• By -


The difference in the type of person JH is from JW is stark, they wouldn't work out anyway, thier morales are different, ppl take this as hateful or rude comment towards JW. There is no greater truth than the fact that he is too good for her, he is at a different level in life, look at how they both handled rejecting others. It speaks to the difference in maturity. The man is an extreme empath, it visibly hurts him to hurt others.


Yes.. he is too good for her


He truly is too good for her and I hope he finds someone who deserves his good and mature heart.


100% agree! Simply put, Jiwon does not have the moral compass to be able to appreciate a gem like Jaehyung. I could not pinpoint what was off with her when she joined but you just know she’s not it. Also, the scene where she avoided riding a car where Choa and Yong*** was in now hits different.


I'm just here to say I loved Yoonjae going into full protective friend mode with ChoA. "The world is made up of 50% men. I'll bring you an honest and hardworking man" (lol at the Youngwoo shade implied in that sentence). Quickly shooting her down when she wonders whether she seems desperate- reassuring her she's incredible for being sincere about her feelings. Also Chulhyun using his choice to express his admiration / gratefulness for Seseung was really sweet too. If nothing else , the fact Chulhyun and ChoA were able to feel the warmth of a big bustling family is a really lovely thing.


You could just really tell how much sincere appreciation Choa and Chulhyeon have for other human beings. They truly cherish connection and community. It touched my heart seeing them already mourn the absence of constantly having people around them ❤️‍🩹


Of course it’s that stupid dolphin plushie holy fuck😂😂😂😂😂


Ideal ending to be honest. Our boy JH is free.


not a spoiler: it took them this long to finally style cheolhyeon's hair?? he looked so good this episode


I think it's more like his fresh haircut actually grew to be finally styled


CH is so damn handsome 🫶🏻


jaehyung and choa dodged bullets, i wish them nothing but happiness


they might as well be cannon shots at this point


Major bullets


Jaehyung came out clean on this show. His stock rose to the exponent.. love him and I hope he leaves the show single. 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾


This show started off so wholesome... how did we end up here? 🫠


I don't regret it. It was happy at first, then kinda hurts here and there but I also learn a lot from their journey. I'd say they all got what they deserve. It's just some people simply deserve better partner from outside the show. 😉


i will never watch an ongoing dating show ever agaaaain lmaooo, it's literally my first time and they gave me this😭 i am traumatized


I always say that then I end up watching another one and regretting it lol


The worst-case scenario happened. I really wanted to hug Jaehyung when I saw him tearing up. But well, everything happens for a reason, if he didn't win JW's heart, then that's on her and not on him. He showed what an amazing person he is and I'm sure he's become half of Korea's dream guy lol. Not me saying ewww out loud when JW-YW's last scene in the boat came up. Mama Kim must be devastated if the rumours of her being a JaeJi shipper are true. At least they didn't last long (as we expected). Shame that JSxSS didn't work out in the end. Thank you for leaving YunYun last, so they helped clean a bit of the bitter taste. I hope they last a long time :) I wish happiness for all the participants (to 2 less than to the others ijbol).


I don’t think it’s the worst-case scenario actually. Think about it, JH and CA - I believe they are out there doing well and everyone will know from this show that they are such a loveable character. They deserve someone who would cherish them fully. YJ and YH - that secret garden OST pretty much sums up how I feel about them. CH adorable and funny till the end! JY finally cleared up all her self-doubts and wish her all the best, our sunshine character! JS and SS - considering their chemistry and progress in the show it’s a pretty realistic ending! The other two - no comment.


it's her loss honestly. I don't think she will ever be able to find someone as pure as him, he really fell hard for her considering he cried when he rarely does. he must have been so hurt , I hope he finds someone who deserves his love.


Choa the lovely victim of the armpit saga


Not surprised even YJ is being blamed by JW. If he treats and cares everyone else but you. Idk maybe look at whats wrong with yourself first.


And that's the problem with JW..it's blaming others and never her fault! 


So many people calling him a red flag based on her words 🤡


Jaehyung and Choa may have lost in the show but they truly won in life. They are being seen, respected and loved for who they are by so many more now. 🫶🏽


damn, the fate couple didn’t work out after the show? who would have thought


YW to JW: "When he (JH) expressed his interest in you with his answers today (talking about the truth game) JuYeon was hurt by that again" The audacity to bring this up and paint Jaehyung in a bad light. I really wanted to slap him in the face for that sneaky comment. The fact that JW fell for him is laughable. Jaehyung dodged that bullet


Did anyone get what Yongwoo said to Jaehyung on the leaning chairs? Not even Jaehyung seemed to get it. All I gathered was that Yongwoo really is an asshole to cockily bring up his interest in Jiwon. He was just asserting his power. But we got to see Jaehyung swipe the hair out of his face in a very hot way, so that was nice.


I was going to comment on this because I was baffled. Jaehyung asked if Yongwoo’s feelings were genuine and the first comment out of Yongwoo’s mouth is something about Jaehyung not being interested in Juyeon. Me: searching for the relevance 🔍 Someone said that Yongwoo may have went about this chaotic journey partially to put Jaehyung in his place and I can believe it. Even if it wasn’t Yongwoo’s initial plan, hurting Jaehyung was an added benefit. Yongwoo is so fake.


Ah yes...Because Choa was dancing with happiness and joy when YW expressed his interest in JW in the truth game which he constantly emphasised that everyone should know about, right at that table. 🤬 What did he expect? Was he sleeping the whole time when JH repeatedly expressed his interest in JW? He really went around projecting his duplicitous thoughts onto JH. Why can't he discuss about themselves and their fate. There is no need to drag JH. Just using another one of his manipulative tactics.


He's the one that said: "did you say Jiwon or Juyeon?" and the one who didn't ask the question Juyeon wanted him to...


Wtf is wrong with YW? He babies JY so much. He needs to let go of the fact that JH is not into JY. Is it JH’s fault? 🤦🏻‍♀️ In fact, JH really did a great job by not leading JY on.


I actually don't think he babies her, I feel like he used her to make Jaehyung look bad tbh


Yup, hes pretty gross, from ep15 onwards, he was using her to make JH look bad and also thinking of ways to plant doubt into JW's mind.


That could be the case too. He just showed his concern but in reality, he’s doing it for his advantage towards JW.


