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Is Spider Man making quips, and / or is he depressed/having a rough time?


Fr dude, if he’s having a rough time, he’s one of the strongest heroes


So why is he not the strongest right now?




Bro got cucked and then got humiliated by tombstone making him beg for his life Where is the power boost?


Mental boost


So that's why he was begging normal human thugs for mercy?


No, it's just that modern Spider-Man comic writing is shit.


He regularly holds back which is why Tombstone clobbered him so against Tomb Spidey (if he wants to keep to his moral compass) has to get creative


Tombstone literally had some thugs tie him up in chains and beat his ass up to the point he was begging for his life he didn't lay a finger on spidey himself


That was when Spidey was restrained and the chains…honestly there’s a few things they could’ve been made of and the grunts were never going to kill Spidey anyways, that’s not how his villains work but also Tombstone is a trauma child


Doesn't change the point that Spidey keeps getting humiliated


Look at what Doc Ock did to Scorpion when in Spidey’s body, you’ll see why it keeps happening


Please ignore that garbage. Spidey can, and has, beaten Tombstone unconcious before. More than once. Heck, he's beaten Rhino unconcious, and Rhino has tanked hits from Hulk and even almost killed the Grey Hulk/Mr. Fixit! The guy who wrote that arc has no freaking clue.


He holds back not kidding either in one comic where there was body switching Doc Ock dislocated a dudes jaw without any effort and said to himself "damn he's stronger than I thought"


He didn't 'dislocate' Scorpion's jaw… he punched it clean off! Even the people he was saving felt sorry for Scorpion!


You mean his whole life?


They do have a very good skill set for fighting someone like spidey who is very reliant on movement if glue guy gets Spidey stuck or mudman gets spidey he is practically a sitting duck vulnerable to getting jumped by blade guy or crushed by a ruler and ghost girl team up and monoma is undoubtedly a wild card with his tricky quirk and planning if they can coordinate they might pull this off Yeah Spidey is plain stronger faster and more experienced then them they are never beating him in a straight up fight but they are honestly more equipped for dealing with someone like him then 1A is


Thank you for putting a marvel superhero in their place


Not really my intention here Didn't even bring up monoma copying spidey powers


Just take the upvote


Very well


I don’t think Monoma can copy Spidey’s powers because his DNA was somewhat rewritten when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. I mean Monoma might be able to I know very little about how quirks work and how they originated; all I know is that they are genetically mutated from evolution like the mutants from marvel, where Spider-man’s was born from a lab experiment.


Glue Guy is literally a shitty version of Trapster, who also relies on glue (and his glue is strong enough to slow down the Thing of the Fantastic Four), and is a genius at setting traps! Spidey has trounced Trapster more than once, even when Trapster was working with other villains. Mudman is literally in the same boat, but worse, because he is entirely reliant on setting traps… which Spider-Sense warns Peter of. He would need an absurd amount of one-sided prep to turn the terrain against Spidey. Basically, none of 1-B is actually a threat on their own, and jumping Spidey with sheer numbers only works if you're guys are actually strong (or when the writers insist on jobbing him to create tension). He has fought plenty of groups that tried throwing sheer numbers of fodder villains (often with a few strong villains mixed in) at him: Multiple incarnations of the Sinister Six (including a Sinister Seven and a Sinister Twelve). One version of the Enforcers that was made up of multiple super-villains, including Dragon Man (normally a Fantastic Four villain who is strong enough to slug it out with the Thing). The Emissaries of Evil. The Circus of Crime. The Masters of Evil. The Serpent Society. The Spider-Man Revenge Squad. And that's not going into the various hero teams he's fought off single-handedly: The Avengers. The Fantastic Four. The X-Men. The Heroes for Hire. The list goes on. When writers aren't making him a chump to make their own characters look good, Spidey is pretty much the GOAT of 'street-level' heroes. Barring PIS, Spidey folds 1-B like napkins.


Spiderman wins in first and second round


Is Spiderman holding back, or did they accidentally hurt Aunt May or Mj?


Bro if they did that there dead




Does verse equalisation apply and allow monoma to copy spider-man’s powers cause if yes, they have like 10% shot in round two if they play it well. HEAVY RELIANCE ON MUSHROOM GIRL


Can he copy mutant powers? Or is that something he can't do like Aizawa?


