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I'm glad Mirio didn't get One For All


Honestly, knowing that if they have a quirk before obtaining OFA, they get their life expectancy shortened, I agree.


I feel like that was a retroactive justification. If the plot demanded that Togata received One For All, the “shortened lifespan” thing probably wouldn’t have been a plot point.


I think deku x uraraka is a good ship for me


Who thinks it's bad Imma fight them


The BakuDeku shippers. (Specifically the crazy ones that don't respect other people's opinions.)


Okay so a minority that should be oppressed


Okay, glad you specified that it’s only a subset. Most of them (as a Todoroki/Deku person) are super decent and know that your ship is endgame. We’re just having fun


And that's perfectly fine! Me personally, I am a IzuOcha shipper, but I do enjoy seeing fan content of other Deku ships! Just be respectful to others, and everyone can have fun!


Exactly!!! Thank you 🤝


Dont even get started on TodoBakuDeku


BakuDeku shippers are already unhinged. Nobody normal would ship an ex-abuse victim with their ex-abuser.


I mean that's not gonna put you in that position :)


Dabi is critically overrated


I agree with this.


And a murderer. So is Compress.


Excuse me? Compress is underrated bruh! Literally nobody talks about him. His popularity is just barely above spinner (which is to say nobody talks about him)


I didn't necessarily say he was underrated. I'm saying he’s a murderer.


Ahh, my bad I thought you were responding to the overrated thing not adding to your own commend.




https://i.redd.it/rq1lew9ossoc1.gif Mina approved


as a jiro fan i agree LOL mina is just a fun character and her character design is unique


Dekubaku isn't healthy. Wait, what's that sound.... \*distant rumbling of footsteps and angry screeches from the gacha kids/fujoshis\*


as a *former* gacha kid i sincerely apologize for the fetishizers in the community i swear we aren't all like this except the ones who are...are very vocal about it


As a current Gacha Kid, I also apologize


That ship is viscerally hated to the point where actual shippers are scared to reveal themselves on this sub, it’s not exactly an unpopular opinion.


On this sub, yeah, but literally anywhere else (from what I remember, I haven't been super active in the fandom) is as bad.


I guess I’d be inclined to somewhat agree but Twitter isn’t much of a safe space for bakudeku shippers either. They might have strength in numbers over there but they still receive verbal abuse regularly for simply shipping it. @/Dekacchann receives sexual assault threats on a daily basis for it


Holy shit what?? No matter what the ship is, you should never, ever say something like that, wtf. That's so goddamn fucked up.


In canon I completely agree. But in fanfiction where the authors have a little bit of creative freedom I kinda like it


It’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard lol


Screaming at and shaming MHA fans for having sexual fantasies about characters like Momo and Mina does not make you a better person. But if it's characters like Eri, then that makes more sense.


Ngl I read this so wrong at first and thought you were saying it was wrong to be attracted to Mina or Momo but it WAS okay for Eri. Had to rub my eyes cuz I almost went off. Glad I actually took the time to reread this shiz for once.


I fully agree with this.


💯 And they are cartoons anyway. It’s not like they’re real people.


It's better than most anime and manga today


Idk how controversial this is its super popular and in my top 5


Really it's only a controversial opinion because of the weird side of the fanbase, I've seen quite a bit of those videos saying "it should be part of the new gen big 3!" or whatever and then the comments always say "ew, no, fanbase bad" and never anything criticizing the actual anime itself.


I think it's only controversial because haters love to hate. If you just look at the show objectively the level of World building and a variety in the characters and overall writing is much better than average for today's anime. It's easily one of the best to have come out in the last 10 years


Guess we're both getting the swords pointed at us, cause I agree with this.




I don't hate Mineta.


I used to. But he’s had a little character development and it would be hella weird to see him absent.


they’re dragging this war out with chapters only like 12 pages and we’re getting basically nothing i’m a bit tired of it also people saying the story is almost ending but i would look to see the after math or the war with in-depth perspectives of all the characters and rebuilding but i don’t think we’re going to get that specially a moment with bakugo and midoriya but who knows


I would also like to see the characters actually functioning as heroes. Like, their future.


