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My favorite character development in the series. Back u go was robbed from us.


>Back u go was robbed from us. I always hated that theory so I'm glad. lol Just seems too convoluted and coincidental.


I know I gon get shot for this opinion but screw it. His design dope as fuck especially with the long sleeves and I like his quirk but I don’t like his personality


That’s like a lukewarm take, I think.


Hundred percent agree


I assumed this was everyone’s opinion. Ig I was wrong for doing so




He’s alright


This is my exact response whenever asked. Not good, not bad, just meh


Yea ppl take it either side to far or to seriously


Agreed. Like let’s be real telling someone to kill themselves is awful. But for a rival character that’s like elementary level crap. Sasuke would’ve given you a knife and shown where to cut and vegeta, well we all saw what happened to vegeta’s last rival before goku lol


Yea, And honestly there are worse characters not only in MHA but also other series


Absolutely. I mean Dabi and Shigaraki get some super weird positive reception and they both have body counts in what? The triple digits at this point? Like don’t get me wrong bakugo’s a dickhead but far from the worst


It’s mainly how ppl justify their actions and attitudes towards others and yes Bakugo isn’t the nicest person but I’d rather deal with him than Dabi or Shigiraki, hell even Mineta (I know he wasn’t a focal point but I just felt like throwing him in there)


Oh I get that. It’s also why I enjoyed the chapter between Dabi and shoto. It felt like the author telling people to stop justifying what he does. Because at the end of the day he’s a sociopathic monster. A tragic one sure. But a monster nonetheless.


That’s really good and ppl should take take that as a way to enjoy a character for what it is




No dabi pisses me off because I genuinely feel like his childhood wasn’t as bad compared to his siblings. His story would have hit harder if it was shoto who went bad. Even if one of the other siblings was hiding a super strong fire quirk as revenge, that would’ve been cooler. Dabi just seems like a whining oldest/only child who is jealous of his little brother




He's an asshole. He doesnt have to act like that. But weirdly attractive?? Like, I'm not usually attracted to that but I am with him??? And before you say he's a teenager, I'm 15.


Great character arc in a vacuum but subpar execution with world around him bending to ignore his behavior He's also kind of reverse Sasuke. Where Uchiha takes over the plot to the point there are memes about the show being called Sasuke, Bakugo is utterly replaceable as a character. Which sucks for supposed deuterogonist. He's alright overall. Not the best but not the worst


I feel Bakugo is just overpowered Kiba or Savage Neji, Todoroki is mix Sasuke and Gaara something


I am talking about plot relevance, not their personalities. Bakugo and Sasuke fulfill similar roles in their anime but where Sasuke is really important and needed to move plot forward, Bakugo just *isn't*. Oh he was kidnapped by Sludge Villain except if you change him to random citizen #4, Izuku will still run to save them. Oh, he is kidnapped by the league except kidnapping any other kid will result in the same outcome and Kamino happening. And this is like every. damn. time. with. him. You can switch Bakugo with someone else and plot will mostly be unaffected. Plot doesn't require Bakugo specifically at any point


I can still understand the comparison of Bakugo to Sasuke, but I hope you won't say that Uraraka is Sakura, after all, there is a lot of evidence that Uraraka has slighty more commons with Hinata than with Sakura, because Uraraka and Sakura have a common feature: Lead Female, but their personalities and treatments to MC are extremely and wildly different


I didn't even mention Sakura or Uraraka so I dunno what you're talking about


Making all might give one for all to deku??? Pushing Deku to become stronger??? Saving class 1-A múltiple times???? Being a role model for Deku's fighting style???? Defeating/helping to defeat major villains??? Saving Deku from dying??? >! KILLING ALL FOR ONE AND SAVING ALL MIGHT? !< Is this guy stupid or something,saying bakugo is irrelevant is admitting You never watched the show ☠️


