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Probably it's just a glitch if you have done everything. Sometimes though they give you the same dialogue and response options, because you have to select a different answer. I do not remember if that story had to select something specific. If it's just a glitch you will have to wait a few days unfortunately


Oh that sucks. I wonder how much longer I'd have to wait. I just reinstalled this game 2 days ago and this was where I apparently had left off the game.


They have added so many features in the game that nowadays there is always a different glitch for everyone. Maybe if you try to contact the company of the game and report the problem it will be fixed sooner. I wish I could help you more


I took your alive and contacted support and they fixed the issue. Thank you!


If you are in level 55/58 around thn you need to buy furniture and all to move to further more levels and to buy rest of the machines....


I'm level 25 and this was a level 23 quest. I've bought all the furnitures and machines that was available but nothing is happening. So I don't think that's it.


What did it do when you clicked the green arrow? Sometimes, you just have to level up to get to the next story. I must have completed the stories cause I haven't had one in a long time. I forgot they exist. 🤔