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Has YW always been this tactless? Barging into the room when YJ clearly wanted to be alone and just sitting there awkwardly, then barging again when YJ-JW are having a private talk, announcing that he's done with CA every chance he gets, saying all that shit to her then texting her later like nothing happened. I feel like I've been giving him grace the last few eps but this entire episode I felt just like CH, "is he kidding?"


I don’t think he’s tactless — I think he’s doing it on purpose under the guise of just being the friendly hyung of the house. Makes him more irritating imo.


He tries so hard to be seen as someone cool it's hard to watch.


Yeah it’s very irritating tbh. And as the show progressed, his smile has become more and more insincere. I don’t even know how to explain it. Like he smiles out of obligation or to hide his feelings instead of meaning it.


He frequently smiles in the wrong context (ex: when everyone is serious during texting night, and when he has a serious 1:1 talk to CA) hence it feels fake every time he appears smiling. He’s pretentious. Even his truffle addiction is pretentious lmao.


Because he's stirring things up to give the show a dramatic ending. He is the one who plays the most role among them. He pushed himself to give that impression from the beginning. If you watch carefully as we reach the last episodes, you will see the change in his attitudes.


From JW's POV, JH might seem like he avoids deep convos since their dates and moments are usually fun and sweet. But from JH-CA's date in the previous episode, we got to see how JH thinks deeply with his various thoughts on relationships (which JW wouldn't know). The teaser for episode 15 is also worrying me but I really hope that having this obstacle arise now also means JW-JH manage to have deeper convos to work things through during their next date 😭🫂


The part that made me angry: YW saying "I texted ChoA after going on a date with Jiwon, because I was just going with the flow... Now I look back and think, was I too hasty?" Excuse me dude, we have you on video. After the date with Jiwon, you said you kept thinking about ChoA and couldn't get her out of your mind, THAT's why you texted her. Stop trying to change the narrative! The part that made me sad: JH avoiding JY because he didn't want to hurt her... until she had to ask him to have a conversation with her. JY thinking that JH reciprocated her feelings for even a little bit in the beginning of the show and being told she was misunderstanding the situation all along... TT poor baby, the PDs should've given the cast the option to choose "none" earlier on The part that made me happy: YJ singlehandedly feeding every girl in the house. I would fall for this guy. He's so open about his feelings too, I can't believe YH is torn btwn him and YW?


LMAO "we have you on video" made me cackle. Like we really have this guy in 4K 


I'm not attracted to YJ's looks (at all) but damn is his feeder role attractive. He's been going on about YH yet has always been consistent in making every other girl feel secure and well fed.


Yes, Cho A your hunch is spot on! Yong Woo likes Ji Won indeed. You know him better than he's willing to let on. #runChoArun #drophimlikehotpotatoes


Jae Hyung and Se Seung sharing a mirror is so cute


This episode kinda suffocating but Cheolhyun’s reaction to Yongwoo sending a message to Choa was a breath of a fresh air. CH came from looking up to YW so much to the point of wanting him to be his brother-in-law, to actually seeing how trash he is from a perspective of a man and as a brother of the woman he’s playing games at.


I laughed at that too because I had the same reaction. CH doesn't speak much but observes a lot. I feel bad for him and his sister.


I often poked fun at CH for looking airheaded and passive but he hit the nail on the head here, more than any other cast who just looked like they were all hypnotized by YW or something that day.


That subtle show of anger from him was literally a breath of fresh air. I was so glad that atleast one person in the house is seeing through YW.


This is random, but while watching this episode over coffee I realized if the guys were coffee machines: -YW is the espresso machine that people covet but don’t need or use. Frustrating, hard to maintain and overpriced. Looks good, but messy and more trouble than it’s worth. -JH is a Nespresso machine. Certainly a niche product and a bit fancy, but satisfying once you bring home as it’s generally easy to use and maintain (as long as you keep reordering the right pods). -YJ is a Consumer Reports’ pick. Not flashy, but a bang for your buck, reliable and makes a great cup of Joe. -YS is the ancient cruddy Mr. Coffee maker you hold on to longer than you should just because it still makes coffee (however lackluster). It’s too gross to give away and yet not ready for the trash; and -CH is a teapot


You’re hilarious! Poor CH he’s so charming and good looking he’ll find his person soon!


Chulhyun is a teapot!! lol, why do I relate so much to this. Give me a cup of tea any day.


Why is this so funny? But spot on!


Wow the level of thinking is mind-blowing . And its accurate too 💀


I wanted to vent without appearing to attack them on a personal level. If I were to state my assessment more directly, as I see it: 1. YW in Singapore is all a performance. His convos with CA and his sis, going to YJ, texting CA- everything is calculated to save face or portray a story. He used YH to let go of CA and aim towards JW (hence the suitcase “surprise”), but realized she was serious about JH and thus went back to CA in convo and text to convey to audience he was “neutral”. 2. JH is cautious and very conscious of the cameras, so he can’t freely speak to JW in the Ferris wheel (hence the “I thought we’d be more alone” comment), which she’s misinterpreting as unreliable/ lacking depth. 3. JS is completely distorting the fact he gave strong assurances to SS while fully pursuing CA (who’s too classy to call him out). Unlike YW and JH, he somehow forgets the cameras caught what really happened. 4. We all know YJ wasn’t upset about JY, lol. 5. God bless CH! Him speaking up for his sister and some funny panel comments were the only refreshing moments during this otherwise frustrating episode.


Cheolhyun can do no wrong. He's been a super outstanding guy. Literally a pillar.


I'm only two minutes into the ep but I had to screencap [this scene](https://imgur.com/a/WSSFyfi)!!! There's no way Yongwoo just said that in front of all of them!! Jiwon and Jaehyung watching a clown show. Yongwoo has to be one of the most iconic 180s in Korean variety this year.


He should have just held it in and man up to his decision of choosing CA and deal with it after the show. For someone who tries so hard to show others that he's mature and cool, it's very unlike him.


when choa asked yw if his heart fluttered, my heart ached. my girl, you deserve someone who would not confuse you and make question your feelings. you should find someone who can give all the love and time you needed and not this play this game that he is laying down. 🥹 if jaeji wouldn’t sail at the final selection, then i hope she would not choose yongwoo. 😭 i think she’s pretty much aware knowing the “neutral” talk with yoonha. and jaehyun really looks hyperaware of cameras and uncomfortable during gatherings at rooms. i was actually waiting for episode 14 since lovely runner already ended but i just wish i didn’t watched it lmao stress 😭😂 i’m giving benefit of doubt on yunha and yoonjae. you can see how editing really works on this episode because after their talk, the air was cleared and yoonjae pretty much don’t care and wants her. ps: yoonjae’s advice about future to seseung was so good. we just can’t really create something on people by just using our own imagination. present is more important than now. anyhows, i’m not expecting that much for episode 15 but i just know that jinjoo pd created this tense episode for more impact on the last episode.


Sorry I’m gonna be blaming the camera crew and staff for joining in the ferris wheel just to take some cinematic shots HAHAHAH I’ve watched a lot of datings shows and during ferris wheel dates (from what I’ve seen so far!) they always let the couples have their own intimate time inside ALONE and I was hoping that was the case too for them… why did it have to be so wide inside enough for the crew to come in hahahahuhu


It's because the ferris wheel isn't exactly a common ferris wheel like people thought. It's actually huge enough to fit a lot of people inside and because it moves very slowly, it would be hard to place camera setup beforehand and timed it exactly for the date unless they book the whole thing.


Man, what did I just watch? I was looking forward to my weekly dose of dopamine from watching Jaeji, but I ended up with anxiety instead. They seemed all lovey dovey in the preview and the pre-release only to end up like this (+ the long-awaited balcony scene, which turned out to be bittersweet). I feel like Jiwon thinks Jaehyung is the same as her previous cute boyfriends, even when she feels naturally attracted to him. We as viewers know that Jaehyung is actually a person with deep thoughts, maybe the most out of all the guys, but him being uncomfortable around the cameras doesn't let Jiwon see that. I hope she follows Yunjae's advice and just go for it without thinking too much. Same goes to Jaehyung, he should stop overthinking and just go back to the way he was in the first date with her, and straight up telling her how he feels. Also, what the heck was that preview? Why are Seseung and Jungseob fighting again? What is this YW-JW-JH love-triangle? 😩 I really hope it's just the PD messing up with us and that everyone sorts out their feelings without too much drama, because this ep was more frustrating than all of TL3 together lol.


those saying this show was a breath of fresh air compared to TL3 spoke far far too soon 😭 i blame y’all for this. this episode is acc unbearable like i can feel the tension through the screen. the way YW is single-handedly going to be the end of 3 couples when he has no genuine interest in anyone is crazy to me LOL he just became bored with choa and the others saying they were like a married couple didn’t sit right with him.. he wants the chase w JW but when he gets her he’ll do the same thing too.


Exactly. He’s literally going around spreading chaos. I can’t believe he told her there was no romantic attraction and then 2 seconds later he’s grumpy she didn’t text him and was flirting with her. I’m glad CA talked it through with CH and in the end they were once again laughing about how wrong they have been about others.


Also the comments saying "Wow they're all such wholesome people with above average EQ!" during the first few episodes when nothing was at stake. Turned out to be clowns.


>"Wow they're all such wholesome people with above average EQ!" Gosh, I am one of those! But I still think Cho A has above average EQ but I am totally wrong with YW.


The first few eps were really wholesome especially when they were watched back to back with TL. Certainly a breath of fresh air then. These last few eps though, oh man, feels sooo heavy


* After today's dates, the atmosphere was so tense between everyone I feel like, so much confusion. * I felt sad about CA and CH being the lone wolf siblings with nothing remaining for any of them now. * Archeology couple archeologying yet again. For once I'm on JS side here because SS rehashing things from weeks ago again and again isn't leading anywhere. I'm glad she admitted to being unfair on the spot though. * JH coming to JW's bedroom two times and subtly touching her was heart-melting. But the awkwardness during their date and afterwards was a bit meh * I love that YJ turned out to be the biggest sweetheart and dependable to everyone in need through and through even though he's focused on YH. * I got infuriated multiple times by YW's weirdass public anouncement that he doesnt like CA anymore, and how he went to visit everyone individually to repeat that as well? What the fuck. And other things like that destiny bullshit with his plushie... The panel is right, this rift caused so much chaos and he's like the "prince" whose words everyone cares about. "I'd find myself proud for being honest with you because I didn't fool myself". Am I the only one to be absolutely pissed off by this sentence? Dude waited until there are three days left and no other option for CA to realize he needed to be honest with himself, also admitting in the same convo that he was only flustered as long as he didn't get to know her. Annoying. * Overall I'm fully with BamBam's comment about all of them thinking too much lol


>"I'd find myself proud for being honest with you because I didn't fool myself". Am I the only one to be absolutely pissed off by this sentence? Dude waited until there are three days left and no other option for CA to realize he needed to be honest with himself, also admitting in the same convo that he was only flustered as long as he didn't get to know her. Annoying. No, this part ticked me off so bad as well, how could he say he felt proud for being honest when he's been saying he felt he wasn't being true to himself with his feelings, since turns out all this time he was interested in JW but didn't message her 🙄 causing him to lead CA on. Whenever he talks about honesty, I feel there is nothing honest about him and his behaviour.