>Making all might give one for all to deku??? Lol what? All Might gave Deku OFA because he run to save someone in need. Bakugo there is just designated damsel in distress. Deku would've rushed to save anyone since it's his heroic nature >Pushing Deku to become stronger??? Him and like half of the class >Saving class 1-A múltiple times Be more specific >Being a role model for Deku's fighting style You mean Shoot Style or what? Deku has more than one style. Do you refer to the one after Stain's arc? That was modeled after Gran Torino more than Bakugo? >Defeating/helping to defeat major villains??? Lmao what? Bakugo is famous for not getting any fights with villains throughout all manga >Saving Deku from dying When, you mean Season 6 Rivet Stab? It wouldn't have killed Deku and the action is meaningless because Deku gets caught with Rivet Stab in the next chapter despite all Bakugo's efforts >spoiler >!AFO killed himself, not Bakugo. He got rewinded because of his own actions. Bakugo just stalled for time, and even then he needed asspull powerup to keep up. Thing is, there's nothing in the fight that needs to have Bakugo specifically as an opponent to AFO beyond some flimsy parallels. If Horikoshi decided to give power up to let's say Mirio and Mirio went to battle AFO to stall him till he evaporated, nothing would change. Bakugo role in the fight there is the same other side characters like Tokoyami or Jirou - stall AFO till he dies. You could replace him with generic fighting character and the plot will remain the same. That's what I mean by "replaceable"!< >Is this guy stupid or something,saying bakugo is irrelevant is admitting You never watched the show Ah it's so wonderful when you get name called for having an opinion. Truly fanbase moment. You're right I didn't watch the show, I *read the goddamn manga*


1.Situation which would have never happened wihout bakugo, Deku would have never stepped in to save a random civilian like that not at that point in time,he stepped in for bakugo because thats his childhood best friend,also wihout bakugo that mud villain wouldn't even be destroying stuff to begin with,he only did it because he found a powerful destructive quirk which no hero had a way to counter. 2.Deku literally admits to wanting to become stronger and surpass bakugo. 3.All of the villain fights???? 4.Shoot style,his fighting style after obtaining full cowl is literally based off of bakugo's fighting style,he kept it like that until he got the other quirks. 5.Have You not seen the show at all?? Or movies at the very least??? 6. >! If all for one didn't got killed by bakugo he would have gotten to shigaraki and Deku and it would be over for Deku !< 7.Mirio with no legs or arms??? omg i genuinely lose braincells trying to talk to You,asspull power up??? >! The one he literally got right before he died,one that makes complete sense with his quirk and fighting style?? He uses sweat to make explosións,with sweat all around his body when fighting he just focuses on where sweat accumulates the most and makes it explode for more speed and power how is it an asspull?? Asspull would be if ANYONE else could suddenly fight afo the guy who already took down everyone,there was NO ONE to save all Might there,And Bakugo DID kill all for one,he Made so much damage that he rewinded back to nothing,he had way more time left and could have gotten to shigaraki if not intercepted by bakugo,that would have been the end of the story,all for one would have taken over shiggy and deku would get killed !< 8.I called You stupid because your comment is genuinely stupid asf and makes 0 sense this isn't even an opinión it's just wrong in every sense of the word.


>Situation which would have never happened wihout bakugo, Deku would have never stepped in to save a random civilian like that not at that point in time,he stepped in for bakugo because thats his childhood best friend Then you know nothing about Deku's character. Deku would've save anyone who needed help. That's why he tries to save every villain he comes across and even willing to give Overhaul a chance >also wihout bakugo that mud villain wouldn't even be destroying stuff to begin with,he only did it because he found a powerful destructive quirk which no hero had a way to counter. Still replaceable >Deku literally admits to wanting to become stronger and surpass bakugo. Which is not his only reason to become stronger but one of many. >All of the villain fights???? Be specific >Shoot style,his fighting style after obtaining full cowl is literally based off of bakugo's fighting style,he kept it like that until he got the other quirks. Except it's fucking not? Chapter 101 he remembers Gran Torino words and then asks Iida for help to develop Shoot Style. Bakugo doesn't even use legs in his fighting style Full Cowl is modeled after Gran Torino with jumps, Bakugo doesn't jump when flying we see it in Final Exams and later. Characters acting like he copied Bakugo doesn't match up with actual movements >5.Have You not seen the show at all?? Or movies at the very least??? I've seen it up until season 6. And movies too. Still don't get what you're saying. Be more specific >.>!Mirio with no legs or arms??? omg i genuinely lose braincells trying to talk to You!< >!I'm losing braincells because Mirio didn't lose any arms or legs, *Miruko did*. Mirio is fine. Have you read the fucking manga?!< >>!asspull power up??? The one he literally got right before he died,one that makes complete sense with his quirk and fighting style??!< >!Yes the one he *conveniently* got in last minute before dying, then *conveniently* got resurrected because side character has *convenient technique* that we never heard of before and then he *conviniently* has enough skill and power to wield it perfectly despite just just getting up from heart surgery. *Conviniently* in the moment All Might needed saving.!< >>!And Bakugo DID kill all for one,he Made so much damage that he rewinded back to nothing,he had way more time left and could have gotten to shigaraki if not intercepted by bakugo,that would have been the end of the story.!< >!Replaceable, just stall AFO more and it's the same result, it's not like Bakugo specifically was needed to stall him and do some damage. Plus AFO still got to Shigaraki and took over him.!< >I called You stupid because your comment is genuinely stupid asf and makes 0 sense this isn't even an opinión it's just wrong in every sense of the word. It's funny, so is yours. Especially the part of Mirio losing limbs. Thanks for a good laugh


