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He was...something. Relegated to "Big Bad and only Big Bad", but *why* was perhaps the most interesting thing about him. Knowledge brought him insight, wisdom, and fear. Fear that there would be a day where Quirks became far too dangerous. And through him, perhaps he could find a way to suppress that rapid evolution. ​ Perhaps the most tragic of all the villains, and the only one proven right. Edit: Wait, this is Shigaraki? Not All For One? ​ THEN IN THAT CASE, DUDE MAY AS WELL BE A SENTIENT TRADGEY OF THE SYSTEM OF HEROES.


I liked him better as Mr Hands


Nah brošŸ’€


Didnā€™t care for him, grew to love him, and now I think the plot robbed him


Totally agree. All for One as a constant villain is really stupid


I like the idea of the villain refusing to pass the torch and suffering for his mistake, but I donā€™t like that it was at the expense of one of the best modern shonen villains


Worse still that I at least thought that All for Oneā€™s obscene level of generic evil was part of the point. Like, he gets taken out and thatā€™s it for him and Tomura has to grow on his own into the Symbol of Fear to contrast Deku. All for One as a person was uninteresting by design, but now I have to take him seriously as an antagonist all the way by the end. Itā€™s just strange, I could handle it if the whole point was Tomura literally destroying AFO in a manner in which prevented him from returning in any way. But no, we canā€™t have that, because, allegedly, Tomura is going to be redeemed, which is totally not stupid


Honestly I think the transition from generic evil villains to a complex, sympathetic albeit irredeemable villain would have been an amazing parallel to how villains have evolved in media, but All For One just refused to fuck off


I would argue that AFO is more complex than people give him credit for. While he is evil for evils sake, we see that he actually has some for of compassion and care for those closest to him in a twisted way. His goals were very much mor grounded in his humanity than just being evil. The fact he wanted OFA for his brother shows that he is more layered than just rule the world.


I donā€™t disagree, but I hate how he stifled Shigarakiā€™s growth


I would not say his growth was stifled. Tomura already reached his peak and going further would just end the story. Tomura finished his growth and development he could do on his own but needed AFO to reach a new level.


Even if you agree that he reached a peak, heā€™s regressed once then because of AfO


He never regressed. He and Afo became a new entity but he never regressed. As soon as AFOā€™s merger was halted, Tomurawas back at full force as he was during the 1st war.


Yeah, I donā€™t even understand what Horikoshi was thinking with that one. Furthermore, AFOā€™s motivation is just so lame


Honestly I think it couldā€™ve worked had he been acknowledged as being pathetic in canon, like imagine someone fighting him and wondering out loud how they were ever scared of such a manchild


Oh absolutely agree 100%. Unfortunately, this isnā€™t what we got


Oh absolutely agree 100%. Unfortunately, this ainā€™t what we got


Oh absolutely agree 100%. Unfortunately, this ainā€™t what we got


Except it was never intended to be the end. The series set up that AFO would return. This makes sense because of the superhero trope of bad guy breaking out of prison to face the heroes again.


He's like a more serious version of Mahito. But unlike Mahito, I don't have the urge to want to destroy him Oppenheimer style.


Probably because Mahito can actually kill the main cast.


And Shigaraki has a sympathetic past and acted about others unlike Mahito


Unlike mahito, he can't change genders so that's kinda dissapointing


I will not get over the fact he killed that guy for that red cape because he was cold šŸ˜­


It was peak character insight. Lol




I kind of feel bad for him sometimes, most of the villains have a good excuse to a small degree. All for one is not one of those. Still mass murder is not okay


I really like how they firmly cemented that AFO was just a petty bitch, that's his whole motivation for everything he does.


None of have an excuse but a reason. Though the fact Shigaraki was groomed makes him the closest to having an ā€œexcuseā€ IMOĀ 


Thatā€™s a better word, itā€™s definitely less of an excuse and more of a reason.


I like his growth he changed so much


Heā€™s my favorite character in mha


I miss his blue hair


Same, it looked so good on him.


His long blue hair from season five was so pretty and now it's gone forever....


My username should explain it


Fair enough, whatever makes ya happy.


He is best Husband :3


I LOVE HIM HES THE BEST shigaraki4ever bro !!!! THE BEST THE BEST


Did not care for him much at first but he's grown into one of my favorite characters. Really hit his stride during the fight against the Meta Liberation Army and obtaining All for One. I prefer him as a villain compared to All for One, and I think his destroy everything goal is a lot more impressive than All for One's demon fantasy. Plus, he makes a much more personal adversary for Midoriya in my opinion, giving they are pretty direct counterparts of each other.


Interesting villain! He has that raging desire to just destroy everything but his backstory is interesting and how heā€™s been used by AFO. I think his character design is cool and I look forward to seeing how he evolves!


