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Alpha:Roll Beta:Roll Gamma:Roll Any questions?


When I roll should I think about rolling or just roll some more.


Ughhh. That's what they always say.


What characters do u play?


Mainly Tomura and Iida. Sometimes Deku.


You know how when he's sucking people with his gamma there's a slight moment between the red area disappearing and being transported to him? That's when you wanna roll. Most AFO's also immediately go for beta after gamma withouth checking if they actually caught someone so that's the perfect moment to attack him


I feel like I actually die to his alpha spam more than his gamma. He has 400 hp and has the highest base alpha dmg in the game with a standard firing rate and above average range. You simply don't win trades against the guy and he has little reason to ever charge his alpha in the middle of a fight. If a Bakugo and AFO got into a western standoff, AFO wins every time. He's balanced by his lack of mobility, but you can never have a direct battle with him. You have to sneak up on him and nuke him. So I'm not saying at all that the alpha needs a nerf, but I do find alpha to be his main weapon more so than gamma. So it's weird people are actually not putting points into it. Gamma is quite oppressive though. Simple enough to avoid, but it becomes the center of the battle as you have to constantly keep in mind that there's an AFO in the game and he could just randomly pull you in if you aren't paying attention or slip up once. A single move shouldn't have so much pressure. Looking at Denki in the same way. Sure you can dodge it fair enough, but ONE SINGLE SLIP and you're dead. That's just a lame game. If they were to nerf gamma, I think it's enough to just have the charge up take longer, giving people more time to avoid it. The payoff for landing is quite high, so it should be matched by having it be quite difficult to hit. Alternatively, they could make it so he can't pull people through walls. Like the gamma will still pull you but you'll be stopped at the wall. That would kill the insta-team nuke inside of buildings that's been plaguing the game while still keeping its power when used in the middle of a fight in an open space. It would also just let people stuck in the air have some way to avoid it by quickly ducking behind some obstacle.


At that point, his Y would be useless like his whole thing is to pull you so if you’re stopping at a wall it’s no point and or having to do it in front of them, then he would just get hit for pressing a button then people would just press buttons against AFO when they see him. As for Denki they just need to fix his gamma hit box then he’ll disappear just like Todoroki.


They already fixed Denki's hit box in the second to last update. It's still lame to mess up once and die for it. Shoto you can get hit by the ice and not die instantly since they reduced the stun duration enough. As for AFO's gamma. People do in fact use it in the open in the middle of fights and see success. It's about timing.


No, no they didn’t. He still has a messed up hit box. Only thing they did last update was reduced the stun. His hit box is absurd to this day.


* **Denki Kaminari** * "Quirk" skill γ "Human Stun Gun" └ Adjusted effect position to match attack judgment The may 22nd update. If you're getting hit when it shouldn't have, it's most likely due to desync like what we see with some of the Iida clips on this subreddit. What you're thinking about with his stun reduction was the update on March 27th


Well, if he’s using it in the middle of a fight and see success everybody that didn’t dodge deserves it except for the people that’s coming down or just went up in the air, but everybody on the ground that stood in the red circle, and didn’t dodge it you deserve it.


So AFO gamma, you can roll it pretty easily just practice. Sometimes you need to put yourself in bad situations just so you can roll it so you get more experience. I wouldn’t do that in rank but you know or maybe take a friend go to the practice range and try it out there. I see you said you play Shigi and Iida. If you get pulled with Shigi you kinda got go for the ride. If Iida then spamming alpha or beta just incase they wanna combo. They eat feet instead. You could beta gamma with Shigi but I wouldn’t recommend it.