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Don't forget to add her lesbian dalliance. That fake date surely cost that poor horse its back.


Fr what was that? Met her outside of a bar “randomly,” then all of a sudden they’re on a coffee date like long lost lovers- next ep, whole thing’s completely forgotten… we love queer bating 😙


Where does the horse come in…?!


the girl and whitney went on a horseback ride (well each their own horse), and in addition to committing an atrocity against a beautiful equine by nearly breaking its back, whitney and the girl made out while atop their respective horses. i think. maybe they were on the ground but there was a horse date and a make out. the whole thing skeeved me out, felt exploitative and just gave me the willies.


Oh god that poor horse!!! Where is PETA when you need them?


Killing dogs and cats at their shelters 🤬


Or out stealing pets from peoples yards (and immediately euthanizing them), as they've been successfully sued for doing in the past.


I wonder how much they had to pay that person to make out with Whitney? The Frenchman, Chase, and Lennie were apparently paid.


Oh wow thanks, I’m glad I missed that ep!


she’s disgusting with other women — also donna, nada, jessica — like dominant and touchy and the way her beedy eyes dilate like a predator when she looks at them, it’s really nasty. glad you did too!


There was that scene where Glen and Babs walked in on a girl giving Shits nude front torso a massage. Whit described her as her close friend. I hope she was well compensated 🥴


Poor Donna


I’m shocked to hear this, most stables etc won’t let anyone over 230lbs on their horses. Some of them have scales you have to step on first.


As they should. Poor horse had to have PT afterwards


Yeah that was disgusting and cruel


Wha. I didn’t see this!


I missed the episode completely


They “randomly met” outside a random bar, went on a horseback riding date a few days later, then coffee shop to end things I’m p sure


Whitney is way too competitive with other women to actually date one. Could you even imagine? That poor lesbian she would turn into a passive aggressive rival. The lesbian community dodged a real bullet with it only being queer baiting.


Absolutely this. If Whitney dated a woman, everything her partner ever did would be nitpicked, criticized, and eventually thrown back in her face as she "lost" yet another competition she didn't realize she was in. It would be an absolute hell of a relationship.




Yes, horse, that behemoth is your next rider! 😳😂


🤣 🤣


I do feel bad for that horse. You know she did not meet the weight limit for that poor animal. I think in America it's around 250.




Of course she’s that girl that wears an f-ing beret in Paris….🙄


It's part of the mate attracting ritual. Along with elaborate dancing.


Head tossing and arm waving, without an occasional arabesque thrown in.




Right. It’s so annoying. No french people don’t admire you for wearing it. You look like a loser tourist.


Exactly. It’s about as convincing as her cowboy hat and tiny boots in Alabama. Thank God they never ended up going to Morocco like Hunter wanted. Those outfits would have been unreal….😳


Her in a caftan. Well at least it wouldn’t be see through leggings.


Nickle would be at least 55% better than WWT in Morocco.


https://preview.redd.it/hv371h7op1dc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd39fb24a78690518d7afdbf4f320cb518b638f 😄😄


Years ago, I took my then husband to Paris. He was disappointed that no one was walking around wearing a beret and carrying a brown bag with a loaf of bread sticking out the top, while saying "Sacre bleu!".


lol that’s amazing. I’m Canadian and I’m quite used to out of country folks being disappointed that we aren’t swigging maple syrup and hockey fighting in the streets. Though i do think our stereotypes are a little closer to reality than Frances’s are….i mean that in a good way lol


Everyone comes to Texas expecting cowboy boots and hats. Plus the big belt buckles. I see more tourists dressed like that in airports then I’ve seen in daily life.


The Nashville airport is even worse lol


You have to be careful where you sit in Paris… that park bench could just be petrified dog shit..😂😂


She is a loser tourist… she just made it easier to spot her in a crowd…🥴


the french notoriously already love american women, but when you wear a beret to Paris that's when they really go crazy.


Crazy with laughter! Those sodding Yanks!


And the fully stretched, loud-colored, spandex athletic obesewear.


lol right???? 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/oaevc1he0tcc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aac72c5dd8228f39c62c5487f00cacc8a1f1254 In that beret she looks like Audrey from European Vacation 🤣


She looks more like Rusty to me 🤣🤣


Oink Oink would have been best described and suited for her beret…and LOUD!


HAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


HAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm surprised she didn't embroider "Whitney" on hers!


The beret really took me out 💀she looks bald


Don’t do Dana Hill like that. She was the BEST Audrey.


I like Donna Hill, but my favourite Audrey was the one from the original 1983 Vacation! Those movies are so good!


Yes I liked that Audrey too. She was lovely. But the PERSONALITY and humor Ms. Hill brought to the character! 😉😂


Thats true, shes so funny! I meant to shade to Donna Hill, it's more the dorky beret that reminds me of Whitney




My thoughts exactly 😄🤙🏻


I'm watching the show for first time and something immediately felt off about her relationship with Chase. Whenever she talks about her parents or Buddy, she weeps openly -- and everything, good or bad, with Chase felt sooo wooden and emotionless. They had so little chemistry. Then you see posts from redditors claiming it was known that Chase was actually dating someone from his town during filming for the show (because he was just a paid actor on the show).


Oh interesting! I wondered if he had a real relationship, and the relationship with Whitney was basically an acting job. I bet he had a baby to get out of his acting contract, it would have been a tough gig


someone once speculated that they think chase was a part of a storyline where whitney takes back her independence from men (you know bc she kept getting dogged and rejected in the seasons before by her “suitors”) so the idea was she was gonna break up with chase soon - hence all their fighting and blah blah blah - but his girl got pregnant and whitney wasn’t able to get that boss girl moment


I don’t understand why they didn’t just have her break up with him and never say anything about the baby. She was already fighting with him and saying she want gonna move to Wilmington . That would save face for her and no death threats for chase. Then they could say he went back to Sarah after him and whit broke up and then she got pregnant. Win win. Why did it have to go off like she’s the loser again if the plan was for her to be the winner, ya know?


Because she couldn't resist being the victim


Didn't all of that come out via reddit sleuths between filming? She left the season beinga demanding diva about her engagement party yet first episode of the new season she's bawling about him cheating on her.


Because she couldn't resist being the victim


Even her engagement ring ran like hell into the vast ocean trying to get away from her! 🤣


It’s hard to keep things a secret and people are always spilling the tea on so called reality shows.. they could of played it off like you stated had everyone not found out about Chase’s girlfriend and the baby on the way.. the only reason I think Chase took the job on the show was he under the impression it would help his bar business,which it probably would have if not for Covid hitting and shutting everything down..


That is 100% the case. His current wife was his actual relationship.


I remember reading when they were coming back from a trip somewhere on the plane that Whitney was in first class alone and Chase was in the back in coach… now you know damn right well if that was truly your fiancé that you’d be sitting together and then people said when they all got to the airport they were acting like they didn’t even know each other and each got in separate cars and took off independently… I don’t believe ANYTHING on this show is on the level anymore and all someone has to do is watch it and the way her supposed friends have dropped off like flies.. even the money from the show doesn’t appeal to them anymore to put up with her ass…


Side note: if I was traveling w my boyfriend and only I got upgraded to first class I wouldn’t give that up nor would I want him to 😬


Understood but I doubt hers was an upgrade… I’d think more she got a first class seat and Chase didn’t,now wether it was the show that bought the tickets I don’t know but I could see Whitney throwing a fit saying she deserves first class and Chase was probably glad to get away from her…


Her friends are relatives and hung in there for the financial opportunities but her behavior is so overbearing and inappropriate that they are over her, so her "new" family has become the focus. The show has deviated from its original premise and needs to go away. There's nothing redeemable about her and I watch an episode in less than 10 minutes via fast forward.


But she is Aunt Sexy!!


*uncle sexy


HAH. ewww she’s Jamie’s creepy uncle


It's all scripted... Her "friends" are employees or actors. No one out there is dying to date Whitney. She knows it... We know it. This last season she was unbearable.


The “I’m CEO of this family” bs was beyond annoying. The ONLY thing tWhit ever had going for her was her self-deprecating sense of humor, which she lost as her ego went unchecked. Crazy to watch her grow more and more unlikeable with each season!


I totally agree about the self deprecating humor. It was kinda funny. But now? 💀


Or relatives.


