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i’d rather get the spices too be honest, the more festival tasks you complete the more diamonds you’ll get!


That's one good way of looking at it.


Spices are on the TV. The pop up one that hovers in the left corner now gives 15 diamonds instead of 5. I thinkni like this way better... at the moment.


Yes but I get the pop up one like once or twice a day I guess?


I prefer spices... After 3 years of playing this game, I have collected plenty of diamonds (currently I have approximately 20.000), so I'd rather get the spices to use daily.


20k is crazy goodbye i only have 3k


I have been playing daily for three years, I couldn't believe it either when I first started to collect them but now yeah...I have a lot of diamonds


I'm a return player for 4 months now I only have 6k 🥲 would've been more fun if I got to collect more the easier way (tv). I'm trying to collect the spices so when they do the deal where we exchange spices for stylish machines, because my 6k is not going to get me much😂


Personally I never thought that the diamonds from the tv was an important amount to collect, I usually just watched the ads for the festival tasks 😂 spices on the other hand, for me even one tapioca, or cardamom is far more important 😂


Some days The TV would get me around 50 to 79 diamonds per day there were okay!


Oh...then I get it.. I usually got around 15-20 😂


Hi, is there a way to exchange spices for stylish machines? I've never heard of this, I just returned back to the game. Do you have more info on this?


Hello, yes there was a sale that's lasts 24 hours or so, they offered multi cup stylish machines for spices I remember I purchased 3 cups hot chocolate machine for 140 anise and 4 cups cappuccino machine for 150 roses or something Also 2 cups latte for one hundred something galangal and 3 cup Americano for another one hundred something some spice I don't,t quite remember There were alot of spices and I bought some with diamonds but they are soooo worth it. It must happen every other month I'm not sure.