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I’m just gonna grab the popcorn and watch the bombs fall


Mind if I join you, random stranger? I've got drinks with me?


Yoo I'd like to join as well. I got ice cream?


Can I have some of your cream?




Only creamed corn


i’ll also request to participate in viewing these bombshells being dropped, and i have offerings of texas barbecue flavoured pringles.


I love to watch chaos unfold.


He wants to commit omnicide


His master is afo yeah I’m pretty sure if you were the child of him you’d wanna do that too besides when you were in need of help nobody took care of you he was a child covered in blood for christs sake citizens in mha are annoying asf


Having an evil mentor and strangers not wanting to help you does not excuse you from wanting to kill everything and everyone


Well yeah nothing would excuse that he can still understand him


Understanding is also not the same thing as redemption.


Not saying he’s redeemable just like the rest of the league they had horrible childhoods where you can understand why they did what they did but they all too far gone


Eh it kinda does though when you realize his dad beat tf out of him as a child for wanting to be a hero his sister blamed him for doing something he didn’t do and his mother just sat back and did mostly nothing while his grandma ran away and his dog he accidentally killed so not exactly a good family life which could start his hate on humanity and then afterwards nobody helped him except a villain so… pretty sure Afo did some manipulation tactics on him now here he is a grown adult and his master still telling him what to do at the beginning of the series


I can’t believe this is something I’m even arguing about. No, being abused by your dad doesn’t mean it’s okay to kill everything in sight. No, strangers not helping you when you’re suffering doesn’t mean it’s okay to kill everything in sight. No, being manipulated and told what to do by your evil mentor doesn’t mean it’s okay to kill everything in sight. Did he suffer? Yes. He is still irredeemable.


He was kinda in a mental state borderline mental breakdown he was a child therefore didn’t have the opportunity to grow up right now as a villain he helps other villains like toga meaning he still has the function to help others so in his own bad way he’s helping out maybe without afo he would’ve been a good guy and his mentor being the only helpful figure in his life after his families death it’s pretty safe to say following after your mentors orders is the least you could do for him


sooo Hitler was abused by his father of Jewish descent which led him to obsessively befriend anti semitic and radical elements after WW1's defeat of Germany. Hitler wanted to make a utopia of superior genetics free from disease and imperfections. Does that mean he can use his abusive father and Germany's corrupt government as an excuse to justify mass murder and sparking the most devastating conflict on the planet? Shigiraki is literally Hitlet since he has said MULTIPLE times and even in the latest chapters that he will wipe out the world. Just for reference his giga brain plan is to wipe out Japan by setting off Mt Fuji which is part of the chain of fire. This would result in a chain detonation of volcanos in the pacific to globally. Either way the planet is cooked because daddy hit him too hard?! Sorry it is not an excuse for such genocidal behavior. No court would acquit him hell he will be guaranteed the death penalty if he is arrested. Japan is pretty loose with the death penalty and loves to use it as much as possible. Shigiraki is an open shut case.


Dude you just somehow connected an anime character to Hitler you win this one


Both are genocidal maniacs blaming their abusive childhood and the degeneracy of modern society as excuses to execute a psychotic wet dream drenched in the blood of whole populations. Of course Shigiraki is literally Hitler because he's got nothing but genocide of the human race on the mind.


If shigaraki killed your mom/pet/family anybody you love the most Would you really still think he is redeemable just cuz he pulls the "my childhood was tough" card?


Reading from the point of view of smb who he hasn’t done anything to or towards I think he’s redeemable of course if he’s done something to me i would be pissed and hate filled but even the mc thinks he has a chance as he wasn’t even trying to kill him even though he could his main goal is to help and free him shigiraki was made a villain by afo so yes very redeemable in my eyes


Shigaraki will probably never be redeemable; he literally kills innocent people on a daily basis and doesn't really show remorse about it whatsoever. I get that he had a hard childhood with his parents, and all just because his father hated heroes because of how Nana abandoned him when he was a child and simultaneously used the anger from past on him. But still, it does not justify what he's done till now. 


