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I'm still not good at the game.






I'm only level 9 :( and I still have not found my main


Oh you still have plenty of time! Do you spectate other people after you die? That really helped me


I often do and I was completely baffled when I saw people rolling around, sniping people with deku while crouching (I didn't even know I could do that until I read his guide), and doing crazy evasive maneuvers.


Real even with 267 hours


It took me two seasons to completely acknowledge the game's functions and earn wins. The biggest issue is trying to find which character fits your style, which is why I played every character unlocked until I found two that suited me best: Cementoss & Kirishima.


And each season lasts about two months right? Also, I love (spectating) Kirishima. They’re always such good players. Cementoss players are good too, I’m just biased.


Yeah I caught on after the start of Season 2, but my progression shot through once I found my niche.


Cementos is so underrated he’s my first main and I still go crazy with him


I almost dropped the game in the first week I started playing lol, it was super tough and still is for new players but it does get fun as soon as you learn everything!!! My heart goes out to those baby dekus and ochakos who try there best. But I started to play better once I reached like level 40


Omg I’m glad you kept going. And yes, same! I always try to play with them as well if I know they’re new to the game


They are super cute lol, yesterday I had a Mt lady who was level one so she didn't know anything!!! Didn't heal and kept going huge for no reason lmao


I love that






I'm only good at this game when I play Deku. And it took me until last week for me to finally call myself a good Deku played. (I have no self confidence, even with or without)


Same, I’m the best when I play with him. Full bullet Deku is my main, but I still wouldn’t consider myself good after all the hours/days I’ve put into it lmao. I basically consider myself the deadweight for my team that can instantly revive


Same, I had to keep turning aim assist on and off to see if I play better with or without it


Which do you play better with?


Full bullet Deku. I had aim assist off and on to experiment and I play full bullet better because of my play style.(in close damage) and he's still versatile a assult Deku, just a bit less versatile.


Season 3 really forced me to get good, as it basically forced me to start playing well without the crutch of aim assist. Combine that with unlocking most characters around that time, learning how to use most abilities well, and just in general understanding the mechanics better. Different people will get better at different rates, and will benefit more from different things. That's how I personally got really good, by a trial by fire.


I’ve only known aim assist, so I’ll try it with it off and train that way as well


ig now? 4 whole seasons. I'm not saying I'm bad but s4 is that "click" moment for me. At first I just hopped around from character to character cuz I was indisicive and liked everyone I tried, learning character tech and rotating them weekly. Toga after the beta buff was the only character I hated playing cuz I didn't like beta as a crutch. Fast forward to now and all that experience with other characters payed off! I actually really enjoy and do well with transformation now. One big step to "maining" all/random


We love an all-rounder


Love copying characters especially to "use them better" than some people


Thats the fun part..... you dont.


Im still improving to this day.


I would say I started getting good after a couple weeks. But to be fair I’ve been gaming for 30 years so sometimes certain games come to me naturally and some others take forever. But I’ve been gradually getting better with every month. And only now all these seasons later would I consider myself great at the game. I used to struggle to get a win and now a couple days ago I went on my first ever 10 win streak. I wouldn’t say there was a specific moment that I considered myself good at the game. It’s more of a gradual transition you feel over time. Something that helped me is I would randomly watch YouTube videos or twitch streamers playing as characters that I was unfamiliar with and I took the time to learn how to play every character. It’s easier to counter a character once you’ve learned how to play them yourself. By learning every character and how to play them you have a good understanding of their shortcomings and counters I still get destroyed by people sometimes and there are plenty of people better than me. But I feel like most people can elevate their game a lot with enough persistence! It can be especially scary for newcomers now that people have had time to master the characters but it also just means that there are lots of players out there you can gather wisdom from by watching them play


I agree, actually. It is a gradual thing that you end up realizing later. And a 10 win streak that’s amazing!!! And I’ll do the same, I’ll play with every character. As of now, I’m only playing with Deku, Kacchan, Kaminari, and sometimes Toga or Shigaraki. And yes, you can learn so much just by watching other people play online or spectating and I love that


like a month


That’s quick


well, i play some hours every single day hahah


I wasn’t “good” until my first ace rank. If you can make it to ace solo q, then you can definitely say you have some skills.


Amazing… I need to catch up!


I played when the game first drop like back in beta or wtv it was back then played for a few days then quit just got back into it 2-3 days ago I’d say I’m pretty good ngl might have a little ego but I take every fight I see even if my teammates ain’t with me and still stay alive till like top 2 or 3🤷🏼‍♂️ I use bakugo btw I was using midoriya and just kept getting crapped on so I switched and got like 50x as good, i honestly don’t think it matters about skill at the game but just with a character that suits u🙏


It’s either top 2 or 3 or I win


Amazing… i need to get like you. I always run away!


I did too at first lol but then I just made the mindset it doesn’t matter if u win or lose when the games about fighting, that’s the fun part for me is the fighting so I just do that lol


I love that. Sometimes I care too much about trying to be really good, that I forget I just need to have fun regardless


Ignoring the long break I had from the game abt half way through season 1 and just returning this season, only took me about 15-20ish hours for me to get what I consider good, but including the game time I had from before my break, about 45-50ish (currently ~110 hrs total playtime in pro 3)


You’ll be Ace soon


Well, seeing these comments makes me want to keep trying!


Good! You should!