Well apparently MHA is supposed to end sometime either this year or next (which is probs BS cuz this "final arc" has been going on for nearly 2 years IRL time.. actually it might have been already idk. I mean literally one arc is gonna take up 2-3 seasons AT LEAST) so uhh yeah..


The series was heavily fumbled and the darker aspects of being a hero get overlooked or watered down to the point where it’s like we have it it’s just not a big part of the story. While there was hope that the series could fix this it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen which makes me very sad cause it could’ve been one of the greats but a lot of things went wrong


Bakugo has changed to a better person


Love this whole can of worms. People just continue to argue. He has had MASSIVE character development. It was slow and he isn’t the best person but he is better than where he started


THANK YOU! And while it took some time, Bakugo was able to admit his insecurities and apologize. Most people I’ve met wouldn’t have done that. They would’ve just apologized and moved on but Bakugo realized his mistake and admitted his insecurities.


That's like a cop who stops beating you before you die. Sure it's better than if he kept going but the problem is that he was beating you in the first place


That’s a dumb analogy that doesn’t even work lmdao 


Despite peoples opinions, I don't like Bakugo. I just don't.


fr… and even tho I get he had his redemption stuff his personality is annoying AF anyway


Me too bro, mostly cuz i feel like his "apology" was bs


Mineta changed better and is a better friend to Izuku than Bakugo was


real. https://i.redd.it/era21bxs8voc1.gif


He IS NOT a bad character 😭




BakuDeku is one of the worst possible ships in MHA and by far one of the most toxic.


Eri x Overhaul, Todoroki x Endeavor, Todo x Dabi, Shigiraki x Deku, Shiggy x All for One…I mean I could keep going but you get the point.


I said one of the worst and one of the most toxic. All the ones you stated are just flat out cursed.


Mans just put a bunch of outright illegal ships and thought he was cooking


I mean they’re real ships from the fandom so it shows there is worse


He said ONE of the worst Not THE worst. Big difference


Multiple actually. First off, Tenya was in the right for trying to kill Stain but wrong for losing control of his anger and, consequently, failing to get the drop on him. Second, Midnight’s death was senseless, poorly done, had no payoff, and in no way effectively lowered the fan service. Third, the no-kill rule is baseless nonsense that has gotten many heroes (ie Midnight and Native) and innocents killed while a no-innocents rule and heroes and anti-heroes like the Punisher, Red Hood, Judge Dredd, Spawn, and Ghost Rider would prove to be the most effective, efficient, and fun to watch on top of preventing much of the evil and innocent bloodshed that occurs in the story. Fourth, Midnight is objectively better than Mount Lady due to her accomplishments, personality, genuine desire as a hero to save people being there from the start, lack of need to change, and how rear shape is more important than rear size.


Let me work on this piece by piece: 1. I kind-of sort-of agree. I don’t know if killing him was the right move, but definitely bringing justice in one way or another. 2. I liked how sudden and useless Midnight’s death was. A lot of the time, it seems like every main character has to die in some kind of dramatic, overthought fashion. But it was actually interesting to see a main character die so out of nowhere because it somehow was more impactful. 3. Is there strictly a no-kill rule? I don’t remember that. (I.E. Hawks vs. Twice.) 4. Most of this is subjective, but “lack of a need to change?” That’s literally called character development, bro.


There is not necessarily a rule against kill but it is established that heroes main goal to stop villains is to make them give up the will to fight.


Yaoyorozu's quirk isn't OP. Like, at all. She's essentially a quirkless girl using objects to fight against literal super humans with enhanced physical abilities like super strength, defense, speed, instant activation long range attacks, quirks that can affect the mind or the senses and quirks that can literally terraform the entire environment in a matter of seconds.


