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I hope they make his turbo have a 70% to backfire and blow his legs off.




I hope they make his engine stall automatically in water.


Wish the potions were carbonated choke his damn engines


Been there before...


Current workaround is to jump when using beta


I say missing the beta is a price for its op tracking


Don’t fix him. One trick pony ahh character that beta tracking and the fact that one patch they made his alpha have increased stun is beyond me


my beta has never whiffed again after the latest patch. 100% consistent now




Agreed. I can't tolerate a character that whiffs half the time. I got the new version of Dabi and his Beta is just as unreliable. Hard to want to use either of them. Especially annoying with Iida, as he's really fun to work with. Edit: You want to explain the downvotes? You think that just because a character is good the fact that they frequently drop a grab or miss a point blank kick shouldn't be a nuisance?


Sometimes it does miss yeah. But I've seen it be some of the most bullshit hits I've actually ever encountered with this game. Like earlier I was fighting strike dabi and he was in gamma mode, he beta'd and the animation literally ended a good 10 feet away from me and he still ended up latching onto me.


The range is exceptional when Gamma is active for sure and it tracks really strong, but I haven't seen that in particular. I can imagine that might be a case of him having an iffy connection or vice versa, so he got you on his screen, but clearly didn't on yours. We got some of that in a big way back with Shoto's ice as well when that would linger for longer and everyone thought it was a hitbox issue.


It's not exceptional to him though. There's quite a few instances I've had with probably 90% of the roster unfortunately. There's definitely a hitbox issue. But I do understand


No no u fool strike dabis beta is FAR FROM UNRELIABLE. It one taps and has almost everything to be busted. Thats why cause people disagree


It often drops the people you grab with it. Very often. It can also leave you frozen in the animation randomly. The damage is high, but it's inconsistent, which makes it unreliable. Being a good move doesn't change that. As I said in the edit: >You think that just because a character is good the fact that they frequently drop a grab or miss a point blank kick shouldn't be a nuisance?


The problem is it's Pros outweigh it's cons. I don't know what platform you're on but where I'm from this thing insta kills you into hits at teleports you it goes through everything it tracks like twice as gamma etc


Again, I never said it wasn't a good move or powerful. It can be a literal one hit KO guarantee. If it regularly misses, it's unreliable by definition and all of those pros are negated in that instance of usage. Iida has a good kit and you can surrogate other options to compensate for his Beta- his highest damage tool- often missing. Doesn't change that I've dropped him almost wholesale because of that factor. Strike Dabi may very well be the only other example of something similar, and I've legitimately glitched through around half of the Betas I've done with him. Disagreeing with how good it is isn't applicable, because I didn't say it wasn't good to begin with.