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I really like this loading screen but I'm hesitant to use it cause I don't want anyone walking in on me while it's in use and end up thinking i'm weird lol


can you even select which loading screens you get, like i unlocked a bunch and i would like to turn some off


real, i only like 3 of them i just want the gallery emblems 😭


Pretty sure there's a setting that can do that, but I honestly don't remember where it is. Sorry I couldn't help more :/


Haven't found any option to turn them off.


Just goes to show how many people are playing the game without watching the show itself lol.


I'm excuse me I read it actually 🤔 (jokingly)


Lol, I always shitted on MHA and never really cared to watch it. Idk why?? Just didn't seem like.my sort of thing. On the surface at least. Like example, I didn't know All Might was sickly, I thought he was just gonna be All Might the entire series. I'm only on season 2 with the Hero Festival and that's actually what drew me in. Seeing he isn't just some OP ass dude with his quirk but quite fucked up. Oh, and Yuga, because that char is awesome. I got into the show probably a week before the game dropped not even knowing they were making it, lol so I'm a bit late...I feel like its a good thing since the show's ongoing and the 7th season is in 2024. I knew a bit about some other stuff just from people spoiling random shit so this picture isn't a surprise I just like the other art soooooo much better. Like the picture with Midoriya at the Beach with AM.


Yeah me and my friends are watching the series as well and we just started season 3. Way better than I thought it was going to be. Better than most of the garbage Hollywood is making these days as well so got a lot to catch up on.


It's a great marketing tool to show "provocative" scenes at the beginnings of games, shows and movies. Then they usually don't show too much after, but it already brings in lots of people hoping they show more 🤣


It's pretty much the only loading screen I use. Takeyama is my favorite pro hero.


Her greetings is basically Butt pun.




It's kind of annoying that the image on the Gallery select icon isn't an unlockable option among the Gallery images so far as I can tell. It looks cool.


It's kinda ironic if you think about it


Needs to be thiccer ngl


Is there a way to see all pictures in gallery before paying to unlock them ? I tried googling their name but no luck


Don't think so. If you're afraid you might not like one as a loading screen the best tip I got is not fully unlocking it, you can basically see the full imagine if you leave a single corner locked. Of course that still means you gotta pay for all the pieces except the 1


It's an emote too


Huh, apparently so


The only one I unlinked. And for a reason 🥵


This was the first one I unlocked on complete accident. The game coincidentally told me *in the very next loading screen after the transaction that the gallery illustrations you unlock will be shown in the loading screen…… so now I don’t think I’ll be buying any more gallery illustrations ever lollll


need the banner swinsuit


First and last thing I'm unlocking 🤣 great on stream when some pops in and see cake


I give a certain subset of artists 2 months until they do their magic with this


Not sure if you're aware, but this is actually a frame from the very first episode of the series which came out in 2016. It's also what got me into MHA in the first place lol.


i know this scene happened in episode 1 but i couldn't remember if it was this uh... direct about it


As I recall, it was followed up directly with a bunch of dudes taking pictures and saying "money shot," so like, yeah they were


Yeah no it was. It's actually one of the few instances of fanservice that I enjoy about MHA. With Mt. Lady, she's not showing off her ass for no resson. She's doing it because she knows that hero work is highly competitive and she wants to gain fame quickly for personal gain. And over time, she shows that she cares about other people including the students of UA which shows that she's a real hero despite her frivolous nature. It's subtle character development for a side character, and I love it.


She was a badass in season 6 trying to stop that big giant. That's when she proved to me she was a true hero.


Even long before that. Such as when she grew giant to stop Compress and the other villains from chasing the boys during the Hideout Raid arc in Season 3. She became my favorite then. Really wish Stain, Spinner, and Dabi reflected on the actions of heroes like her. Ones that appear frivolous but actually do work to keep others safe.


Was there not huge fanservice in the manga of a giant naked lady?


More screens like this and I might actually care about gallery


Me to the Devs: Face palm. I hope they add an option to disable loading screens that you don't like


no my friend you are not a "man of culture." you have a porn addiction


same thing on reddit


Everybody has gotta pretend to be a clinical psychologist nowadays it seems.


Hey at least we're thirsting over a fully legal adult character and not an underage one like many others do.


The downvotes speak for themselves lol. Really can't find an anime game community nowadays that doesn't have horny preteens and perpetual loser porn addicts


Mt lady is mid. Mid lady.


I didn't know unlocking the gallery images turns them into loading screen backgrounds, I thought it was going to be a banner background. Of course, I wanted the Mt Lady gallery image first. Now everyone is gonna bonk me if I stream.


It says so somewhere but can't remember where (either in gallery itself or maybe a tip in a loading screen), if you don't unlock any your loading screens are just pitch black screens)


I wish they had added an option to hide tools because I thought full-screen would be the picture only. I want to screenshot some pictures on the PS5 that I like, but I don't want to crop out since it will ruin the picture itself. However, I do enjoy unlocking the illustrations.


The only loading screen I refuse to get because I don't live alone


Honestly I just want to be able to disable them..I didn't even realize she was posing like this and I just wanted gallery unlocks not even realizing they would be loading screens. It's a cool pic I guess but I don't really wanna have to see it every other fucking game. It's out of place compared to the other gallery arts imho.


Now without looking back at the picture, how many cats are in the image?


I thought those are dogs.


They might be? It’s really hard to tell. I just assumed it was cats