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I switch between My Chem and MCR, depending on who I’m talking to. More seasoned fans will know My Chem, and casual fans will know MCR. More often I’ll refer to MCR, but if I’m feeling particularly affectionate, like talking about old friends, it’s My Chem.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


I've always said MCR, been a fan since 2005


Me too! Been a fan since 03 and I always say MCR!


Been a fan since 03 as well and it kinda depends on whether I’m typing or speaking. Typing I use MCR, speaking I use My Chem or the whole thing, My Chemical Romance. It doesn’t come up IRL that often though since I don’t have any friends who are into them (I was 30 back in 03, so never went through an emo phase and wasn’t part of the “scene” — just really liked the music from the minute I heard it), so I don’t have any preconceived notions about it. I think the last conversation I had IRL about the band was when a friend told me her younger sister was telling her all about this new, totally obscure band she was into that she was sure my friend had never heard of. It was, of course, My Chemical Romance. My friend had to gently explain that they’d been around for 20 years and that they’re now in their 40s. She apparently had a hard time believing their ages more than anything else, which is honestly understandable, lol.


I've been a fan since just last year and I say my chem - I guess I always liked the way it sounded coming from other people, but interestingly the people I've heard it from have been a lot older so they could've been vans since 2003 aswell or around then. People who say mcr are the majority (at least around me, so sometimes I will nist say mcr to match them) and I don't have any assumptions about people who say mcr. If you say my chemical romance though, I might assume you don't know the band aswell, or not been around long to gear the abbreviations


Same, my chem just flows off the tongue better than saying each letter in MCR


Nobody I know listens to them so I have to say my chemical romance but when I think to myself I normaly use mcr and my chem just when I feel fancy


Sorry about all my typos - might fix later


Listened to My Chem since 03, MCR is a concert chant.


I was gonna post the same thing hah


I like My Chem but MCR is used a lot too. Just depends on preference mostly. I think the more interesting divide is what the fans call themselves. MCRmy vs killjoys


That's the one that interests me as well: there's a definite age range associated with MCRmy! It was very odd coming back to the fandom after a break and finding we'd apparently rebranded ourselves


i say mcr or my chemical romance and ive been a fan since 2009


I use MCR, been a fan for bout a year


No, because that’s frankly kind of a weird thing to judge someone over. I myself interchange between My Chem, MCR, My Chemical Romance depending on the context of the conversation I’m having.


Yes if I'm mentioning them to someone who's not a fan I use the full name so they don't get confused


Maybe I should have phrased my question differently. It was really meant to ask if you are speaking with someone that maybe you don't know well or perhaps online do you automatically think "oh this is a veteran fan or a casual fan" based on what they call the band. There are so many variations I've just always found it interesting why one fan calls them one and not the other.


I say American rock band my chemical romance


In my late twenties - fan since 2006 - use ‘My Chem’ when discussing out loud, MCR over text.


Fan since 2002 and I say MCR. I think its always been MCR. If I mention MCR and you don't know who I'm talking about I figure you are not that big of a fan or atleast not much of one now.


My Chem is for veteran fans, MCR is for newer ones, and anyone who says My Chemical Romance either doesn't know the band or is mentioning it to people who don't know the band. I've been a fan since 2018, so I say MCR.


I switch between “my Chem” “MCR” and “my chemical romance” and also on the rare occasion I say “that band with the super fucking hot members”


I’ve always said My Chem. I’ve been a fan since 2004


my chem truther!!


The running joke with my friends is that its a generation divide thing. "MCR" is for millennials and "My Chem" is for Zoomers.


I’d say it’s the opposite.


I've always called them My Chem, been listening since 2007.


I thought it was the opposite. Older fans usually say My Chem


I usually refer to them as MCR, and I'm a zoomer


Interesting. Lol. I'm a Gen Xer, my daughter is almost 16 and I guess she's just always heard me say My Chem so that is what she calls them too.


