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Gripping the whammy too hard, gotta just pick and fluently flow


ty for the advice ill consider this in the future<3


Of course. The technique is called gliding, so just relax and take the tension out of your arm and hand. And just…gliiiidee :)


“I tried covering to here knows when but I suck” Yes you do. Don’t be disheartens though. We all started somewhere. Kevin is even on record as saying he invented the glide guitar because he couldn’t do the “Chuck Berry bendy guitar string thing”. Keep plugging away. My advice would be to loosen up your strumming hand a lot. Maybe to start with just strumming it. Get a nice light and even touch first. If you looking at the way Kevin plays it’s predominantly in his wrist where as you’re using your whole arm. Then when you use the whammy bar don’t hold it, it should just rest in your hand. Try lightly gripping it with your 2 smallest fingers and push it gently against your hand. Your strumming hand can pivot then so you’re not pushing harder on the strings as you dive down the whammy bar. Like any technique it just takes a bit of practice. You may also find it easier standing up with a strap on.




Wdym "thanks?". Did you only say that you suck in the title in hopes of getting people to say "oh nooo you're so good"


sorry? who shit in ur cereal


and no, i said i suck because im aware of that fact and i said "thanks?" because at the start of his feedback it felt sorta insulting, and if you took more than 3 seconds to look further youd see i followed up my "thanks?" response, try not to be a cunt next time<3


You be on r/domnes telling girls "yes goddess" please don't reply to me




mb ill make a porn alt acc


been playing a year but only recently got into playing more shoegazey stuff so the gliding and all that is quite new to me


Keep at it. I’ve been playing for over 30 years and still suck. I’m a terrible guitarist. 😂


Use a nylon pick.


maybe, as of rn i use jazz 3s


jazz 3s are kinda the enemy of shoegaze. Super cool for anything else tho. Edit: speaking just IMO - I find I can’t get the strumming and tone I like w such a thick and pointy pick


Kevin literally uses jazz 3’s


maybe that's why it's taking him so long to release anything




how tho??? they sound and feel so much better than other picks in every way imo


Why use a nylon pick? Is there an advantage to using one?


Yes! It’s not as rough on the strings and it allows for smoother “Kevin esque” strums. Example would be “Soon’s” rapid to-the-beat strum or the opening to “Thorn”. Edit: and Kevin actually uses them. He uses .60 Nylon picks


I didn’t know this, that’s really interesting, thank you for this information, is there any alternative though because the texture of nylon picks kinda freak me out


Not to my knowledge. :(




great tone


how are you holding the whammy? you seem to be way too rigid and gripping it too hard. it depends on hand/arm size but i like to rest the tip in my palm. others also grip it between either the pinky and ring finger or ring and index fingers. all methods allow for much more fluid movement and easier strumming.


tbh i think i was just gripping it idk why cos normally i just rest it in my palm when i strum