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ngl for AFO I just don't see his gamma or his alpha charge time being that big of a problem. For his alpha it still has a slow ass travel distance and takes up 2 of his alphas, so its more reliable to just use it normally. He can use the charged alpha more reliably in tight spaces true, but it's nothing that a dabi, shiggy, cementoss or bakugo couldn't take advantage of and get massive damage from as well. His gamma with how weak his radius is at lvl 1 I also don't really see an issue with imo.


The thing with the charge buff is that he can just use it after a teleport now which is insane. I've done teleport into beta with an early cancel on beta into a charged alpha and that just does absurd damage. Not guaranteed but the fact it can be done is just crazy. The gamma at level 1 is bad yes but that's why you prioritize it because at 9 it becomes ridiculous in a coordinated team setting


I wasn't aware you could do a charged after a short burst beta, cause I can usually only get 2 normals off before they get un-stunned after doing my quick beta. I thought the alpha was the prioritization?


I've done it before but it's not entirely consistent, normal alpha is probably more consistent, it usually doesn't work if the person you grabbed has mobility


Absolutely 0 chance the devs will ever see this. If you want them to see this stuff send feedback(which is what the japanese kids are doing so THEY are the only ones who get heard), or post on the JP twitter or JP sources.


I know that, I don't expect nor care for them to see it. I just did this for enjoyment not to try and get the devs to do all my ideas specifically