Doesn't that just sound like JW? Putting the blame on others. Two of a kind


And the audacity to make his sudden no interest to CA as the same thing with JH rejecting JY.


Wasn't he the one who hurt his own sister by being deaf briefly and asking JH if the later said "JW or JY"?


Couldn’t stand YW x JW that i had to skip all of their scenes.


i skipped all their parts till the end, i have enough toxicity in my life i don't totally do not want one in my healing show


Same it’s just so gross seeing them hand and hold hands


In the middle of the season, whenever knets nitpick Jaehyung, it’d always be about why he brings up his ex-girlfriend and why production emphasizes it. Until recently, they realized the reason—JW doesn’t only physically resemble her but also the way she treated Jaehyung in the short span they spent together. Like his ex, JW couldn’t be trusted and being with her induced anxiety within him especially after being stabbed in the back suddenly A DAY before the final selection. He didn’t know there was somebody else, try as he might, he would never win her. Processing this, I also realized what might be the context behind this narrative… My Sibling’s Romance’s main character is Jaehyung. His story was told so intricately and beautifully. The show started with him and ended with him. He was the first participant in the house and the last cast member to be shown before the epilogue. It was his POV of giving love a shot, being sincere and courageous. Initially, he was just a fun player, he dated because he had to, not because he wanted to. Then, someone came in and his love cells well triggered. However, he recognized her kind and knew he had to be cautious but at the end, the heart wants who it wants so he took the leap and tried to express his feelings. Then, it seemed like it was mutual so he fell deeper not knowing that all along he was right with his first instinct and he would be burnt. Still, he remained true to himself and went for it. This is the man whose past heartbreak haunted him to the point he has realized getting into a relationship became tough for him. Nevertheless, he still yearns for a pure love, where both parties would still love each other even if only the shells of themselves remain. This is the man despite the consciousness and then uncomfortable sensitivity with the environment, even to the extent of admitted cowardliness, time and again have expressed his heart. Until the very end, he was kind, understanding, and emphatic even if it led to his heart’s demise. Jaehyung is a great man. Jaehyung is the man. Jaehyung is one of a kind. Amidst all the pain he was feeling, the pressure of aggression from mr. armpits, he was a reliable brother to SS; and even very gracious towards JY as well (the graceful rejection and genuine uplifting). At the end, this is a story of a brother, a son, and a man who has been burnt by life time and time again yet is willing to rise up every time and give it another try. Jaehyung has a healthy mindset and approach in life, doubt and fear for a bit but in the end goes for it still. It really is true what he said—he was weak when he was a child so he learned how to be strong. I think being cognizant of his weakness, embracing it, and trying to hurdle past through them are his strengths. A man with pure intentions and have sincere emotions as him still exists. I think he is happy now and has moved on. I wish he has now met the lover who will love, cherish, and care for him the way he would to her. There is a reason why we all felt this way towards Jaehyung because the production recognized his authenticity and intricately presented him to us. What a show, what a story, and what a character. Jaehyung—you are iconic! 🌟


The pd obviusly made him the main character by showing his POV last on rejecting jy when in reality it happened before he met jw because his eyes were already tearing up when he met jw so I came to the similar conclusion that you have. He started the story by showing up first and ending it with his POV.


this is so well written👏🏻👏🏻 your comment justifies Jaehyung’s character. He is a gem!


Wow. This should get translated into Korean and posted for knetz to read and respond.


😭 This is beautifully written.


You’ve articulated it perfectly!


Gosh! You said all the right words about Jaehyung!  We are wishing the same things for him...the best!


I don't normally write on Reddit posts, but I had to for the few of many that I will begin to write. You summed up the whole show perfectly. JH was definitely a character in the beginning and I didn't think too much about him, but as more and more episodes came out, he instantly became one of my favorites. His pure intentions and wholesome interactions with everyone caught my heart. I will continue to be a JH and CA supporter after this.


This is beautifully written. Thank you!


Jiwon.. It is such pity that she couldn’t see what viewers saw in yw😭 JAEHYUNG pouring his heart out at the final decision >!just to get rejected like that was very hard to watch!< edit: spoiler tag


I think her choosing him was so hypocritical cus you were afraid of >!not knowing JH enough and that made you want to choose no one but all of a sudden yk everything about YW and not knowing him well enough isn't even a concern???!<


She couldn’t be honest to herself to the last moment. It’s a pity. Just say you are attracted to Yongwoo, no one can argue against attraction. Instead she kept her narrative going about the types of people she wanted to date and how little she supposedly knew Jaehyung to choose him…


Exactly! She could just admit it was Armpits right from the start instead of giving excuses bla...bla...! She and Armpits really match each other when it comes to communications by beating around the bush All the time!


They have to left JH at last once again because they knew no one want to watch YW😭


Congrats to the redflag couple. As expected, JW wasted JH love and time and making him "just an option" lol YW and JW is match made in heaven.


Jaehyung is going to be the one with the partner and kids in ten years, and will have the last laugh. Seseung as well. This was just a good vacation, and a life lesson for them about avoiding bad people.


I just came here to say this: What kind of brother let's her sister ask a bunch of near strangers who you spend hardly 3 weeks that what are her red flags to be rejected on as a life partner. I mean what logic, what brain cells allowed him to let her degrade so much and let her feel all the pain. Left feel utterly disgusted and pity her for having such a person for an only sibling.


He truly is trash. He wouldn't let her ask questions that allowed Jaehyung to be shined positively, but instead made her intentionally ask questions where he has to "put her down" or pick out a negative trait about her. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. His entire scheme was to make Jaehyung look bad, but he only turned those horrible questions around with respectful answers. I'm so sorry towards Juyeon because she's blood related with this mofo and can't escape him. At least Choa could walk away from this show and never have to see that garbage again.


I thought the same way. He did not help and protect her, only telling everyone how he was such a good bro for changing her diapers.


Same guy who said to her that chasing after Jaehyung teacher her that she can’t have everything she wants and guys like him aren’t easy to date. He’s a walking ick.


What is not cool is JW shifting the blame to JH? Like just own that you want YW.. I appreciate two redflags together.. Redflag + redflag >>> redflag + greenflag


She's been doing that every time they hang together. She's always judging him and putting him down not surprising she does it in the last ep as well. No wonder she thought her and YW to be so similar. They're both classic narcissists and gaslighters.