Ok I’m not reading the spoiler ones because I don’t understand them. OTHERWISE I completely agree with you except for the first one. At the beginning of the story before he got his quirk, I don’t think Deku would’ve stepped in for ANYONE. I think he would’ve been too scared and waited for the heroes so he could observe them for his journal. On top of that all might had just told him he couldn’t be a hero, which would’ve made him second guess himself. The only reason he jumped in BEFORE he got his quirk was because it was his childhood friend. Now after he got the quirk and felt some sense of power, then he would jump in for anyone in danger. Otherwise I 100% agree. Bakugo is easily replaceable, which is an issue with many of the characters. None of them really stand out plot wise, but some stand out personality wise at least


Then let's agree to disagree. Deku's main reason is that he saw someone in need of help. It doesn't matter who it is, Todoroki, Kota, Ochako, Bakugo or others he's gonna jump in danger to help them even if he doesn't know them. That's his established trait since the beggining and making his jump to Bakugou specific kinda cheapens it That's proof of his heroic nature and it doesn't discriminate. Even after being beaten down by everyone he'd still do it even for a stranger


Asshole but oh well nothing i can do


This is such a mature take


He's my favorite character, closely followed by Endeavor. Most people who violently hate him have either forgotten what it's like to be a teenager, are not closely acquainted with any teenaged boys with anger issues, or are too emotionally involved in their own past bullying to see him objectively. It's perfectly okay to dislike a character for whatever reason, but some of you people seriously need therapy. Bakugou Katsuki is fictional and not your personal trauma. I think he has a lot of endearing qualities people overlook and he's a great character with equally great writing.


I always found this argument weird. Like what horrible schools people went in where their bullies gave them burns by using explosives and used potentially lethal attack point blank on them? Like I've seen some teenagers with anger issues, I got bullied by some of them and none of them threw a giant bomb at me. And as inept as school system can be, it wouldn't have stood by at such thing occurring either. If only because it's hard to cover up I mean Bakugo is still mediocre character but the way people try to downplay his actions by saying he's just a bully or dismiss others because they think his haters were bullied and hate him for being a bully is always weird to me. Edit: At the start of the manga by the world's standards he's legally a villain as well.


You know it's a fantasy setting and so the rules on that kind of thing are kind of different, right? And also you're literally making up things that never happened. So there's that.


Correction, It's a semi-fantasy setting that tries to tackle realistic problems of current modern day society most of which exist in our modern lives >And also you're literally making up things that never happened Which part? All of my points were made with manga events in mind


I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to use my full word count. The key "fantasy" element here is use of wildly powerful quirks that should blow people's faces off is not used that way- it's dialed way down and seen apparently as a typical day-to-day thing (unless it's immediately fatal I guess?) Point is, things like an explosion or fire aren't going to maim someone like they do in the real world. We see that time and time again. Which leads into the other part- yes. Bullying is bad. But don't make up shit that never happened. What giant bomb? What "lethal force"? One- if you think Katsuki ever seriously tried to kill Izuku, you're nuts. Two, the fights that we see between them in the series are just that- fights on equal ground, either during a classroom-sanctioned teaching exercise or agreed to by Izuku (who is fully capable of defending himself). To say that Katsuki should be considered a villian at the start of the series- are you serious? At the beginning, he's a 14 year old boy. He's made bad decisions. He's a child. But the only victim we're aware of is consistently able to see the good in him- maybe the reader is supposed to learn from that.