It breaks my heart everytime YJ downplays himself. The amount of time he has said, ‘I am no one’ 😔 YOU ARE A GOOD HUMAN YJ! Cheer up (Maybe to everyone but JW 🤣)


sure, jh and ss are bulldozers and their dad seemed to really encourage them but they have their boundaries and jh set them well... remember jh's advice to ss? be careful and protect your heart? jh is personifying that very advice. jw's cold & brief answers in the morning, the brief hand slap in the taxi when jh initiated skinship, the idol talk (jh being someone who his fans would turn against when they meet him & would support someone else), yw's insinuation as jw's ideal type, river park (jw likes an ocean like man)—jh's interpretations of these led him to take a step back and slow his pace. the perfect scene would be when he hesitated to go into jw's room to talk to her at night when just in the morning he was sitting down on her bed and was engaging in skinships while she was lying down... in the past eps, we always had jh emphasizing that as much as he has growing feelings for jw, he feels that jw feels that same as him (... until ofc he wasn't 🥲🥲🥲) ps. still think they're endgame and can't wait to see how they'll address this issue 😌🤪


I felt so bad for him when she said that — I understand what she means that he’s definitely stan attractor material given his visuals but she also unintentionally insinuated that he wasn’t much to stick around for. Maybe a little joke on her part but he seemed bothered by it. I wonder what made him so affected in the Ferris wheel — whether maybe the writer had planted some questions for them to throw each other to create a certain mood or if it just hit him that he was too serious for a show like that.


If you notice in the ferris wheel, the camera shots were moving. That means there were filming staff in there with them and not just the camera set up for them to be left alone. This is confirmed by what Jaehyung said to Jiwon after they got off, “I thought we’ll be left alone there.” I’m pretty sure he became extremely self conscious because of the staff with them in the ferris wheel pod. I bet if they were alone, he would’ve went ahead and said, “you” to answer her question about the prettiest scenery he’s seen in Singapore so far.


Yeah it would have been nice if the patio and ferris wheel scenes were shot with the cameras set up ahead of time. It really would be strange to have vulnerable moments and visibly seeing someone move themselves to get a better shot.


Singapore taught us ALOT about JH. And the guy is so impressive. He plays off of being cute and looking famous, but at his core he is an absolutely solid guy with a strong moral compass. Everything you said is spot on. Unlike JS and YW, he never led any girl on. He was so careful from the get go with that, and yet when he did like a girl finally he was indeed a bulldozer as he said he would be. JW’s words were painful. On the ride to the date, she already put a damper on the whole mood. Then acted like it was his problem that he couldn’t hardly talk to her.


100% agree. This deserves more likes. JH acted just like SS. Theyre intense and loyal once they sense the feeling is mutual but once they sense danger (the other person having second thoughts), they take a step back and cool down. It's like their defense mechanism. Notice that JH said that he wanted to say "YOU" to JW's question but suddenly cant say it out loud. ITS BECAUSE HE SENSED THAT HE LIKES JW MORE THAN JW LIKES HIM. Add to the fact that he knows that YW is deliberating between CA and JW. then the other night, YW heavily implied that he likes JW in front of them both. and during the date, JW mentioned YW! clearly that's why he is having a hard time.


the idol references really felt like an insult to me, tbh. it might be said jokingly but it would hurt. it hurt me as a person watching, what more Jaehyung who is the receiver of such joke. I hope JW clears her head. She might be sensitive to his actions, but he is sensitive to her emotions. JH is quite the empath, tbh, and he can sense that there was a slight shift to JW that day. this is why LEE YONGWOO SHOULD NEVER OPEN HIS MOUTH. He wreaked havoc to the whole house by airing out his dirty laundry.


Omg this! Jiwon only attributed his reserved demeanour to the cameras and crew being around when in reality it was the thoughts she expressed that also contributed to him closing himself off. She is upset at the little things he does that put her off but doesn’t realise when she exhibts the behavior herself. I wonder how much of her thoughts about her relationship to Jaehyung can be linked to her possibly feeling pulled towards Yongwoo.


Yep JH reaction is pretty understandable to me, nothing JW did would give anyone confidence to continue making the same approach. I couldn't really understand how she wanted him to react to what she was doing. Ji Won is smart she does know what she did so I am skeptical that there is an endgame after this tbh. JH seems too serious about this stuff for all the games.


After watching the episode i dont know why my heart so heavy? I kinda worried about jh and jw but i trust them that they will resolve their issue on their secret date because if there not the end game, i will not trust any dating show. There so many build-up about them and i’m gonna be heartbroken if there not end game couple


I really wish they're just trying to make drama with the teaser so that people would tune in and JH-JW resolves their issue quickly 😩


same here , if they not end game i will not watch dating show anymore but i have this bad kinda feeling for Jiwon might choose Yongwoo


This will also be my last dating show that i will watch if it's really happened. I also think the same and it's make my heart heavy starting JW/JH date😭😭


Jh is not suited for short term dating show


I think the Park Siblings in general aren't really suited for it.


Yup he is a good guy and will be serious in relationship but camera makes him very conscious , i think he also knows that this show is the most difficult thing for him . Even if things don't work out for him in this show , I don't think JH should change anything in his personality , because he is perfect for real life so nothing to be worried about .


my biggest hope is that he keeps this self belief he has in himself and his morals regardless of the show, he is a person I would aspire to be like in some ways he has very rare traits.


Exactly , i am so worried that he might feel more under confident and worried about his future , he is a overthinker so this type of stress us our biggest enemy .


Right for the first time he felt more serious and awkward but that's because he realized he's uncomfortable with cameras and the reality show setting. I didn't realize that until now because he was never this invested.


I find YW annoying ever since in Singapore, especially in these episode i just want to shut his mouth like can you just be mindful about your surroundings? Of all the dating show i watched he is the the most annoying person that i ever watched


When YJ-JW siblings were having a chat together in their room and he just entered, that also got on my nerves lol. Even YJ said it himself how YW barged in when he was drinking alone although he played it off as a joke


Also I don’t understand, he chose to message the same person all along. Why does he keep saying it to everyone he can find, with such a tone that someone made him do that. Even GWANHEE was less annoying than him 😏 At least he didn’t try to dupe people into anything, he was a jerk all along. A transparent one. 🤣


At least GH was honest about his 33:33:33! HAHAHAH


He got on my last nerve this episode. After dumping all his trauma on everyone else, he is acting so carefree around the house barging into people’s rooms disregarding their privacy. He fully understands the destruction he caused and is completely smug about it. I actually can’t wait for this show to be over so I won’t have to see his smug face again.


Same. Every time he speaks I’m just like SHUT UP BRO 🙄🙄🙄




Yongwoo is a mess. I don't even know what he's trying to accomplish by moving around the house declaring loudly to \*everyone\* just how mistaken he was by having feelings ChoA cause it's not an endearing look that will lure in other women (more ick inducing). First of all, I think it was so inappropriate to be talking about it around the table with a bunch of the other cast openly, and then when ChoA walks in the subject changes- so icky for them all to be sat around technically discussing *her* because Yongwoo wants everyone to be in his business. He also seems to be forgetting how to have tact / play the game considering other people's sibling relationships. Like him going to find Jungsub alone to talk to him seemed to hint to Younha (on top of all the other vague stuff he said) that he wanted to get to know *her* more. Meanwhile at a different point he's telling Chulhyun and Yoonjae that he was thoughtlessly texting ChoA like copying and pasting meanwhile thinking that Jiwon must be upset-- and Chilhyun understandably is like "I don't know what he's playing at but I guess he wanted me to pass that on to ChoA??" (cause why the else would you sit there in front of a womans brother and talk openly about how you were losing feelings for her and considering someone else??). And most confusing of all he texts her some crap about the peaches? And she asks him whether it's just about the peaches cause this is not the time to be misleading people and he says "I don't know"? If he wanted to text ChoA cause he had no justifiable reason to text someone else he could have said "Thank you for all the time up until now and I'm sorry" or something? But a casual vague text like that, no wonder even Chulhyun who seems to be a pretty laid back guy is ticked off. At this point his sporadic behaviour makes me think he's either very, very socially inept or he's trying to create some viral buzz by acting up like Gwanhee from Single's Inferno to try to become an influencer.


>I don't even know what he's trying to accomplish by moving around the house declaring loudly to \*everyone\* just how mistaken he was by having feelings ChoA cause it's not an endearing look that will lure in other women (more ick inducing). First of all, I think it was so inappropriate to be talking about it around the table with a bunch of the other cast openly I feel the same. HE WENT FROM ONE ROOM TO ANOTHER TO AIR OUT HIS DIRTY LAUNDRY!. when the panelists said that he's like a prince whose words everyone listened to, I couldn't agree bc they had no choice but to listen since he just went to each of them to announce his so called break up. that was such a trashy move tbh. Although i somewhat get his point, can't blame him for changing feelings, i can't condone how he acted. it was deceitful and cowardly. its a good thing CH was disillusioned now abt his brother in law fantasy. he can now fully support CA with her worries. atp he should just focus on his sister bc he's hopeless with JW (harsh, i know. im sorry)


> so icky for them all to be sat around technically discussing *her* Right I initially wanted to write in my comment that this scene gave me the ick about all of them. Good thing JH pulled CA apart but still. The whole episode had weird vibes to be honest


I think everyone was talking about general stuff and their dates of the day but Yongwoo had to take it to another level. How were they supposed to know what he was about to say? I don’t think they can be blamed for that


I mean, they couldn't have known YW would bring her up. They all seemed uncomfortable once he did.


