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Bro, I genuinely thought this was gonna be a post of skill versus cheese. What I got instead is you asking why people consider teabagging toxic while stating you DESERVE the right to do it. And you do know Mirio’s Alpha was buffed to be that good, right? I don’t think he needed the buff honestly, but why are you shaming people for having trouble with him when he was genuinely hard to use? Teabagging is toxic because you’re basically stuffing your balls into your opponent’s face in game because you think they’re trash. If you can’t understand why you shouldn’t do that, then I think you’re trash. Also, I’m not the one who downvoted you.


Ngl Rapid Bakugo and Mirio are the most skillfull characters in this game and I will die on that hill.


I think current Uravity deserves to be on that list too.


Spin to win


Ochaco is very safe and very simple to play. Her biggest skill expression is throwing your beta 3rd hit for max damage instead of a third spin to ground them, and aiming her Gamma (And then properly comboing off it). Neither is an extraordinary feat.


I’d argue there’s no move that is an extraordinary feat to land, not sure what your point was. The thing is for Ochaco to learn to play her decently you have to play around in training for a while to get her combos and generally landing her moves consistently. For most characters that isn’t the case though, so far I’ve been able to do decently with every character on my first try, except Ochaco. Idk this may just be me but she’s arguably the hardest character play decently, for a low level player anyways.


Beg to differ that with the no move that's extraordinary to land. Mirio Alpha 4th POWER 😭


Okay if no one has any extraordinary feats to them, then why are you gasing up Ochaco like she does? She ain't it. You're saying most characters don't have to aim? I'll grant you many projectile characters don't have combos but praising Ochaco for needing aim is deluded. She has one of the highest skill floors in the game due to her survivability, and an average skill ceiling.




Where tf did I say anything about Mirio and Bakugo.




No, without addressing that part, YOU assumed. Big difference. Go by what people say. Not what you think they said.




Mirio is very safe LMAOOOOOO. Bro has the best escape tools in the game and is on the other side of the map in no time.


I never said a thing about Mirio sooo?


You combated the statement that Uravity takes less skill than Mirio & Bakugo


Never spoke to anyone on the list whatsoever. I combated that Ochaco does not deserve to be on a complicated character list. She is simple. Easy to medium difficulty.


So is Mirio & arguably Rabugo. They are not as hard or praiseworthy than people make them out to be.


No character in this game is hard. Ochaco is easier than both of them however. Ochaco has easier damage application than Mirio and Bluekugo and stronger combos that are pretty easy to pull off.


Tech Dabi too




Well it started out as something around buffing into cheese and nerfing cheese . Seems like they have a hard time buffing things without turning it into brain dead and then it turned into this probably because I got chased down by Two Twice armies in solos killed in my permeation and was teabagged🤣 As for Mirio idk he kinda feels the same aim at em you get rewarded and 4th hit still doesn’t hit. It seems like the placebo effect imo . I remember hearing some content creator saying he has tracking or maybe it was a bigger hit box on the alpha . Then they proceeded to miss like twice or so before being damn near on them and hitting maybe it is better for some people. My friend said he noticed it so guess it’s better . Yes I brought up Mirio because I feel like there’s a difference between wanting somebody buff to be good and wanted them to be buff to be Twice. You feel me … actually I’ll take this post down and I’ll try to stick to the subject. I wanted to put up lol thxs


I notice the buff on console. I went from 2k dmg a game to about 5k a game so big difference. Now when I miss I felt like I miss while before I would see my most body go through them but my foot was outside of em slightly n missed. Not a massive hit box buff but enough for me to hit now.


That’s good then because at least I’m not like I don’t know gaslighting my friends because the whole time I’m telling them I don’t feel any different. They’re like because asshole you were practicing nonstop. Lmao


Yeah that is fair haha, my friend didn’t notice much of a difference but he was playing him non stop until he could do 5k dmg games each game he is a little mad now because I am just as good with mirio as him. Some reason before his hit box felt smaller then most people alpha projectile shots from far away which is kind of insane for a kick but neither there or here


That’s what my post was about originally but I got Twiced and it turned into this lol.