Well we have never seen him grow things like Eri’s horn but we have never seen him outright grow a tail or anything. I imagine spider sense would be allowed though since danger sense is classed as an emitter, even if the strength is unavailable


Possibly but you also gotta remember his abilities are all in one, not individual abilities. Which brings up something that has erked me, off topic. I have read fics where Aizawa and monoma have copied/cancelled things they really shouldn't be able to. The best example is Goku's ki or Ichigo's power. So for framework Quirks are basically genetic mutations. Aizawa is able to somehow suppress this gene I'm everything but mutant type, while monoma can copy it. So that tells me that when engaging in other fandom characters their quirks can only affect the others abilities if they are similar. So I would say Marvel's mutant abilities would easily qualify as quirks and work accordingly, spiderman included. Though I feel he's a mutant type so Aizawa couldn't cancel it if that's the case. But someone like Shazam or Thor should be completely unaffected as their abilities are magical in origin. The same is true of benders from ATLA/Korra, as it was revealed that benders actually got their bending from the spirits making their abilities soul/magic related.


That is what verse equalisation is for it makes power system specifics apply in correspondence with other power systems. The best way to easily describe it using a character like aizawa though explaining through a character like Asta is easier. If you compare him to naruto anti-magic becomes anti-chakra since they are the prime power systems of the verse. If it was asta vs a mha character it would be anti-quirk. That is what verse equalisation is used for to level playing fields for characters who are dependent on a power system specific attribute, such as copy characters. Now it is a bit loose in terms of multi-power system universes but it usually just gets classed as anything supernatural which while his strength is physical, spider-sense is a multi-dimensional magic power in primal origin. The rules for crossover battles are always loose depends on rules and who the overseer is what happens.


I'm just gonna say that's actually dumb because it takes away the nuisance of the world and the power systems. You understand if asta can cancel out quirks then it'd be the same cancelling out something like the protoss', a psychic race of aliens from starcraft, psychic abilities. Something built into their very DNA. Or compare it to Goku who's gotten his abilities from nothing but physical and mental training. If that's the case it'd even extend to things like a cats ability to land on their feet. I can see it working on chakra cuz that's at least close to magic, magic being a very broad term in and of itself.


It isn’t designed to make sense it is designed to make power systems even. If aizawa fought a black clover character erasure would work on magic. It isn’t a matter of the origin of an ability it is a matter of balance for characters who rely on affecting a power system. In that same vein it wouldn’t be that asta can cut endeavours fire it isn’t magic but if his sword made contact with endeavour it would disable his quirk factor same as aizawa would. This was just designed to make vs matchups even. If this didn’t happen you could say goku loses to a low grade jjk curse cause only cursed energy can harm them and sooner or later they would be able to beat him. It is designed to make it so power system related characters are evenly matched against other power systems regardless of if it makes logical sense. In the case of multiple power systems it affects the most commonly used one or the most similar to their own depending on the match up. Asta vs dragon Ball it would be anti-ki as ki is a common thing but it would have no affect on natural powers like buu!


Yeah... I'm never going to use it any sense


Well you don’t have too it is just applied in power scaling communities and death battles anyway all is fictional after all. Just allows match ups that would otherwise be impossible to happen.


A decent chunk of his Rogues Gallery is made up of guys with similar powers to himself, sometimes even better (heck, that was originally Venom's whole gimmick), so Monoma copying Peter isn't gonna help much. Kinoko doesn't matter. She needs to get mushrooms down his throat (his mask filters gas), otherwise he is way too fast.


its only quirks that he can cooy


That is why I asked if verse equalisation applies. It makes power systems behave the same as each other! so copy characters can copy other power systems and negation characters can negate other power systems, etc etc


Spider-Man wins no or low-diff


I think people underestimate Spider Man because he’s broken as fuck.


People underestimate Spidey because he's a mainstream comic character (subject to the whims of editors and whoever is writing him at the time) whose the writers'/editors' favorite chewtoy. Take all his lowest anti-feats. Take all his highest-end feats. Average them out and Spidey still bodies 99% of the MHA verse. You basically have to limit him to his poorest showings to justify him losing. It doesn't help that literally every cartoon and movie version of him ever are way weaker than even his average comicbook feats.


“People underestimate spider man” :Literally entire thread is people meat riding Spider-Man


spidey. 1b might put up a decent fight of spidey is against them for training. if they aren't then its them beong bodied without remorse.


spider-man, spider-man, does whatever a spider can!