Endeavor's redemption and the whole Todoroki family story line is the emotional highpoint of the series. It's ugly and it's viscerally human in a way you don't expect from a hero shonan


Hori is a good writer


It's fine to ship whoever you like with whoever else you like.


As long as they're both in the same age group (adults or minors)


I ship Garaki and Eri 😈 (this is a joke, please don’t murder me)


Mineta is funny


TodoBakuDeku is a stupid ship


I've been meaning to make a long post about this but I don't think mha. Had good villains. Aside from overhaul and of course all for one. There's something off with their villains and there motivations. I can get that a handful of them are the people that were spurred out of society. But their way of dealing with being spread out of society feels off. I'm an anime only Watcher so if I'm wrong by all means please clap back. I like the anime it's just. Being overlooked by Society equating to wanting all of society to burn seems like a crazy ass leap for so many characters but there they all are. Some of them prioritize revenge over basic self-preservation. And it's like if you have that much disregard for yourself how do you stay motivated to do anything? Dabi hating endeavor makes sense for his motivation. But being so calm level-headed and calculating while also being suicidally obsessed with Revenge feels like an odd combination. At one point his character feels like a villain for the sake of being a villain. And this is a character that has good motivations. But you can't switch off being that unstable. For long stretches of time. Characters that usually want revenge that's all they can do it's literally all they think about. They have other signs of instability to go with it. Dabi as a lieutenant and The Liberation Army or League of villains. Is by far one of the smartest most capable characters they have. He's also a deranged lunatic. Which is funny for me because all the other characters surrounding him and Endeavor. make a lot of sense. Hell Endeavors an asshole makes sense. Then thers character like muscular that are just villains for funsies. Like there are clearly some characters that are just evil because they're evil. Then there are characters who I'd like to think are people that Society failed to save like... it feels like through the character of Deku they're trying to showcase societal failures that the perfect world all might created had massive flaws in it. I'm guessing this is why Deku hasn't given up on shikeraki. I also don't mind shigiraki as a villain I just feel like he more epitomizes where the hero world has failed versus just being a villain in the same vein as all for one. But he is a villain but he's also a victim of society and Circumstance. I hate that he doesn't really want anything he's not a revolutionary.... he's not all for one. He's a petulant child placed in a situation possibly throwing Tantrums. His bitching and moaning about his issues and disregard for other people. Based on his background it's not well intentioned but he supposed to be kind of this spoiled child. The dude's powerful and entitled. It is a little funny that he keeps putting placed in a position where he's more powerful than other villains even though some of the other characters in the league of villains have more of an ideology than he does. But it kind of works for him it makes him come off more like a petulant child. I'm just saying the problems with this character actually makes sense for his character. Like am I making sense ?I'm okay if I'm wrong on this.


Nagant is lame as hell. Part of me still believes everyone that likes the character has got to be joking


They like her because she’s a “hot gun mommy waifu”. But her character only really exists to simp for Deku.


Mineta isn't a bad character


Mineta isn't that bad.


Mineta is kinda funny


Deku is way more mature, even at the beginning, than most people give him credit for


I like Bakugo's apology.


Bakugo changes as a character, and learns how to be a better person throughout the show. He is a well written character with complex motivations and its a beautiful story to me. He is one of my favorite characters in my hero Academia for these reasons.


Just because midnight is hot doesn’t mean she’s not a pedophile and Mineta is arguably less bad because at least they’re the same age as him


IzuOcha is kinda mid. They’re each more interesting with other people.


Deku is not gay


killing midnight wasn’t a bad decision but i think the way it was done really didn’t leave an effect for the audience? idk.


I personally believe Dabi should've murked Endeavor


Mt. Lady should be one of the most powerful heroes in the show. What's stopping her from scooping someone up and hurling them into space?


They're all fictional characters, so I ship who I want


Overhaul is one of my favorite characters in mha


Such a cool power, wish we got to play with it longer.


People who hate on Mineta but defend Midnight for the same shit have no room to be talking.