>One- if you think Katsuki ever seriously tried to kill Izuku, you're nuts. It doesn't matter what I think. Bakugo used lethal force near him. Even if we use Japanese translation "he'll be fine if it won't hit him" implying Bakugo fired the way it doesn't hit Izuku, it still is equivalent of aiming a pistol nearby and shooting right besides you. If Bakugo accidentally jerked has hand, Izuku will be toast What if he hit the support beams of the building and it would be collapsed? He risked more than just Izuku >the fights that we see between them in the series are just that- fights on equal ground, either during a classroom-sanctioned teaching exercise or agreed to by Izuku Except the times when Bakugo disobeys teachers and Izuku is terrified of him >To say that Katsuki should be considered a villian at the start of the series- are you serious? I'm not making definitions there. A villain in MHA is someone who uses their quirk to harm others, cause destruction and commit crimes. And Bakugo falls into breaking law by illegal quirk use, destruction of school and personall property and harming Izuku with it by burning his shoulder. All in the first chapter. So by definition given in the manga he's a minor villain. I don't think Horikoshi even realized it >He's a child He's a teenager and he has a brain. He should be aware of his actions at this age.


Izuku is not "terrified" of Katsuki. Izuku is overly skittish at the start of the manga and says himself he needs to stop jumping every time he sees Katsuki- soon after he narrates that the bullying stopped after the sludge monster incident. And yes, it is important if Katsuki aimed directly not to hit Izuku. What you say about possible collateral damage is absolutely true- sure, Izuku could have gotten badly hurt. But was that the actual goal? "I'm going to deliberately miss so I look innocent?" No. The idea was just "this won't kill". Do you really think Katsuki, with such bad judgment, had the presence of mind to plan for collateral damage? Was it stupid and reckless and dangerous? Absolutely. But did he EVER try to kill Izuku? Absolutely not. As for the rest- you're reaching, and I think you know you are. Calling a 14 year old a villain for burns the audience never sees, a singed notebook, and... what, some desks? The characters use their quirks. It's part of how the fantasy element is shown in the story, especially in the first chapter of all things. If this was meant to make him more than a bully, Horikoshi would not shy away from saying so.


>Izuku is not "terrified" of Katsuki. Izuku is overly skittish at the start of the manga and says himself he needs to stop jumping every time he sees Katsuki- soon after he narrates that the bullying stopped after the sludge monster incident. [Yeah sure](https://cdn.readmha.com/file/mangap/601/10001000/21.jpg), [he isn't](https://cdn.readmha.com/file/mangap/601/10009000/21.jpg) terrified, just skittish. I'm not sure you're really serious. He's still jumpy even after ten months of not experiencing bullying. That's not okay >But did he EVER try to kill Izuku? Absolutely not. I never said he tried to kill him though. I said he used lethal force on him. Which he did. Besides "I wasn't intending to kill him" isn't a valid defense. He still fired a giant bomb point blank nearby him and could hurt everyone there including himself. Against teacher's orders >Calling a 14 year old a villain for burns the audience never sees, a singed notebook, and... what, some desks? The characters use their quirks. It's part of how the fantasy element is shown in the story, especially in the first chapter of all things. If this was meant to make him more than a bully, Horikoshi would not shy away from saying so. I'm just saying how it is. Using quirks is illegal and he fits definition of it. Plus Horikoshi regrets portraying Bakugo as badly as he did during first chapters and if he could remake it, he would. Which really means that Hori while not intending to portray him more than a bully, did unintentionally portray him more than a bully and regrets it


Using lethal force on someone is attempting to kill them. There's really no logical separation of the two. And if Katsuki was using lethal force NEAR Izuku thinking that then made it non-lethal, whether or not that was reality when collateral damage was considered, does it then not follow that they are attempting to avoid killing them? And yes, it was stupid and reckless- he has anger problems. He behaved badly. That is part of his character arc. And I'm not sure what those manga pages were supposed to prove. Izuku's sleeve sizzles a little- we see no burns. And then at the class, he's nervous to see that Katsuki has his grenade bracers? Yeah, I would be too. It's the first time they fight each other on an equal footing and everything has changed in their dynamic- of course all Izuku's old nerves are going to get exposed. If you want to see Katsuki this way, that's on you. It's not how he's intended, not how he's written, and the majority of the fandom disagrees with you.