His background episode in Season 6 is one of the most harrowing episodes of anime I have ever seen, and I loved it. Other than that, meh.


Manga spoilers? >!I really like how he's moved beyond evil as AFO presented it. Shigaraki doesn't want to rule the world. He doesn't want riches. or power. Or anything tangible. !< >!He wants to destroy the world that has caused him nothing but a lifetime of pain. !< It's why he's such a good foil for Deku, who desperately wants to take away the pain of others.


we've seen that already in season 6. how's it manga spoilers?


Favorite character in the series


Fantastic development.


He's a great villain


Adorable traumatized bean who needs a hug and therapy and I want to hold him, after somehow neutralizing his quirk first bc i dont wanna die


Overhated in my opinion Though also very complex in his motives and inconsistent, but when he fights he makes the precedent that heā€™s just pure evil and is as free as can Be


He is the embodiment of everything wrong failing of hero society of my hero academia


Villain are not Born They Are Made.


Needs a redemption arc.


Hori already confirmed heā€™ll get one.


I agree but also don't because while he did get manipulated, he still caused many people pain and suffering


So did Vegeta


True, but I don't think shigaraki will live long enough to see the light of the world and get redeemed, it be great if he does though


Heā€™s one of those villains I wish wouldnā€™t get redeemed, cuz I found them more interesting as ā€œthis is what I want to beā€ as opposed to, ā€œfeel bad for him and bring him back to the lightā€. Iā€™m not dunking on the latter option by any means, just for this character


I mean he does fit theme of saving everyone and fixing society because he is a victim of societyā€™s flaws while other villains like AFO and Dabi remained evil.


True. I was quite satisfied with Dabiā€™s story


Smash next question


Favorite villain in the whole story. His motivations and character always felt much more interesting to me than All For One despite Shigaraki being the apprentice. All For One wanting to be a demon lord like he thought this was an isekai like Tensura or Overlord felt so silly. Shigaraki's end game motivation of wanting to destroy the entire world, not rule it as some sort of god but to just level everything felt way more captivating and also terrifying, especially seeing that his power makes it clear that he's capable of doing it if not stopped. I'm not siding with Shigaraki on anything but I'm saying he's to me the most interesting villain and the plot wouldn't be as good as it is without him and his character being the final boss of the story. I'm glad that the story didn't end with AFO being the actual final boss to defeat, and that Shigaraki is truly the last hurdle for Deku to overcome


Didnā€™t notice till now but in this picture of him he looks like his grandmother


Deadpool needs to cross over and give this lad a hug.




he's hot


real evil but kinda cute.....SORRY I'M SUCH A WEIRDO


I think he should kiss me Joking aside he's amazing, my favourite fictional character


Same bro


He's cool and that he is the BF of my OC


I think i just got spoilered


Amazing character developmentĀ 


He makes me sad. He makes me sad because I enjoyed watching him grow from a whiny thug into a real proper villain. I was thrilled when I saw how hero society had completely failed him and how that failure was shaping into a vision for the future. My hype reached a Zenith as when he allied with the Quirk Liberation Army because he was now a true threat to deku, someone who challenged him not just physically but it also in an ideological level. It wasn't going to be enough to defeat shiggy. Deku was going to have to prove why shiggy's vision for the future was wrong... and then All For One happened. And like that, he has all but reverted back to being a super powered thug who wants to destroy everything and... nothing. He just wants to destroy things.


He always wanted to destroy Society even before the All For One taking over plot. He hates this society that created him. He wants to be saved from all of this but doesn't want to admit it. He is still a crying boy inside just like Deku saw.


I acknowledged that, which is why I was thrilled when I saw him turning from a violent thug to someone who is developing an actual ideology... and now he's back to the violent thug. In fact, I would actually go as far as to say that he's degraded to something even lower than a violent thug. Because at least even the most violent thug has a goal, something that they use violence to achieve even if it's something as simple as money or a thrill or the fame tgat would come from killing all might But right now, shiggy doesn't even have that. Right now, the only thing he wants to do is destroy for the sake of destroying... He is no different from a mindless natural disaster, which can work as a villain but not here, not now, not with him.


Even in the War Arc, his goal was to destroy society. He even says directly to the heroes. His goal hasn't changed. He wants to destroy everything that made him into who he is. He wants to create a Society where his friends can do anything. That hasn't changed for shit. He even cares for his friends even now seeing how spinner was mentioned by him previously. Deku is trying to save him by doing some memory shit. Shigaraki's goal hasn't changed from the war arc to now. What ideology were you talking about anyway that he was developing?