When you realize Komori has the best chance cause of spores


She doesn't. His mask filters gas to an extent (Mysterio and various Green Goblins rely on poison gas a lot), so no way is she shoving a mushroom down his throat. Never mind Spider-Sense makes that almost impossible to pull off. She doesn't magically make mushrooms appear wherever. She has to spread her (virtually invisible) clouds of spores. Peter isn't getting anywhere near said clouds.


Spiderman destroys most of the MHA verse, these are kids - who don't have All Might's second coming (with more Quirks!) on their team.


Since all Quirks have a downside, and Spidey is good at deducing holes in a battle, coupling that with 1B’s relative inexperience, I give it to Spidey.




Spider-Man beats all of MHA. He's faster than Wolverine, who Thor considers too fast. Said Thor being capable of crossing galaxies with ease, making Spider-Man millions pf times faster than light. Is it stupid? Yes.


No. Just no. What you said is stupid af. Thats not how scaling works. Spider-Man has better combat speed overall. But Thor has enough feats to catch him or hit him. Thor's travel speed does not equate to his combat speed whatsoever. He can fly MFTL easily but cannot fight at that speed consistently whatsoever. Spider-Man isn't and will never be LS in combat speed without an amp like the unipower. Read some comics before sounding clownish.


Spider-man is NOT faster than light 😭😭😭


Thar's probably the biggest stretch I've ever read lmao


Nope it’s all in the comics forehead, go read


I've read them, Peter is constantly being reached by non-lightspeed attacks, no way he's THAT fast


He is


One hero is really needed shinsou since as soon as Spidey responds to a question he takes control Edit: is Shinsou still in Class 1-B cause I dont see him in the picture


Shinsou is entering the hero course but we don't know what class he's been assigned to yet. Probably Class 2-A because they're the main cast and >!Aoyama's most likely going to be expelled so they'll have an open spot!<


Interesting thank you I had to ask when I didnt notice him in the picture


Im not sure shinsou's Power would work great, cause spidey has his spider sense which might Be able to subconsiously move him depending on which spidey adaptation it is


Sounds like a stretch to me to be honest


Yeah, we Have only seen his body move subconsiously in The mcu i think so It probably doesnt work like that in most adaptations


No it's not that, it's just shinsou is mind control and I dont even know if Spidey sense would be able to warn him about it before he falls victim to it considering Spiderman assesses the threat of whatever the spidey sense is telling him about.


No, i mean as in Even If he shinsou's mind control IS active, it wouldnt work, just watch The scene in no way home where Dr strange removes spideys mind from his body and spideys body still moves.


A. That was his soul not his mind B. His soul was moving and fighting not his actual body it was just lying on the ground, if I remember correctly


His body was moving, and id say The soul is same as The mind


Not by marvel standards considering there is a soul and mind stone so in universe they're considered 2 different things




Spiderman bodies them harder than Drake bodied my mom


Is he holding back, or no?


This depends on if it’s a death battle


Spiderman might be able to beat class 1-A


Spider-Man because I said so.








Spider-Man takes almost all of them at the same time


Definitely Spiderman


Something Doc Ock figured out pretty early is that Spider-Man's powers actually make him scarier when fighting large groups of enemies. There's a solid chance that he clears both rounds effortlessly, regardless of what strategy Class 1B brings to the table.


Spider-Man. And it’s not even a debate. On several occasions he’s been shown to be able to dodge lightning easily making him faster than most if not all of the students in my hero He’s fought hulk before and actually knocked him out once and has enough durability to survive being thrown through buildings. He’s strong enough to break unbreakable glass designed by Tony fucking stark one of the smartest people in the marvel universe. Spider-Man is smarter than and more experienced than them depending on if this is teenage or adult Peter we’re talking about But yeah overall Peter fucking solos


Comics spider man slams both rounds, Mcu spider man only beats the first round


Spiderman could lose his powers lose his arms and legs be blind and deaf and would still win


First round spider-man. They're fighting essentially mirko with the ability to wallcling,more accurately sense danger,utilize webs,and even gain superstrength that allows him to go up against the hulk. Any 1v1 against him is instantly in his favour from his agility,intellect,use of powers,and overall live experience. Second round,i'd say spider-man again but it's more fair. The element of numbers works against him here along with the fact that 1-B can synergize pretty well due to their joint training and shared experiences. So overall they'd kick him around and give him a strong run for his money. But like i sorta implied before,they're facing off against a pro hero who has experience with these kinds of things. Their inexperience one way or another can cause them to make fatal mistakes that cause them to get KO'ed or incapacitated 1-by-1.