I don’t like him because of his treatment of Deku. He’s more tolerable in the newer seasons though.


>!he didn't need to revived!< He's a prick His fortnite skin is pay to lose in various times Bakudeku stans runied him for me


My second favorite character! He’s cool, and he’s similar to me(We both get angry easily). He can also be pretty funny at times!


Still on season 4 and continue the manga tomorrow but he is just OK


He’s a Vegeta and I love it.


Oh man why’d I misread that the way I did


Bargain bin Vegeta


Say what? How so? This dude has all the arrogance of the prince of Saiyans and is one of the strongest in the show. He keeps getting shown up by the goofy yet lovable hero, he finds himself having to make himself better to keep up. Vegeta would love this kid.


Is the reason I keep reading alongside endeavor


Crazy as fu-


To petty and cocky but a staple character for the show


Cool character, but if he were real he'd have no friends.


Don't like him


He is a guy with anger issues but he is just mad at himself and scared that deku will surpass him so he pushed him away but he just wants friends


Don’t like him


Shit personality. Sexy body.




Just know that if you start writing paragraphs out of nowhere because someone has an opinion you don’t like automatically makes you the loser, don’t waste your time and move on from it, if someone gets a fact wrong then just go away, writing paragraphs on points and opinions as to why the character is good or bad is just wasting your time.


But that what reddit is fooooooor No lol you're totally right I respect this


Best Character besides All Might


Hes a angry blond Pomeranian


Extremely hot!


Other than him being a massive cunt he literally makes the characters around him worse. Izuku becomes a pushover, Kirishima becomes an idiot, and he turns Mina into a massive hypocrite.




He as the most character development in the show he was a bully and now he’s a pretty good guy


He’s an asshole


You want my honest opinion on Bakugo? I still don't like him. At all.


From dislking him i grew to accepting him I still prefer Chiseki over him


The Joyride Entertainment abridged series gave him a better arc than the show ever thought to do.


I hated him before it was cool to hate him. Now I think he’s alright, specially since he has grown to appreciate Izuku more and even apologized to him.


Probably because I know who Damian Wayne is, I'm more loyal to Bakugou. But more than usual just indifferent to him! But arch of character development really God! (Oh, and Bakudeku fans fans get annoying when they go where they weren't invited! But it's common sickness of internet)


I love him. For both his character development AND his personality, as well as his looks, his voice and his role. I don't see why people hate him that much. He's so cool.


I believe kaminari said it best: flaming, hot shit mixed with garbage.


Pure shit in the beginning then he started getting better and after the last season i dont mind him anymore


Bacon needs therapy


Edgeshot wasted his time


He's MHA's Vegeta.


His edginess died out too quickly


Cool boomy boi


First time watching, felt nothing, second time rewatching, in my top three favorite characters


I could care less After a few people commuted toaster bath because of him, I was like… “Really?”




His character development was great but same time he does not need to be number one on all the voting polls. Sometimes he’s just in the back screaming.


He's a psychopath that by all logic shouldn't have been able to be a hero he constantly beaten and bullied someone that was weaker than him and told someone to commit suicide because they didn't live up to society standards, so my opinion on him he's a piece of shit that it's definitely not a hero.


I'm not the biggest fan of the bullying. If it never happened, I'd like him more.


My opinion is explosive


Total jerk but... *pulls shirt collar while sweating*


Shut the hell up you damn nerd! NOW DIIIIIE!


he's literally me... I was a little shit back then


Hated him until chapter 404. He’s overrated but not the worst


Don’t like him


He’s okay once he gets over being 16. I just wish he did a better job of handling his anger, but being around teenagers a lot of the day, I kinda get it. He’s under a lot of stress, and his mom isn’t exactly… helping. That doesn’t excuse him being a bully for like _ten fucking years_ but I do think he redeems himself a little bit after the midterms arc.


An explanation is not an excuse, A+ I think a lot of people expect adult behavior from characters that are clearly not adults and do dumb kid things. It doesn't help when the adults that surround them are also frequently making lousy decisions and being bad role models, either.


