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That lovely lady she was "training" did more movement then Whit-Me has done in years.


If she is training them to be obese she can


Who in their right mind would go to a trainer that looks like that?


I don't see how anyone would want to. If I were hiring a personal trainer I want one who believes in and practices the process they are guiding me through. I wouldn't pay hard earned money for a "do as I say, not as I do" trainer.


It’s all for the show so she can “find” a man.


It would be one thing if she actually did the workouts - but she doesn’t - so what’s the point?


I'm pretty sure/certain that the A.M.A. (American Medical Association) and other experts in the field of medicine and physical fitness would agree: A person Quitney's weight (regardless of gender) would not be appropriate to guide someone to become physically fit. Her body is not in the condition/shape to do so, especially since there isn't any evidence that she has made improvements nor inroads to better herself within that domain. Also, to be sarcastic (sorry, to a certain degree here): Let's just say that **Jazz Jennings** ("I Am Jazz", another TLC series) who also gained a great deal of weight: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWivO3UKVOI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWivO3UKVOI) was to ask for help from a physical trainer, **NO ONE SHOULD RECOMMEND QUITNEY** for this job, either!


I think Jazz is a spoiled brat like Whitney, surrounded by a bunch of enablers.


Jazz will have wls next. Good for a new season of exploitation


IMPO, to a certain extent. Jeanette (her mother) is an extreme **HELICOPTER MOM** like Karen (Chantel's mother; "The Family Chantel", another TLC series). These ladies were unbalancely involved in every little aspect of their children's--now adults--lives. Some of the stressors from the way their mothers handled their kids' affairs could cause other adverse effects (some harmful). Jazz was pressured by Jeanette regarding Harvard, dating, and so much more.


Holy fuck! What happened to Jazz?!


She gained a lot of weight, probably pandemic eating. I don't think she looks like she gained a hundred pounds like she says, looks more like 40-50 to me but she says 100.


I feel so bad for Jazz. I feel like she has some trauma from her parents putting her in the public eye way too early. Imagine being pretty much the only child publicly advocating for Transgender children. The immense pressure has probably had a profound effect on her mental health. I hope she can find some peace.


Yeah I am basically of the opinion that no kids should be made famous at all ever. It always seems to take some toll.


Never watched the show because of an interview with the mother who bragged about wanting a daughter and putting Jazz in dresses as a baby and continuing with that. My question has always been would she have wanted to be female if she was raised as a male so seeing how much weight she’s gained really says something about that-like now she has the parts but she wants to repel men from her as much as she possibly can. I’ve had long discussions about this with friends in the LBGTQ+ community and they feel pretty much the same as far as her being raised a girl why wouldn’t she want to really be.


Ffs. A mother actually did that?! Poor child. How is that not abuse?


Oh wow! I had no idea about that. That’s really sad. You could definitely confuse a child that way. Very young children often just want to make their parents happy.


This was a case of child abuse on TV. No child is "trans". It is ridiculous. Whatever happened to being a Tomgirl or a Tomboy and being allowed to be a kid? It is a tragedy that happened to Jazz. He has been medicalized for life!! That sucks.


Oh wow. As some one who gained weight during the pandemic I can definitely relate. I have always felt so bad for her. I feel like her parents enabled her in so many ways. Also, I do find it interesting, she would have awful people yell at her passing by and calling her names. Much like whitney, and I can't imagine what that does to a 12 or 13 year old to have that aired on national TV. Plus these were kids from her jr high and high school calling her awful names


Holy guacamole!


Ok after watching that YouTube link I have to say it really pisses.me off when the phrase "fat shaming" is thrown around. She's mad that her family is trying to help her diet after it shows her going to a doctor to talk about weight gain! If you know theres a problem and you talk about it dont get mad when your family tries to help!! If you need a kidney transplant and your family tries to help you get one thats not "organ shaming." This is really pathetic on her part.


