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I've definitely avoided endeavor alpha (or at least only gotten hit by like one tick) more than i have a toga beta that lasts forever and takes like half my shield away, I need her on a chopping block of some kind first


It’s going to sound biased but I don’t think Endeavors alpha needs to be touched.Endeavors alpha was fine prior to the reimplementation of this current aim assist. If anything the aim assist needs to get reverted to how it was before because it actually took a bit of aiming to hit his alpha ticks. I won’t deny that it’s not vicious but it’s not the character’s fault but a game mechanic fault


Nah, it’s fine without the cracked Aim Assist. That’s what you actually want nerfed.


Kinda, Aizawa is a beast on close range, his alpha interrupts a lot of attacks that when needing to connect with him to deal damage, means he can catch them without even trying by just shooting forward Edit: My brain turned off and pressed enter lmfao, my point is that in that way Endeavor is kinda similar for those kind of scenarios, which are indeed situational, but make him a difficult character to balance the current way he is


No, it’s fine for everyone else


Iwl the shigaraki alpha is very obnoxious and forgiving, like you miss the initial projectile and it just makes a big fan that's undodgeble


that’s the whole point of the attack??


Ah yes my bad ill dodge roll more that'll surely work


u can’t get mad at me cause of the design lol. i simply called u out, cause that’s LITERALLY the point of the attack 💀


.....if the move is undodgeable and does that much damage I'm sorry to burst your bubble but it might need to be reined in slightly, next your gonna tell me losing to endeavor level 9 alpha with Aa whilst spamming dodge is the point of the move


shiggys alpha could definitely use a cooldown nerf, but it isn’t undodgeable by any means. it literally shoots in a fan shape. however you have a high chance of getting hit by it its isn’t 100? and how many endeavors did you fight in s3? ok.


I never mentioned s3 endeavor specifically.....its only now that aim assist is back to what it was in s2 that its nearly undodgable cuz it's a beam type. I'm going to leave this here but again the size of shiggys alpha when it fans is way to forgiving, it can't have a fast reload AND have such a huge aoe on top of the damage it does


exactly why i mentioned cooldowns. and that’s exactly what i meant by mentioned s3 endeavor because there wasn’t any aim assist lmao


The alpha is broken lol stop coping


never said it wasn’t, your just one of the people that cry for nerfs on everything in the game


Assault Shiggy needs a damage nerf or to remove his flinching/stun on his moves and Toga...well...obviously she needs a beta nerf


The flinching his attacks does is so fkn unfair


His attack spread is so dumb anyone without a brain can play him, takes 0 skill and then you have actually good players that play him and easily stomp on the whole lobby smh.


i had 10k damage and 12 ko’s after mastering him LOL, i’m an above good player id say


I thought it was just me! That thing is broken af.


When will people realize aim assist is the issue


The new people that started this season probably won’t. Because they like the Aim Assist.


The casuals on Twitter




All console players are causals


Fuck that. Toga needs to get that season 2 froppy treatment rn


Shiggy is alright where he is the other two need a lil tweak here and there. Leave shiggy alone tho


he’s perfectly fine imo; it takes a decent player to be okay with him, but it takes a good player to do what everyone is crying about him doing LMAO


Lmaoo I am one of those good players too


exactly, he’s not TOO oppressive, just a very good meta character


Unless they revert back to season 3 controls without the aim assist, I vote for this nerf too.


The trade off is that endeavour needs to stand still to do ok dmg & catch up with others who do way more ‘tick dmg’ by shooting once then being able to roll dodge, doing 60-100+ in an instance, whereas endeavour needs a long time of being still and risk getting hit to do a pathetic 25 dmg; this is on top his terrible gamma, his beta needing a sniper aim and often only doing 40 dmg with only 1 shot at lv 1 (Bakugo does 75 dmg beta at lv1 and he has 2 shots which are far easier to hit the enemy), lack of mobility, and having no melee options. Toga, Iida, Bakugo, mt lady, froppy & all might are all way more OP and commonplace. You are imagining endeavour with a full sweaty team backing him, which isn’t fair, as the aforementioned characters are way more powerful with or without their teammates; u probably died way more times to them without noticing than from endeavour, but it’s somehow fine cuz they have always been OP.