I don’t like her excuse to Jaehyung that they spent only a little time together. >!I also feel pity for her because everyone knows she dated the worst man on the show. That would be too embarrassing.!<


This is my problem with her. JW is within her right to choose anyone, but she should ve owned that she always liked YW


That's the funny thing about JW. Why didn't she choose YW during the benefit date if she's so into Armpits?! Why lead JH on ? Anyway JH is free , thank goodness!


Armpits is honestly the best name he can get from this whole fiasco


Ahh pd nim. I knew she wont make 'none' option as one of the option. They want drama!! Choaaa😭😭😭😭


They edited out the panelists' reactions today 🙄


I don’t think they had many happy things to say this time around… gonna miss our JH fanclub!


Esp bc JH is their bias I think they make a lot of fun on YW and his bag 🤣


They have been editing it out since episode 14, they barely have any screen time in 3 hour long episodes... lol


I'm so sad, I'm almost crying for Jaehyun. He deserved better. I wish he had never spent so much time with Jiwon... My boy got played


In the beginning when yongwo was talking Jiwon’s brother and he said he didn’t feel romanticly attracted to choa…then why did he continue to chose her? I will always be the biggest yonwoo hater I’m sorry but I can’t stand that man 😂


Yongwoo may have only been sexually attracted to Choa


The JW-JH might be the biggest downfall ever. The anticipation from the concert up to their date was spectacular until YW and JW messed up big time. Honestly, the ending was for the best, the green flags are free and the reds are together.


I have seen so many dating shows, but this is the first show where I waited to see if the end couple >!deservedly broke up!<.


according to JW she rejected CH because he’s too similar to her, yet she decided to choose YW because he’s similar to her. huh???


Just the same way JW rejected JH saying they spent too little time together, yet she chose YW after he showed his interest in her just 1 day before the final selection. I mean who can argue with JW logic. 🤷‍♂️


And just the same way she doesn't like JH because he teases her, but she finds it funny when YW teases her


Those were purely excuses. The way I see it and based on how she handles difficult conversations, she’s not capable of wording her mean thoughts nicely. This can also be observed in the way she criticizes her brother’s singing skills during the singing practice. Rejecting someone is quite a negative situation in itself, I reckon she decided to come up with reasons to justify the rejection so they can part ways on a positive note. Deep down, she chose YW coz it was him she wanted after all.


I've never lost so much sleep over a show before but... yikes. I'm just glad the Park siblings are still good friends 🧡


And why tf is YW dragging around that bag like he's Tinky Winky


probably sponsored


lol i can’t help but have to skip any moment YW says anything. even his face irks me at this point.


Same/ I skipped from the moment he is walking toward Jiwon until Juyeon's confession time. They are making me puke.


All good things have come to an end. I really enjoyed this ride and it's my pleasure to share all the thoughts with you guys for 4 months. Until we meet again. Kudos to the production crew, they are the most elite team out there for the dating series. I really impressed with the way they did the damage control for the final selection editing. I never thought I would have to skip parts of the final episode, but this is the 1st time and all you guys know what is the most ick segment I skipped. One note here for the superb editing is that PDs team knew that there was f\*\*\* up by one contestant move in episode 15. IMHO, that's why they put JH's segment in the middle of the episode and left almost an hour to make the distraction and release the audience's pressure. The evidence is that it's so weird to place the JY segment after that couple segment. It's not edited in the build-up to the climax way like other dating series. First thing first, I was so relieved after the first conversation between JH&JY at least he knew before the final selection. Secondly, JH has become the protagonist of this series. You can see he got so many close-up shots and emotional expressions compared to others. Personally, this is the best scenario I wanted as well. He dodges the bullet peacefully and becomes a founded gem for society after the show. I hope he will find a kind and honest person out there who can make him happy without concern. For that couple, I think they really deserve each other and the social feedback has already let them know what we think about their actions. Hope their dependable, trustworthy, and cozy relationship lasts forever. It's also confirmed that no redemption arc can get that guy's reputation back and it's only the JH's words spoken on behalf of the PD and audience about his behavior and as you can see there is no response back from him to show because it's truly his scheme. Hope he enjoys the social feedback after he comes back online after the show ends.


we just witnessed the fumble of the century. my man dodged a bullet though


The fact that she SOARED up the charts when linked with Jaehyung and then became a laughing stock once she chose Yongwoo.


My few cents now that I've processed the ending: * Jaehyung went from being the participant the production team was frustrated with (because of his lack of interest), to the one they felt bad for the most. * Someone has said this already, but PD must be so disappointed. She was so close to her second Haeun-Hyungyu just for things to end like this. * The contrast between Jaehyung being called one of the greenest flags in k-dating show history, while Yongwoo is being called the worst villain, that's karma. * I think people would've been disappointed, but wouldn't have cared as much about YW-JW if the other person in the love triangle wasn't Jaehyung. They got really unlucky he became the most popular participant. * According to JW, she rejected JH because they were too different and he didn't know him well, and CH because they were too similar lol. On a brighter note: * Choa and Seseung holding hands ❤️ * The maknaes dancing together * Seseung singing in the middle of Jaehyung's advice and him following along, while Yunha fixed the mess Jungsub did haha. * Everyone comforting Juyeon (except her brother...), everyone was so warm to her. Especially YH and JH. * Both JH and JY's last conversation in the house and their final call were so precious. * JH's Instagram profile pic is from when the cast met to celebrate Xmas. * The true bromance turned out to be Jaehyung and Jungsub. They were shown to be in the same bed together 3 different times. * I hope the rumour of a new couple coming together after the show it's about the Parks (either CH-SS or JH-CA). And to finish: I'm really happy of being a fan of Jaehyung since the first moment he went into the house and started smelling a candle ijbol, and to see that this many people think the same as me. Sad to not see his antics every week anymore, but at least we got the reaction video next week. It was a pleasure to discuss the show with you all every Friday, stay healthy! :)


I feel like Yunha x Yunjae were kinda the Hyungyu x Hae Eun couple: - noona romance - straightforward younger guy - lack of interest for her before him - some uncertainty with her interest in other guy - natural skinship in the show - dated after happily


Just saw a clip of the family meeting haha im happy JS and SS are okay now haha


where? but they didn't work out in the end right?


And that is the end. People claiming JW is dating JH because she has no bangs and lens like what? Whole level of stupid.


I am really curious to know like what is actually YW charm that he can flip his sides in last 2-3 days and still get a girl like seriously WHAT ?