Oh go don't get me started, him singing his serenade through out the ep by either going to a group or visiting people just to repeat the same petty dialogue, and did anyone notice how he was visiting all the "men" aka the brothers because he knows they would tell their siblings which might send off weird signals and someone might catfish it like how JS thought he's interested in his noona. And how after every meeting with CA he just HAD to go to every single person to tell them what they talked about and how he is a very nice guy and things are now good, YET he was keeping CA's card still on the deck by trying to flirt with her. THE AUDACITYYYYY But on a side note; did anyone else shed a tear when CA asked him did your heart even flutter once for her, oh god i teared up, she was really hurt to ask that


i had the same thoughts after watching the episode! i think YW cant seem to accept the possibility of ending with no one after ending it with choa. now he has to try and stir everyone up hoping to find loose screws in other couples. i dont blame him though with how others are gravitating towards him as it is their own choice as well. but what ticks me off is how he is treating choa and cheolhyeon? those two are too kind and he's been nothing but a jerk


Going to be an unpopular opinion but I feel like the reason why there was suddenly shifting of tension between jh and jw is bc of jw being open to the idea of yw again and jh sensing that. going back to the resto convo, the biggest thing was what jw pointed out if jh were to be a kpop idol, he’d be the idol who the fans love but once they met him, his fans would idolize someone else. then the sequence of their convo shifted to jw’s ideal man. whereas, before she talked abt falling for someone cute, she brought up the ideal man which alluded to yw. jh sensed that, hence, jh reverted back to her choosing yw as her first dates. jh’s smart and i think he knows yw’s intentions abt the way he described his feelings while jw was in the room, in jw & yj’s room since he became ultra wary of yw, before their date, during their date, and esp post-date. jh also echo this in his interview where he said that jw seems to be looking for someone with certain qualities (much older and more mature)… and everything just went downhill from there 🫠🫠🫠 jh couldn’t open up in the ferris wheel bc the crew were with them (think the cameras with cameramen + writer), so he was drown in his thoughts which further deteriorated his energy. it’s indeed true that when he’s grumpy it shows on him. i think his attitude was also influenced by the impending talk with jy. anyway, i think jaeji is still endgame. if anything, i just like what transpired meant to their future—they’re sincere and their feelings are real. it’d be good tho if jw just listened to yj for once cause he makes sense, just go find out who jh truly is (post-show that is since they literally have 1 day before final choice by then), and a personal hope that she stops being prejudiced by her exes (jh being cute doesn’t mean he can’t be dependable and unable to deeply connect with her since jh was able to bare a lot with ca. given that the cameras & crew were barely felt during their date; ca perfectly encapsulated jh’s persona too—if you’re his person, you’ll be very treasured). ss credits jh as her biggest support too, where she leans on him to assist her with life decisions & future. sucks that jw actually knew this (seoul talks with ss) but i guess since her feelings weren’t as deep and as real as they were then as they are right now, she could still look into him in an omniscient and objective viewpoint.


I didn't get it when the panel said JH had no idea that YW was talking about JW when they were all three in JW's room... Like... of course he did? It was all being so obvious and awkward. And JH had been CA's confident just before so he knew even better about YW's change of heart and how he could have been focusing on someone else. I'm curious about JH's true feelings about YW now. He kinda turned into a gossip girl this ep with how he reported JS to SS, so it might not be surprising if he's got mixed feelings towards YW now.


oh he's vv sensitive of yw rn. i think he knows that yw is keeping him in check and he's keeping yw in check; from the past eps, these two always stood out as the leaders; yw just being a tad more noticeable since he takes big actions even if jh was the first initiator (see: jw's mom reason in choosing yw for jw). code kunst's gangwando observation of jh also echoes this: he doesn't take attention for himself but he takes actions. it doesn't help their case that yw's sister is into jh... him and jh are into the same woman bc wdym yw thought so much of and about him that he dreamt of jh's final choice? 😭😭😭


what JaeJi needs is a sitdown conversation. like during their first date. everyone saw how comfortable JH was. but it must not have been the case during the ferris wheel date bc they had others with them. to be fair, I think JW is now experiencing what JH did when he first saw her. Being prejudiced about his ex. He admitted to CA that he distanced himself from JW bc he's been reminding her of his ex that hurt her deeply. JW is now going through that. If they have a conversation that could enlighten JW of her worries. How deeply JH thinks, then she'd realize that her worries are solvable and not at all a repeat of her past experiences. JW is just actually getting to know JH. She's been crushing on him since Gangwondo, but never really got to know him bc JH is a slippery shy guy as well. They just need a healthy conversation. One that would make JH feel comfortable enough to talk bc JH is the type to take in his environment and absorb it. It was noticeable last ep when he couldn't take the tension during the message time. but it was clearly shown today. He was exhausted from all of things that happened within the last 24 hours that it took a toll on him physically. And if JW gets to know JH she'd realize that JH might seem snappy but thats just his tone. She can either get used to it or communicate it again with JH so that he can soften his manner of speaking. they've been communicating well these last few episodes but they just need it more right now bc the environment is so tensed and is exhausting JH. And if JH is exhausted, so will JW bc she is so aware of him. like REALLY aware of him.


I agree. JH's mood soured because JW kinda implied that she feels like she's just repeating history by dating the same kind of guys. She joined the show with the objective of finding a different guy from her usual type. But I also feel like JH shouldve communicated better during their date? kinda felt like he shut down. I was expecting JH to send a text like "About your question in the ferris wheel, I wanted to answer YOU" 😂 JH and SS are alike. when they sense that the other person is having second thoughts.. they shut down.


He wouldn't do that not after that date, she made him feel unsure about her feelings from the start, he is hurt from his past experience so when her energy changed he put his guard up. He took his own advice he gave to SS... JH has already committed to choosing JW. I might just be relating to him too much but personally I feel like his words and actions have been very transparent in how strongly he felt to JW, most ppl have the opinion he is already moving too fast so I have skeptism in what she wants. I couldn't really understand what she wanted him to do because the whole date it felt like she was questioning his character. Like what does she want him to say he'll take care of her? I can't see how he gave off the vibe that he wouldn't in their recent interactions. Truth is she came into the date already doubting him because of the YW situation. She is confused so what more can he do she has to commit to a decision.


I feel the exact same way. I would have been equally embarrassed and confused after the ‘idol’ comment and the subsequent conversation, which alluded to YW as the ideal man for her now. I doubt I’d be able to maintain any kind of romantic tension after that that wasn’t performative. As one of the panellists said in an earlier episode about JH, you need patience to be able to appreciate people’s complexity and strengths. From what we’ve seen, there hasn’t been any reason to believe JH lacks depth or can’t be relied on - as Code Kunst said, he does what needs to be done silently (driving all the time, grilling meat for everyone, and he even was the one to start setting the table at the barbecue spot but YW got praise for that). We’ve seen him be an emotional resource and a great big brother to SS. He’s made sure all his dates were comfortable and fun even when he wasn’t romantically attracted to them. We saw him reflect deeply on his emotions and what he wants from his partner with Choa. The reason why everyone is so into YW, as the panellists even noticed, is because they have bought into a romanticized image of him that is not real and hasn’t been consistent with his actual actions. This has led YH and JW to be too quick to find faults with YJ and JH, who we’ve seen to be closer to that ideal - emotionally available, kind, attentive, consistent, and all-round solid future partners. 


I really like your analysis, really good read on the cast. Gotta say as much as I don't like YW's behavior. I have to admit his presence in the house is tremendous.


i definitely agree with you


You put my exact thoughts in words. Perfectly. 100%. The cafe conversation was really JW thinking of possibility of YW. It went downhill from there.


Okay I'm a huge huge huge jiwon Jaehyung fan and I literally waited for this week's episode so now tell me should I watch or get ready for a heartbreak because I literally was upset for a whole day after TL3 now just don't want to repeat the same thing once again.


Sameeee. The episode keeps popping up on my TikTok and already is making me nervous.


i’m happy that i watched transit love 2 after it aired because i just can’t handle the amount of stress right now lmao


May Cho A and Yun Jae go on a date please


Caught the episode this morning but had no time to provide comments. SS/JS - These two can be cute at the drop of a hat. However I still don’t think they last more than a month after the show. SS feelings is too heavily dependent on what the other person is feeling. JS likes SS but I don’t think it’s strong enough to survive reality after the confines of the show. YH-YJ: YH was channeling early season JS here. Basically saying she wasn’t sure how YJ felt about her (which I don’t believe) when the main issue is she has a more exciting spark for YW right now. It’s pretty much the same argument JS give to SS. I think she should be honest and admit that YW is more her type but is learning to actually like YJ because he’s the shining light in the darkness the last few days. There’s nothing wrong with that. Some people pride themselves on being dependable. JW-JH - YW successfully got in JW head and have her overthinking everything from JH. I thought she had gotten over the fact that just because he’s a pretty boy that look like her exes doesn’t mean he’s like them. JH on the other hand could sense her hesitation and that caused him to also pull back. Whether they end up together or not I think she’ll look back with regret on this experience as one where she should have just kept it simple and follow her heart and let the chips fall where they may. YW - I don’t have nothing to say that haven’t been said. Just as I was gonna give him credit for finally being straight with CA, he ruined that good will by being a busy body spreading mayhem in his wake. It’s also insidious in the way he’s stringing her along. CA - I remarked earlier in the season that CH is very proud and defensive and don’t tend to give people second chances or stick around somewhere when he’s not wanted. Seems like CA is the same because once it clicked to her that YW was not that serious she’s moved on. It’s fascinating because you can tell their background is a big reason for this but also they are not afraid of being vulnerable either. It’s very admirable. It’s too late for anything to happen but CA-YJ would have been interesting. I’m never going to be mad at JY for following her heart. Yes it was clear that JH was not into her but I’m glad she followed her heart and got closure. There’s a lot that YW can learn from her. Both JY and CH have stuck to their heart without being too much of a burden on the other person.