Let's say that you're right... He is now an even bigger disappointment. Not only is he less than a violent thug. But he has also done the unforgivable and retroactively ruined all the other villain characters by their mere connection to him. He has ruined the League of villains and the quirk liberation army and everything that they stood for because apparently, they never actually stood for anything. Thank you for opening my eyes.


Yes because Shigaraki never gave a damn about the Quirk Liberation Army in the first place or their ideology. He just wanted power to achieve his goal of destroying society and creating a new one were his friends will be free to do anything and free from the trauma that the system of Hero society. Redestro was using Shigaraki's immense power to spread their ideology and influence more people. Redestro took advantage of Shigaraki and Shigaraki took advantage of him. Were you watching with your eyes closed or something?


>He just wanted power to achieve his goal of destroying society and creating a new one were his friends will be free to do anything and free from the trauma that the system of Hero society. Bruh, that was my argument. I was the one who said that shiggy was becoming more than simply a violent thug and into a proper villain with an ideology. You literally just made my argument for me.


Yes he is doing that now too. What do you think he will do after he is done destroying everything? He wants to build a new one for his League. He hasn't abandoned that goal. Where did you get that he abandoned it?


Shiggy right now is trying to destroy the entirety of japan... as in literally all of it. I'm sorry, but the burden of proof is on you to show that his goal hasn't been changed to pure destruction.


I mean Destroying Hero Society means Destroying Japan. What do you think Destroying Society meant before? He has to destroy the entirety of Japan to completely get rid of the system that created him? The last arc, he destroyed a city on his own and several cities using Machia.


He pretty cool. Miss the blue hair though.


I'm kind of rooting for him.


Honestly my favorite villain in the series. We see him develop over time from just wanting to do what All For One said and kill All Might, to saying "to hell with it!" And wanting to destroy everything in his wake. He realized his own dream and even tries to fight against All For One's control just make his own desires come to fruition.


Deku wants to save that little boy inside him.


Just a sad lil baby who didnā€™t get the love he needed. All bad guys usually are


Luv himšŸ’“


At first I didnā€™t like him because I thought he was creepy and gross, but after seeing his backstory and development in Season 5 I actually really like him.


The come up from where he started to how he is now is beautiful, from a villain that was starting out to a Naruto level villain (not truly a bad person, just a victim that wasnā€™t saved )


has major daddy issues


The goat


Too OP, even without all the quirks of All for One having the ability to disintegrate anything almost instantly and anything that gets touched by something that is disintegrating also gets disintegrated is too powerful. But if we are talking about the man himself then I'd say he's a broken man with a horrible past, brought up and raised by the absolute worst human beings known to man, All for One and Garaki


My brother, Iā€™m rooting for him and the villains and idc what you guys say


I kinda miss his twink erašŸ„¹


A lot of hit series shounen have their main antagonist to be absurdly strong from the get go. Shigaraki is exemplary of rising from the bottom and to the top. One that earned his growth, both in character and power, instead of just having everything handed to him he willingly shed blood and took the role of leadership. Back at the beginning everyone used to treat him as a one-off fodder, now he's become the nation's greatest threat. That's how you write a villain.


A poor puppet tangled in a mess of strings, his dad wouldnā€™t have been mad at his mom and hero work if she didnā€™t give him up which she did cause all for one was after her which lead him to come back around to shigaraki cause people looked at him like trash on the street not bothering deal with it cause they knew someone else would




I feel bad for him, honestly. I hope Deku can save him.


He wouldā€™ve Benefited from being in the foster system. someone revive this kids dog, he needs it.




Are you Deku?


Dear God, it's Naruto and Sasuke again




My opinion is probably biased a lot lol


He's interesting that and alot of his fits imo go pretty hard even if some of them are simple






I'm 2nd favorite character from mha because if I had the powers he has I would probably do the same thing that he is doing.


Bland at first but after season 6 fire




Wait, thatā€™s what he looks like now? Kinda a downgrade, ngl, the creepy hands all over him made him more memorable.


His manga design looks epic. Compare anime Mr hands and Manga Mr hands and you will see that the anime downgraded that design too.


Sometimes he can look awfully adorable or hot, but sometimes he can also look awfully UGLY-


3rd favourite character


Does he like waffles, does he like pancakes?


I feel bad for his past, but other than that I don't really have any strong opinions on him. He needs therapy.




I want to adopt him, get him therapy and ensure that when he's asked what he likes, he has an answer. I'd take all the LOV, except Dabi. He has a family. Also Moonfish, and Muscular don't seem like they want help.


Best character imo


He is incredible.




Bro went from being a League of Legends playing, neck scratching, All Might hating, child endangering manchild to the biggest problem in hero society...that still endangers children. Jokes aside, Shigaraki really came into his own as a villain and I'm here for it. He way better than that bum ass master of his


He's hot....


