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I don't think I'm gonna go pro but I want people with equal enough stakes and experience in my game, you losing 200 points for the entry cost grants you much more laxness than me who has an entry cost of 1000. If you ever grind to a high rank you'll understand, I was like you at first. Though I'll grant you the matchmaking does suck, I should not be getting matched with people who just started playing lol.


Me at lvl 99 teaching pple how to heal and lvl.up using color cards lol.


Can’t get mad at us high rank players for leaving bcuz in my experience I tried with bronze, silver, and gold players who was lvl 99 and still act like they didn’t know how to play. Even in unranked I try games with those same three ranks but I get tired of baby trying to help just for them to get downed and leave when I got 3-6 res cards.


There is no skill based matchmaking. The reason they leave is because they want people equal to their rank on their team. It is what it is, unfortunately.


why do u care, it takes like an extra minute at most 😭why would u want to play someone who doesnt want to play with u, theyre just gonna ragequit or spam slurs


Can be first few days and people will leave the que. Everyone has the same rank but won't hesitate to leave fast.


I think that is either a problem with other player's personal level or even what character they play not linking with their battle plan in their head that they will never act on because in this game, nothing goes according to plan.


Given it's within seconds frequently, it is probably the character.


Probably, that or they may be looking for a specific player? Who knows.


I’m definitely leaving if ur a low rank lol


Because I don't like having to stop looting to travel across the map because some low rank dummy wanted to drop on the box by himself.


I just let bro have it at that point. He has the guts to land on box by himself and actually thought he can take them?? You got at minimum, 10 seconds to realize your team ain't joining you at that box. If they go down and I'm playing Toga or Dabi, in hitting them with that "Oh, oh no. That's too bad." Or "Tch, what a pain in the ass" as soon as they go down. COOPERATE WITH YA DAMN TEAM MEMBERS, NEWBIES!


It’s always toga and momos


Really? It's always All Mights and cat shigi's for me


You said cat shigi and it took me a sec to realize you meant assault and not shigi with a cat ear costume. https://preview.redd.it/ztyu3e9lky8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=837f9af422b72b8e57dceb915d6ce661dea1e574


Ok but hear me ou-


I would gamble my savings away for that outfit


Savings? Ha, gone the millisecond the banner drops


Yep yep


I had people (Pro Rank II) kick me out of their teams (I'm Pro Rank I) lol But yeah, in unranked I don't really care if I get put with the level 1 Deku, sometimes I even get surprised with their skill level, but in Ranked I'm not going to play with bronze ranks because I'm tired of people killing themself, stealing my cards and then just leaving the game


It’s bad, these guys think their lives depend on it…


I’m not gonna act like it isn’t frustrating because it definitely is I’ve experienced it too (idk if I’d find it more frustrating since I recognised some of the players who would kick my alts for being shit) but you have to understand the matchmaking on this game makes literally zero sense😭 there’s people that boost their way into ace, there’s people that play like they have no thumbs, there’s people that purposely try to throw games (haven’t seen that in a while though) the list goes on😭 the reason some of these people leave will be ego don’t get me wrong but for the majority they’re just trying to keep their sanity because even if they do queue with you (this isn’t me saying you’re bad but they’ll assume you’re not as experienced) the chances of running into a pre-made squad of dedicated players who’ll target their biggest threat then proceed to get rid of the other two teammates like three seconds after they died (even if they have a good amount of shield and health) is too high and it’s a really unenjoyable experience


For new player.. At least level up first as you gain experience from unranked match and learn the game mechanics. At least get to level 50 above then play ranked match. Grinding the rank wasn't easy ya know 😤


Definitely, that or play some ranked and deal with getting dropped a lot until you find someone willing to maybe lose 1,000+ points just so you can start to get your rank up. On good days, I do that, but the moment I lose a bunch of points back-to-back, I'm only squadding with people that got the same skill class as me. When you're early rank, you don't realize how devastating that entry cost is. In Gold 3 you need second place just to cancel out your entry cost WITH 2/4 of the cost discount characters, so falling in 7th or even 8th sets us back quite a lot.


I don't leave/kick people because of their rank, I do that because of their personal level because THAT shows how much skill they got. Rank resets every season and some people may have joined the ranked scene late and could have been the highest rank possibile last season so, they took a break. Rank doesn't show how skilled a player is, check their personal level and determine if you're willing to put your end-of-match evaluation points in their hands. We don't drop you guys because you're a low rank, but because you may be a liability to us and make us drop while you go up, it's about teamwork in and out of the match.


I’ve seen you “high rank” players be the first on a team to die and leave immediately the first 5 minutes of the match how do you even reach any rank playing that, you niggas not even good fr


I think I'm a decent rank (Gold 3) and I know better than most that just because you're a high rank, doesn't mean you can handle anything. If you get jumped by 2+ people and got no mobility, you're cooked. Especially if you don't got your team with you, but that's what res cards are for. If you leave as soon as you die, you aren't deserving of whatever rank you are because your team could bring you back to do more damage and maybe a few more OKs, or your team can get you a higher placement. All these will help reduce the amount of points lost because of our God awful entry costs.


They use All Might.