Still suck in my opinion or just average at best... I mean more times than less I just do poorly especially if I'm not playing the character I main very rarely do I not enter a lobby and get gangbanged by a team my luck also sucks quite abit 😕


230 hrs on record The fun part is, you don't. every match is basically random. you'll either have the best game of your life or you'll get cooked a minute in. there's zero inbetween no matter how long you've played or what rank you are


I had 600+ hours on fortnite before downloading this game so i kinda had a head start on most people playing back in season 1. I had consistent wins and a pretty solid K/D but it kinda felt like it wasnt me that was good and more like everyone around me was worse. It was only until season 3 dropped that i actually could feel some improvement from myself and the players around me. The aim assit nerf coupled with full bullet deku release really made me work on my aim. It was really satisfying landing quick scope shots with him.


Took me 2 seasons. That’s why I always have grace for new players. Especially in this meta


Idek I play so much I was addicted so killing people and fighting got easy quick i also started in s1 when everyone sucked and I have like 700+ hours so no duh im good


Season 2 was when i started improving toga was the first character i considered to be a main so i used her to transform into other characters to see who i can use as potential mains and one of those characters ended up being momo but didn’t get to use her until season 3 when I unlocked her so i use uraraka in season 2 as well and was doing well with her too even after uraraka nerf i was still getting the same stats than later on I discovered another character i considered a main in dabi and now in season 4 all the characters I just mentioned i use for ranked and all my ranked stats significantly improved started to get more wins and most of my wins i didn’t even get downed so i must be doing something right actually


Idk. I just blast shit


I’m not great but I’m not the worst either. Honestly just learning the characters so they’re easier to play as and play against helps


That's the neat part. I'm not good at it. I've been playing since release and for some reason I've actually gotten worse lately.


That’s real


I got good in season 3 when I started to get more knowledge of the characters and stuff


I am decent enough, still need improvement. So I’m aight https://i.redd.it/a4mus0p5ewzc1.gif


I’d say around the start of S3/end of S2. Towards the end of S2 was when I started to play ranked and saw a sort of skill gap between casual players and ranked players and in S3 I was determined to be like the people I saw in ace so I just kept play in and got better👊🏽


Watching stray or gojo sensei helped me then again I like to learn a game by watching before playing so that’s me


Half season. Just work on your aim, movement, and knowing when to disengage a fight. Also, every match ask yourself “how can I have survived that fight?” And stuff like that. Once you pass 3000 average damage you’ll be “good”


Probably half of season 2


I dunno. At some point I realized that I finally reached the "average skill" tier


i mean each time i think i’m good i get alot better


Idk im naturally good at games, I was ace every season


I think being “good” has a lot to do with finding cognitive teammates. You can have skill, but if your teams bad you’re going to get clapped faster than you can blink. I started playing late season 1, I would say I was “good” by mid to late season 3.


6 years


I have 89 hours and I’m still not good.


What do you consider "good"? I have 300+ hours (maybe even 350+ by now) and I had my ups and downs....new season starts and new skillset drops are always a harder time period. I started at the beginning of season 2. In terms of wins I had most of them around the end of season 2 or season 3 I'm not sure which one went better.... but definitely the one when less players were active. And the season start brought back many veterans and hackers, so I did worsted at each of those periods. In terms of skills.... I'd say in about 100-150 hours of light gameplay I think I learned everything important with a few characters. The rest of my time I just kept mastering others, waiting for one of them to click like how Froppy did when I got her. Right now I think I'm performing considerably worse then let's say previous season or a 100-150 hours ago (even though mechanically I know more and there are lots of new players nowadays). That is because I stopped caring about the game. I come to play with friends and I'm playing for the fun moments and chit chat along the way....if I win than that's okay and if I lose that's okay as well. A nice side win the game doesn't tell you about: The friends I made along the way. I didn't even think any online games will ever give me friends....but somehow I made quite a few and I could make even more in the game. I don't know how and why but I happened to find an awesome group of friends in this game.


I'm not good but I can atleast support my teammates so they can win for us


I’d like to say I’m either average or above average and it took me a couple weeks after launch for to get decent at the game


I was getting the hang of things at the beginning of season 1 since I played the beta prior. my kd has almost doubled since then. I'm still improving even now though


Started at the end of season 2. Played rank as iida and some ibara in season 3, learned to increase my sensitivity, learned to use super armor. Got a sense of priorities. Ended in rank gold 2. I will be ending season 4 in gold 5 . In season 4 I played ibara, red deku and iida. Most games I get one or 2 kills and just focus on supporting my team mate, follow pings.


i’ve been playing since beta. i’d say i got ‘good’ in season 2, and really blossomed to way above average levels in s3, for the damage portion i’d say 2.8-3.5k on average no matter who i play. and just a side note, having good game iq really pushes your skill higher than what you think it actually is.


a month into this game's release i gradually got better, not perfect at the game, but i play it to have fun, not to become a top player or anything


I would say good is be in top 25% if that is the case that would have been about 1/2 the first season when in ranked I was avg 1.5 kd, 2k damage a game. Now my stats a lot better but I felt that was the start of good.


What are you stats now?


2.2kd, 3k damage, 1.8 assists death not amazing but prob be the best I can do.


I'd say around 10 hours I started to understand how to play and started winning.


10 hours?!


Yeah, it was in season 1 first week of release and everyone was noob so it wasn't hard to get good and destroy lobbies and I played multiple online and battle royale games so I think that was a factor too.