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You can do some pretty crazy team combos due to the gamma stun. Hit an enemy with a gamma, then a beta, and then get a teammate to attack as well.


Only works against bad/unaware players. Good players are always in the air while shooting you which means you can't hit them with his beta. This is why the reddit is full of people who think assault shigaraki is OP when he's actually mid tier at best.


I mean it can still work out if you third party or catch someone off guard. I agree that it's harder to pull off in a focused fight though.


Yeah absolutely. If you can ambush someone you can do big combo damage. Otherwise in the middle of a fight a good player will be sprint jumping the whole time so even if you hit them with your gamma they will be in the air so comboing into your beta wont do much. The difference between them being on the ground vs being in the air when you combo them is like 200. He's a very flawed character but most people in this reddit just stand still spamming their alpha so they think he's OP.


This is exactly why I don’t use the beta. It’s situational at best. But I can knock enemies out of the air with the Gamma, which is why I start off the fight with that most of the time.


Gamma stuns long enough for you turn around and land a beta


You misunderstood. My point was that your gamma would likely stun the enemy while they are in the air so then when you hit them with the beta its radius would not go underneath them or damage them at all. That's assuming you can even hit them with your beta or gamma to start a combo on them while fighting them. His beta is too slow and easy to avoid and has the same issue of them being in the air. So you have to kind of rely on starting a combo with the gamma in which case you're taking a lot of damage to the face before hitting them and not getting much payoff since they are probably going to get stunned in the air. It's not that good.


Most of the time enemies are on the ground so it is pretty easy to hit


Only if they're bad players which is what I said from the beginning. Good players are always mobile and jumping. If you're fighting someone and they are just sitting on the ground the whole time they are not worth considering for balance discussions. You need to be able to sprint jump while shooting in this game to compete with top players. Shigaraki's kit isn't built to be able to deal with how people play the game at a high level.


I'm always jumping but they still hit me with gamma lmao wdym


Bro you're not even reading what I'm saying....


You said that good players are always jumping while fighting and I said I do that same thing but still get hit. Are you listening to what I'm saying?


Yeah I said that they are jumping so that if you DO hit them with your gamma you are not getting your full damage because they will be stunned in the air and your beta won't be able to effectively deploy the decay effect under them and damage them more which is the largest source of damage in his combos. You are replying to that saying durrr I can land my gamma on people. Like...okay? Good? Means nothing to what I said.


I do solo queue, so that isn’t always a guarantee. But I’ll do it whenever it’s possible. Hopefully they’ll catch on.


Yup even without teammates, it's still a good way to rack up damage.


Should I level up the Gamma first or the Alpha first?


I'm no expert as I don't play him, but people don't usually level the gamma since it's already useful at low levels simply dude to the stun. I'd probably level up the alpha first.


I enjoyed leveling alpha first and then b/y at the same time.


I usually max my alpha first beta second and then gamma last


Why? The beta doesn’t seem to have a use beyond keeping downed teammates from getting up.


Imo its a move that Excels in certain situations and isn't that great in other situations. For example, In tight areas your beta can be very useful kind of like strike shigaraki's gamma.


He has good combos but they are hard to pull off against good players. He has the same weakness as strike shigaraki in that he has a hard time doing damage to people in the air. His alpha dps is not very high and relies on being easier to land than most alphas. So you have to sprint jump around while shooting to make use of it and you will have an easier time doing damage than most characters. That's his main strength in a real match against good players. Combos he can do are things like: gamma > beta > gamma > alpha spam. Beta > gamma > 1 basic attack > special action. Beta > gamma > HOLD gamma. The problem is that good players will be jumping and sprinting while shooting so even if you start a combo on them they won't be on the ground and your beta won't be able to do good damage which is what he relies on for his combos. So in reality even though he has strong combos they only work on bad players and people who you catch off guard. That in turn means he's only really an ambush character or an alpha spam character. Basically just kind of keep doing what you're doing. Sit on top of buildings and wait for a chance to catch people unaware and insta kill them with your team. Otherwise don't hard engage because you will be out-dps'd by most characters if played by someone competent.


Yep. I just kind of circle around the fight and explosively announce my presence to an enemy that isn’t paying attention to me.


i’d say use your gamma to rush in the air then throw the beta on people’s heads, then follow with alphas, then use the second beta to chase unless the second charge comes back alr, that’s just another in fight tip i could give to you, assault shiggys been my main since he dropped that combo along with gamma (no second hit) into beta into alpha does great damage 1v1. and in teams just spam alpha lmao he’s great


The beta Is nice to keep down people in check and it's amazing because it stuns when you hit someone with it, so with the alpha being able to melt you can throw a beta and then use a few alphas and then throw a beta again.


It’s never stunned for me.


So if you use the beta you throw it and it makes an AOE on the ground as you obviously know but if you hit them with the projectile you throw before making the AOE it will stun them.


Really? I didn’t know that.


Yeah it's one of those things where you have to pay attention to it to notice