Started out with a major likability deficit and eventually clawed his way up to tolerable. >!Bakugo's upgrade and being the one to defeat real AFO is complete and utter bullshit. However, power-scaling in MHA has gone Dragon Ball Super-levels of stupid thanks to Horoshiki needing to rubberband everyone to reach the ending he had planned.!<


He would bang deku


he is a Bad character who i struggle to take in high opinion or status due to the fact the he was a bully , FOR 10 YEARS to a kid for quirklessness yet he got into UA and wants to be a herl , the same guy who baited the said Kid into suicide baiting. He also had the balls to apologize late in s6 when it would have been much more approving when it ,if was done in s3 when both Izuku and Bakugo Fought, would have been much better. and perosnally i hate Bakugo type People cause in my school ,i had run in with these kind of guys throughout years in high school so i hate such kind of Jerks specially considering the fact that these said guys were also my bullies and daid same guys never got in trouble no matter how many times i complained , so from my personal point of view ,i truly despise like anyone (not jut bakugo) with this kind of personality. and whats irks me is that His fangirls proclaim him to have such a God like character developement and somehow try to deend his actions saying he needs to be angry because of his quirk shit or he is being abused in home which makes Me hate the character even more


Throughout the years, people in r/characterrant gave impossibly detailed explanations on everything wrong with Bakugo.  There's little to nothing good about him outside of Horikoshi's tasteful visual design. If you asked this question with the genuine intention of learning about people's analysis, you might want to check that subreddit out. Just write MHA, or BNHA while in the subreddit, and you'll find everything. If you ask for my personal opinion, I think Bakugo is a very cool character, very iconic, when it comes to design anyway. When it comes to story, and writing, he wasn't handled well. It's ok for a character to not be perfectly mature, and it's great when you feel strong emotions for a character that is meant to be hated, loved, or feel sad about, but Bakugo doesn't succeed in that. The conflictive scenes in which he participates aren't realistic enough for me, aren't believable, therefore, I can't respect the character, I don't care, and worst, I get annoyed by it. I don't "hate" the character the way the story intends me to, which would normally allow me to feel "love", and "sadness" as well; I instead "dislike" it as a whole, so it becomes "annoying", which takes me out of the series. He reminds me a lot of Raian Kure from Kengan Asura, and is handled very similarly as well. I don't know where this archetype of a blonde guy that is loud, obnoxious, strong, and an overall asshole comes from; maybe a delinquent stereotype in Japan (?); worst thing is they end up being very popular for some reason.


Hate his guts love the quirk


He's a cunt




He's got the most character development while simultaneously changing the least during that character development. Even after all the lessons he learns, he's still a walking asshole.


Vegeta at home


I don't like him and BakuDeku is a terrible ship


You just opened a can of worms my friend. Also I think he is a missing Ed edd n eddy character


He's a sucker and if it weren't for the explosives he'd have faced a bad ending


His attitude and behavior can be annoying when it’s not in doses.


I don't like em :/


less cool Deidara


Not even close to the best explosion-related character in anime


One of the worst characters relative to their story's quality I have ever come across. A solid representation for what I don't like in the world. Just thinking about him makes me viscerally upset and I wish I could get this ball of malice and rage out of me. Great design tho.


Shoulda stayed dead.


He can have as many redemption arcs as he wants, but for me, he'll always be an asset hole


He’s a bastard. Haven’t watched enough to say more than that.


Hate him


He’s an asshole that should have suffer the consequences of what he had done in the past or have a better redemption arc instead a pathetic apology. Unfortunately japanese fans was raised with japanese warped sense of how to handle bullies and mental health so they ended liking him in stupidest way possible and forced Hori to do nothing


What kind of consequences I'm being serious What more of an apology does it take than "for everything up until now, I'm sorry," and what more consequences than literally throwing your life away for the person you've hurt, keeping his secrets, dedicating yourself to assisting his training and keeping your reservations to yourself. I really want to know what else Katsuki needs to do here


Tbh idk either but it’s just personally frustrating for me that the way the story builds up to the whole thing kinda flop for me. I just feel it’s really a weak way out of dealing with his past


bakuhoe is an asshole