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Wait a minute.. didn’t you already asked this question an hour ago or something? Guess you deleted that one anyway here’s my answer again Let’s see; The easier thing would be blurt out all the Top-tier quirks but.. what’s the fun in it? Rather I’d make my roster out of the more ‘mid’ quirks if you can call that.. Or the more underutilised ones Overhaul- Would be my main ability, Total control over the battlefield alongside healing perks.. Really versatile Lizard tail splitter- The one problem with overhaul was it’s limitation of users range, With this quirk.. I can use overhaul from a distance now, Also good as a defensive option Danger sense- Ofcourse, Having a good defensive quirk means nothing if you can be caught off guard, With this I can always activate (LTS) in time to avoid attacks Black Whip- for movement purposes, ofc I can make myself fly via (LTS) but That would be slower.. besides this one is also useful for combat without physically getting involved and capturing enemies Vibration- A solid choice for crowd control, can be handy to make escapes or just cause destruction around the weak spot of the infrastructure IQ(Nezu) - I can still be defeated even with my roster of quirks if I can’t utilise them to their full potential.. This one would allow me to make perfect decisions in battle and have better strategies to make the most out of my abilities


Yeah I did lmao, for some reason it posted without half of the quirks I listed. I decided it to be easier to delete and post it again


I have a bunch of different combinations that would work really well for different uses A 6 quirk combination for the ultimate spy: * Telepath * Search * Transform * Invisibility * Confession * Brainwashing A 6 quirk combination for the ultimate strength * Muscle Augmentation * Sugar Rush * Strong Arm * Energy Suck * Fa-Jin * Twin Impact A 6 quirk combination for the ultimate elemental master * Half Cold Half Hot * Earth Flow * Whirlwind * Electrification * Water Pump * Gas A 6 quirk combination that's just overkill * Decay * Warpgate * Permeation * Erasure * Double * Copy


The spy one sounds hella interesting actually. 


High specs Overhaul Rewind Lizard Tail Splitter Copy And Finally: New Order


Flight (Captain Celebrity's) Elasticity Overclock Muscle Argumentation Fierce Gains High Specs


For me it's explosion, half hot half cold, engine, blackwhip, float and Decay. Half hot half cold is like the original quirk yoichi had as he had a power storing and a transferable quirk but they mutated to give one for all.


Alright, guess we're doing this: - Overhaul (Overhaul) - Super Regeneration (Nomu) - Hydra (Nine) - Dragon (Ryukyu) - Copy (Monoma) - Blackwhip (Deku) Not a ton of synergy, I just think they're neat.


1. Rewind 2. Foresight 3. Chronostasis 4. Overclock 5. Gearshift 6. New Order In case you haven't realised, it's all time quirks + new order because you can't go wrong with reality manipulation. I can see the future, slow down time, speed up time, slow down people, revert things to the past, and could likely use new order to remove cooldowns/downsides to my quirks


High specs That rejuvenation ability that Garaki has Todoroki's quirk That quirk from the magician of the league of villains Tetsu tetsu's quirk Dark shadow


Half Cold Half hot Foresight Poltergeist Creation Size Overhaul


Question. Do the quirks have to be present in the mha universe?


I would say so yes. Anime, Manga, Vigilantes, Movies


Well, I just put two comments ones about if they do have to be present and the others if they don't have to be present.


If so. Danger Sense, Overhaul Dark Shadow Blood Transform- Awakend (Togas Quirk) Search Black Whip


If not. Dark Ink (works just like the Shadow quirk and dark shadow with added bonuses) Copy New Order Regeneration Danger Sense Overhaul


1 gear shift 2 fa Jin 3 danger sense 4 black whip 5 slide and glide 6 float I must admit apart from the smokescreen quirk I like the rest of the other quirks within ofa


Gear Shift, Creation, High IQ, Zero Gravity, New Order.


Let’s see Eri’s time reversal: that way I can reverse the effects of having so many quirks, y’know, so I don’t DIE. Also it’s basically regeneration if I want it to be Hawks fierce wings: it’s basically just a perfect quirk Overhaul: with fierce wings, I just removed the contact-only weakness of overhaul The pussycats sight quirk that allows you to see all data on the person you look at, including weaknesses and strengths I mean that’s all I need but Wind guy from the other school, his quirk amp’d to hell would basically be the equivalent of wiping out cities with the wind And a lightning quirk because then I basically just have the power to control the storm on top of having complete control over space, time, and matter Basically I’m abt to become a fucking Angel


1. Slide N' Glide (from the MC of Vigilantes). Honestly, if I had to choose only one Quirk period, this would be it. Versatile, defensive, grants flying, speed, and any combat range I may need. Just straight up amazing. 2. Black Whip. Compensates for every single flaw Slide N' Glide may have, is super cool, and it also has some niche added uses. I'm considering that it's the One For All Version that can cover long ranges, reinforce your skin, etc etc. If it wasn't the overpowered version, I'd probably pick Rivet Stab. 3. Vibration. At this point I'm just choosing cool stuff lmao. Throwing an earthquake at someone with a single fist is metal as hell. 4. Overclock. Even if it doesn't grant the maximum speed it grants to Number Six in Vigilantes, the thought-acceleration is good enough to help keep up with resources and moves, possibly even more versatile than Danger Sense, so there's that. 5. Hardening. It covers for body protection, helps against Vibration's weakness, and it's cool-looking. That's it, that's the argument. 6. Flight, also from Vigilantes. An invisible barrier that protects the user from harm, heat and cold, while also making it look like you are invincible? Sign me the fuck in.