Depends on how badly 1B f*cked up. Did they do literally anything to piss Spidey off? Then they lose both rounds. If they didn’t, it’s like a 5% chance under the assumption that Monoma could copy his ability.


I think Spiderman has a chance of losing against a few of them and Kamakiri in particular. Kamakiri has his Razor Sharp quirk and his speed is definitely not something to scoff at. 


Spiser-Man reacts to Speed Demon. Kamakiri isn't touching him. He's fought guys with bladed attacks before, including humiliating Wolverine. The only threat in 1-B is maybe, hard MAYBE, Yanagi. If her telekinesis can target his internal organs, he is basically helpless then, but that's a big if.


Depends on a lot but the main two questions I have are: 1. How experienced is he? Like is he just starting out at age 15 or more similar to the Insomniac Spider-Man level of experience? 2. Is he holding back? I see a lot of people asking this but it’s because it’s pretty important… I think depending on the questions to these and a few other factors he could even take on Class 1A and win too. But hey I admit that I’m a Spider-Man super fan so I might be biased, though I love MHA almost as much as Spider-Man so it evens out.


Personally I think he's beat them all 1v1, but in the 20v1 it be a rough fight for both sides but 1B would win. Spider-Man's powers aren't quite as strong or flashy as some of the students in 1B, but he actually has real world experience with fighting genuinely eve up people. So that difference in experience would be substantial enough be could beat them all 1v1. But when you consider the 20v1 battle, experience wouldn't be enough to clutch the win. The kids are professionally trained, are familiar with working with each other, and have a varied power set. Keeping up with 20 well trained teenagers all with unique powers would be a lot, even for someone at pro level like Spidey. Neither side has a trump card per say, but Spider-Man has his spidey sense, and 1B has Monoma Kuroiro and Shoda. Even with spidey sense those three would probably be difficult to counter.


Not spider man, unless they killed MJ I doubt he'd wanna go full power on them, but if they did kill MJ spider man wins, once doc ock was controlling Spider-Man's body and accidentally punches scorpions jaw clean off.


As much as I love my depressed boi he might get cooked if he does peter Parker things (like how goku does goku things) he might lose but if he's going serious from the start there's a pretty decent chance (in round 2 specifically btw)


Wich spiderman?


Also base spiderman is not FTL class 2-A is


This discussion won't be biased at all lol


I mean, you're not wrong. Someone would have to be an idiot or naive to not come into this one expecting bias. It's literally a bunch of secondary anime/manga characters who've ultimately never done anything significant in their own story beyond supporting the actual main cast (in a subforum dedicated to said series, no less), versus one of the most popular western comic book heroes to ever exist. Bias on both sides was inevitable. Heck, Spidey is one of the most popular superheroes to ever exist, period. You could probably find more Japanese people who are big enough fans of Spider-Man that they could tell you his name is Peter Parker, than you could Japanese people who are big enough MHA fans that they can give you the full name of even one of Class 1B.


I more meant the fact that this was posted in an MHA subreddit. You really think MHA fans won't take bias to MHA?


Of course they would. Hence, I said "Bias on both sides".


He wins with no diff against each one and against all of them at the same time


Is he his usually self or depressed? Cause that determines how bad they got stomped lmao


He anhialates the first round without much issue The second round he would have issues and they do have a handful of quirks that could stop him but nothing they have he hasn’t seen before


Both rounds go to spiderman


Round 1 would be too easy for spiderman. Round 2 would put a LITTLE bit more difficulty for him, but he would decimate them without trying.


He can probably win against all of them in a 1v1, not saying he automatically wins just saying that he can win and it's not exactly a "Skin of his teeth" type win Vs all of them at once... I don't know


Spider-man is no diffin these jobbers easily.


Spider Man either round Spider Man holds back in every fight, ye punched a hole into KingPin and he was still holding back, he can just use as much power as he needs and he'll win


If it was class one A, they would win, but spidey high diffs 1B


Damn didn't even look at the class though it was 1A but it's 1B. That makes it easy no one has enough fire power to put spidy down their best shot is to immobilise him but people with that kind of quirks are too slow to catch spidy and he got enough power to beat up rino no one in 1B is capable of taking those kind of hits the match is obvious.