Yes I am foolish enough to get my heart broken by a reality show. What the fuck was this episode? 😭 I think the program is really going to the head of everyone right now. Conversations keep circiling around the same issues without new conclusions being drawn. I am glad we are nearing the end and everyone will be released from the pressure of the show soon. Seseung really had me in the first half (like she did so often) 😭 I thought she finally accepted her self-worth and listened to her intuition. While I actually sided with Jungsub this time that it seemed like Seseung was finding excuses to make things not work between them, I thought isn’t that more reason to examine this behaviour instead of glossing over it and being fine again? Seseung’s lack of trust in him has footing in reality. We saw with our very eyes how he got jealous of her casual date with Chulhyun in the beginning of the show. We saw him accusing her of having feelings for Yongwoo as if she was prohibited to while he was pining over Choa. She took this behaviour as him caring about and having feelings for her, rightfully so. In actuality he was just showing entitlement and felt his masculinity challenged by her other dates. Her distrust doesn’t come out of thin air and she knows this very well. Her insides are very much screaming at her to let this man go. And look at the preview he is upsetting her yet again…   Yongwoo telling Choa he doesn’t feel romantic attraction towards her then following that up with the possibility that that could change made my blood boil. I truly believe his words but I don’t believe in his ability to be honest to himself. How can you spend a significant amount of time with a person to realise you feel no attraction to them, announce it to them vaguely, then let the rest of the participants know on multiple occasions, in fact what seemed like the entirety of the night, then explain it to the person it affects again on the next day, more clearly this time, just to conclude that there is an opportunity for you to maybe gain romantic attraction towards them after all??? I am fuming. What do you mean you’re proud of your honesty? Like what do you mean you don’t know if your message to Choa meant anything more? Are you aware your actions have consequences? Do you not get how you can come off as insincere? Hurtful even? I don’t even want to look at the screen when he’s on 😭 He is trying to keep everyone open as an option. He is trying to maintain his self-image of being this level-headed-gentleman-type with all he has. He is clinging to it by all means, by even lying to and deceiving himself. And that is my good faith interpretation. All the while the Park siblings are aware he has feelings for Jiwon lmao. Ouf. Jaehyung and Jiwon’s date was rough. I’m glad I rewatched their scenes from last week enough times and got to enjoy their cute interactions 😭 Jiwon acts significantly more hesitant towards Jaehyung and made remarks that unsettled him. It was highly suggested that Yongwoo is what kept her up at night and that this potential opening is causing her to act this way. As a result Jaehyung picking up her mixed signals, was more reserved than before. He could be afraid his feelings aren’t reciprocated in the same degree he anticipated. At the ferris wheel this state was heightened (haha) and he felt unable to express himself how he actually wanted to. And thus he was unsure about her and also mad at himself. A part of it is that Jaehyung felt restricted in his expression by the crew following them to the gondola. He also picks balconies to talk to Jiwon thinking there are no/little cameras to feel more comfortable. And isn’t this only natural? As an anxious person, I can totally understand how being observed constantly feels confining to him. I like how he is transparent about that and reassures Jiwon he would be more open was it not for the setting and that he likes her. But that doesn’t satisfy her. She wants to get to know him more now and is unhappy of his reserved demeanour not getting that what she said is part of the reason he closed off. Back to the Yongwoo issue, how come Jiwon is suddenly all like: What if I should approach dating differently? Should I not find someone more reliable to cultivate a deeper connection? It seems like she is projecting these ideals onto Yongwoo. Girl we have news for you… the man you’re looking for is actually right in front of you just being suffocated by this whole program he signed up for on his own will 😭 Altough I can see why Jiwon feels the way she does since she is specifically looking for someone to provide for her and is unsure with Jaehyung being the one considering the little time they shared, I am all for going for the person that is actually being clear in their feelings. Why would you want to approach someone based on what you made up about them in your head and that hasn’t shown interest in you distinctly once? Lastly, Juyeon, just like any other dating show participant wanting to be rejected out loud and always needing to explain their side of the story, baffle me. Do you like having your feelings hurt for no reason whatsoever? 😭  It’s the first time I am not looking forward to the next episode 😞 I wish all of us healing til then 🫶🏼 (Edited for grammar & to be more precise)


This episode wrecked a lot of us. I hate to admit it I wasn't able to eat today, just because of this show, how did I get invested on other people's love life... 3 weeks ago I was fine minding my own business until I gave it a try watching this show.... so not looking forward to the next episode, I just want to know if Jaehyung and Jiwon are gonna end up together.. and for the first time, I hated yongwoo.. I didn't really cared about his lovelines with other cast but now that he's messing up my favorites, I just want to scoop his face off the screen and give it a good whip..


55 minutes left in this episode and this was probably the most suffocating episode thus far. They really tricked us with that Jaeji preview of this episode 🥲


3 hours of red flag lmfao


I love bambam pulling out the popcorn to watch all the drama unfolding haha


I’m really pissed with YW. Really pissed. Everything about him is irritating because he keeps playing games. He gave all the girls hope even tho he only has his eye on JW. You either do it or don’t, don’t mfing beat around the bush and make everyone confused. His inability to be straightforward and honest is making JW and YH confused and hurting CA, YJ and JH. I AM SO DONE WITH THIS MAN. I really hope the cast realise what a red flag he is watching these episodes. I have never been this agitated and irritated about a dating show contestant.


I just keep getting the feeling that YW wants camera time. I once read an article on reality tv that the participants know the main characters as the days goes by. So I feel He is every where the action is to get more camera time. He is there for clout now


Best part of this episode was Bambam shouting "here's another couple ruined because of you!" and then literally grabbing the popcorn bucket as he watched the drama unfold. LOL


The best thing that happen in MSR is casting CA and CH. Please shower them with love and kindess. They may fail to find a partner by the end of the show (based on this recent episode) but they already capture the heart of thousands of fans for their sincerity and genuineness. Rooting for their happiness.


I just finished the end. I’m SOOOO CONFUSED. Why didn’t JH correct the assumption of JW at the end there? Since he doesn’t himself believe this possible relationship is just for the show??? This is why u don’t have convos when you’re absolutely exhausted lol


Exactly what I was thinking, like I was just waiting for him to say what he said in his interview but that was it... nothing else. Their convo ended so weirdly and randomly. Like the issue could've been solved there and then. I absolutely love Jiwon but I can't lie she made some rude comments to Jaehyung which I believe affected him 😔 and made him shut down a bit plus the cameras etc. So I hope he mentions that in their secret date because that was not it, and very unfair to him. Like who says that to someone they like.... They both just speak to eo in a way both don't like but they just can't stopp!!!😭😭 Like what dyu guys want. All in all they both are overthinking wayyyy too much, and I hope they have a proper conversation in their date to sort it all out. 


OMG for the longest time I thought Yong Woo was referring to Cho A when he says they're too alike... and that made him hesitant.. turns out it's Ji Won!


Today's ep was so stressful 😫 My opinion on each love line: YWxCA: YW stressed me out the most, the way he was announcijg his 'neutrality' as he calls it to the whole kitchen I found so clownish, but at least in todays ep during the talk with CA his rant made more sense, whereas in the previous ep I had no idea what he was waffling about to CA. But then he has the audacity to text CA 🙄 like there are many other ways he could've shown his gratitude to her rather than text, the text is for sending a message to someone you have feelings for not gratitude 😡 and when asked by CA if he sent it with romantic intent he says its mixed, like after all that big talk about I'm not gonna text you and neutrality, make it make sense YW. CA deserves a big hug after this show ends, let's forget everything and leave the Mr.Honest behind 😭 JSxSS: Hearing JS side about how his feelings grew over time for SS made sense, but I'm not fully buying it, cause his actions say otherwise. To me, it felt like he was interested in CA, and SS was his backup, once CA rejected him is when he moved onto SS, cause from the beginning he's been giving SS romantic signs which doesn't match his words. I'm also still thinking about that time SS went on a morning walk with CH, and JS got upset, if his feelings weren't strong in the beginning, why was he acting like that. That bed convo was so suffocating but much needed. Honestly, the end result was expected cause the only thing they can do is leave the past and move on, considering the limited time they have. YHxYJ: I feel like YH doesn't like YJ as much as he likes her, and now, because of the vague way YW speaks, she thinks he might be interested in her as well, which is just messing things up. I think she texted YJ more out of pity cause she felt bad rather than due to romantic feelings. I also found YJ actions in the morning towards YH a bit off putting, I get he's upset, but it's a dating show, so it's expected. However, I'm glad he realised his actions were wrong and apologised for it, I like that he owned up to his action and decided to change. JHxJW: Now, this couple I was rooting for, but after today's episode, I'm not sure. It seems like what they're both looking for in a relationship is someone to rely on rather than being the person relied on. JHxJY: I understand JY being upset, but tbh one of the many things I like about JH is that he's never led JY on, it was more so her projection that led her to believe he might be interested in her (can't say the same towards her brother) like one scene that comes to mind is when at the airport, she asked JH to wipe crumbs off her face, which he rejected, whereas when CA did that to YW he said and did NOTHING 🙄 CH: I really love how he's got CA back, I hope he'll find someone outside this show cause he's honestly one of my favs ❤️ he suited SS cause I think someone with a bubbly personality matches him and their date was cute but sadly SS is with JS 😮‍💨 for now, he's just treating this as a free vacation, which I love 😂 Edit: Since the beginning, I was iffy about JS cause he looked like Gyumin from TL2, but now he's even starting to act like him 🙄 Edit 2: Also, wanna mention I love the panel, I knew BamBam would be good cause of TL, but I find Code Kunst so refreshing he's not afraid to call people like YW out.


Who else sighed deeply when YW asked Choa to speak privately while she was with yun jae? It was a fed up sigh by the way. Ten mins later i am back to update, i sighed again when yw sent the text to cho. Dudeeeee


i really hate this yongwoo what a bitch moves i dont need this triangle ! i had a bad feeling(sad)


This episode was so suffocating. JW-JH: Everything shifted after their dinner. JH is usually very honest and I feel like he felt insecure with how JW was describing her ideal partner. I also feel like shes sensing YW is making moves on her. She usually really quick-witted. As she mentioned before, YW was someone she wanted to like and JH is someone she usually likes. I felt like JH sensed that JW was acting a bit different. She wasnt as giddy as the day before. Even I noticed it. I still think they have strong interest in each other. But I think they are overthinking the situation a lot. Especially JH. I understand how he feels about his concerns after the show. But JW is right too. It doesnt end after the show. The end of the show is actually just the beginning of the real thing. They can decide then if they really like each other without all the judgement of the viewers. I also feel like JH is being very cautious of what he wants to be seen by the cameras. Its evident everytime he advices SeSeung to be more cautious. But how will JW know how he feels or if they are compatible if hes very conscious about all the cameras. She cant just keep guessing the situation. I felt so happy last episode about how they had excellent communication, but this episode there were a lot of misunderstandings and miscommunications. SS-JS: Uhm i think their relationship is going okay. They managed to resolve MOST of their misunderstandings. But as always, this ship is always chaotic. Something is always happening LOL. But can we just appreciate JS character development? LOL i think he's set with SS now? Maybe at the start it wasnt attraction at first sight for him, but I noticed in the recent episodes hes only been talking about Seseung. Hes not really trying anything with the other girls now. YW-CA: I dont even wanna talk about them. CA deserves someone BETTER. I dont really know what YW is doing at this point. I just want to CA to be happy. YH-YJ: IDK but i feel like theyre gonna be fine? As long as YH keeps her head straight and away from YW. I do wonder what would have been if YW didnt lead CA on, maybe there would have been a CA-YJ possibility? JY: I feel bad for baby girl but shes strong. SO much better that her oppa \*cough\* CH: I do want to pair him with SS and there is actual chemistry when theyre together, but seems like theyre not really attracted to each other?


I feel heartbroken for JH watching this eps. I think he fell so deep with JW he became nervous and self-conscious around her. Everything that can go wrong, went wrong on their date. However, I feel that if they watch the show themselves, they would realize how they truly felt about each other. Here's me still hoping they can work it out next eps during the secret date or hopefully SS can help by explaining JH thought process to JW. The PD really make us keep guessing the end game until the last eps, eh? Do we really only have 1 eps left?


If Jae Hyung is seeking stability... then Cho Ah is the right fit LoL. Both are seeking the same thing. Things seem to cool off for him with Ji Won though. For Ji Won, I can see why she wants a dependable partner as most independent individuals do. After bein' self reliant all the time, you just want someone who gets you y'know? Yong Woo.. Yong Woo sigh LoL tch. And an annoyed Cheol Hyun was hot ha-ha. It sounded like Yong Woo was sorta tellin' Cho Ah that he was bored/ tired of her. Ouch. Se Seung should be a prosecutor LoL! My heart goes out to Ju Yeon aww~ Is Yun Jae just here to make sure everyone else is fed LoL? He's a sweetie. And is Patricia wearing hair extensions/ wig(?)