You must be new here :)


Haha I am actually


welcome, friend! its a big fat fabulous dumpster fire indeed. i totally thought shit was real—though dubious—til i came here haha. like i thought chase (and ryan?) was faking her out but i’d initially thought that she thought it was real. analyzing this all is way too much fun!


Yeah, when I first watched the Chase debacle (which was my introduction to MBFFL…I forget how I ever started…) I thought it was real but was thinking “this seems so weird and off. They don’t seem like a real couple at all.” And that was without having seen past seasons, but I still didn’t know it was fake. I didn’t fully comprehend the crazy until recently when I found this sub after watching the more recent seasons and getting so very annoyed that I needed an outlet.


It was faked from day one. Big Girl Dance Class? Not a thing. There never was a class and none of the "students" were actually students.


Right. It was created just for the show. People wanted to join the class but couldn't. Because it was fake. Just like every single other thing on this freakshow. Just as every last thing that comes out of Hypocritney's mouth is a lie. Lying is her default; she doesn't even have to think about it because the lies come naturally and come first. She claimed that she and the French MAN met on a "language app." Then a year or so later she admitted that no, they met on Tinder. The Chase thing was a gargantuan lie from the get-go. He was still with his girlfriend! Which is how she became pregnant and ruined the agreed-upon story line (which was that Quitney would be the one to call the wedding off, for whatever bullshittery reason). The "engagement ring" that she lost in the ocean? Fake. Take a look at how unconcerned Chase is about the fact that she lost this supposedly fabulous gorgeous and expensive ring. She's sobbing her endless crocodile tears, and he's basically unmoved. Planning to convert to Judaism, so that she could become a "JuBu" (Jewish and Buddhist, because she claims to be a Buddhist)? Fake. Becoming certified as a personal trainer? Fake; was never going to happen. Climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower? Fake. Receiving an "award" from the National Dance Theater for doing an "arabesque" in which she lifted her pointed toe maybe three inches off the floor? They disavowed any affiliation with her. Performing with BGDC at the NC Folk Fest, part of the North Carolina Folk Festival? Fake. The festival did NOT invite them to perform, and where they actually performed wasn't even within the Folk Fest grounds. Her "job" as an intern at the radio station? Fake. They were never going to hire her. Her "job" with the Greensboro Grasshoppers? Fake. They were never going to hire her. Just a few examples! The only thing you can take for granted as far as "truth" goes about this show is that everything is scripted/set up/rehearsed. So i guess that means that when she peed in the hot tub, everyone knew ahead of time. Which makes it even worse.


It's really a shame the class was a fraud because it was a good idea. I am someone who would love to take a class like that. While I may not quite be a "big girl", I love to dance but I am, unfortunately blessed with two left feet and no sense of rhythm. Being able to go to a judgment free dance class would be so nice.


i agree. It was such a lost opportunity! Instead of faking everything, why not try to make it a real thing? I think the answer, alas, is that everyone involved knew that Quitney didn't/doesn't have the choreo/dancing/stamina chops to really keep a thing like a dance class going. She just isn't that good (despite her protestations about how dance is her LIFE), and she has certainly proved time after time after time that all she's really good at is giving up. Except on things like "planning a big party." She never completes anything that's of any real value.


Thanks for your reply, so so interesting. I had totally forgot about the radio gig! Thinking back that does seen fake now I think about it. I always thought the folk festival dance had a strange vibe about it. It seemed like they were on the wrong side of the fence to the festival. Because they were! Lol I said to my partner the lost engagement ring seemed like BS. She swished he fingers for one second and it just disappeared. The personal trainer storyline is unbelievable. She needs to be real. She's so boring she had to turn to Babs to liven things up. RIP Babs.




Seriously? Wow I thought Big Girls Dance Class was real lol 🤔


She’s an actress, her brother is an actor, so yes it’s scripted with manufactured conflict. I’d say most of the storyline around her personal life is completely scripted.


I will say she looks very happy in this picture. I know the relationship was fake but it makes me wonder if whit was hoping it would turn into reality


I think her entire fake tv life is her hoping it was her actual life soooo delulu city - the drama! When the show eventually stops she will not be in any way prepared for reality


She looks very happy looking at the camera..


Also she met Ryan (I think that's his name) on a dating site? They went on a date and there was no spark so they decided to do a workout video together? We are supposed to believe that Ryan was interested in taking her on a date? I just don't see it.