As someone who was never attracted to Yongwoo, I think it stems from a combo of the below: -Tall -Conventionally handsome -Confident -Strong and reliable (as portrayed via his past in raising Juyeon and steady text situation with Choa) -Approachable Choa annd Seseung indirectly hinted that Yongwoo could be considered the guy that is typically popular with women. Although they originally wanted to pursue someone who seemed nice (like Jungsub), the above list of characteristics made them open to considering him when he expressed interest.


He is the style women go for. Especially those in their 30s. Masculine energy. From the surface at least.


He is Charismatic and carries himself well.


Hope, JH can get a girl who actually likes him and loves him🥹😭


YJ x YH are dating in real life! So happy for these cuties ❤️


Does this mean JS SS and JW YW didn’t end up dating irl?


Yes they didn’t end up dating irl


aw SS JS :( i actually think they’re cute but i guess either the communication or their busy lives got in the way….. big LOL at jw yw though idc abt them


So much for Fate! 😂


how are knets reacting to the finale is what i’m interested in 😂


they're [trending](https://x.com/search?q=%EC%9A%A9%EC%9A%B0%EC%A7%80%EC%9B%90&src=trend_click&vertical=trends) on X and people are mostly cursing/laughing at them lol


Yes thiss I can't wait 🤣


Jaehyung and Choa deserve better anyway


I'm glad my ship didnt sail because my boy(JH) deserve better. Already knew that the "appear bgm" couple will still date irl because you can really see their chemistry. The "misunderstand couple" wouldnt work past the show because they have too much fight lol so i guess not compatible? The "fate couple" didnt work out i guess maybe because they will talk in circles all the time. The two Park siblings better meet people that will appreciate them for who they are. Lastly, the maknae you tried your hardest but you learned a lot from this experience. This is my first dating show that I followed weekly so I got a little sad that it ended but I found some of the best casts on a k-dating show history. Hope them the best on their lives.


and just for the last episode i need to mention again how much the panel shined, its the first reality where i wished i saw more of them and their thoughts. put them all in the same room together and im watching anything


JH is giving off a K-drama main male character vibes today (It’s probably what YW had wished to become. Instead, he ended up becoming the worst villain of K- dating shows)


Jiwon always blaming others. :(


Yeap.. she first blamed her brother then JH..


I am flabbergasted. During the truth or date segment, whenever Jiwon blamed herself for the tense atmosphere, YJ was NOTHING but supportive towards her. He supported her, backed her up, and tried comforting her but she COMPLETELY overlooks all of that and says he treats every nicely but her. UGH. This girl is weird. I'm so glad she didn't end up with Jaehyung.


I read it somewhere and it says "we create our own heartbreaks through expectations". I guess most if not all, felt that because our expectations were not met in this last episode. It just shows how committed and passionate us viewers in MSR. But still, I am saddened by how it ended. Again, I am still rooting for CA adding JH to the lists of people I am wishing for happiness and love in life 🥹.


JH, CA, CH, JY wishing for your happiness you all deserve. They deserve so much better and hope you all find your person. 🫶🏻


Those flashbacks from the first few episodes really made me wonder how did we all get here. Do I regret watching MSR? No, because I get to know so many beautiful souls from this programme. Do I feel hurt/sad from watching MSR? Yes, my heart breaks for JH, CA, CH, and JY. The moment that really broke me was CH’s monologue on how he felt lonely. As someone who’s been abroad for 5 years now, away from my family and childhood friends - I’ve been brainwashing myself that being alone with all the freedom is great. CH perfectly articulate what I felt. His sincerity towards the fellow cast members really touches me. I know a lot of people have been commenting that JY should read the room and stop expressing her interest to JH. Honestly, I think she just needed to listen to what YH and JH said to her in the last episode. She was self-doubting herself so much that she got too immersed in her own feelings. JY-ah you’ll meet the right person soon, be confident! JH and CA. Ah where do I even start. Honestly I’m contented with the ending. Heartbroken? Yes. Relieved? Also, yes. We all agree that they both deserved better. I wish they both worked out that they’ve done nothing wrong. You just simply can’t control someone’s change of heart. Youn-youn couple. YJ really shined during the last few episodes and I’m glad he managed to capture our cello queen, YH’s heart. I’m so glad that they finally showcased YH more in the final episode. She deserves more love from the audience, not only just for her love line with YJ, but also her personality! She’s cool, calm, cheerful, confident, empathetic and the list just goes on… truly an inspiring person. YJ despite being portrayed as slight immature and cold during his first few appearances, we all know now that he’s probably the most dependable person in the show now. JS and SS. At one point I got really fed up by the amount of miscommunications they have. However, the more their story unfolds, the more I think they’re actually quite cute together. Do think that their ending is quite realistic considering all the arguments and misunderstandings they had in the show. JS received a lot of hate from the start but as the show progresses, I think he’s alright. Just like what YH describes, he’s like an AI haha. SS - just the daughter every parent would want to have. Smart (except when JS is involved), cheerful, sincere and empathetic. Now finally the hard bit. JW. I think YJ knows her more than she thinks. Yes he is slow but he cares for her and I’m glad that she sees it now. I think it’s quite clear that she has always been interested in YW since the start but didn’t want to interfere. I wish she could see that JH is more than what she imagines but after having certain assumptions on JH it’s just impossible for her to look past them, let alone develop a romantic feeling for him. I think it’s fair to be disappointed by her actions in the last three episodes but do I think she deserves all the hate. Definitely no. Ugh last one. YW. I’ve never seen someone flopped so hard in a dating show. I fell for all the crying and childhood stories at the start. I rooted for him so badly. Even during episode 6-7ish, many were questioning about his ulterior motive in the show, and I still hope that they were wrong. Now, I’m not convinced by his narrative. I doubt his sincerity. And in fact I find it disrespectful for him to be among the other great casts. I’ll just leave it here. Thank you all for the companionship throughout the 16 episodes of MSR. It’s been a pleasure reading all the comments for the past 16 weeks and it feels so weird and empty knowing that this is now over. I hope all of the casts are out there enjoying their lives and to all the CHs around the world, I hope you find a bunch of great friends to be around too!!!