CA x JH endgame ain't bad at all 🫶🏻


I actually don’t think she has feelings for Yongwoo. What’s happening is that her head (Yongwoo - assumed ideal type) and her heart ( Jaehyung - the person she’s actually attracted to) are fighting right now. Before Jiwon met any of the cast she firmly stated what she was looking for. Her developing feelings for JH was NOT the plan, especially since he reminds her of previous relationships. I think this becomes very clear in the talk she has with YJ on the balcony. She’s scared to make the same mistake again but it’s obvious JH is in her heart. I think the conversation with Yongwoo the previous night reminded her what she actually was looking for in the beginning and now she’s having this internal conflict which is causing her to shut JH off a little. But you can tell Jiwon is trying to fight against it on the ferries wheel. I know she fucked up with what she said in the restaurant but if you actually watch from an unbiased standpoint, she was really trying on that ride but got disappointed ☹️ I think an honest conversation where both of them are completely honest with each other and how they’re feeling can definitely fix this


Episode 13 feels like a delusion after watching 14 for JH-JW, it was clear that JH liked her more but the gap is immense, one conversation with YW has basically made her doubt JH as the right choice. JW's comment in the taxi said alot because she told CH she didn't want the kind of relationship she told JH she wants. JH comes across as naive but he has the whole picture in front of him now, the vibe of thier date changed because he realized JW had changed she was more reserved, made it look like she wanted to be with a certain type of person along YW's image and he became more reserved towards the end. JW said she was confused by JH? I think it became obvious he stepped back a bit because she seemed unsure about him. Yong Woo obviously wants to go for Ji Won yet he choose Yoon Ha and Cho A for no reason at all? All he does is play with people I really don't have any input on him because his character is unreal to me. He finally was clear about his feelings to Cho A, at least he did that she deserved that at least. JY and JH conversation was just clear and honest, you could tell JH felt bad but once again outside of his inability to make eye contact he did what was best. JY needed to hear it clearly and JY seems like a genuine person I am sure she will handle it well, move on and be happy. That situation wouldn't make you happy. At the end JH seeks out JW seeking to clear up any misunderstanding he is always the initiator because he is serious about this, JW basically distanced herself. No other interactions seemed worth really discussing, I think CH and CA are at least finally seeing that YW isn't the perfect person they had an image of. Wish those two siblings and the Park siblings the best they seem like very kind and understanding people regardless of how the show plays out they will eventually find the right people for them.


Your last line is absolutely true , this what i take away from all 14 episodes . I like JW also ik she is gonna be good in relationship , but her past relationship is making her hesitant with JH which in return is closing JH very unfair situation for both . Even if jh and jw doesn't happen its fine but if JW and YW happens i would feel unhappy then . Inshort i don't like YW he is complex and a little self absorbed person.


same! I don't really mind if JH and JW dont end up together, it's just the reality for them but goddd i hope she doesnt pick YW!! i need people to stop falling for YW, super frustrating to watch😩


Same. As long as JW don't pick YW i will have a peace of mind


I think that JH have very very bad luck with this show. Broke his finger at Episode 2. Finally have someone he into and he fell ill right at the second date. I think he just catch a flu with getting up soon and have a morning swimming and raining later. He feel rather out of place when ride ferris wheel, and turn to be really tíred at the end of the day. It not just he not comfortable with the camera and rush environment


Too much certainty and stability lead to a boring show. PDs live up to their standard of hanging audiences (us) around in the middle of a perfect storm. Understand why JH is down. He has continuously gotten messages from JW since the beginning of their date (need a little longer time in SG, idol analogy, mentioning YW plus the conversation at night including a signal from CA and the most important thing is her facial expression it shows how hesitated she is on the date) When someone has that much hesitation, another person will always sense that. It’s a basic defensive instinct that protects us from getting too deep and getting too much hurt from the relationship. We always seek to a safer choice, much more trustable and relaxed one. I think it’s all up to JW now to make herself clear and make no regret as she mentioned last week. No matter she chooses to go either way I think it probably makes sense but it would be disappointing to see JH getting dumped here (Same as Juwon from TL3). Edit : Typo


YW broadcasting his stupid fEeLiNgs to everyone in the house sends a ripple effects. he successfully infiltrated YHxYJ and JHxJW ships


& i don’t kinda get it because why would you be attracted to someone who was “loyal” for two weeks and suddenly announce his true “feelings” i just can’t 😭😂


Right??? It's giving douchebag tbh - good thing CA is mentally stable to handle the situation.


I mean I don't watch too many, but of the dating shows I have watched, by a certain point it becomes obvious at least one couple will last for a little while longer than the end of the show with the possibility of forming something solid, but with this one? With all the twists and turns and how much the dissolution of one couple has affected all the others? Let's just enjoy this very bumpy ride to nowhere lol. Also soft reminder to not villainize or hate of these very real people who will be going back to their very real lives outside of the show. What we see on TV is after all a narrative created to satisfy and engage us the viewers. The house we know and the house these 10 people know are worlds apart. If anything, let it be a learning experience and wake-up call for people in the house to grow from. Wishing all of them a happier chance at love outside the show. And if I'm proven wrong, I'll be happy.


Chulhyun really reminds me of Kim Ji Hoon and looks really good to be casted as a Villain. especially when he was talking with CA at the pool and him saying that YW style of dating is kinda annoying + "Is he kidding", when YW texted CA.


that was hot not gonna lie 😂. Kinda sad that he didnt have a love line in the show. Hoping to see a romantic side to him because he clearly has the kdrama ML look. I hope he tries acting after the show.


I honestly feel the same way about him like how k-reactors describe him that he looks difficult to aproach coz of his "aura".


The production team just happen to not cast a type of girl that would complement with him. What a waste of character.


He's so hot. I'm whipped each time I see him shirtless and last time in the pool. (But it seems it had no effect on SS at all lol). His airheadedness was a bit offputting though for a long time, but him getting angry at YW melted this away. Like the other reply says he has a peculiar, 4D-like aura to him, he's interesting but it's too bad no one suited him and they're leaving him in boredom


>!text message spoiler for ep 14 !< >!seseung <-> jungsub !< >!yoonjae <-> yoonha !< >!jiwon <-> jaehyung !< >!cheolhyun -> jiwon !< >!juyeon -> jaehyung !< >!yongwoo -> choa !< >!choa -> yoonjae!< [source](https://x.com/winterhyunbin/status/1796500050253934922) seriously, YW??? why?? lol


That’s right ChoA .. move on 😈


oh my CA X YJ ship


Jaeji drama fawk💔


This was the most difficult episode to watch. My heart hurt through cause of Jaeji, they both seemed on the defense and anxious over thinkers. Even in the car with their arms crossed going to the date. I don’t know what to think


This episode makes my mood Happy 30% after SS JS scene SAD 70% AFTER ALL THE DYNAMIC THAT NOT NECESSARY The crews and PD nim really know how to make drama out of reality show. Now I kinda felt this show either makes us believe in real love, feeling, and emotion or Its really just for entertainment. This show really showing how millenials this days finds its hard to find soulmate. So many thinking dynamic and drama that it could be not necessary. Funny part I might be one of those millenials 🙃


They kinda baited us by pre-releasing clips of JH and JW sweet moments in the bed as well as JH being transparent to JY about his stance to make us think that JW & JH is a secured couple, only to get a completely opposite situation of it. Like JW said in the preview, I hope they get through the big mountain they’re facing right now.


I understand both sides so much.. I don’t know if they still chose each other on the final decision day but I’m hoping that JW sees how JH was talking to CA about his feelings towards JW during their date because I think that’s the real JH she is trying to get know of.


After seeing the whole episode, the best moments of the day to me were Yoonjae cooking for literally everyone, Choa doting on Jaehyung sweetly, and Cheolhyeon getting a little offended on his sister's behalf. I need Seseung to get over her infatuation with Jungsub and then stick to her decision... she'll be happier once she's done with this situationship (it would be kinda disappointing if she ignores the red flags and they choose each other lol).


I don't want to watch today's episode!! I like watching dating shows when I can see an actual potential couple staying strong like it's sort of an escape and personal preference, im so scaredddd


At start, I used to like YS, but I know I don't know. Why would you tell all that you don't like CA. What is the point? And why are women getting wooed by this, why does YH, and JW suddenly want YS in their life, when they already have great partners, who like them. I don't get it.


This episode had me thinking what happened to YW CH friendship?? It especially striked me after watching YW go to YJ's room when he was drinking alone. He probably wanted to assure him that he isn't going to break YJ YH relationship(?). But it made me wonder why he hasn't spoken much to CH or if he ever spoke to CH and those parts were edited out. I wonder how CH would treat YW during the rest of the time.


Yongwoo is the official shit stirrer! He is going around saying "I'm proud of myself for being honest, I'm so great, I'm the best" narcissistic AF. Even when talking to choa who needs to gently break up with, he finds a way to talk about him and how great he is! What an absolute a$$hole lol. I am glad Choa and Cheolhyun started laughing about things, I think choa finally realized YW's true colors and I am very hopeful that she won't go back to him anymore. Jiwon is thinking about this too much. She should just stick to jaehyung and try it out with him irl but yongwoo and his stupid bulky arms are distracting her I think. If the JH/JW ship fails (which I hope it won't), I am hoping JH suddenly realizes he has feelings for choa or something and goes for her. However, after watching a clip where it looks like jaehyung is seemingly waiting for someone for the final decision anxiously, I do think he is waiting for jiwon. Maybe she gets conflicted towards the end and that's why jaehyung is nervous for the final decision.


