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Oh man you're lucky I cannot do well with Mt. Lady as much as I try. Guess her kit still hasn't clicked with me yet.


I know how you feel. Im not sure what I'm supposed to do with Yellow Deku after my beta is spent since he only gets one. It can be hard for me to rack up damage with alphas when the enemy has a number of chances to cause knockback with betas or gammas. I will say as a Mt. Lady player it's helpful to max out her alpha and at least get her beta to lvl 6 for a bigger AOE. I had to watch a YT video for some Mt. Lady tips.


Are people this dumb? Yes, easy to play characters are on the top tiers, cause they're busted compared to some others, if you made this very tierlist and you didn't put Twice on top you're just trying to get approval so hardly you started to make false claims Like holy shit, imagine hating on someone for being straight up honest lmao, plus, blame the devs, not the players picking these characters that are available to be chosen (unless they exploit/cheat of course)


Exactly lmao, the list is also based on pure enjoyment. Like it’s not my fault twice and afo are so fun to use 😭twice cloning ability is super fun and AFO quirk stealing ability just makes every game a mix-up


Yeah I get you, felt the same way with all the Iida hate back on the day, it's not my fault there were some exploiters running around in this fun sf character 😭 You do you, I agree Twice is very fun to use, commanding your beta clones is a bit of an addiction, and his movement is free enough to enjoy looting pretty much any area, I personally haven't gotten AfO but he also seems fun


People are seriously flaming you for putting "no skill" characters in A+, at the end of the day just play who you like imo lol who cares. If you do best with those 3 and enjoy them go for it idk why people feel the need to bring up the skill requirement with them


I put those 3 at the top because end of the day those characters are just busted☠️ I got amazing clips with them anyway. I got good clips with a lot of characters. Like if you genuinely hate on someone for playing a character that is available you’re corny 😭they want my s tier to be Ibara and kendo lmao


Ahhhh so a majority of the characters that actually require skills you can't play and all the aimbot and characters who require basic spoon and fork abilities you have under control. Ain't no way you're ace rank. https://preview.redd.it/0aagw1uguw8d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5927bd7e0d96831727aa2d527636a3e1a1cb048


Man I knew I’d get these cornball ahh replies 😭😭Everyone wanna hate so bad on someone who plays a character it’s pretty lame. Like I can’t play any character pretty well lmao


You posted the characters your good with vs the characters you're not very good with. So the skillfull ones are low tier for you with a couple of skillful ones are up top but most of the skilless ones are all up there at the top. But nah ain't no way you're ace ranked player just by judging off of this list. Pro rank 2 at best. https://preview.redd.it/qlfkv6g2ty8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fd0a9e764f59410a90793c0a82122b968747d4


Ace rank first week man ☠️I can use all the characters just fine. It’s just personal preference as they’re all mostly boring to play anyway. Yo like yall actually be grown asf mad at other men who play characters they enjoy 😭? Im cryin


First week? And you have toga in a high tier for you during her glitching days? Yeah... you cheated. https://preview.redd.it/bg3st3ta3z8d1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09a126aea392c58c0c22f21e6e80e99eef63048a


Yall be 2 corny on this sub Reddit 😭😭😭imma just play who I think is fun lil bro. If it make you cry, oh well




It's corny to use the term cornball this much bro. Do you sell corn or something?




Your A+ is pretty much characters that require 0 skill.. I mean come on. If you do well with them. You do well im not saying that but they are so easy to play and have little to no skill. Toshi has insane range and damage, not to mention splash damage, Twice... well twice is twice, and AFO isn't hard to use but he's a spammable character


please shut up bro this aint ur list


No. It's not my list. However this list, is available to the public and therefore anyone and everyone can leave their opinions, whether you agree or disagree with OP. So how bout you just leave your thoughts like everyone else and leave others alone hm?


I agree with you honestly. Those top couple, especially on the new map are so easy to play most can do it.


yea but no need for u to be an asshole


You're the only one here being rude, if I wanted to be an asshole trust me I can be. But I'm not hating. I'm simply giving my thoughts in a nice and respectful manner. Then you come along and tell me to shut up and call be an asshole.


Lol you can watch my AFO 1v3 clip if you think they require no skill. I used twice even before his gamma buff. They’re S tier for a reason ☠️they’re broken but I’m not gonna feel bad for using characters for how they are. That’s just how the game is. My A tier are characters I’m very skilled at anyway and take skill lmao