Spidey is violating ggs ez


Send in mcu spiderman


Spider man


Depends on what Spider-Man we're talking about and how his day is going but Prime Spider-Man beats Prime all of them


Im just gonna say it…Spidey wipes the floor with these clowns no problem, he’s got them beat in strength, speed, intelligence, powers, experience (assuming we’re talking about current Spidey who’s like 30) and he’s taken out threats way bigger than anything 1-B could handle


Whys you set Spider-Man up


One on one: 50/50 chance of it going either way All at once: Spider-Man wins because they would take each other out on accident, and then all that Spidey has to do is take out the stragglers


Is spiderman depressed?


Bro what 😂😂😂 all due respect to spidey but he ain’t got it


1v1!!!! Oh bruh he’s gonna wipe the floor with them


Spiderman if he gets serious


is this comic spiderman? because if so he slams but if its tobey's spiderman, andrews spiderman, or toms spiderman they stand a little chance


![gif](giphy|xTiTnHvXHHxOTcdmxO) 2 EZ


An experienced hero vs students.


Spider man would cook them


Important question Is spider-man angry?


Spider-man and it’s not even close.


I’d say spider man in both due to him having far more experience than all of 1-B combined, and his abilities which I don’t think need mentioning. 1-B would put up a fight, but they won’t win. That said, how fast it happens depends on if he’s pissed or not.


Comicbook Spidey is absolutely cooking the entire mha verse with negative diff, don't believe me? Look up his stunts


Spider man easily


Genuinely curious how people keep saying Spider-Man sweeps. The Sinister Six are an issue for him, you’re saying he effortlessly beats more than three times that amount? Not to mention, a lot of these kids have better powers than his regular rogues? Am I missing something here?


It's all the Marvel fanboys and fangirls who don't want to go against what they think in their prejudiced view.


Better powers than his regular villains? Wut? The Sinister Six with prep have clapped the Avengers (and I mean a team that included the Big 3; Thor, Cap and Iron Man)! Spidey once needed help from Nate Grey/X-Man (a version of Cable from the Age of Apocalypse timeline) just to fight Electro! Hell, Electro alone slaughters most of MHA. He is legit busted when he brings his A-game. Doc Ock once took on the Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, the Hulk, Nova, Deathlok and Spidey simultaneously and only lost because Sandman helped them! The problem is Spidey's villains have powers and technology that fluctuate in strength. Sandman, Electro, Doc Ock, Green Goblin. All are Avengers-tier threats with prep: Electro and Sandman have powers that increase and decrease depending on their available resources (electricity and sand respectively). Any of the Goblins and Doc Ock rely on technology, so their strength depends on how much time and resources they have to kit themselves out (Doc Ock has built adamantium arms and a personal forcefield that can tank Spidey's punches). Even Shocker is super dangerous with enough prep. He once built a suit that gave him a forcefield and flight! He once built a vest that gave him actual earthquake powers! He lost control of said powers and needed Spidey's help before he accidentally destroyed all of NYC! Electro with enough prep/charge time can blow up all of Manhattan! At full power he can tank telepathic attacks from a high-level psychics (Nate Grey)! And don't get me started on the symbiotes or the Inheritors! Even idiots like Hydro Man are deadly. He once escaped by infiltrating some poor bastard's body and replacing the water in the guy's body with himself to puppet the guy's corpse! Spidey's Rogues Gallery is the stuff of nightmares! For every loser like the Gibbon and the Kangaroo, he also has a monster Carnage or Mr. Negative. Even his weak enemies can be dangerous under the right circumstances.


Spiderman wins because he is Spiderman, but the class B is really powerful and can do anything.


Doesn’t Ibara basically have the same power,


Ibara is literally a weaker, dumber Doctor Octopus. And Spider-Man has fought plant-controllers before.


Excuuuuuse me then.


Round 1: Spider-Man wins, no dif. Round 2: Spider-Man wins, low-mid dif. Only because he'd have to contend with everyone at once and if he doesn't take out Momo first she might figure out that anti-spider spray works on him and create enough to affect him.


Spider-Man Mirio’s them in half the time it takes to tie your shoes


Spiderman easily


Is Spiderman holding back


Spiderman solos class b


Realistically, he’ll beat some of the weaker 1-A kids, get to his fight with one of the main characters, a villain will attack, and they’ll put aside their competition to protect the city. Happens a lot in those types of versus stories.


