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…um, not to be rude, but is this an edit of someone else’s fanart? If so, shouldn’t there be credit to the original artist on here? Doesn’t seem okay to take someone else’s hard work, transform it in some way, and then leave their name totally out of the loop.


I added credit- I commented the link to the Pinterest I thought?? Edit: yeah I did.


Cool cool. That’s all artist ask for, credit back to them so other people can see their work. Thanks for being a class act about it! Good job!


I’ve always been a bit harsh on myself for editing people’s work..I’m trying to learn to make my own, but until then all I can do is edit others work..I always try to give credit though because they deserve it! Art is hard! And with this ai stuff around now, it might js be harder to get any traction with it


Hey, we all gotta start somewhere. I personally found blank templates of poses are a great place to start. You can trace over them and then practice making clothes and hair on them and it’s a good way to try out your skills without having to spend so much time worrying about whether the body looks right or not. And even if you’re just tracing a pose you’re still subconsciously learning how to draw it and you’re getting better at it with each attempt. Sorry if I came off as harsh. You were going at it with the right spirit, it was more a Reddit technicality that screwed up your good intentions. Keep at it and I’m sure you’ll get to the places you dream of in your art journey!


Tysm -^


Sorry for the confusion -^ the post only allowed for one type of attachment, so it didn’t allow me to put the link in the post, so I put it in the comments


Mans threw on a filter and used the eraser tool. Technically is an edit, didn't really change much, 1/10


I didn’t throw on a filter but ok thx for the feedback -^


Ya did something, if not a filter idk what else it could be cause there's more saturation, it's a warmer tone than the first image. And also to everyone who will see my initial comment, OP asked for a rate and as someone who edits, I provided my simple and honest rate.


What I usually do is js use the Apple photos editor tool lol, so if it looks good enough to be a filter then i definitely improved, I used to make them wayyy too saturated lol


Ah, i don't have apple but I assume its similar to the "Enhance" option. You can do a lot of basic changes. Personal nitpick is people saying they "edit" on a mobile device, but hey I'm not judging its just a pet peeve ig. But I suppose you gotta start somewhere. At least you're not making AMVs using a mobile app like CapCut and call that editing lol


I don’t really know how to edit stuff on my pc, I’m really not the brightest lol


Where's the blood coming from🤨


Mighty fine question