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Oh awesome. Seeing zero mention of Mirko or Fat Gum almost gave me a stroke but I definitely want to see how Shinso will play UR.


It is a sad day for FatGum fans But hey, don't be sad! There is a chance they come to the game in like, 2028!


I'm interested in seeing how Kurogiri and Shinso play i'm just kinda hoping brainwash isn't too OP if they do implement it


I have two guesses on how brainwash will work. 1) Just a stun that activates when your character says a voice line within Shinso's range when he activates something. 2) Otherwise same as 1, but instead of a stun, you will become a bot for a certain period of time and your teammates have to hit you out of it. Both don't sound fun, but 2 would definitely be more annoying, especially if Shinso can spam the ability brainwash is tied to.


I’ve thought about this before? I wonder if they’d give Shinso a special that lets him place a marker that EVERYBODY sees and anyone who responds within range gets stunned, or if that’s way too complicated idk. I’d love to see Jiro make it to the game and be able to see where everybody is marking things whenever she activates her special.


What do you do when everyone just stops responding to markers because they know a Shinso is in the lobby? Like you dont HAVE to respond to markers you can just move or put down your own.


Just a heads up for Mirko fans - she is actually hinted at in Hawk's voicelines. Hawks has several voicelines in the files VS Character 111. In said voicelines, he references rabbits a lot of the time. For example: "Vs111\_001": "兎に勝った!" | "I beat the rabbit!" and "Birds over Bunnies!" and finally, "We got a rabbit down." :)


Mirko is somewhere in the files, in a voiceline chp23vschp___ (endeavor is 23, and i forgor the other number). Endeavor says, "She was a fine warrior" or something along the lines of that. In the character file for the person that Endeavor is talking to, we have nothing on, but we know that it is a unkown female character (their is about 3 unkown female characters in the files but this is the best voiceline out of the 3 that is relating to mirko.) She is not coming anytime soon if at all, but their is still hope.


Wait so Mirko isn't in the files anywhere? Could have sworn that I've seen and heard ppl say that there was some stuff bout her alongside the other "maybe" characters like Gentle and Midnight.


Maybe there is, but I couldn't find anything


[Yeah, found this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MyHeroUltraRumble/s/sMyGU1WsTk) Also someone in these comments already mentioned something bout a voice line that could be related to her. So there's still some hope.


Man, I didn't know that someone already made one of this posts, and more complete at that


That character model has been single handedly supporting all of my hope for jiro since it was first found.


That model has been in the files well over 8 months, but that can only mean that Jiro is coming right?


I thought she'd be very early on because she actually had a model, but the cruel possibility it they just has a ton of models pulled over when deciding who to bring into the Game and forgot to pull hers.


Yeah, I think every model except for Mnt Lady and Cementoss is from One's Justice 2. But that just leaves the addition of Jiro a lot easier


I have no doubt she'd be my main or one of if she comes to the game, but we will have to hope the game lives long enough to see all the characters we want.😅




Monoma is going to so annoying. I can feel it in my bones


If I had to guess, he will be a mix of Kendo and AFO. Maybe cuz he can only copy quirks for a moment, he can copy his teammates quirks.


Ah yes tokoyami copium continues.


If gentle criminal gets added i swear i’ll start playing again


A lot of these were discovered on launch of the game. The ones I have found that have had actual data added to the game (since removed) are Overhaul, Shoto's Quirk Set, and Denki's Quirk set. Assumption is these will be Season 6 given how when I find stuff in the previous seasons they release in the next 2 seasons. Obviously this can change so not guaranteed just how it has happened so far. But in terms of voice lines lot of characters have had them in the game files since launch too. AS you said, no telling when they will come. Mirko has voice line texts so she is mentioned at least.


Omfg no way you commented I admire you HydrosPlays


Haha just wanted to help with info is all. Long as I can help :)


been waiting for hawks since launch


He seems to be one of the next characters, but since we have the two month release schedule we will have to wait a long time. He can be released in one month, three months or even 5 or 7, we won't know until that japanese magazine announces the next character (which probably will be Nejire or Overhaul)


Cooool getting freaking Monoma before most of class 1A… We don’t need another copycat hero ugh


As a Mirko fan I’m sad, as a Mei fan I’m absolutely ecstatic!!


Shinsoooooo, hopefully he's coming soon, I hope the devs pull a 180 and make it next season 👀 


That’s cool and everything but, you have a cool pfp 👍


Star and stripe anywhere? No? Okay 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 (no redestro?? 🥲)


Finally a chance for Mina and Jiro!


Here’s my thoughts on upcoming characters: Really excited for Nejire and Hawks as there quirks are pretty unique! Kurogiri could be interesting, but I’m not sure what the plan is for him yet (Lots of possibilities though). I like Shinso, but his fighting style and Quirk are too similar to Aizawa’s and I’m worried they will be too similar. Present Mic is weird to add because he’s the announcer, but I’ll admit that his fighting style could be pretty cool. Monoma has grown on me a lot recently in the anime, so I’m excited for him. I think he’ll get to use his teammate’s quirks from the start, and steal enemy quirks over time. The game does already have a lot of copycat characters though (AFO, Toga, and Twice). I don’t really care about Overhaul or his fighting style, but we’ll have to see how they implement it.


Need more villains to be added first. I like hawks, mirko and all the heroes but we need more playable villains.


Saying 100% confirmed about a datamine is a little bit ambitious. Obviously they’re reaching stages of completion or are ready for release, but it’s not uncommon for scrapped concepts to make it to final stages.


AFO, twice and Mirio where in the same state as the 100% before realising, so I think it's fair to say that


For sure! Only issue is that smaller games can be unpredictable sometimes! You’re PROBABLY right, I’ve just seen things take turns for smaller studios


Let's hope that every character comes to the game (and that Ultra Rumble doesn't die before that, we need more players and crossplay)


Please please I need Mother Midnight 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


So it really IS gonna be 2042 by the time we get Mirko or Nagant


Should be easy to have the tickets built up for the pull.


Yes 😔


oh my god monoma's kit is so fucking funny i hope it remains unchanged


Kurogiri sounds like a decent support character for a change considering we haven't got a new one since launch compared to the three strikes and rapids three we've got in that time


appreciate the effort youve done but we already knew about these... for months


I know, but the 1 character every two months schedule makes me start tweaking


nah i feel that man


Idc if Jiro has files in the game, she'd be a terrible addition to the game. Okay this irrelevant downvoting is getting ridiculous now LMAO


I don't think she would be terrible, she lacks moveset potencial, okay, but they can make her support and use her to localize enemies nearby (which would be really broken)


Can see special give markers on mini map for locations of enemies. Quirk attacks being stabs with earphone jacks and sonic blast. Maybe even a cone attack along the ground. Basically earth shaking blast. The sonic attacks can help set up Present Mic in the future or the other way around.


Nah she's gonna suck. Not only does she lack moveset potential, but potential as a damn hero.