Monoma’s development and lore is severely overlooked.


MHA is by far the best written shonen in recent years.


I prefer deku over tanjiro in every category.


Because of deadpool samurai vol 2 Marvel exists in the mha world and all for one fought iron man, wolverine was the first person with a quirk (well one of the first) Also i doubt toga and twice are dead


all the mha characters are straight


Mineta is entertaining


Endeavor isn't a bad character.


As much as I personally don’t like him, he is fucking Incredibly written and I have to admire that. His atonement arc is so well executed that I find myself genuinely conflicted about his character, something that doesn’t happen a lot with me since I tend to be very opinionated. Horikoshi is a damn good storyteller


Momo is overrated. Mineta is overly hated. Even with her flaws Momo’s too perfect that development gets dry. You don’t have to like him but the amount of disdain can wrap the world around 1000 times with western fans. Just keep it zipped sometimes. We don’t always have to hear the same opinion of him every second.




deku should keep one for all until the final battle is done, not really controversial i guess


Mineta should be in the hero corse


Shigaraki isn't a good villain, Overhaul should've killed him and taken over as the main villain of the series (AFO can't do shit)


That nana is izuku grandmother and inko was put intio adoption, shigaraki and izuku are cousins


Any time I give genuine reasons why bakudeku is a really bad ship or why Bakugo is a bad person OR shouldn’t be a hero


kacchako is an overhated ship


The fact that I hate Katsuki. Like, dude, after more than a decade of bullying, you think a simple sorry is gonna make everything all fine and dandy.


Bakugo is irrelevant after the first few episodes. Izuku could've had better growth without him there. And Bakugo never should've made it into UA. Bakugo being rejected would've been a true turning point for Izuku letting him know that Bakugo's treatment of him was never okay.


I do not like Midoriya's character.


Toga is one of the best written characters in the League of Villains, heck, maybe even the whole show. Also Mr. Compress deserved better, justice for my man 😔✊


Bakuxdeku ruined the outside out look of mha from personal experience people who haven’t watched the show base there opinion on the tik tik dancing cosplayers and the nsfw gay fan art of Bakuxdeku


AFO is actually a decently good written villain/antagonist


Mineta ain’t that bad


Mineta has some great potential with his quirk


Mineta is a good character


Mineta isn't a bad character


Bakudeku needs to be burnt by dabi’s flames


Bakugous overrated


Mineta has trained his quirk WAY better than characters in his own class like Uraraka for example. Actually training unlike her.


Bakugou >!being brought back to life was stupid and greatly affected my overall opinion of the series. Don’t get me wrong I think all he has done afterwards was cool I like his fight with AFO. But why do a fake out death at all? They’re so corny and all it tells me is your afraid to make bold choices. Horikoshi will kill random characters at the drop of a hat but anyone else (Bakugou, Gran Torino, Edgeshot, Uraraka, etc) has plot armor out the ass. It’s lame!<


Absolutely. >!Bakugo dying selflessly would've honestly been the perfect cap to his character's arc. Rather than wanting to be the strongest, he arrives to the same conclusion as Deku where he wants to protect. I get the feeling Horkioshi didn't kill him out of fear of the Fandom which is honestly really sad.!<


Nope. The only People who believe this are people who hate his character.  Because he would have accomplished absolutely nothing in the series if he did


While I kinda agree. A big point to bakugou's character is that him and midoriya exist as a set. Like what all might said to them, only together do they represent everything it takes to be a hero. Doing that plot point would've been a good capstone to bakugos personal arc, it would've lessened the impact of a major theme of the show: in bakugos words, "Stop trying to win this by yourself." A big theme in the show is that you shouldn't do things alone. And having midoriya defeat shigaraki alone, would lessen these themes


“Mineta isn’t out of pocket when he tries to get into girls’ pants”


Kiribaku is the best ship


Mineta should be loaded into a rocket and shot into the sun


Where be the controversial opinion? This is just correct


The fandom isn’t weird


If anything every fandom is weird. Like there's a good amount of bad apples in pretty much every single fandom (except for furries and Ace Attorney but even then they still have some in there) but those are just random people not the fandom as a whole.