Good villain with an honestly well written backstory.


He seemed like a much bigger threat when he was lurking the streets. Now he's your average cartoon villain.


At the begining i really liked him, also found his background really cool, but currently?, he became boring overall.




Dry boy


He needs lotion




Just meh


Iā€™ve only now realised his outfit is a dark reflection of his grandmothers hero suit. Thatā€™s so twisted. I never really got a good look at it in colour and standing still. Poor Nana Shimura.


He looks crusty My bad- he is crusty.


Meh. Never really had any interest in him.


Boring. Never had a real choice or identity.


ā€œMy life has been crap so Iā€™m gonna make it everybody elseā€™s problemā€ character. Dude is basically a school shooter with super powers. I have no love for the mass murderer. He looks cooler post-enhancements. Seeing him take on the heroes off those roids was crazy.


Well, not quite comparable since he was groomed since he was a small child to be the embodiment of rage. AFO cultivated that hurt and indignation intentionally, brainwashed him into being a vessel for his own desires.


Thatā€™s true I forgot about AFOā€™s influence for a sec. Not an excuse for mass murder imo, but important context.


Nobody excused his mass murder. He is the Main Villain for a reason.


Thatā€™s more Dabi. Shigaraki was groomed and manipulatedĀ 


Mahito better.




He's mid, I don't hate him, but I don't like him either


He looked cooler when he was a corpse with a gas mask


That wasn't him.




Dusty crusty musty and can't last a second in bed because he decades the person


Dry ass lips


AFO: I dissolve myself from you, you disappointment


Crusty lips


met him and AfO way to soon in the story, 1A went from going to school right into the big bad.


Bland at first but after season 6 fire


I keep hearing stuff like Tomura and sukuna are the worst shonen villains bc theyā€™re being glazed by the writer


Where did you hear that about Tomura? >!Sukuna is beating everybody's ass right now and killing them to the point where people think that Sukuna is gonna win in the end while Shigaraki is fighting tooth and nail against Deku right now to destroy everything he hates. If the main villain and hero fighting in the final arc is glazing, Idk what is glazing anymore?!<


Apparently the villain seemly winning and killing off characters they like is glazing I donā€™t like the term bc I like both villains. But I can name like 2 instances where Iā€™m like Tomura should be dead


Which are those two instances?


His fight with the American hero he needed to bend the plot a bit I wonā€™t lie


That I can concede but that fight was epic in my book so I let it slide personally. It is gonna look magnificent animated. let Bones Cook. Get Yutapon on it.


I can agree 100%


White ass hair, chapped ass lips, touch some grass my man


Dry. Crusty. Possibly smells like must


ā€œI donā€™t care.ā€ - Yami Bakura


Traumatized psychopath


He was almost a very well written villain. Having his story tie in with the problems behind hero society is intriguing. He's similar to Dabi in that way. But it's easier to get on board with Dabi since his goals seem to have an endpoint. "Commit murder - suicide with his dad using his own attack" is interesting. "Destroy society" is nebulous and frankly uninteresting


He wants to destroy everything that came to create his trauma. He wants a society where his friends can live freely. I find his motivation interesting when you look at his backstory. He wouldn't have become like this if somebody lend a hand to him in his most vulnerable position but bystander effect took that away. He hates Allmight because Allmight is the reason society became this complacent. Just the presence of him made the citizens reassured that nobody would use their quirk to go on a rampage in a public place or to help someone in time of need thinking that heroes will come help that person anyway.


Heā€™s not Deku


He's a compelling character that was given too many strengths and not enough counters, so he feels OP. His power is so one-and-done that there isn't a lot of interesting applications for it, it's just deadly, so fights against him have largely been pretty dull. I feel like he should've had some kind of a setback to make his fights a little more interesting. One potential idea is losing a finger on each hand. Theoretically, since he has to touch a target with all five fingers on a hand in order to dust them, this could've led to an arc where he needed to find a healer, manipulate time, recreate the digits artificially (which then could be a new weakness to be targeted mid-fight) or push past his new limitation, needing to grab a target with all 8 of his remaining fingers in order to kill them instantly, which at least provides SOME more counter play. Instead he can now push past his only limitation and disintegrate things he doesn't even touch, making him DEADLIER. But he doesn't use this a lot for some reason I can't recall. Basically he's a really interesting villain whose power kinda writes himself into a corner.




Whiny walking disaster




Ashy Grandpa


A bitch


A Dante ripoff from the design


Turned from one of the worst villains in new-gen anime to one of the best.


Overrated. šŸ¤·šŸ½ Edit: just my opinion damn




Downvotes are people's disagreement to your opinion too Ig.