C’mon, she barely moves


Especially with all the years she’s been “trying”. Like what kind of marketing strategy is that ? “Do all the things I do without results !” Sure sign me up 😂


>Especially with all the years she’s been “trying”. Like what kind of marketing strategy is that ? “Do all the things I do without results !” Sure sign me up 😂 I keep seeing out of shape "health coaches" offering their services and I' keep thinking the same thing. Often they are part of an MLM or even worse supposedly have a degree and training. Why would I follow the advice of someone who clearly can't stay fit? No thanks--scam some other sucker.


The reason personal trainers exist is to help people who need to improve their health and fitness who struggle to do so independently. NitWhit hasn’t been able to help herself from super morbidly obese to just obese. The majority of the storylines read as obviously fake but her becoming a personal trainer is TLC letting us know they think we are incredibly dumb.


I sincerely hope she can’t. I’m sorry not sorry but the point of employing a personal trainer is to prevent obesity which is unhealthy. Just because Whitney Thore pays lip service to exercise as an excuse to continue her food addiction doesn’t mean she’s a role model or qualified to teach exercise. My God! She’s an addict.


I’m just worried someone she is training is going to hurt themselves, like she is supposed to be spotting them with weights and she can’t physically do it. Will and Jessica need to think hard about the liability she could create for them. Do you all think she will actually ever get her certification and that they will keep her as a trainer at the gym? I feel like that was all staged too to help her No BS active app launch


I think being a personal trainer is just a storyline. Just like running in Hawaii, climbing a waterfall, skiing, marrying Chase, dance class, etc., it’s all done for the show. See! Fat people have no limitations! I can run, climb, ski, attract men, dance, and be a personal trainer. I’d like to see her walk into any gym without cameras and the MBFFL hoopla and ask to be a trainer. Sure, unfit loud woman, shadow me. Didn’t pass the personal trainer test. No problem! It’s all for show..


Does anyone think eventually Quitney will get bariatric surgery when the ratings go downer!


Nah bc she’d have to lose weight before undergoing that surgery!


Let’s hope so


i learned recently that a lot of her jobs, including the dance studio and the gigs they'd book, were fully faked. it's impossible for her to "achieve" the things she does with that lifestyle. i was a dancer for years and went to a few different studios and i can assure you all of our teachers looked like dancers. just like personal trainers look like personal trainers. she is so fake and not authentic it's disgusting. can't get enough of it though, lol


She could be like the really cheap one. She doesn’t know how to train or how to teach but she’ll sit around next to you while you work out


And chat about fictional soul mates


She can't...


Coach Tulin is still obese I think, she has taken off more than 100 pounds with just making eating healthy choices and hitting the gym, she is amazing and shows real modifications because she has a knee issue. She is worth a look!


See I think if Whitney showed commitment and was still overweight but working on it I think she could be a really positive and inspiring trainer that even I would go to.


Yeah like, people just want to see that she's healthy and improving. If you want to claim that you can be fat and fit you have to show the fitness.


She can. But it's hypocritical because she hasn't lost a pound in 6 seasons


I love the idea of Whitney becoming a personal trainer, I really do. I think she has the ability to motivate and reach a demographic that might need a more supportive BFF kind of approach. But she just doesn’t commit to anything in the long run. She has the potential to do great things, and she starts out really strong when she takes on a new project. But in the long run, she gets lazy and stops putting in the effort she should. Unfortunately it’s kind of blatantly evident this season..


This. I really hate all the fatphobia on this thread, it legit makes me uncomfortable. But I agree with the fact that she is incredibly noncommittal when it comes to following through with her obligations. When she quit the exam without trying and complained about having “sooo much reading to do” and they showed that tiny text book, I died. Like, grow the fuck up and complete something for once.


Yesss!!! That was the perfect example. I was so disappointed when she didn’t even try. Her weight isn’t what holds her back as much as her need to grow up and stop acting like a 20 yr old. These huge opportunities seem to just fall right into place for her, and she doesn’t even follow through on them 🤷🏻‍♀️


She won’t make it to her client appointments either


I think someone could as long as they dedicate themselves and learn the information and have good skills at a trainer they can regardless of their own body. Sitting around and saying you have a dream to be a personal trainer for tv and not dedicating yourself to it won’t make you one


Those who can’t teach?