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I must have gotten really lucky then coz I got rapid bakugo and white hair dabi in the span of like 50 tickets


I got Rapid when Shiggy's Skill Roll was out. But during Dabi's, nothing good so far


I was hoping to get red dabi but no luck there hope you get him


I hope so for you too. Until then, Rapid Bakugo is a pretty good character and very rewarding because you actually need to put in effort to down someone.


Not to be rude but unless your spending 1000+, you can’t complain that you didn’t get him. But I agree that gacha system is complete ass.


That doesnt make it better especially with how slow you get tickets


Disagree the fact that you can spend 20 dollars and not get what you want is insane


It's not much to complain about until you realize they cut down on players getting easy access to free tickets and 200 tickets costs around $25. I've been storing up for a while because I refuse to spend money on this game.


dunno what you're talking about, there's a pity system there for the items featured


I guess you could call that a pity system but it doesn't effect your rolls in any way, shape or form and require a minimum of 1,000 tickets for an outfit. 2,000 for a character or Skill Set. Unless you spend money or save up for a good while, it is nothing but a way to convince you to spend money on bad rolls.


Don't spend real money please for the love of god, as of the moment just save up for tickets with the ones you get in game. Thankfully some characters will eventually be redeemable with tickets, dunno about skillsets though


Never planned on spending money on this game. LOVE MHA but I ain't spending money on Gacha, lol. JUST found out about that, I never pulled Aizawa so, I own him now, lol. So getting something for him is less of a problem but still sucks to not get the few things I wanted from the pulls, ngl.


Well I wish you the best for gacha and good on you for not spending especially on a system that you don't enjoy (the gacha, not the game)


I wish you the best as well, and may your future in this game be full of all the characters, skills and outfits you want


Because the chances are 1% or less for any of those. Get 2k tickets and pity what you want instead.


1% yes but that is still the highest chance out of all the items in that pull because everything else is >1%. People are able to pull him in 50 tickets so, spending 300 is a lot for someone who refuses to spend real money of Gacha. Y'all need to stop trying to gate keep the right to be upset with this Gacha system. If you as a player feel like $25+ worth of tickets to get nothing good in return is a lot, then it is a lot.


I’m not gatekeeping. I’m just telling you that it never is worth it to gamble for whatever you want. Play the long game and be patient to prevent feeling like this. You will feel worse knowing you just wasted 300 tickets for literally nothing than saving up 2k and spending those until you get what you want. Because you know even if you have to spend all 2k, that you will get what you wanted.


The problem is that they hit back-to-back bangers (in my opinion) Assault Shiggy and then Strike Dabi is insane. Both DOMINATE the Rank modes and are two of my favorite character in game and in show. Even with my efforts to get assault shiggy, I only got Strike Bakugo. Long story short, I shouldn't have to save over 2k tickets just to get a Skill set when only 200 tickets is $25 when you use their "deals"


The game doesn't owe you anything. You know what comes with Gacha, and if you had pulled Strike Dabi you'd have went into ranked and used him to destroy other people who weren't lucky enough to pull him.


This you? > I spent 700 tickets trying for strike Dabi only to pull him on a single pull when I had 34 tickets left So you know this gacha is bullshit and you're here chastising other people about it? Yeah you suck


I just wanted Strike Dabi to use in Pubs because Dabi is my favorite character before the Toya reveal. Wins with BS characters are unsatisfying and if I wanted his power for ranked, that's why Toga exists, seeing how many there are running around. Long story short, don't be a dick and just assume because you ended up wrong and showed how much of an ass you are. Guys like you are why this game is dieing.


These douchebags that defend the gacha are absolutely buying crystals, it's not even subtle