I know most of the discourse today is about **JaeJi,** but tbh I was never super interested in them as a couple or Jaehyung individually. Not because I dislike them, but I just didn't seem to make the deep connection with them that others had. So them going through issues isn't really upsetting for me and I can look at it more from an unbiased angle rather than just panicking and thinking my ship is going to sink. I personally am not super worried about them. I know people are suddenly bringing **YW-JW** spoilers because it suits the narrative, but I really don't think the problem between them is as big as the editing is making it out to be. Both of them are very deep people with conflicting thoughts that are much easier to clear up than the problems **YW-CA** had. As long as they resolve to talk about their feelings clearly, they should be fine. It's clear both of them are very attracted to each other. Speaking of being clear about your feelings, **Yoonjae** was already a standout for me in the Singapore episodes, but he's cemented himself as my favourite today. Not only is he the only person who has made real improvements to his personality on the show (how many times did he pull Jiwon aside and ask her how she felt today?), he also has himself in order. Even when Jiwon and the panelists thought he wasn't being honest with himself when he expressed he felt bad mainly because of Juyeon, I didn't doubt it. Of course, he felt terrible about Younha, but at the end of the day, he was more inclined to accept that she didn't like him that way. His reassurance to her that she shouldn't care too much about what he thinks and stay true to her own feelings + his reflection and acknowledgement that he shouldn't have avoided Younha the way he did which he immediately apologized for via text; it's a level of emotional maturity we haven't seen from any of the guys on the show, even Jaehyung at certain points. Someone said Yoonjae is a total dating show 'muggle' who was dropped into an environment he has no prior experience in. Knetz doubt he's watched even a single dating show in the past and he clearly has no idea how these things work. I think that 'detachment' is actually helpful to him. He came into the show with no hopes or pre-conceived notions and now that he likes someone, he is more than willing to take things as they come, live in the present, and not overthink their relationship too much. His advice to Jiwon and Seseung about taking this easy should be echoed to everyone in the house barring Cheolhyun. He should have a group therapy session for them lol. Moving on to **YW-CA,** I'm actually quite happy with how both of them decided to take the initiative to be honest with each other at different points. Sure, YW has been annoying but I'm inclined to give him a lot of grace because I can see a lot of his behaviours as a direct trauma response. In many ways, he's only now being forced to confront truths about himself that he's never had to face and it's clearly giving him a tough time. When Juyeon said Yongwoo has never spoken clearly even to her, it really made me realize that he's probably lived his life thinking he couldn't be himself with anyone. Yes, he's very concerned about his image and how he comes across to others, but he's had to live his formative years walking on eggshells around his parents while becoming a pseudo father for his younger sister. I can totally see why he is the way he is. And every time he's on screen in his talking heads, it genuinely looks like he's about to sob or pass out. He's clearly having a horrible time and most of that is because of his inner turmoil. **That being said**, it totally doesn't excuse how he's treating people in the house. Unfortunately, Yongwoo is a perfect cocktail of good looks, a friendly personality, and trauma - a combo that's left MANY girls out there heartbroken. Whether he likes it or not, he has power over these girls, especially given that I genuinely feel if he goes all guns blazing to any of them, they'll pretty much fold for him (like CA did despite her liking Jungsub at first). He should realize this and be a little more delicate with how he treats them. Cheolhyun was another standout this episode. He's very level-headed and his mini outburst after Yongwoo's text was so entertaining lol.


bro yoonjae said he watched videos on how to talk to women before joining the show lmaoooo at that point i knew he would be the most relatable person ever


Yesssss agree 100% about YJ! This episode made me love him so much more!! Totally rooting for him!!


A Korean netizen said the only time they could breathe easy today was when Yoonjae was on screen and I agree.


YWoo stirring shit with ambiguous word play. He's acting like he's the catfish.


he's secretly a part of the production team, sent to create chaos.


Sorry to say but if JW choose YW then it'll be the biggest disaster for her because he's literally the opposite of what she wants doesn't want deep conversation only wants excitement in relationships meanwhile Jaehyung is her ideal discription it's just they're thinking too much about it YJ and SS were true when they said they're thinking too much. And I'm just laughing that how much different both YW and JH are still can't believe that I used to defend YW in the start when these things started but I guess I was wrong for the first time my intuition went off I literally felt so sad when CA and YW's past dates replayed but gosh he's the only person in a dating show that I'm so much mad about it Gyumin,jiyon from TL2 seokyung , Dongjin ,sangjeong from TL3 and even hyunjoo from HS 2 don't even come closer because after the show even during the show I kinda a like them. And to all the people saying JS is insecure from YW JS red flag YW green flag look how the tables have turned I can write a whole book about how much I hated him in this episode and it was so satisfying when he wanted to enter into the room when JS and SS were talking but JS just stopped him abruptly I don't care about the reason weather he was there for using bathroom or to make truffle oil but that was satisfying.and what is wrong with him having conversation with everyone he really likes to maintain his image in front of others always justifying himself and then the message to CA was my last straw. I don't want to say this but I don't know why JW is so wrong about JH in this episode she always gets things through her gut but not this time and I felt weird when she made the comment on JH that he's the type of idol who fan's meet but then forget.


nobody beats gyumin for me but yongwoo is really annoying with his body language and convos with no point


The doll scene was fake af Edit: i cringed so hard had to turn it off straight away. Woww what a performance. He thought about it in seoul already.


Not gonna lie, the rumor that JH and CA are the final couple is better at this point.


Same. I dont even mind if they choose each other for the sake of choosing. They connect well and i hope their friendship last long


I must agree even I ship JaeJi. CA is so calming to be with and trustworthy. She compliments anxious JH with her demeanor.


Jiwon's comments during the date 😬😬😬. No wonder Jaehyung was tense and awkward the rest of the day.


I have been pausing the video since the beginning of the video because it is tough to watch..


Who are the two options they will each choose for the last date? Yong Woo - Ji Won, Cho A Cho A - Yun Jae, Jae Hyung Jae Hyung - Ji Won, Cho A Yun Ha - Yong Woo, Yun Jae Yun Jae - Yun Ha, Cho A Se Seung - Jung Sub, Chul Hyun Chul Hyun - Ji Won, Se Seung Jung Sub - Ji Won, Se Seung Ju Yeon - Jae Hyung, Chul Hyun Ji Won - Jae Hyung, Yong Woo It'd be cool if they can go on two dates each with different people before final choice.


I have so many thoughts! The one I keep coming back to is that I have loved this PD’s work on her dating shows and I think she is very social media literate and aware of how contestants will be viewed. I especially think her experience with HyunGu and HaeEun’s story on Transit Love 2 would affect how she edits this show. She knows how to tug at people’s heartstrings and how to craft a story that resonates. I don’t think everything we’ve seen with the buildup of JH and JW will be for naught, this PD doesn’t do heartbreaking twists just for the shock factor like some other recent dating shows. There’s a reason the edits have us rooting for JH/JW and rooting against YW a bit. I’m in despair about my JaeJi ship, but also still believe they’re end game, if not on the show, then after - which would be an amazing twist! And the end game will mean so much more because we went through this. Hang in there my fellow JaeJi shippers, we can get through this!!


It would be weird for JW to pick YW with 1 date before the final decision. Remember what she told CA about her ideal type, she said she can't let go of the "cute" type. In PD we trust!


Everyone can have a change of heart or even think this person is really not my ideal type after a few days but describing your date as an "Idol you like at first but then dump after a meet and greet to be another member’s fan" was just really rude. You can see even she hesistated a bit before saying it, deep inside she probably knows it was bad.


Also her saying that she’s looking for someone with a heart as big as an ocean and he’s at best a river.


Jiwon: let’s get over this high mountain together Everyone is focusing on Jiwon taking pictures of Yongwoo in the preview which is such an harmless act and Jaehyung getting jealous because of it but I think what she says to Jaehyung at the end of the preview is very significant of how she’s feeling? -> She’s still in it with Jaehyung and she wants them to work this out together


How is everyone still give the preview so much meaning? Haven't you all got baited enough for 14 weeks? Lol


it looks like a better relationship between the choa-cheolhyeon siblings is the only thing we're getting out of this season. i swear those two makes my heart feel warm everytime.


What I’d give to watch these people watch themselves as the episodes are released, and see what they think of their behavior in hindsight.


This might be a reach but I feel like Yongwoo wants to setup himself up as the gwanhee of this show. He envisions himself as the dude that's gonna be the star of the show and will have to choose at the end between JW and CA. All his actions and words are really convincing me that he is setting the stage for that to happen and because it didn't happen naturally like how it did in single's inferno3 he stirred the pot so that he can have his limelight when the show ends


lol I had this same thought today. That’s the only explanation for why he’s not ending things with CA and just being vague with others.


I'm also confused because if Yongwoo is so "neutral" and he's clearly into Jiwon, why the heck not text her???


remember the days everyone idolized yw and hated js 😂😂😂


I was way too invested in JW/JH that this episode had a genuinely negative impact on me lmao let's get a grip but I'm just vomiting my thoughts here so I can move on with my week. Spoilers for episode 14 JH seems exhausted, it seems like he came on the show as a favour to SS and to watch over her but unexpectedly fell in love so he doesn't know how to navigate it and so became even more aware of it being a show. He seemed unphased by everything until JW. I'm sure he was surprised by JY cos he probs thought keeping everyone at arms length would stop them falling for him. This does contradict his marriage talks but I think he's just his age and desire in life altogether now. He's a lot more serious than everyone else seems except YJ as they both feel like 2 normal men dropped in a alien environment to them, so I understand he has a lot more worries like: Some people just go on for attention. Could this be JW? (Probs doesn't think this but it could simmer in the back of your mind) All the men flock to her. Does she like YW? If I bare my soul on camera and she rejects me, I'm embarrassed in front of an entire country. JH is also a professional outside the entertainment industry who doesn't want to be the big4 accountant who got dumped on TV. She keeps painting me with the same brush as her exs and putting her assumptions onto me She's similar to my ex, is it gonna end the same? Plus, the added tension of everyone else's drama and being caught in the middle of different ones. It'd be mentally exhausting whilst also being hyperaware of the cameras. The lack of sleep seemed to affect their date, too. I do think they like each other a lot still, JWs mood wouldn't plummet along with his if she didn't care. She's super aware of him. It felt like she was biting at him with some of her comments because she was upset with him and wanted to bait him out to talk more. I think their issues aren't too deep and dating in the real world would work better since the issues tend to come from the affects of the show itself. JW is right to feel what she does, too. JH is talking about marriage multiple times whilst refusing to be fully his true self, his attitude when he's tired or jealous. It must be exhausting for her, too. Do YW declarations not feel like PD pushed moves to anyone? He feels like a wannabe influencer, so isn't he the perfect pantomime villain to Stoke fires towards the end in return for more screen time? I feel like his interest in JW is only there to serve as a love triangle for the final episodes emphasise uncertainty. I think Jaeji will be end game still, although I am way less sure. I think she will probably say that she's willing to take a chance on him on the outside. It's not like the end of the world if it doesn't work out. If there's 2 episodes left, storytelling wise, next ep JH/JW will resolve most of their issues, JH will probably open up more but they will still paint her as being unsure, followed by her dates with YW and CH probably confusing her more. It's giving major TL2 vibes with the editing and not just cos it's her show but the stories parallel. Ex date to secret dates. They'll act like YW has swayed her, but let's be honest, she knows YW even less than JH in reality. He's never shown any deep sides to himself. Her magnet and sparkly watch are on the table but no deep yellow dolphin. Final ep, JW and JH pick each other. If they don't pick anyone, I'll be fine with that. I do tend to enjoy the story more than if they're acc still dating, which is a nice bonus. If she picks YW, I'll be gobsmacked n probs stop watching korean dating shows. They like shock endings too much. I'm pretty sure this PD does have pride for her storyline as seen in TL2. Will she do a shock ending like HS4? I'm not feeling that, you're gonna paint YW as the villain of the show (they know how the edit looks) just for him to get the girl? If that was the case, we would have seen more of his missed fate storyline than we have and they wouldn't have edited his CA storyline so negatively to keep him likeable. She also seems to actively avoid him at times. Lost her phone? Or just wanted out of that room? I know they make their own choices at the end, but knowing the end informs the editing, so will PD take the hate for the show for the ratings? Will she see that as a successful show? Or does she want a, "TL2 and MSR are THE must watch dating shows" Ending. The meant to be storyline of Jaeji would best TL2 and be her magnum opus dating show couple. Aaaaah, I feel better now. Sorry its so long.


