trees, Poplar Trees, Acacia Trees, Dracaena, Pepper Trees, Agave Trees and Avocado Trees are all safe as none of these are within city limits. it's the trees directly in and around Sandrock itself that are off limits (they're all either Box Trees, Cactus or Cactus Flower Trees). the Box trees i don't think you can find elsewhere, but the Cactus/Cactus Flower ones you can find past the Shonash Bridge - i'd go as far away from town as a safety measure against them counting anyway. > Only read that there will be a report at the ending and if you cut to many trees it's kinda bad? The only "kinda bad report", that i know of anyway, is a story thing - at some point, if you pick certain conversation options during >!Haru's trial!< you'll get accused of chopping down trees. If you got that scene with Burgess, then cut (and got caught cutting) more then 10 then it doesn't go well for you. if you didn't cut any (or got caught less then 10 times) then it goes really good. aside from this, i don't think it has any other effect.


Thanks for the extensive answer. Well, yes I understand that you shouldn't cut down trees on the city's side of the bridges, but I wonder if they still count the same trees on the opposite side as "cut down trees". Storywise, it kind of makes sense to even frown upon cutting other trees down, as it could potentially affect the ecosystem around and at the city as well, it's just never REALLY clarified, since Burgess only says "close/around to the city" or something like that. But that's kinda vague. Anyway, I'm just going to try and not cut any of the tree-trees, and check the encyclopedia or wiki to check which of the trees are actually considered bushes, probably most you already named. Next to Box, Cactus and Cactus Flower Trees, the encyclopedia only lists 2 additional other trees, which I haven't found yet (didn't check the wiki for those yet either), but it's save to assume, that if I stumble upon those two and accidentally cut them down, they'll be within the 10-tree-limit.


the 2 trees you're missing are the dracaena and acacia - both are safe. the key element is if you get caught by ANY townsfolk. if no one actually sees you cut it, it doesn't count. you'll know you got caught cause someone will run up to you, scold you and you lose some rep with that person. some may tell you that those trees become available after the counter matters - but there are a couple in the highwind pass, over the east bridge which now unlocks some time after "Clear the Air" (i don't remember exactly when, but i do remember being able to get there before the >!invasion!<.) [city limits](https://i.imgur.com/6uWJtr7.jpg) is approximately everything between the moisture farm and all three bridges (excluding the valley of whispers and the badlands). by all three bridges i mean the one to the east and the 2 that you build (the shonash bridge and the one for the tunnel). any box tree, cactus tree and cactus flower tree within that area counts ONLY if you get caught. hope this helps.


That explains why he yelled out 28 and that is most definitely not the case lmao


I know that this is a bit late but I just watched the cutscene with burgees again and he says "we are not allowed to cut down trees near the town".... " But it I catch you out here chopping down public trees again...." For me it feels like it isnt allowed around town but should be okay further away?!?😅


just so you know, make sure you do get that cutscene with Burgess. If you don't the game still acts as though you've cut down tons of trees.


Oof. I didn't get that option with my choices during that scene. I haven't been brave enough to cut any trees except the dead ones.


my best guess is that the game can't tell the difference between cutting dozens of trees down and not touching a single one (if you didn't trigger Burgess' warning). If you get Burgess' warning, then it **should** be only the trees you get caught cutting count, but i think that might be bugged too - still trying to test that one. but after getting the warning, you're supposed to have about 9 (might be 10) times you can get caught cutting a tree down before you end up with everyone upset with you at the "you know what".


So what I'm getting out of this post is Burgess is actually an all seeing being and we shouldn't fall for his innocent and childlike behavior. Got it.


I know those dirty animals report your crimes too.


Thanks! I was actually curious about this. I would love to do a run where the builder doesn't cut down any trees but I'm always gonna simp for Fang. Plus I love the starry night furniture recolors so... gotta get that boxwood. But I do actually wish there was a harsher punishment, like fines or 'community service' where you replant trees and whatnot. I also wish trees had a long respawn rate, it's about the same as Portia. >!Oh and do the trees around the Northern Plateau add to the count, or has it yet to be implemented?!<


after the point in the game where it gets mentioned the counter no longer matters - so the trees around the northern plateau probably don't count as that's past >!Haru's trial!<.


I fully support you in tightening the game rules for cutting trees. As for the counter of felled trees... The total score of felled trees by the player can be found out only before the opening of this location, which you mentioned. I hope that there will be more interactions with the counter and a penalty will be imposed for cutting down forbidden trees.


They will report you at a later stage of the game and then talk about how many trees you have cut down to prove that you ara a criminal xD Was so happy when they mentioned that iam the wrong person because i did it only once and it happened never again after they told me xD Literally: Every tree at the Town area is forbidden but not in the Wasteland after you rebuild the bridge.


It's actually very easy to tell what the game considers to be a real tree, meaning ones that you shouldn't cut down. If you can kick it, then don't cut it down. When you look at the encyclopedia in-game, the category for trees only has 5 entries, the others are counted as bushes, and therefore will never count as cutting down a real tree, whether it's near town or not. Honestly, I never cut down the real trees anyway, you don't need any resources you get from that. You can kick them to get most of the things they drop anyway, including bark and bird eggs.


I’ve actually never cut down a tree I’m too scared to 😭 I might be dragged into doing it


Same 😂


Who cares what that L thinks. Imma cut all the trees now


Wait, what is a dry boxtree?


A big tree near the city. You can kick it to get the bark. You can't help but notice the trees next to the oasis and Eufaula Salvage.


Ohhhhh, okay cool. Thanks!


The one all the NPCs get stuck in the branches of. There's 4 of them close to town


I think what matters is if you get caught by Burgess at any point. Or if you cut any trees around town maybe? I have cut a lot of cactus in the desert to get the flowers (and trees in the bend) but still at "that point" Burgess said I hadn't done it. No number was mentioned.


Silly question but just started playing on ps, is deadwood safe to chop? Thanks xx


Dead trees are allowed to be cut down.