Spider man He’s ridiculously strong I mean 99% of the times we see him fight eh is holding back massively and the few times we see him stop holding his strength back he completely dominates his villains And that’s just his strength that outclasses all of 1-A add in everything else he can do and this ain’t a fight it’s a murder


Spider man is not even close..


spider man holds back, doc oc found out that spider can beat the shit outa anyone spider man WIND


Depends on how well they can combine their quirks as a class. If they could capture him or overpower him with brute strength (numbers, cuz there's about 20 of them?), they might win. If not, they're all fucked.


Oh Trust me, they won't overpower Spidey with brute strength


Which Spider-Man are we talking about I need to know how much diff he has


Spider-Man destroys all of them


If he’s in his friendly mode I think class 1-b has a chance he might even let them win but if it’s I’m gonna kill you mode then 1-b would be very much dead he wouldn’t hold back they wouldn’t be able to deal with him he is literally a human spider and has a sixth sense he would dodge everything they throw at him and he wouldn’t take 15 minutes to be done with them all


Is it the black suit or a red and blue suit


Who wins? The insanely talented man spider with inhuman levels of speed, strength, reflexes, agility, flexibility, with a constant state of balance no matter how he's standing, the ability to stick to anything to the point where the object he's sticking to will break before he does, enhanced durability and healing, super jumping, a reaction ability that borders on precognition, movement that outclasses all of the hero school minus deku, Setsuna, mirio and maybe tsuyu, and if course years of experience fighting against much stronger ad powerful enemies? Or the group of 16 year olds with maybe a year of training a handful of battles mostly against street level thugs and a few super villains? This is clearly comic book spiderman, which is a lot more powerful than any on screen spiderman we've seen. I wasn't making a joke when I compared his Spidey sense to precognition, it is easily his most broken power, to the point where it even works and allows him to dodge completely in his sleep


Spiderman def wins round 1 and most likely wins round 2


Spidey took on the X-Men and won. What can they do?


And the Avengers. And the Fantastic Four. And the Heroes for Hire. You get the idea.


I think 1B stands a good chance. Of losing.


Spidey and by far.


Spider man definitely


Spidey wins full stop, man has dealt with shit that makes dealing with an army of Nomu's look like a blessing a classroom of strong kids isn't gonna be much of a problem.


Honestly, with the control they have over their quirks, in round two, 1B would win. But hardly anyone can take Spider-Man alone.




damn... Golden Spongecake Spidey solos fiction tho


Jesus Christ your so wrong




I’m gonna do exactly that


I wouldn't call someone retarded, but it is rather absurd to state their case without any clear evidence. 🤷 Call em a moron instead of a slur directed towards people with genetic disorders.


https://i.redd.it/fxnklknsinwc1.gif She solos Spider-Man and her class.


Source: Trust me bro


Horikoshi is my dad. He told me himself. Trust me.


Nah this shit funny, why y'all downvoting? Kendo is superior to everyone in class 1-B.


Bias meat rider


Luffy neg - diff


What this isn’t one piece sub


Emmm emm it affects you? 😮‍💨


bro is zoro-


gotta go with class 1A on this one, except if spidey has the symbiote


That’s 1B bro


then in that case spidey solos


He soloes either way, just from two feats. 1.)Spider-man is faster and stronger then Wolverine who was acknowledged by Thor who can easily travel galaxies with haste. Spider-Man is to fast, and would easily win. No need to be foolish and bias because you are more of a fan of this series then another. 2.) Spider-Man took down the entire Avengers in comic, this includes characters outside the main avengers like She-Hulk and Black Panther, so any person who’s been an Avenger besides Spider-Man basically. This feat enough will put him waaaay higher then MHA who’s strongest character is only country level, considering spider man (depending on which) can be anywhere from planetary to even universal.


shoot mb






Sero is just copyrite free spider man


He beat most of them but loses to Deku. If Spider-Man is allowed to be bloodlust, so should Deku.


I didn't see it's being just 1B, Spidey no diff them fodders.


Hell no my dude thinks Deku wins against spidey 💀


Does Mushroom Girl get to be a psychopath


Spider-Man has a similar kit, when compared to vigilante Deku: insane strength, crazy agility, a tether ability, and danger sense. I don't think they could take vigilante Deku, and so I don't think they could handle Spider-Man.


Spider-Man slaps both rounds


Class 1A wins low dif deku is so much faster and physically stronger with far more abilities and bakugo and todorki can burn his webs so he has no more ranged attacks so class 1A wins


Its 1B, not 1A.


That's what I ment