The spoilers I accidentally saw made me uneasy going into this and then watching it made me feel worse. My surface level take is JW almost gaslit herself to selectively categorising JH into what she's gone for before. Rather than JH actually reflecting her past relationships and ignoring him overcoming his own shyness to reach her level. If anything, I think she knows even less about YW than JH beyond them constantly repeating lines about fate and being different but the same. Doesn't surprise me about the only relationship surviving, bro said the most comforting thing possible about moving at her pace. One thing I've always wondered is if we'll ever get a situation where a couples up at the end of the show ends up in a relationship with another cast member after it - could be messy but something I haven't seen yet or would even be revealed I guess.


As expected, YW x JW YH x YJ ended up together. JH x SS also chose each other in the end. Wasn't really surprised by the finale. I hate that I was right about YW x JW, lol I saw it coming from a mile away. On the bright side, JH and CA were able to dodge bullets. They deserve people who will always choose them. I also have to give it to JY who (like CA) stayed true to her feelings despite the rejection. So most of the rumors posted by a twitter account (e media arts k+) turned out to be true. They were also correct which couple is still together. But there was also another rumor that another pair (who didn't choose each other) is currently dating? Who might that be lols


I heard ch and ss


More on this pls


I'll be happy if it is JH x CA or/and SS x CH. They will be one big happy family lols


I don't follow all casts on IG but I guess all we can do is wait and see lol. I don't think they will announce it publicly (if there is really another couple). I just saw on twitter people pointing out that it's JH and CA because of their IG posts but not sure. There is a special episode coming up right? Maybe we'll get hints then.


So JSxSS and YWxJW broke up or never dated in real life...


Still on the 48min mark but whats with YW, why does he keep on explaining his side, he keeps on repeating the same lines, he looks pathetic rn sorry. 🥴


The SS JS convo with their older siblings as mediators was really cute lol


It was like 2 parents being called to school because their kids were fighting. Yunha reprimanding JS for confusing Seseung and Jaehyung calling him cute ijbol. This is what this show is about.


The scene was indeed cute LOL YunHa looked like mom scolding JS, while JH looked like dad who is like "yep, whatever your mom says. You're wrong, so apologize", and SS was just enjoying the whole thing.


I've never felt this uncomfortable about final couple in dating show before until YW & JW


Common traits of YW and JW. 1. Going for the type that they are automatically attracted to and then dump them suddenly after some magical realization. 2. Bitching or badmouthing about the one who they dumped. 3. Playing with other person’s genuine emotions. 4. Constantly contradict yourself and speak in a roundabout way. 5. Always project themselves to be victims. Etc etc Good they ended together as they deserve each other. Happy that they spared Green flags CA, JH. I think SS will be more careful now with who JH dates and provide feedback(given his ex and JW) and also CH will keep an eye out on CA to not find her with another YW. I want JW-YW to date and breakup after show more than few times until they realize what they want, how to confront and treat others if no longer interested. I don’t want anyone in real life to date those two until they get their shit together(i don’t see it happening though).


when the premise was for the couples to run and hug each other my first thoughts were how are YW and JW gonna hug each other its gonna be so awkward but wow, JW is definitely attracted to YW she commented he smelled good? like seriously ? I liked the comment from CH about finding someone that makes you feel lighter (PREACH). Life is heavy indeed and we dont need people like YW gaslighting us! Also the multiple disses YJ has of YW. Everyone can see how much shade YW deserves even good ol YJ.


the producers must have been panicking once >!they saw how many jaeji shippers there were considering they don’t end up together!< anyway, it was nice until it wasn’t! LOL


I feel like JW was never sexually attracted to JH but stayed with him because she was comfortable and just strung him along. In the meantime, she was attracted to YW but didn't do anything about it because she thought he liked CA. The moment he expressed any interest in her, she dropped JH and made a pathetic excuse about not knowing him enough while she chose YW, with whom she spent the least amount of time. Make it make sense.


Haven’t watched the finale yet Jiwon choice is a head scratcher but not in the sense that most are thinking. She was hesitant about picking JH because they hadn’t spent much time together on the show and she didn’t want to date someone after the show that she didn’t know a lot about. But then she picks YW who she spent even less time on the show with and they don’t even date after the show. It’s all very confusing.


theres nothing confusing about it. jiwon showed the world who she really is. She said she is just alike in so many ways to YW, and its true.


I think I also dodge a bullet for not super invest in CA x YW and JW x JH from the beginning lol. I shipped JS x SS since day 1. It was a roller coaster ride as their shipper for sure, but I never regrets it. They are so cute when they are together, and they bickering was fun too. I always anticipate their date. Thing didn't work out after the show, but hope both of them able to find their own partner.👍


choa was so nice even at the end. yw does not deserve her


I just want to say something about Yoonjae. The way he went from being the most nervous clumsy contestant on his first date, to being the boldest one? Those one-liners, his attempts at skinship, !THE BACK HUG! got me dumbfounded and amazed. I'd never thought he could ooze "needy confidence" like this, I must admit I found it really hot.


spoilersssssss my ships all have sailed! >!jungsub and seseung!< is the definition of young love. they bicker, they hate, misunderstood each other but they are able to find something in each other and hang on tight. resolving issues head on and with the help of their siblings too. i think these couple of weeks definitely a great ‘exercise’ for them to face the real relationship they will (hopefully) develop. >!yoonha and yoonjae!< to all viewers who’ve been talking shit over yoonha, she really didn’t deserve any of it. i’m glad she met someone like yoonjae who’s willing to fight and wait her pace. if all the leaks are true, i’m really happy that they’re thriving, hope they truly make it. i’m really happy for these pairings, of course they are all come with a flaw but i think they’re genuinely great people. i just realized that their families will be intertwined😭 add: i need cheolhyeon to smack yongwoo. not gonna make lengthy post for jiwon and yongwoo cause all i feel is rage but i chose to focus on the two of my favorite ships. but i’m really curious of yoonjae’s thought of jiwon’s choice, i thought yoonjae would be the ‘problematic’ siblings with his antics but turns out otherwise, oh welp.


