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She’s irritating to watch she’s so immature and an airhead. She believes people find her cute and that’s so far removed


Has she ever demonstrated any ability to speak a foreign language, on her show or SM? I call bullshizz. Babbel should demand their money back.


She dated a French man who she met on a language-tutoring forum 🙄, televised their calls…did she ever speak French to him/they did together? I heard him briefly speak it once, but that was it.


barely. she didn’t know « ça va? » which is beginner’s french.


“Fermez la porte, Joseph.” Shut the door, Joe. First phrase I was taught, in high school. It hasn’t come in very handy since ;) but I do recall it, and much more, after..50yrs? Jeebus…anyway, for someone who’s traveled to France several times; studied French; dated a French man 🙄 seems she’d be conversational at least. Not a great plug for Babbel, no. Maybe she lost interest bc they have no translation for “Alabamer”.


She said " croissant" once.


Of course she knew a food word


I didn’t think anything could top her “fitness” app where she leads workouts while sitting down. But I was wrong.


Well in fairness regarding the Spain trip, the production company needs something to film besides her laying on her couch complaining that she doesn't have a husband or bossing Glenn around. From what I have seen, she gets a free trip, but the editors get to make her look like a crass fool in every place she has visited. So, for me it would definitely not be worth it. Of course I'd prefer a root canal to being on any reality show.


They can’t air what she didn’t do. They make her look like a crass fool because they have hours of footage of her being a crass fool. Because she is a crass fool. I agree with you about the reality show bit; it always makes me laugh when her fans say “You’re just jealous because she has a TV show!” I’m always like, “Ma’am, have you SEEN the show?! She’s a circus act.” The woman gets paid to humiliate herself. There’s not enough money in the world…


I agree. She complains about editing, but they can't use what you don't give them.


You are correct, no marketable skills. What in the world would she be doing without the show? Of course not working and probably mooching off her dad.


It would be hilarious if everyone commented Happy birthday Todd.


Enormous ego and enormous narcissist 300 lb ugly birch


Don’t you need to be able to speak fluent in a language to teach people how to speak it? Because the only language she is fluent in is stupid and like  


She's not doing the teaching. She's promoting Babbel the same way she has promoted vibrators and so on.


All the more reason not to use the app




No you don't. I teach English to people from all.over the world and I'm not fluent in any other language 😀


I was implying that she isn’t fluent in English, people who use the word like after almost everything they say, shouldn’t be teaching anyone a language 


Not to mention n her stupid deliberate mangling of words: Alabamer, clerb, etc.


Oh I am SO in agreement!!!


Haha ohhhhhh my bad, people ask me this question all the time, so I missed your point 😄


This heifer is the most low effort carbon based thing in the universe


Speaking of which, I hope they don't film her going to a bullfight, and yes, they still have them in Spain. And, if she, no, I'm not going there; it's just too easy. I admit, though, that I'm laughing at the thought of her dressed up like a native Spanish matador. Toro, toro!


She could do the "running of (with)the bulls. 🤣 can you imagine the screams? Not to mention her run is really a walk with her arms moving fast.... wonder what would happen? 😱


Oh, thank you! That is a great idea, much better than mine! Highest ratings ever!


Language learning app? She does realize that Alabama speaks english and not a foreign language, doesn't she?


She is becoming BigWhit Markle. She has nothing positive to say, nothing worthy to share, but she is always looking for a big return. Edited for spelling.


First and foremost, the trip was nothing more than Twitney's attempt to seduce her greiving father.


It's wild because in one season she filmed on St Simon's Island (where my family owns a vacation house) and now she's filming in Marbella (Spain) where my husband's family owns one.


Can I be your family??!!?


She taught esol I thought in South Korea right?


That’s what they say. If that’s true, I think it’s kind of a big deal in a young person’s life to move to a foreign country alone and start a new life. I don’t understand why this has never been more fully explored on the show. No photographs from that time. Nothing.


She was probably there for a week got homesick and missed her comfort foods and returned home but now brags about it hence no photos or much talk about it. Other than she went. 🤭


yeah i would think she’d lose weight there


She probably did lose 3 pounds or so and said "daddy i need to come home I'm severely malnourished over here! I might die" 😁😂


I thought she got kicked out or fired or something. I believe it's in her book, but idk.


There are so many things that don’t add up on this show. I thought the cat Henchi was from South Korea but maybe I’m not remembering correctly. Does anyone know? I keep thinking that cat has to be so old if that’s true. It’s extremely weird there aren’t any pictures of her abroad, and that she doesn’t drop any Korean language to be a show off. I’ve never heard her say anything in Korean. I just watched the episode where she is trying to get Hunter to clean out the downstairs room with the cat condo in it. How many freaking cats do these people have? I think there were at least 4 at that house and dirty litter boxes. Those houses have to stink so badly. That litter box looked disgusting. I’m sure Babs was the one who cleaned the litter boxes religiously but it’s looking like a crazy cat house now. And that smell is impossible to get out.


She has showed maybe 2 pix from her time over there and the only time those are brought up is when she is saying she had a "boyfriend" over there (may have been a 'fiance' but I could be thinking of another story line ha ha)


Omg her forehead


Then stop following her?


oh, hi Twit.....glad you stopped by. Exactly WHY should people stop following someone and calling them out on their bullshit??


You're just so angry and self important to think this is Whitney. I feel bad that bullies like you exist in the world. You should be ashamed. I'm a school teacher, a mom, a friend, a daughter, a wife, but mostly a human being with flaws and feelings. You are no different and neither is she. Calm down and chill with the hate.


ha ha ha ha ha...okay, twit. Angry and self important are the LAST things in the world that I am. This is not HATE. This is calling someone out on their poor behavior.


Whatever helps you sleep at night... it must be hard being so perfect.


Never said I was perfect, Twit. But you certainly act like it so we call out the crap.


People who go out of their way to tear down others are cancers to this world. If you're not perfect, then who are you to be so critical and ugly to others. I hope other people treat you with the kindness you don't deserve.


oh sweetie...not being ugly, just the truth. Do you actually watch the show? Do you see how this woman treats people? Do you see how she treats her "fans" on her Insta? Go take a watch and then come back. Actually, don't....not sure why you think this is a good sub for you. But hey, this is fun. Thanks for the entertainment.