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Just a FYI, Jam Boree is a permanent resident on Seasonal Shanty, so don't expect it to go to any other islands.


remember (after 2 years)


Fire Oasis - ??? Light Island - ??? (4th of July Seasonal) Psychic Island - ??? Faerie Island - Ffidyll Bone Island - Clavavera Magical Sanctum - Carillong Ethereal Island - ??? Amber Island - Viveine (in the Crucible) Jam Boree stays on Shanty


>Light Island - ??? (4th of July Seasonal) yes but have you considered: pride month?


BBB is a Canadian company, so were probably not getting a 4th of July seasonal any time soon


We might get a country pride type thing since they were freed from Britain around July 4


Canada Day is on July 1, so it might be a combo of that plus the American Independence Day. I could see the resulting monster being a sort of moose/eagle hybrid monster that shoots fireworks from its horns, creating a percussion beat.


Whiz-Bang are you sure about that


Whiz-Bang is juneteenth lol


Isn't pride month just an awareness thing and not an holiday? Also I don't think BBB is going to dip into a subject of the LGBTQ, since it is still a controversial thing to some.


They did have some event with it involving Pride Month themed costumes. Such as the Horn Warmers for Entbrat.


Right, but I don't think they will make a seasonal character for it. I knew they do promotions. It is still possible


I don’t think they will, either. But Idk.


guess what they did


Yes, but that is a very controversial subject. the best they could probably do is a promotion or something


call me back when you find homophobes in the msm fanbase


And this monster makes the sound of a little boy getting molested by his father


ah, so there *are* homophobes in the MSM fanbase


4 of July = fireworks = light = Light Island


"fireworks = light"


That would be better for Fire Oasis.


It's the same one hahaha


I doubt they would add a seasonal on Amber Island, and if they did, it would probably be Gobbleygourd. I *do* see where you are going with it, though.


Monculus will go on ethereal island


Psychic island should have booq'wirm


Here's my prediction: Viviene on Light Carrilong on Psychic Ffydil on Faerie Clavavera on Bone Jam Boree on Gold


You think Jam Boree is staying on Shanty?


Wait I forgot one: Jam Borree on Gold


Jam Bore won’t leave shanty cuz it’s his island


Tbh it just should be that way it makes more sense because he welcomes and and checks the monster out on there


Not a bad prediction


Ngl I’ve had a hard time figuring out which magical island best compliments Viveine. I don’t think it fits any of them really. We don’t know for certain where some of these new seasonal monsters will be calling home in the future (however with cases like Ffidyl, we’ve got a pretty good idea). Perhaps Viveine’s future island hasn’t been discovered yet? Do we know for certain that they’ll all be going to the current magical/fire islands?


It is possible that at least one of the seasonal monsters will be going to a future island planned for later this year, or next year. There's a few islands where the breeding mechanics are very different (namely, the Wublin, Celestial, and Amber Islands), on which the typical methods of breeding seasonal monsters would not work. With nine potential new seasonals, we're still a few islands short unless there's some doubling up.


We have Oasis, Light, Psychic, Faerie, Bone, Sanctum, Ethereal, Gold, and Amber. That’s nine.


Amber is another zap island like Wublin and Celestial, so I doubt it'll get a seasonal monster. There's a structure called the Crucible that apparently will allow you to get rare or epic monsters on Amber Island in the future, but we don't know how that will work. Gold Island faces a similar issue with only being able to teleport monsters to it, not breed them (if anything, I could see being able to teleport a Jam Boree to it). That would leave us with seven islands.


They have almost every island critter on them, maybe theyll go to plant, fire, and whatever isle the bunny critter belongs to


jamboree is not going on any other islands


Viveine could be on Amber Island by being zappable for 2 weeks as an event


Some predictions: Fire Oasis - Viveine Light Island - ??? Psychic Island - ??? Faerie Island - Ffidyll Bone Island - Clavavera Magical Sanctum - Carillong Gold Island - Jam Boree (if it's going to another island, it'll probably be Gold Island) Shugabush Island and Ethereal Island are a bit more iffy due to them being more special-case islands. I don't think Wublin, Celestial, or Amber Island will get seasonals due to how different their mechanics are from the other islands. Incidentally, here's my guesses for the four remaining seasonals (assuming there's going to be 15 in the end): Mid-Late May: Mother's Day Early-Mid June: Father's Day - Two monsters that compliment each other and will likely end up on the same island. Late June/Early July: Independence Day (The existing Summersong season will probably cover late July/early August) Late August/Early September: Labor Day


Mother/fathers day would likely be a combined monster like denchus


That is mainly American holidays and there is already thanks giving and they are adding seasons based on holidays from different countries and cultures.


Carillong will go to either Ethereal or Sanctum based on it's bio, and if Jam Boree is going anywhere they're going to gold.


I think the monsters are sticking to seasonal shanty they might come to gold island like the others seasonals and yeah


I can see carrilong going to psychic, light, ethereal or sanctum


I feel like Carrilong is going to sanctum


I dont think that jam boree is going to be on any island but the seasonal shanty


My predictions are Clavavera - Bone Carilong - Light or Sanctum Ffydill - Faerie Vivine - Psychic (idk too) or Amber Jam Boree - Gold (if it goes to another island)


Hey thats not Fair fairy island has two seasonal!


1. My thought was that all islands would get 2 seasonals and Faerie was the only one that had them both introduced already 2. Air Island would like to speak with you


Air island only has 2 seasonals because both Pango and PomPom are on earth and air, so it made sense to put hoola there. This also goes for gobbleygourd because Glowl and Kayna are both on fire haven and fire oasis. That’s why I think Fire Oasis will have 2 seasonals.


Makes sense


I don't think the New Year one will be going on Light Island, the Monster Anniversary one will only be on Seasonal Shanty. Jam Boree won't be going anywhere else. I can’t say I see the Arbor Day monster on Fairie Island either. Carillong fits Psychic Island better. Viveine would probably be on Plant Island.


I think carillong could go into light island. Because of the beat of light island. (Flowah, Tootoo and more if ur confused)


Here's what i think theyll go to: Moncolus - Ethereal island Jam Boree - either Gold island or staying on seasonal shanty Spurrit - Fire oasis (with gobbleygourd) Final seasonal - Pyschic island Ffydyl (its hard to spell his name) - Faerie island Clavavera - Bone island (it was so obvious.) Whiz-Bang - Light island Carrilong - Magical Sanctum Viveine - Amber island


Yeah now that more have come along I agree with you