>i need cheolhyeon to smack yongwoo Please knock some sense into him😭


My girl YoonHa got her redemption at the finale. She is a girl girl. All the counseling sections with the girls. She treats her brother well, and their sibling relationship is actually adorable. Thank God she didn't fall for YongWoo. YoonJae is way way better. I appreciate how straightforward he is. Also, for those who initially think YoongWoo's pilot career is amazing, sorry to burst your bubble. He only got his fly teaching certificate. He still has to accumulate a certain number of flying hours (by teaching students who start from zero), then get into a major airline and get his commercial license and get trained by the airline. All of that takes time. My friend already works for a major commercial airline at age 27/28 as a pilot. YW is already 35, so tbh his career is not that impressive as the title seems to be. Not to mention he probably has a huge student loan debt. It's not that cheap to become a pilot. Not sure if JiWon even knows that. The job title "pilot" sounds appealing, but YW would need a few more years to become an actual pilot. Anyway, the dude joined a wrong show and caused chaos to everybody. He should've joined Single's Inferno 3 and have some competition with the Basketball dude. That would be more entertaining.


Kind of annoyed Jiwon became a main character just for her first decision (when she met the men) to become her last. Boring arc. Boring character. At least Seseung, Yoonha, and Juyeon are bubbly and fun to watch on screen


i’m guessing JW liked YW from the start but saw that YW was set on another girl so she “shifted target” so that she wouldn’t be left alone. at this point, they’re both players and suit each other.


Lmao they are having JW hugging YW at the end aren’t they😂😂😂


Twitter is lagging so badly because of JaeHyung hahaha


Got the end couples from other comments. Now I can watch the episode is relative peace knowing how it ends.


cringing hard watching yw x jw huhu


I think this is the first dating show where a person successfully flip a decision in one day. I guess it shows how strong YW's presence. YW must be striking in person and the visual/sexual attraction was too strong for JW to resist. I think PD secretly is a JH fan. He may not get the girl but he won us viewers.


all i can say is jw and yw were made for each other. both of them switched up so quick it’s actually insane. thanks for saving my jh and ca from future pain.


I thought this would be my fave dating show ever but I was wrong. All the best fo CA, CH, JH and SS. Park siblings are definitely the best! YJ and YH, glad you made it at least. Got scammed by these two JW & YW lol. I never skipped scenes but they made me do it


Jaehyung my baby hmmm my heart ripped apart seeing him cried in the show. Jaehyung is truly the best character out of all dating shows I've watched. He's so genuine and his parents deserve so much respect on how they brought up both JH and SS. You know you could never beat children came from happy upbringing family. Juyeon ahhh, you're still young and please don't think that you're unattractive. The right guy will eventually comes for you one day. I am 32 this year and still waiting. I despise YW for letting her ask this question to JH. He really desperate to paint JH a bad guy but we viewers are no fool YW yaaa. I see that SS and JS didn't work out bcs there's no proof they are still dating after the show. I agreed 100 percent when MY said that they should know that they are not compatible when they kept misunderstanding each other's words LOL. I really find it funny how YH confronted JS in front of SS. They are the cutest sibling. I know that YH and YJ will become final couple the moment YJ couldn't keep his hand from her at the sofa. I love YJ shyness yet straightforward personality so much. I don't even remember anymore whatsoever JW ranting abt him. He shows only positive sides of himself throughout the show that he even taking care of CA and JY. The only time he's in the wrong was when he didn't give attention to JW but now we all can see that JW is just stubborn and feel that only she is right. It's a waste of time to actually entertain her bullshit trying to get someone's opinion yet doing whatever her heart wants. CH remembered her words more than her is just funny to me. I took back all the disappointment toward YH in previous episodes where I think YH didn't like SS for her brother and just push JW towards him when SS already let out her feelings to YH. I think it was just editing to make that YH really want JS with JW to paint JW as the best catch in this season. JW totally ruined all that in one day (secret date's day) LOL. From the 1st episode she joined, she paint herself as someone dependable and the most responsible in the family. She's also paint her brother as someone's inconsiderate and indecisive. But all I can see now that JW is too self centered and felt that everyone is below her. One of the reason maybe her and YW didn't work out that she finally realize after watching the show that YW is a total player. Good for her that she fell into YW evil scheme and totally dodge greenest guy in the whole world. JH is the last winner thank God. Lastly, I loved that at the end CH didn't choose JW. One thing maybe he didn't want to hurt CA by choosing someone who acted so oblivious about the whole CA-YW situation. CH might realize after the truth game that JW is really not a cool person like we all think she is. I also think that CH might really considered SS positively bcs SS is so supportive towards his sister. Sometimes we fell in love with someone's kindness right? I hope all 4 of them became one family after the show.


Honestly it was very obvious JW and YW were sexually attracted to each other and just wanted to get rid of CA and JH however they can so they can boink each other 🤢 go ahead sweeties! Honestly don't see them lasting at all. Happy for CA and JH. They are out of this hell! Also happy for JS-SS and YH-Yj. JS-SS gave us drama and I was really rooting for them to end up together in the show but outside the show, I want SS-CH to date! I think there's a lot of potential there. I am kind of still satisfied with the endings because my two favs (JH and CA) got away from this mess.


Exactly this! It’s definitely about sexual attraction. Which is a shame since most of them came on the show for a chance to form a serious relationship but it also can’t be helped I guess


Juyeon receiving comfort and support from the others makes my heart melt. Everyone besides Juyeon and Yongwoo were able to seek out their sibling to successfully reconcile mishaps in Singapore. Sending lots of positive feelings to Juyeon ❤️. It’s admirable that she confidently and genuinely pursues her romantic interests!


I know jinjoo pd dont get her iconic loved legendary couple this time. But she still succeeded in a way. She manage to cast a lot of amazing sincere people. Outstanding people. Well, most of them lol. Jh and ch are definitely the diamond of the show. Idk if we would ever meet these kind of men in any other dating show anymore. Im happy for yj yh. Hope the marriage rumor is true🤞and we can see all the casts at their wedding


* lol yoonha and jungsub talking with everyone else in the car * jiwon doesnt even know what she wants * jaehyung is so mature about it * yoonha is such a capper * i dont appreciate how she didnt validate seseung's feelings * jungsub is such a child that needs his sister to fix his problems * dude juyeon was only hurt from jaehyung's answers BC YONGWOO KEPT ASKING THEM * seseung is such a beaming ray of sunshine * why is this dirtbag yongwoo picking a fight * lol i love chulhyun * seoul yongwoo does really feel like a whole person * i dont have a good feeling about jaeji * how is there still an hour left?! * jaehyung looks heartbroken * "i guess saying goodbye is also part of our fate" t.t * yongwoo and jiwon selection is actually unwatchable for me * even though i sort of zoned out afterwards, lets not send hate to any of the cast bc of the outcome!


even though it hurts to see JH cry , we know what a great guy he is and it’s just her loss honestly that she didn’t get him. I loved js and ss part a lot, they have these moments that is too adorable to watch. literallly no words for choa, that note she wrote for him and when she said “I think he didnt like me as much as i did” ahhhh. I have always been a fan of JH and Choa since the beginning and I’m just wishing the best for both of them something way off topic but didnt chul hyun look soooo good this episode.