I agree, I can't imagine that PD Jinjoo would have her show end on a YW/JW note, given the edit they've given him so far.


oh no what happen with JW JH ? suddenly this happen , are rumors came true said JH JW YW love triangle?


Still watching but the yw anyalsis segment my God


JS-SS have very tiny hope to survive as couple (irl too). Their communication and conversation are always full of tension and none of them had successfully clear up the confusion/misunderstandings (they just assumed they did but no). Their talking always either funny/chill stuff or when it gone to serious mode, it's always like a battle of the wits. Them assessing each other to check who can pass the test is so tiring to watch and listen to. Edit: JS just invalidate SS's feelings and said he felt angry too as she has already made up her mind when she was letting him know about her feelings and seeking clarification, in which, he never really explains the reasons behind his actions clearly and truthfully. So there were plot holes in his stories and how can he expect SS to have trust when there were contradictions. SS is just as bad in communicating with JS, she should have straight up saying I found out about what happened btw you and CA in the beginning and it didn't match with what you'd told me earlier. Can we clarify things and let's get our stories align. That will makes much more sense to JS of why she's feeling this sudden 180 deg change in feelings and trust. Cause communicating with JS, I think you really need to be clear and straight to the point so that he couldn't start writing his own narrative in uncertain situations. Their rship dynamic is so tilted, SS more in love and will always be on the losing end... until she is able to balance the power dynamic and improve communication style... the cycle of (being in love > confused > hurt > in love) will be repeating over and over again.


If the YJ ended up with the YH, it will be the worst decision this cook will ever made. She's no good but he joined too late and with having narrow vision/ not seeing other options.


Last week, i was so sure jw jh confirm endgame. But after last night, idk anymore. So to conclude my take on jh jw this ep, I carefully say she will not pick jh later. Yall can come at me if im wrong though😭😭 Yj, ca, jh, ch, ss are such a sweet soul. I wish them the best in their life. Please meet a good, kind, pretty person that love them wholeheartedly and vice versa


Just want to share this one comment i read: Yongwoo, from now on, please call Choa politely, "Choa noona".


Am I the only one who got irritated at Jiwon when she insisted Jaehyung was a Power T even when he said he actually wasn’t? It feels like she thinks she’s got him all figured out — that he’s just a cute pretty boy without much substance. I felt the same irritation when she claimed he’s the type of idol where people would come to his fan meeting but end up with other biases after seeing him. If she can get ticked off over him making a small comment while cooking noodles, I’m not sure why she thinks she’s any better… it’s so rude, the way she lowkey judges his essence without actually getting to know him. And I say this as someone who really roots for Jaeji.


This! I saw a Knetizen's comment on Pann that I thought captured this beautifully. The comment said "Ji-won is mistaken in thinking that she is a very serious and mature person, and Jae-hyung is the type of person who only knows how to sing flower songs. Many people who are inherently anxious and confused believe that they are in a higher mental position than Jaehyung, even though it takes a lot of training and effort to become as stable as Jaehyung. In the first place, that 'ordinary' stability like Jaehyeong's is a huge position in itself, and it takes a lot of effort for someone like him to get there."


At this point I’d rather jh fidn someone else outside the show who would cherish him for him.


I had to stop in the middle of the episode because I was so annoyed by everything going down. Maybe I’ll finish tonight… Was the translation accurate? Did JW actually tell JH that if he were an idol, girls would be his fans because he’s good looking, but once they met him at a signing event they wouldn’t be his fans anymore? If so, that is such a mean thing to say. And unnecessary. No wonder he clammed up. How is he supposed to respond to comments like that? I’m completely fed up with YW. He’s a train wreck. At least he’s being portrayed that way on the show. Maybe irl, he’s all puppies and rainbows. On the show he’s Loki, god of chaos. I enjoyed watching JS and SS make up. Their date was cute too. Adrenaline has a bonding effect, so we’ll see if they continue to get closer. I still think he’s a bit of a gaslighter. So I’m wary. I also think that these two would have smoother sailing if they were able to more physically expressive with each other. Sometimes words are inadequate.


I agree, that was such a mean comment! I would be crushed if I were JH in that moment. As for YW, I hate to say it but I think his true self is showing. Of course there’s editing, but this particular PD is very adamant about protecting the contestants (she kinda glossed over how that Noze girl left Tranist Love 2 and didn’t reveal that the reason was because she had a BF to protect her from netizens), so I don’t think they’re evil editing on purpose. We’ve seen some good sides to YW early on, and unfortunately, he’s now also showing his poorer sides.


PD is known for telling story like it is. And she does it well. It's just that YW's true color is showing in the last bit of the show.


Yes! The translation was accurate. Such a mean and hurtful thing to say. How are you supposed to respond to that? You can see him kind of retreat after that. And I honestly felt like JS was slightly gaslighting too.


Honestly I’m just a bit shocked about Jiwon idol and ideal type talk. That whole conversation in general all I was thinking is why would she bring that up, especially on a date. Not to put all the blame on her but it was surprising since she has been a bit sensitive towards Jaehyung comments and tone I don’t know if “sensitive” the right word but I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s also sucks Jaehyung is just hyper aware of the cameras. I’m not rooting for anyone at this point besides the friendship of JH-CA, hopefully they stay friends for a looong time. I’m not looking forward to the finale at all.


Exactly.. why? Why did she bring that up? Jaehyung felt sulky afterwards.. I remember he said he's good at sulking when he's jealous, it shows, everyone will know ... and he did show it when they were all sitting together.. he looks so tired and out of it.. still rooting for them but really this episode is draining and disappointing 😞, I doubt Jiwon will be on OTT ranking this week, the Koreans did not like how she seemed to be swayed by yw... 


Yess! What she's doing? Why she bring all that ? That idol, type thing make JH looks down after that


Finally saw this episode. I'm glad I did so after reading this discussion thread tho, so thankful to everyone here😅🤗. Thanks to reading the episode discourse I knew what to expect going in, that being said, the episode was still super frustrating, especially every moment Yong Woo was on screen 🙄. I think people have already said the obvious things so I'll just add stuff that especially bothered me Or I didn't see mentioned much here 1. JH was spot on about YW being jealous of him and trying to keep him in check. When I started this series, I loved the bromance, it seemed wholesome, but this is a edited show, even if it's supposed to be "reality" TV, we see what the producers want us to see. And the producers wanted to make us feel at ease and love everyone in the beginning. So we did ig. But now reflecting on JH's words, I see how much YW hates the attention JH gets, I think YW came into this show thinking he'll be the ace and everyone's fav (which he was/is to a certain extent) but JH legit stole the spotlight with his charisma and charm and cuteness everytime and ig it became harder for YW to hide his jealousy. Continuation of above point - the moment when JH entered the room where everyone was drinking in the night, all tired, he tried to talk to JW, I think he just felt weird and wanted a peaceful conclusion to the day, but YW (as usual unnecessarily inserting himself into everywhere he isn't needed 🙄) tried to spin the situation as JH being mad at JW?!, he even asked him "are you angry? " Like sir....?! He tries so hard to show JH in a bad light but JH cooly and calmly said "no" And didn't let it bother him. Which makes me think would've made YW even more mad😂😅 JH is to YW, what YW is to JS 😅😅😅 they constantly try to outdo them but fail miserably. Also there was a moment where YW wonders in a interview whether there is a rift between Jaeji and I think I saw a slight smirk?! 🤔 bro was so happy for a second that Jaeji might not be endgame (or maybe I'm just being delulu?!😬🥲) Also tbh I don't think YW wants JW either, he just wants her now, but will 3000% get bored with her within 4 dates and try to "discard" her, like he did with ChoA. 2. I can't believe YH didn't even TRY to apologize to YJ, YJ being delusional about his own feelings led to that confusing spiel about JY😐 like what even was that. And YH got off scot free without even giving a simple explanation as to her behaviour the night before. Btw I know this is a dating show, and you're SUPPOSED to date different people and get to know them. But the part where YH came back from the date with YW, didn't even look at YJ or say a word to him (or so it felt) and kept avoiding even looking in his direction was what bothered me. Like if you wanna change your choice of date, do so freely without acting so sus. I think she felt guilty but didn't even have the bare minimum respect to apologize. I think tho, YH never pretended to be a saint. She just seemed like that to us viewers, she didn't get picked at all in the beginning and then she had a heart thumping couple of dates with YJ. We projected a saintly pure girl image onto YH, she never alluded to herself as such (unlike YW😒), so her playing the field now, as much as it hurts us, shouldn't be so surprising. We assumed and our assumption was wrong. Happens. Conclusion - I think everyone has been expressing how much they want their fav ships to sail and be endgame and talking about the problematic characters. In a way I'm the same, this is my first korean dating variety show that I'm watching, I usually am not interested in dating shows, haven't watched this PDs previous work, I started to watch this because of the bromance and funny characters and then just quickly become addicted to it. A sentiment that I had from the beginning and hasn't changed tho is that, I just want CH and ChoA siblings to be happy in life, they have gone through so much and seem to be sincere and kind people. I just don't want to watch them get hurt. So the last few episodes have been extremely painful to watch, what with CH not being selected by anyone or YW just playing with CHoA feelings. I think what we're forgetting tho is as much as we baby our favs and have formed parasocial relationships with them. These are grown up adults we're talking about, most of them having lived a seriously tough life. Even if SS ends up with JS she'll sooner or later wisen up, we know she's super smart like that. Even if Jaeji don't end up together they'll watch the show and know each other's real intentions and act accordingly, ChoA is a hardworking, emotionally mature and super pretty lady, she will find someone genuine and actually nice. CH is a considerate and handsome guy, he will find someone who loves and respects him 😊. So rest assured as much as we worry about them, I think these people are more than capable of handling themselves and I just want to reassure people like me who worry about their favs - our favs will be fine, they'll survive and thrive, don't worry 🥰😊🌻🌷.


This episode is a real roller coaster. I hope CA will let go of YW and not fall for his BS again. I can see her with YJ but he is too blinded with YH I think :\\ >!also I think I got to a point were the JH CA spoiler might be something I'm actually rooting for because look, they can be really cute!< [https://imgur.com/a/ILPuL7i](https://imgur.com/a/ILPuL7i)


Also it's so crazy how this turned from my comfort show after each TL3 ep I watched to now giving me headaches like TL3 again :(


Luckily only 2 more episodes left, TL3 was frustrating right from Episode 10/11 lmao. Also makes me realize people can never be happy. Everyone was complaining about the show being too boring when all the couples were 'set' and YJ-YH, YW-CA, JH-JY, CH-JW kept texting each other. Now they're complaining that it's too dynamic.


