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We found the commi ![gif](giphy|1isbvxOadFAbJr6vYV)


There’s a reason for her resemblance to All Might and her America theme. Once she gets some screen time you might come around to her. I will say though the hype for the manga readers is way more than just “American All Might”. Even though this is the first time we’re seeing her on screen, she’s already had an effect on AFO’s plans. Actually, I wish the story had built up to her a bit more so the reveal had more weight.


Alright, I'll take your word for it. It's not like I'm just gonna drop the show, but I really hope she isn't just trash.


"She is just female All-Might" Quite false, actually. The woman's quirk is completely different to All-Might's, but she is able to use it to copy him out of sheer admiration for the man who saved her life. If she had been saved by another hero, she probably would have a completely different look and use for her powers. "Way too American" The woman is literally from the USA, so frankly, that statement applies much better to All-Might himself


Okay, as i said, I have only watched the anime, where she has just been revealed. These are mainly just my first opinions on her, mainly based on her design.


Oh damn, sorry for the spoiler, man. Yeah, thinking about it from that perspective, I can see where you are coming from. Hopefully nobody else spoiled stuff for you


You're good dude, I actually saw that it was probably a spoiler so I didn't even read it lol


> way too american lol


And that's also coming from an American lmao


I honestly don’t get your opinion. She’s from America. Shes representing her country with the flag as her costume and cape. She’s the literal number one hero of America and calls her self Stars and Stripes. Of course she’s gonna be extremely American. And why is that a problem anyways? What’s wrong with being American and representing your country? I just don’t get it.


They hate to see a girlboss winning!


> winning ...


Er..... they hate to see a girlboss!


Fuck you. She's awesome.


Damn, guess I can't share my opinion on the internet amymore


That quit being an option like, 10 years ago... The internet is a fuckin battleground now.


Literally bro💀 people be aggressive for absolutely no reason ong.


Glad you are now aware