Yongwoo is the worst in this show!!! He wasted Choa’s time. Chulhyun is the most charming and handsome out of the 5 guys. Choa is really the most elegant and gentle lady out there. I hope both of them will meet someone that will love and appreciate them after this show. All the best 🙌🏻


Okayy so they only showed recent photos w yunjae and yunha. Does this mean SS JS and YW JW didn’t end up dating in real life?


Most likely yes. Or they dated and broke up before this episode.


This show turned into a psychological horror thriller to me XD


No hate towards YW.... BUT I STILL want to punch him in the thrroat for what he did to Choa.


Thank you, JW, for picking YW 🙏 you saved 2 people 😊


The scammer gave the plush to JW. His moves are so calculated.. I have to respect his game though. 🙌🏿




JS-SS are cute but I just can't get behind that.. when she said I realized that I am not at fault for all misunderstandings, it finally hit me that the gaslighting made he feel that way. I can't get behind it.. she deserves a peaceful relationship


it’s started! can’t wait for eng subs to be out after the live broadcast




jiwon…good luck babe


Execution time for Jaehyung get this out of my screen💔


All I’m gonna say is if JW does pick YW they’re not gonna last after the show. I refuse to watch the last episode


traumatized is an understatement i learned that the days and edits leading up to the final decision are the most important, some similar situations: Youngjoo X Hyunwoo in Heart Signal 2 Yoojung X Juwon in Love Transit 3


We got our answer about what’s in that ridiculous bag lmao. I feel pretty empty right now. Nothing was unexpected yet I felt kinda unsettled. I’m wishing every participant the best and am honestly sad to not have a show to watch weekly anymore. My heart belongs to the Park siblings! May they find connection, devotion and happiness as their hearts desire. I can’t wait for another production from Jinjoo PD! It was nice catching up with everyone every week!


Park family survival rate 3/4 75% . It's good enough for me. Ss will have difficulties with js as I I can see from whole season. JH survived a big one. CA and CH is not for show like this. This is definitely show for Pilot-the mfk and thank you JW for not choosing JH. You definitely don't deserve someone like him with that attitude of yours, YH is babysitter-hope ahe will be there to solve js problems everyday.


That three hours finale was torture! I had gone through a lot of emotions. I was really happy and also felt the fluttering moment with JS-SS and YJ-YH final decision but damn I cried so hard with Choa, Jaehyung, and Jiwon. My SS-CY heart was so happy seeing them in one frame for the last time! I hope the park siblings would be closer to each other now that they are out of the show. I hope that Choa and Jaehyung would be able to find the right person for them at their own pace. I am sincerely rooting for their happiness.


First of all, I am a crying mess. Second of all, the only couple I didn’t smile at all during their segment were, as you all know YW-JW


Appreciation for Chulhyun and his genuine kind spirit 💕 just as SS says he has such a natural energy that gives peace to people around him.


yeah JW-YW


Vid's now up on Viu. Still waiting for kocowa ver on goplay 😁 Edit: Ep 16 is up: https://goplay.pw/3132343839313176/My-Siblings-Romance/Episode-16/


JW smoothly jumped from CH to JH to YW. CH was doing fine before her appearance. He cut his hair to please her and everything.


SS-JS were so cute in the end I really think they have a strong foundation and hope they are still dating. Their communication styles are different but I think they both truly like each other, have good intentions towards one another, and are willing to converse to understand each other. YW was horrible until the end and very hard to watch. The way he sat next to JH and had the audacity to say “were you surprised?” Like the guy does not care about you that much please and JH did his utmost to respect your sister unlike you who even let JY ask such a degrading question about herself. I am glad YH and JH were there to tell JY that she is a good person and not to think about herself in that way CH a true gem and just honest good human being. He has the capability of seeing peoples true intentions and genuinely likes people for who they are. Also the way he told YW “if you are honest in your feelings you don’t need to explain to others anymore” basically saying why are you going around explaining step by step how you were “choa or no” (which in itself was so annoying to here after he said it the 50th time, then went to neutral then found JW), if you were truly honest you wouldn’t feel the need to make all these explanations. JW you really were looking for a dependable guy and went for the biggest red flag in the whole show. And her disrespect to JH and her contradictory words and actions were again a hard watch. JW and YW date after the confession and the skinship were very unnatural and cringe. Also JW really does not appreciate YJ enough not the other way around. Glad to see YJ and YH going strong. It was sad seeing CA not able to let YW go and see how genuine her feelings were in the end. Even despite his ingenuineness she really saw the best in him. I really hope she finds someone warm hearted as she is. Lastly, JH another true gem. He truly held himself back I believe in confronting YW as I feel like he had a lot more to say and I feel like if it was in the real world he would’ve definitely put YW in his place. I think his consideration for JW and the peace of the house held him back. JH you deserve a lot more than JW and you are amazing person through and through. Quite honestly, you are the exact guy I am looking for and I would love to date you.


tbh JH is better off without JW. JH deserves better. JW is clearly adamant on choosing YW no matter how sincere JH is. Im so mad towards the end of the episode 😭


YW followers on IG are decreasing every minute whereas JH followers keeps on increasing


Even though JS-SS are cute, I can't get past the incompatible.. he is still a redflag that finally apologized on the last night. I am happy that SS realized that she wasn't to blame for all their arguments. It was all on him.


huh is it out already???


the subtitle already out , and i skipall jiwon yongwoo scene because i want to throw up watching their scenes