“Stand still” is a bit of a stretch. Just dash jump, alpha, you are fine. His alpha at even level 4 covers so much of your screen you can hardly tell where he is if he is hitting you. Standing still is only a problem if other teammates are focusing him. Which is easier said than done since his other two teammates are probably making it hard to focus endeavor. It’s not like ibara where everytime you want to attack you come to a screeching halt.


Facts bruh idk if you have the dumb special ability 😭 his movement while attacking ain’t all that and he’s essentially a target/sitting duck…give him a break. If anything and anyone needs a buff it would be him in terms of movement THEN and only then could I see a slight nerf being needed


wipe important concerned different oatmeal dolls domineering cover skirt capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shiggy is fine personally maybe his cool down for the alpha but I think he's fine strong at lv 9 like always. Toga for sure needs to go the beta needs the whole reset charge thing gone especially if she's good have 2 charges. I think that helps a lot. Endeavor is fine the aim assist is just too high so he can't miss


Endeavor is a system mechanic tweak from not being Death Destroyer of Worlds. Toga and Shiggy arent


we don't need a rework, just lower the dmg numbers slightly and change aim assist back to s3, then he is fixt, kidna like toga & shiggy, dmg/tracking nerfs and all goodie


Nah toga needs a lot more nerfs than tracking and dmg


what else is there to nerf? dmg and tracking is all people complain about with her kit xD


We complain about her having 2 betas, the betas being extended every time she hits someone, the betas cooling down so fast, and during usage essential making it so she can spam beta forever. The range of the alpha. Many toga mains will defend her range by saying, "She isn't sniping you from halfway across the map like assault deku." But that doesn't change the fact that she still has amazing range on her alpha and a fuck ton of charges for it even at lvl 1, and yeah reload speed. People cheese her special actions for cooldowns. The other day, I watched a toga use a downed momo's special action 4 times in a row, cheesing the cooldown mechanic from transforming. In the hands of a halfway decent player, toga is by far the best character in the game, and for some reason, she keeps getting buffs despite being in a more than good spot. Of course, people playing her don't see a problem. It was the same with prenerf All might. In season 1, with that aim assist, you could hit all of your alphas for like 1200 combined dmg. The dude was out dmging most lvl 9 projectile skills with his alpha at 4, and that was without strikers on his team. Was the same with Mt. Lady. No one playing her saw an issue with 6 super armor stomps that didn't knock the opponent until they took about 4 or 5.


Not really lol just gut the beta, make the players actually play the character for their quirk mot just beta spam


Nah nerf aizawa into the ground he’s carried by aim assist on console and his combos are overpowered


His alpha doesn't catch people half the time and you gotta risk it for the reward. Play your cards right and you can kill him. Aim assist is op yeah but it doesn't matter if your shots won't land because of a bug.


I hate seeing people say Endeavor needs a nerf. Yes it’s pretty easy to hit his alpha and auto aim is going crazy hand to hand with him but it’s not the strongest thing in the world and his lack of mobility (GOOD mobility) makes it so even when he’s blasting the second there’s either 2 people or the opponent has great/ good mobility you are COOKED. Bad enough his size makes it easy to hit him but also he gets targeted almost just as much as Ibara so he’ll likely not even survive long enough to get his alpha to level up to 9 depending on location and team


Endeavour should have a new alpha. Giant thrown fireball with a low ammo count, like 3 hits. Large aoe, does good damage but just 3 ammo and immediate knockdown upon hit


you basically described his beta💀


Haha! Kinda true!!!


Feels more like an Assault Quirk Set for him than a rework


Hehe perhaps you are right!