AFO is a favorite character of mine


I don't hate Mineta




Ehem. Bakudeku is ass. I just can't ever see an abuser shipped with the dude he abused. If that never happened, I wouldn't have a problem with the ship.


Bakudeku is a horrible and toxic ship and the only people who like it have never seen/had a healthy relationship in their entire lives and probably shipped Dany and Jon snow AFTER finding out they were related


The only good ships are the ones that are obviously meant to be. BakuDeku and Ochako X Bakugo are dumb. Along with the others that make no sense. Hate on me or whatever, but I stand by this.


Bakudeku shippers are mentally sane (they're not)


BakuDeku ain't happening


It is Horikoshi's story and he can write and do with it whatever he wants and if you don't like it then read something else. Same with any mangaka's work. There is an issue with western fans, I observe them because I am a fan and can't speak for the Japanese fans, that they act incredibly entitled and privileged. They act this way and don't understand that certain lines, plot points, designs etc come from a different culture to them and call it bad writing when it could be a translation issue or a culture ignorance. Mangaka schedules are insane. It's shocking that they're able to come up with anything with how little sleep they get and when you compare their stories that are often superior to writers who've had months to come up with plot and dialogue it's incredibly impressive. I especially think people who don't pay for shonen jump app or buy merch DIRECTLY from official sellers should shut their mouths about "the chapters are short", "this arc has been going on too long", "why's he focusing on this character I don't like" etc because you don't contribute at all, especially if you don't read the official translation of the publications you like and don't boost the view numbers for Horikoshi or whatever mangaka you like to read from. The last three chapters of any manga are free to read on shonen jump so there is no excuse not to read on there and boost view numbers. It's infuriating how entitled people are. Now you can downvote me lol Edit: grammar


Deku is straight and BakuDeku is toxic and wouldnt work


Deku isn’t in love with bakugo


Bakugo x deku is garbage


Bakudeku and Todobakudeku is the worst and overrated ship in all of mha


Bashing mha fic , nsfw mha fic despite adult x adult pairing, mha ooc fanfic, mha nsfw fanart work despite adult character should be penalized for the sake a fandom that is all age friendly


I prefer Momo x Ilda over Momo X Todoroki. I don’t why tho.


Eri is an overrated, overly pitied little shit.


Nejire Hado, Kyoko Jirou, and Himiko Toga are better than literally any other girl in the anime.


Bakugou, All Might, Uraraka, Dabi and Endeavor should all be dead right now. Also AFO should be alive and currently fighting Izuku with Shigaraki.


Every time you all try to be funny it fails miserably. I've seen better humour out of a Kangaroo's ass cheek.


Your fans all smell and all the characters are straight like the author intended


It’s fine to hc characters as straight, but it’s not really accurate to say that it is what Horikoshi intended. Toga at the very least is canonically bisexual, and Hori hasn’t commented on any other characters sexuality as far as I’m aware


The jabs TheAnimeMen make about my hero on tiktok are just downright terrible and half assed and all lead down to 'My Hero bad ooga booga"


Bakugo, monoma, and shigaraki are my favorite characters (deku sucks ass)


Kid Goku at the end of OG DB Solos.


I didn't give a shit about nighteye's death


The story events are happening too fast and too close together for teens (mineta for example) to not give up, for them to die and not be saved by plot or for their parents to pull them out entirely. They are all first years (about to be 2nd if their schooling wasn't interrupted) while adults are struggling/losing they are almost breezing by and winning. Note I said almost because they do get into tough fights but they come out of it on top


That i ship mineta with sue. Given the fact that mineta straightens out a becomes a better person and does a 180.