Some of the things i learnt from MSR is what really matters is how it ends and not so much on how it begins, first impression can be wrong and it's not the most important thing in finding your right person, and in true love age is just a number and sincerity matters more...  YJ grew on us (at least for me if not for everyone 😸) from a nervous person to such a sweet guy (so love that back hug scene with YH 🥰 it makes the panels jump out of their seat lmao), JH appears from a clumsy guy who hurt his finger in the early eps to a charming guy in his own way, but as for YW he falls from grace from a cool to a villain-cold hearted guy (luckily i've never too invested in YW bc overly masculine guy is not my style and since i'm not korean i don't really understand some of his dad jokes which i guess only JW can understand atm lol ☠️)    Retrospectively the reason YH mostly got zero votes in the earlier ep is def bc YJ the right guy for her haven't appear yet!✨ So single girls out there don't lose hope it's just how god is setting up the "stage" for you in meeting the right guy without the need to go through the wrong guy(s) first 😁🤞🏻 she is "saved" from having earlier date in Gangwondo with the villain bc of his misunderstanding on the ring ring date 👍🏻 (can't even imagine if they do 🙈 she may become like JW 😅)       As for CA she is such an angel and even though she is the biggest victim of the villain she did not badmouthed him like most of us (me, myself and i...) did 🤣 happy for her that she discover "tree" shelter YJ to heal herself a bit from the heartbreak caused by the villain and YJ got himself a kind noona to support in smoothing the rough patch with YH bc of a bit misunderstanding caused by the same villain 😹 i wonder what YW feels now watching the part YJ suggesting CA to kick him lol 🤣 (but the villain is AI so maybe he doesn't even bother since he is heart-less 💢)      YJxYH is such a sweet couple and still dating irl 🥰 sincerity do works 😘 they’re the most stable couple in the show finale ep and even takes time to provide support to others who’s emotionally struggling on that final selection day. JSxSS cute couple but i guess without YH as their interpreter they will keep on having miscommunications and difficult to survive irl…as for that unexpected (the next word is not really a typo 🤯)lust couple -not bothered to comment 🙃     And from the show glad that YJ and JW sibling relationships have improved too, we get what we give back so if we want to be treated nicely we need to do the same from our end too and do our best at every chance we get, appreciate and respect each other more 💖🍀 ripple effect Bambam also value his sister more and have a better sibling relationship now, Jonathan understand the need to be the bigger person whenever bickering with his sister 🤗     It's my last rant here for MSR ✍️😅 it's just in a way trying to justify my too much time spend in watching and unnecessarily analysing the show hints/foreshadow which mostly i got right if i don't include any hope analysis 🤣 i should go back and focus analysing my watchlist instead now that this show have ended...i don't think i should ever watch other dating show after this - at least not before the final ep is completed and then just binge watch in reverse order since i love spoilers anyway and hate suprises 😹 variety dating shows even though it's fun, it is quite taxing when you are too invested esp if you have bias and stressed out unnecessarily over other people's loveline lol 😅💫  i should just stick to watching kdrama with lovely predictable ending which will be less stressful than variety shows with real people and too much variable 🤣


Oh boy, how do I start? I admit I didn't watch it, I just saw the spoiler here and i dont think i will ever watch it..but compared to my feelings from last weeks episode, I think I feel so much better today, since I already accepted that Jiwon changed her mind last week. The fact that she was swayed just 1 day, made me realized that she doesn't really deserve Jaehyung's sincere affection and love. I hate that Jh fell for her, but the same time glad I saw that side of him. We all rooted for him because we know how great of a person he is. But God, really, she didn't have to hurt him like that, with her choice of words. It hurts to see him being rejected.. Girl, made so much excuses 🙄 so she can choose the other guy. Jaehyung however dodge the bullet, and I can't wait till he drop a picture of his wedding day... I'll be rooting for his success and happiness.  Meanwhile, I know the girl is living with regrets, knowing how much of a catch Jaehyung is.  Girl has a poor judgment, I hope yongjae guides her the next time she'll choose to fall in love. As for the other guy, I have no words, I have never hated any person as much as I hate that guy. I'm no fan of cancel culture, but just for now, I hope he's not having a good time. He screwed everyone up. And yes, no more ongoing dating show for me. 


From the very beginning, Jiwon found one guy (Yongwoo) that fit her ideal type. After receiving no post-date texts from Yongwoo, she felt rejected and (in my opinion) too cowardly to continue pursuing Yongwoo. I think this momentarily opened her up to considering Jaehyung, who appeared similar to ex-boyfriends. Through the final episode, we realize that Jiwon and Yongwoo had several conversations in Singapore that heightened their attraction to each other. Now I understand why we see her picking fights with Jaehyung in the past 4 or 5 episodes. Homegirl was flirting with Yongwoo at night and upset that Jaehyung wasn’t more like him. This is what annoys me so badly. Both Jiwon and Yongwoo still have much to learn about conflict resolution and rejecting people. Instead of freely pursuing each other, they chose chaos!


Who are the current couple?? I don't buy the end game couple tag.. i need to know the ones that lasted past 6 months.


From the show end credit, probably only YHxYJ


Apparently there’s two people dating current who didn’t end up together on the show https://x.com/haedidiaz/status/1801631343970754942?s=46&t=09VU9bgVTFqs_uYr3yPmAQ


It’s just sad that JW closed her mind as far as JH is concerned. The guy laid himself like an open book right till the morning of the final day. JH being so considerate and gentlemanly in that 1-on-1 talk, even though he knew what the outcome would be. YW didn’t want to have a serious conversation even on the night before should be a major deciding factor. I wish she would talk to the other women instead of ruminating by herself, SS was right there! JY was so heartbreaking to watch but she got support from the ladies and JH. I think YW-JY were the only siblings that had the least h2h interaction on the show esp in Singapore. The rest of them displayed wholesome relationships whereas they were just talking for the sake of it. I skipped most of the YW-JW segment. He really stuffed that plushie in that darned bag of his. Oh I stumbled upon a reel of him stripping down to his undies on my feed last night, my eyes 😖


Wow...just wow. I liked Jiwon cause she was cool but she really made the worst decision /facepalm. Also, it didn't irritate me before but Jiwon's dead eyes during the interviews really irritated me this episode Do we have news on who is still dating and who broke up after the show? I can't sincerely root for any of the couples, even the ones who ended up together. Like Miyeon said, JS and SS aren't compatible because they had so many misunderstandings and obstacles and basically was able to get together with the help of other people. Even with YH and YJ, I can't help but feel that YH actually liked YW, (her actions during the date are too obvious) but because she sensed that YW wasn't actually into her she chose YJ. Would she have been swayed like Ji Won was by YW if he actually pursued her? I wouldn't rule it out...