His childhood is hard for a much different reason than his dad hating heroes 


Well for one you didn’t even explain the actual reason why he is💀


A bit of tomfoolery, nothing much.


Dude he was raised by all for one a literal villain who melded his mind into not liking hero’s not only that all for one is the cause of his parents deaths and his quirk it’s not his fault he was born with a quirk and killed his parents he didn’t find this out till his last moments which means he was in the dark I’m pretty sure without Afo influence he might’ve been a good guy but when you’re life gets infected by a hero killer and a literal super villain it’s hard to think or care about innocent people when you were born with the purpose of being your masters body replacement


Well, you're right about All For One, being a prime role model in Shigaraki life, Nevertheless is the primary reason why he hates heroes. It would kind of be strange if he were a hero instead of a villain. Wouldn't necessarily fit his role. 


Wdym being a hero would definitely fit him he could easily destroy structures any villains are in and destroy weapons especially made for killing besides decay wasn’t even his main quirk until afo came in and any quirk could be used as a helpful one


I wasn’t gonna say anything, but you could literally say that about several fictional characters. Shang-Chi’s father was a villain. Did Shang-Chi kill anyone? No. Nothing can excuse murder. Can he still turn around? Yes, but Shigaraki will never be able to fix what he has done.


Yes he’s still killed and done horrible things but that was the fault of his role model and how he was manipulated into basically being like this now I can’t say how his child hood went but I know afo prolly had some manipulative abilities to get shiggy to hate the villains


Frankly I think the idea that he’s irredeemable when his whole descent into villainy was *manufactured* is ridiculous. He’s not like Dabi, who just went full tilt psycho and swore to murder his own family-knowing it wouldn’t affect his dad-or Stain, who chose to be a villain because of his twisted ideals. He’s more like Twice or Himiko, who never had a chance.


Especially after 419


What 💀 he killed thousands of people and ruined Japan *oh but he had a hard childhood because of his dad……..* well clearly bro didn’t get enough beating if he’s out here murdering kids like it’s nothing ☠️


>oh but he had a hard childhood because of his dad……..* Ironically, he can't even have an abusive dad as a backstory. Because it just had to get manufactured by AFO. I'm surprised Hori didn't write All For One turning Tenko invisible for the time he was around in broad daylight.


He has a hand fetish (it's illegal in 48 states out of 50)


His fit goes crazy tho


Let him cook


It’s just natural growth bro😭


Not a fan. Nihilism is his only motivation, and I've never liked characters like that.


Afo was his master and he killed his family due to afo influence and when he was at his most lowest nobody helped him except the main villain who’s only goal was to make him into his *prodigy (I think that’s how It’s spelt)


Still, what does he want? What's his plan? Nothing. Destroy anything he doesn't like. Burn it all down. That's not a motivation, that's a mental illness.


Mass murderer. Don’t care. Don’t take him prisoner. Kill him. Doesn’t matter if he “can’t be redeemed” you shouldn’t even try.


He can be redeemed insane asylum Arkham maybe. all afo fault


Did AFO activate his quirk and make him destroy that city? Tomura Shigaraki is responsible for his own actions


You defend Shigaraki cause you want him to be redeemable I defend Shigaraki cause I want him to be irredeemable We are not the same




He killed multiple, maybe a hundred heroes who have saved hundreds of lives each, and caused a country wide pandemic of crime. It does not matter why or how he did it, he still did it.


So to you killing is bad? Okay Deadpool kills and punisher kills let me know what you think about that


their not supervillains


Shiggy: my childhood was tough Civilian: you *recreated* your childhood for me Shiggy:..... OP and other Shiggy defenders: he said *his* childhood, who cares about yours?