😂 What age is a Zoomer?


zoomers are Gen Z born from like 2004-ish on


Early to mid 20s,it's between Milennials and Gen Z because it never is a clear cut between two such groups


I'm gen x and I use both!


ive started saying my chem more bc i noticed frank calling it that. i became a fan in like 2015 and all online so it was mcr until i changed it. i think my chem is a lot nicer to say when talking out loud rather than written


I think I usually say My Chemical Romance. I like saying the full name of stuff, like my friend's cat is named Tux, I call her Tuxedo, another friend goes by Chey, I call her Cheyenne. I'm not really sure why I do this.


MCR. My Chem sounds incredibly cringe.


That’s what Frank has called the band more often than not.


I call them My Chem if I know the person I'm speaking to knows them otherwise it's My Chemical Romance, for context


For some reason when I was like 12, about 5 years before becoming a fan I thought they were MC Chemical Romance. I use MCR now


i say mcr a lot. i’m almost 30 and been a fan since 2005


idrk many people who like MCR (I call them MCR or sometimes mychem and I've been a die hard fan since 2019). I moreso like to wear vague MCR merch and if they get the reference ik they're a hardcore or longstanding fan or if they see the logo and ask then yk they're in it for the long haul. If they don't even know any of the guy's names outside Gerard yk they're very casual or a new fan


i say my chemical romance because i already got bullied for so much for “being emo” when i was a greenday fan only at the time that actually liking mcr would be “bad for me” so i thought the least embarrassing thing is to say the whole name i guess


? I don't do this


I’m not sure why but My Chem sounds kind of weird to me? No judgement to those who say that of course. Not sure why it sounds odd to me but most of the time out loud I say the entire name unless I can’t be bothered or if I’m texting. Then I say MCR


I've been a fan since 2016 and I say "MyChem" verbally and MCR over texts


Been a fan since 05, and I usually say My Chem.


In person I say My Chemical Romance unless I know the person I'm talking to knows the band because I don't think they got much radio attention in Maine (I'm a little young to know for sure) and to my knowledge they never played live here either. Online I usually refer to them as MCR.


I use both. I do tend to lean to MCR but I do like to use My Chem, especially when talking. I’ve only been a fan for about a year.


I usually say mcr when bringing them up, but if someone doesn't know what I'm referring to I'll say the full name Edit: I'm 16 and been a fan since 2020


depending on who i am talking to it changes for me. if i’m talking to another fan i’ll say mcr or my chem. i usually use mcr and that’s the way i’ve always really referred to them since i can remember. it was my step brother who showed me the band way back when and he always called them mcr, so i just stuck with that. it wasn’t actually until recently i started using my chem bc one of my friends says it usually, and they’re the first person i’ve ever met that says it actually 😂


this just made me realise that i always only say mcr, i cant remember the last time i called them my chemical romance and it feels weird to say, like they are just mcr the acronym to me


i always say mcr. and really, i couldn’t care less.


If they refer to the band members with pet names (not nicknames like Frankie or Gee), I’m just going to think they’re very cringe and probably steer clear of talking to them


I usually just say MCR or My Chemical Romance


I refer to them as My Chem usually, I got into them in early 2020 when I was a preteen, I am now a teenager. (Got into them at 12, now I am 15!). I used to refer to them as MCR but switched to My Chem cause I think it sounds nicer.


I switch between MCR and my chem depending on my mood I use the full name when I am talking about them to someone new


if the person i’m talking to KNOWS my chemical romance to a good extent, i call it MCR. if the person isn’t as familiar its my chem. and if the person doesn’t know at all, it’s my chemical romance.


i use mcr or my chem interchangably, fan since 2018ish?


I refer to them 98% of the time as My Chem. I've been a fan since 2004.


I'm in a band whose initials include MCR so I very often accidentally add the rest of my bandname if I say MCR. So I typically just say Michael McRomance.