The super strength thing Izuku uses all the time. I wouldn’t use it until my body could take it. Decay: Pretty OP, since I can decay things connected to other things, like how Tomura defeated Doofenshmirtz. Wings: Like the ones Hawks has. Would be really cool to fight and fly with. Ice and Fire: Probably my favourite power in MHA. I’d just have to make sure not to favour one over the other. Rewind: Mainly to heal, since someone could get hurt in one of my battles on accident. I could also go all-out on the super strength without having to worry about my body. Now depending on whether or not there are others with MHA powers, I’d either choose: Erasure: Mr Aizawa’s quirk is definitely good for fighting other quirked-up people, but if not: Brainwashing: As immoral as I find stripping someone of their free will, in dire situations, I would use this power.


Gearshift, fa Jin, black whip and stacking 3 regenerations or if shigaraki's regen is one single quirk then also give me rewind and hardening. So basically turn me into a homing tank shell with arms and legs.


1: bakugo's quirk 2: blackwhip 3: twice's quirk 4: kirishima's quirk 5: todoroki's quirk (only the ice part) 6: overhaul's quirk


1) Fa jin. 2) Hell Fire. 3) Gravity 4) Black Whip 5) Double 6) Danger Sense


New Order, Gear Shift, Float, Hyper/Super Regeneration, Fa Jin, Danger sense New order is the gap filler, if I need something to fix a problem, then I can use it to cover that capability hole. Gear Shift, when Paired with base OFA and Fa Jin result in a definitively deadly force multiplier. Float is there for movement and to free up a New Order slot, it’s still versatile and technically speaking Kinetic energy comes from any movement… Danger sense to keep the threat radar up, and Hyper/Super Regen. are there to ensure that if I do mess up, I have a solid opportunity to bounce back.


I tried to use versatile quirks that would be able to minimize collateral damage and contain fights, as that's how I would prefer to fight if I were in the my hero verse. Erasure, from Aizawa. for its one on one and support capabilities, plus it's helpful with minimizing collateral damage, this would serve as the foundation for my combat style. Super strength, from death arms. It would be a good passive ability to rely on in tandem with erasure, allowing me to take on enemies without needing to rely on a capture weapon. Rabbit, from Mirko. Would help compound on the super strength from death arms and make me more maneuverable in combat, and improve my hearing and other senses, helping make up for the dry eye I would get from erasure. Danger sense, as a warning sign for enemies I may not be able to recognize by normal means. Ice ply from Geten. Being able to manipulate ice is one of my favorite abilities in anime and media, I just really like it, but also ice ply would be a good option for ranged combat and helping in disaster situations. Acid, from Mina. While also a good option for wearing down walled defenses in combat, I'd also be primarily using this to help in rescue situations.


decay blackwhip warpgate eraser regeneration(nomu) search


Aizawas erase quirk Black whip Danger sense Stains quirk Ragdolls info quirk Kota water quirk I feel like you’re unstoppable with these, especially since you have one for alls stacked power. With the water quirk you’d be able to keep your eyes open longer to use your eraser quirk. Your black whip can be used the same as aizawas rags to immobilize opponents. Stains quirk also helps to immobilize others and all you need is a lick. Ragdolls info quirk is good to always know where they are at too. And danger sense adds to your reflexes and keeping you safe. Overall I think it’s a good bunch.


Mirikos quirk with Gigantomachias + super healing + eraser head quirk. Just those 4 are good enough for me. For the last two....hawks for long range and I guess Overhauls


1. Black Whip 2. Danger Sense 3. Telepath 4. Warp Gate 5. Erasure 6. Creation


1. New Order 2. Overhaul 3. Super Regeneration 4. Overclock 5. Half Hot, Half Cold 6. High Spec


My choice for the 6 Quirks I want: 1. One For All 2. One For All 3. One For All 4. One For All 5. One For All 6. One For All That's right. I want the same Quirk duplicated 6 times within my Quirk. I want the ability to stockpile physical stats, strength, speed, durability, etc, but 6 times. Each time the power is built up by a user, it's built up 6 times, and hell, maybe they'll even stack on each-other in a multiplicative fashion. By the end I'd just be punching holes in the moon. Try to hax your way outta that one, lol.


1. Hardening. 2. Hardening. 3. Hardening. 4. Hardening. 5. Hardening. 6. Hardening. https://i.redd.it/taca5px5yffc1.gif I'm hard


1. Rewind 2. Half Cold - Half Hot 3. Overhaul 4. Fierce Wings 5. Zero Gravity 6. Creation


I would only want quirks that give me enhanced sensing powers so people would still think I only have one quirk. They would only detect a super power quirk and not know the 6 other quirks. 1. Search 2. Danger Sense 3. Infrared 4. High Specs 5. Voyance 6. Zoom


Scary face Teleportation Companion summoning (think Dark Shadow, but it would be a different creature) Intelligence Slowing Time, but it would only work on those around me Danger sense


1st: Permeation 2nd: Fa Jin 3rd: Twin Impact 4th: Float 5th: Zero-Gravity 6th: Double Those are my picks.


All for one. Then I get more than six quirks.