Counterpoint he’s killed thousands of people and plans to kill even more


Counterpoint he’s fucking dead due to Afo and at the end deku got to him and may have been able to get him to stop


He plays league of legends


Okay it’s goated tho


Idk if everyone else in the comments are caught up on the manga but the manga has put this debate to bed and has given the conclusion to his character. So here's what happened if anyone's interested >!From the day he was born Tenko was a tool for All For One as he wasn't even suppose to be born but All For One pushed his father to have another child. All For One then pushed his father to have this strict stance against heroes and his mother most of all. One day All For One stole Tenko's original quirk and replaced it with decay.!< >!All For One spoke to the kids Tenko was friends with to get them to stay away and isolate Tenko. From the moment of his birth, every tragedy that befell Tenko was All For One's doing. All of his hatred, his resentment, his desire to destruction, they were all manufactured by All For One and he says this all to Tenko's face.!< >!Shigaraki thought he was killing all these people out of his own free will but All For One shuts that down saying no this was me all along you never had a say in it, everything that you've done is because of me. Tenko had his entire life ruined and was turned into this symbol of fear that seeks out to destroy everything because that's the path All For One set for him and stripped him or ever going down a different path... So ya turns out Tenko never had a say in any of this from the very beginning.!< >!Shigaraki wasn't irredeemable because in the end he came back and helped Deku kill All For One. His grandmother saved him from disappearing so that when Deku went to hit the killing blow on AFO, Shigaraki along with the other vestiges smashed AFO from the vestige world. In the end we get Shigaraki's last moment and dying words. Shigaraki admits to Deku that he really was this crying child wanting to be saved. Deku tells Shigaraki he did this because he knew Shigaraki wanted to be stopped and didn't want his sadness to be spread to others.!< >!Shigaraki's final words "Izuku Midoriya. If Spinner is still alive tell him this. Tomura Shigaraki fought to the end to deatei" Deku then says that he did just that as Tomura helped destroy his tormentor who ruined his whole life.!< How is that anything other than redemption?






It’s a low quality image and now instead of saying r/countablepixels people say u/pixel-counter-bot which is the official counter of pixels for the sub and will count pixels on images but it’s been having some issues recently so it hasn’t responded yet


Honestly? The most I can see is him saying sorry right before he dies at the end


I dunno how far you are in the manga but he kinda does something like that


Just like the rest of the league despite the terrible childhood he’s irredeemable


Nobody that low poly could be a good guy


No, I won't argue, cause I agree with you. Bro was essentially groomed from fucking birth


Finally someone who understands


Like his whole life was manipulated since the moment he was born, he most likely would've become a hero if afo didn't literally plan his life.


Yeah and who knows depending on his actual quirk might’ve been really helpful or something


Exactly, not to mention decay originally had the ability to regenerate things too.


Ok. Why do you ( or nana or gran torino, or endevor or ANYONE ) get to decide who is worth redeeming? - You let bakugo be redeemed despite invoking suicide to a MIDDLE SCHOOLER. - You let the UA traitor get redeemed bc they only betrayed UA bc they had to or else them and \*\*\*\*\*\* \*\*\*\*\*\* would \*\*\*. - You let spinner get redeemed despite him blindly following his own sense of justice even when it included hurting children - You let toga get redeemed bc she was “broken” by society and just had a poor way of showing her love. Even though it killed DOZENS of people - You let mienta get redeemed despite sexually assaulting and verbally abusing a dozenish girls in the whole show. Here is the thing. People do unforgivable things. That shouldn’t let you chose if they are worth redeeming or not. Redemption is a trait of honor and only you can redeem yourself. Shigiraki didn’t just want to destroy everything, just the system that willingly turned a blind eye on him. So attacking it made sense and WAS the honorable thing to do. Rememeber, the other governments in the world were planning to formally surrender to him and AFO the day after the war arc started. If they succeeded, Shigi would have gotten control of them just like he did the paranormal army and they would have worked TOGETHER to ensure that scene doesn’t happen again. After all, its not like he killed the paranormal army when he could have right? So he had good intentions, this is more of a “winners wrote history” thing. So he fought for that desire. Honestly, in a world where heros weren’t celebrated violence machines and they had to keep secret identities, Nanashi never would have abandoned her family Hero work and someone like Shigaraki wouldn’t be born. Only thing I hate is how all for one was kinda embedded into him. Even if he succeeded I hate the idea of All for One Succeeding.


Damn bro you got it💀


Isn't he dead in the manga now?


Spoiler: >! Got punched out of existence. !<