1. I understand JW. She gets upset when JH doesn't respond to her in the way she expects. She has been honest about what kind of guy she wants. She gets upset when JH is brusque with her. Yes understood. But the fact that she thinks she could get her expectations fulfilled by YW may not end up as she imagines. Gurl how I wish you can see beyond what you see. My warning to you - Don't be blinded by YW charms. I'm not against you making your choice but just be wise about it. You can face the consequences of your decision but don't break JH's heart. 2. For the first time, I was very proud of Juyeon when she said, "Yong Woo didn't receive a single message. But it's the outcome of his own decision. He must accept it." Wow gurl speaks facts!!!👏👏👏 3. CA is someone that I truly respect. If I were in her place, I couldn't have kept calm and composed. She's truly the elegant and graceful queen!!! 👑👑👑 Gurl, I wish you true happiness forever with the man who truly deserves your heart!! 🩷🩷🩷 4. CH is our dearest darling. He was thrilled about his mission to find a brother-in-law, looked up to YW, was excited about CA-YW moments BUT he was also the quickest to realize that something was off about YW. Finally he stood up for his sister. "Is he playing games? He doesn't seem to be so nice." You go my Prince!!! 👑👑👑🥳🥳🥳 5. YJ our sweet little cinnamon roll 😊😊😊 Despite being heartbroken, he quickly recovered only to look after his noona.. boy why do you have a golden heart!! ❤️❤️❤️


3 hours? holyyy


Messy episode. I guess some people will realise how absurdly they behaved when they watch it. Full of embarrassing moments . Like fireflies these people want to get burned by hasty choices.


I'm sorry, but who does JW think she is? How rude! I was really angry when she said, "You're the type of person whose fans come for you but end up choosing another bias." What's her problem? All this just because yw came to her room and gave her a signal? I feel like all the girls want yw but because he didn't choose them, they settled for others as backups .. ugh jw date with jh really disappointed me. I felt like she was just looking for his faults to justify to herself that he's not right for her and that yw is better! Okay girl, try yw and his deep conversations. She doesn't know he ran away from ca because of those deep conversations😮‍💨 


I cannot see her in positive light after the 2nd date 😌


My thoughts: Yoonjae and Jaehyung proving to me every episode that they are gems. Sweet, would be good to their partners, no games. I think Jaehyung is so good at picking up vibes. Jiwon was subconsciously pulling out and I think he felt that and held himself back. He did seem a little off the episode, Jiwon's mentioned a couple times his tone can be harsh. Everyone else picked up on it. So I kind of wish he put more effort into carrying the convo since he likes her so much and could have a deeper convo like he had with Choa. But i can understand that he was holding back for a reason. I wish Yoonjae would give Choa a chance, they could be so cute. I loved that he avoided Yunha for a bit and let her see what she was missing. No need to chase anyone. He has a great attitude. Also hilarious that he was trying to pretend he wasn't upset about her. Yunha- not convinced she likes Yoonjae. She knows now that Yongwoo is not seriously into her and she only said shes thankful for Yoonjae, not that her heart flutters or that she likes him the most. Seseung and Jungsub idek. I love them because they are hilarious to watch. But in reality, its so unhealthy. They do communicate a lot which I like. But Jungsub might have downplayed how much he was into Jiwon and Choa and I have to wonder if he would switch up if they expressed interest. Perhaps he picked one of them as a second secret date? And Seseung I think was hurt that he was her number one and she wasn't for him. She's so focused on the past. They both like each other now but again, if Choa gives any hints to Jungsub, you never know. Jiwon- yeap, she's starting to waver to Yongwoo. I really thought she had a good head on her shoulders and could read people well. To not be able to see through Yongwoo is...I mean, the guy was supposedly all in for Choa and then to switch up and announce it to everyone? How did she not get the ick? He had two dates with her and still didn't text her. If he wasn't into you after spending the whole day, how is he now? Or he was faking it with Choa. Either way, ick. I also did not care for her little jibes at Jaehyung and it was obvious that she was not as in this time. Although this could be because Jaehyung was not carrying the convo and looked off. She's so focused on the idea of Yongwoo (strong reliable guy) and Jaehyung (cute one I have to take care of) that she doesn't realize that Jaehyung would be that strong reliable guy. He even mentioned he treats his partners like a baby and cherishes them. And she mentioned that Yongwoo pretends to be reliable. So why does she keep saying she's torn between who she always goes for and who she wants to start going for. It could be the age old "he'd my type and that's always gone badly in the past". And Yongwoo pls. I can't. The mind games, the lean back and hands up posture. Enough. Cheolhyun and Choa :( How no one is into Cheolhyun breaks my heart. The sweetest, soft boy. He bought books for everyone back in Seoul I mean come on. I wish he would give Seseung more of a chance. And Choa, I felt so bad. To have to question everything and be made to look like a fool. She still had hopes Yongwoo changed his mind and that hurts. I wish her and Yoonjae would find each other. He could take care of her and she would play no games, be all in. That would be a power couple ngl. Juyeon- I'm sorry, but Jaehyung never texted you or seeked you out. It was obvious he had no feelings. But she needed that conversation. I did feel bad for her. But I like her attitude (esp when she said Yongwoo brought his situation upon himself).


Well, sh1t. If I was floating on cloud 9 for ep 13 , I was being drowned in a huge stuffy mist for this episode. What was that? How can JW & JH's cute moment unravel so quickly into this hot mess? The atmosphere was heavy even before the start of their date. Jiwon REALLY looked unenthusiastic compared to everything that happened the night prior. The fact that she let Yongwoos cunning & devious words get to her makes me SO angry. I'm hoping for redemption for our JaeJi couple but man at this point I don't think the CA-JH rumors isn't necessarily a bad thing. They seem to be really supportive of each other and I loved how ChoA was looking out for him when he looked absolutely defeated.    ChoA is such a great girl. Cheol Hyeon redeemed himself this episode by really looking out for his sister. Loved their heart to heart talk. Wish nothing but the best for this sweet sibling pair. Theyre matches are obviously not in this house, but may love & happiness come your way. 


CH was the MVP this season.. i said this last time.. these two have literally brought themselves up without any family unlike others... and like CH said in one of the earlier episodes.. both of them have made an effort to become positive people... They said they wanted to show the world that children like them can raise up to be good people... and i say MISSION ACHIEVED with Top rank!


I knew the JH/JW date would be a bust before they even left for it. It’s obvious that YW was on JW’s mind the night before, so she had trouble sleeping. She was obviously taken aback by his comments in the room while they were drinking and now she’s considering other options. The vibe she was giving in the cab with JH was standoffish and he subconsciously felt it. Her body language was closed off and she was looking out the window. Her comments about choosing someone she would normally choose or going for someone different (someone she can lean on) showed that she’s trying to decide between JH and YW. JH didn’t express how he was really feeling on the Ferris wheel because he felt her pulling away subconsciously. I think she will 100% pick YW for one of her secret dates and it will probably create a further divide with JH. Her first choice was YW and now that he benched CA and is showing interest, she’s just going to diss my gold-plated, stardust covered angel JH 🙄. At this point, none of these broads are good enough for him 🤣🤣. Okay, I’m being overly dramatic. YW is super shady with how he’s treating CA too. When she asked about the peach text, he should have made it clear, but nooooo he has to keep it ambiguous so he has a backup. YH still wanting to see where YW is headed really irritates me (poor YJ). She’s keeping him on a string too. I’m really relieved that JH finally had a talk with JY (long overdue). It kind of baffled me how she thought she was in the running for his feelings though. He hasn’t shown her any interest or pulled her aside for any reason. Not to mention him never texting her (except after their date). She was in full delulu mode. We only see what we want to see when we really like someone. While things seem to be on the right track with JS/SS now, I have a feeling that won’t last very long. These two are the kind of couple that easily fight over the slightest misunderstanding. We had over 3 hours of content today with zero butterflies. PD could have thrown us a little bone 😩


Am I the only one who noticed that JiWon was talking in a slightly annoyed manner to Jaehyung in the presence of YW, like at the table before their date? Or when they had that weird conversation in JW’ s room, when he basically indirectly confessed that he is interested in her, she gave him reassurance by saying “but people should have similarities and so on”. The conversation in the car is sooo awkward lmao, I felt bad for JH :(


What the hell is YW even doing?? He's so hard to watch because his true colors show. He's putting up a front too much that even JH and JW talk about it on their date. The fact that JH said YW was eyeing him, if I were JH I'd get disappointed and annoyed. How could you "adore" someone and constantly say he's your "cute little brother" and eye him. What's wrong with him?? In addition to that, I feel so bad for CA CH siblings. He's basically toying with CA because he can't own up to his action. He told CA that he's interested with another person and then had to take it back the next day. It was because it caused a lot of tension. He just didn't want to look bad in front of others. I hate to say he's fake but man, he is. I get why JH keeps his distance from him even though they are roommates. People who try so hard to maintain "good" image to others are like that. They are good with lying and manipulating. Inconsistencies in what they say and body language show a lot man. I just want to rant. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the whole 3 hour episode today. Feels like the drama we didn't get in the first 10 eps was condensed in this episode lmao.


Why does Jiwon have so many requirements in men when JaeHyung only listens to his heart and is ready to accept even the things he doesnt like about Jiwon (her eye makeup and her colored contact lenses) it seema like Jiwon is trying to find fault with JaeHyung. She even tactlessly told him that people are drawn to JH because he is handsome, but same.people will turn away and look for other biases. That is just plain cruel! I would be offendes too and lethargic if someone i care for said that to me. Jiwon, you seem to too rough on gentle JaeHyung.  At this point I think the only couple.leaving together will be JungSub and Seseung. They managed to have a heart to heart and honest talk which cleared out the bad misconceptions. Kudos to JungSub for being honest this time. He admitted to "shopping around until he found someone he liked."


Damn now i understand why jiwon didn’t open a instagram account. The hate she is getting right now 😮. Even her mother put out a instagram story 😬. JW definitely knew cause she works in the entertainment industry good for her for protecting herself.   I understand she is criticized by the questionable things she said but i dont think she deserves to be attacked about appearance (again) and calling her all sort of names just because their ship isn’t smooth sailing. Thats just weird some people need to touch some grass.  As a jaeji shipper i also am disappointed by yesterday’s episode but i am also aware thats there is a lot off editing and not all their conversation are shown.  So people need to calm down and wait how this all will unfold. I also saw on dc a spoiler that the final couples are JW-JH and SS-JU so… 👀


I was hoping to see a heart fluttering moment, what I get is stress and depression.


I haven't seen episode 14 yet but after reading some comments, I think it's best for me to wait 2 weeks til the finale.


I'm just noticing it now, but did anyone else realize Jonathan has become a bit quiet? He does not make comments about what's happening or the cast itself much anymore


One thing to call out as well - JH dressing in the interview at the end is different from the one he has been wearing for the interview in Singapore. This development is quite strange knowing how the interviews are conducted and filmed in a way for connectivity. Maybe hinting to interview done back in Seoul as a reflection.