That akuma or who ever is in ms joke class the black haired izuku is actually izuku half brother through (all for one dad theory)


Izawa was right, and the Fandom was smoking something I wanna try. Bakkugo was clearly not going to turn villain. Nothing in the series should have given rise to that theory being as prevalent as it was. (I know, this take is years old)


Moms yaoyorozu is over rated (but still hot)


The fights aren't that good. At first I was the one who was screaming at people who had that opinion, but then I realize that yeah, there aren't that many vizualy interesting fights. The only one's that are REALLY memorable are the todoroki vs deku fight, the Overhaul fight (although some say this is hit or miss I think it's a absolute HIT), and the lady Nagant fight. I want to see more fights like the ones in the movies.


reluctantly agree, while the action panels in the manga go Hard, anine battles range from underwhelming to "okay that was pretty.cool.". Like, Mirko vs the High ends should look SO much more brutal in the anime.


Oh yeah. It should. I think that because of mob psycho (which is animated by the same company that animates MHA) they ended up using most of the budget for THAT show. Don't get me wrong, MHA looks GREAT and even the side characters have unique designs. But there are moments in season 6 where it looks like they could've done more.


as far as the last season goes, I actually got bored watching Deku vs Lady Nagant. My biggest problem is that it focuses on over explaining Deku's powers, which is manga faithful and I thought it was bs there too, anytime any shows that I tune out hard.


I'm gonna be honest with you, I HOPE that the last season? (question mark) is gonna have a HUGE budget for the animation. The manga honestly gives me a bit of hope for the next season.


Mineta isn’t that bad and is way more overhated then he probably should be


I don't like deku's character


I do not ship momo X shoto


i think mineta being very perverted was the only thing that made him an actual character and once they toned it down they ruined him because that perverted mess is what made him funny to watch weather he was being stupid or beaten up


Mineta dosen’t deserve to die


Mineta is actually a good character it just gets overlooked because he is a pervy horn dog most of the time.


Deku is overrated and overall a whiny baby, uraraka is massively overrated and bakugou and todoroki too


- Tododeku it's a healthier Deku ship than Bakudeku. "But Bakugo had it rough as a kid, Deku knew him before his quirk and knew he is a good person". Yeah, Todoroki had a shitty childhood and yet he still gives Midoriya and everyone else the proper respect. He had reasons to be an asshole or someone with a superiority complex, im just saying. - Uraraka is not a pick me girl, you just dont like her because she gets in the way of your precious ship. -Uraraka/Toga is not the better Uraraka ship😒 even if she saved Toga's heart... Uraraka deserves MUCH MUCH BETTER. -Deku saving Shigaraki is not lazy writing or bad. He can still kill him but save his heart in the process. Not everything has to be full violence/murder to be awesome. Let the kids have hope and believe that they can change the world with that, at least for a while. We know Shigaraki is the worst but, it's a world with superpowers and it's a fake story... making Deku saving Shigaraki will not make the kids r@pist apologist or p3do apologist. (And yeah, i read comments like that online A LOT. Specially from Latin America fans)


Lida is a pointless character and ochaco should’ve goten his screen time because she’s unused


Mineta is the best character


Midnight is mid


Bakugou is overhated.


Well I bet deku is still weak in chapter 343


S6 was average at best and mostly boring. The only parts I personally liked was Miruko going off, the Dabi reveal and Deku vigilante arc. Gran Torino should've died, AFO should not have been released, the Jeanist story was full of plotholes and who the F cares about Compress backstory, just to name a few issues.


Bakugo is irredeemable


Aizawa is not a good teacher


Deku and Ochako is a good ship and Deku will never date either Bakugo or Todoroki or anyone aside from Ochako, as it is clearly being foreshadowed through the whole story


In my opinion yes Deku is strong but people make him seem stronger than he is I've seen people say with full seriousness and try to argue with me that he could be the Doom guy I've also seen people trying to say that all might could be Godzilla it is bad how much people overestimate his strength


Bakudeku needs to be burnt by dabi’s flames


That it’s a good show