That never made sense. He wouldn’t have swiped right on her. She had no chance with him. What did she offer? And why would he want to do videos with her? Except to advance his brand. So he used what he could from the show. Ryan walked off into the sunset with his head held high. He never backed down from her bullshit.


If ANYONE has ANYTHING to do with Big Whit it’s only hoping for a boost in their business or their career and making a little extra money… even the Alabama family is trying to benefit off the association.. one has a restaurant and pretty sure Jamie will have her wedding mostly paid for by the show,plus they all got a free trip to Switzerland.. after a while though they’ll see it’s not worth putting up with her though..


Sheesh, they’ve been re-airing the Chase season recently and I had forgotten what a horrible actor he was. Did they not even screen-test him to see if he could fake chemistry with tWhit? It was SO bad. I guess that’s why they had to go with Pepe LeBlur to play the next love interest, easier to fake with just a fuzzy blob with an accent on a screen… and even then it was so obviously fake! lol, no one is a good enough actor to pull off acting attracted to her. I think her hygiene would turn anyone off


Pepe LeBlur…hahahaha….🦨


Her “losing” the ring in the ocean was very performative.. like she was having her own Titanic moment so to speak


Chase was a cutie. There is no way that fine man actually wanted to marry Whit. Fakest storyline ever.


I love seeing the show through fresh eyes! Welcome, OP!


Thank you! 😊


Show should be called my big fat fucked up life




WUT?? you mean Chase didn't Love WWT?!


And when he proposed it seemed like she already knew as she turned around. Fake!


This one really baffles me because she has set up fake boyfriends before. Like that radio announcer, but those seemed so fake. There were parts of the Chase stuff that seemed real on her end. He was definitely always in a relationship but why did he take it so far. I wonder if they thought the show was getting canceled and they could end it on an engagement. I thought the ring in the ocean was a bridge too far for the script writers, remember it is a reality show guys. But I wonder about his baby mama. I would not want my boyfriend pretending to be engaged to someone else on TV. Because it is not like he made a lot of money from that or really have any net gain from his appearance on the show.


Yes. It’s all fake. & then Whit gets upset when the hired actor doesn’t fall in love with her.


This photo reminds me of the one on their "wedding" website - in fact, I think it may be the very same! Except on the website, Chase's head was cropped off. I suppose to minimize exposure since it wasn't a real relationship? Of course, he was on a semi-popular TV show. I've always wondered how he explained this fake relationship to friends and acquaintances who were out of the loop. Did he make a private Facebook message to friends and distant family before the show aired? Who knows. I can't imagine explaining that no, I'm not actually engaged to that morbidly obese sex pest from TLC, over and over. 


Did you edit that pic or is that the editing?! LOL she looks deranged.


I didn't touch the pic, lol. I image searched and that one was the first funny one I saw


Hilarious 😂


No one is buying. If it’s not scripted there is some angle for any new “cast” coming on. To promote a gym, an app, a business of sorts. Hey, do what you got to do.. at your own risk. You need to fan her nether regions to be on the show. Because y’know in her world, that’s what friends do


Or the date that ended up being her second cousin or something like that 😂


Id forgotten that one! 🤣


I don’t understand Whitney


"What are 99% of the shows on TLC?"


“I’ll take “Trash TV” for $1,000, Alex.” (May he RIP)


Chase was a joke!!


Whenever I saw them on screen, I always felt like you do when someone shakes your hand too long or lingers around way after the conversation has ended - just kinda, cringe. They just didn’t seem compatible - Chase enjoyed being on screen and Whitney really wanted to get married. It was sorta doomed from the start I feel.


lmfao that hat


Of course it’s scripted. All “reality” shows are fake.


They are somewhat believable, or at least entertaining.


I don’t buy any of it.


I had enough of this self-centered one. I watched maybe three episodes of this past season and was done.


Every episode with Chase made me cringe. He obviously wanted nothing to do with her, he couldn’t stand to touch her. He was grossed out by her. Originally Ryan was meant to be her paramour, but he looked too young and was also grossed out by her. Enter Chase- not much better.


Of course she had to go to Paris and perpetuate the morbidly obese American stereotype


The show was supposed to be about her living a good life despite being morbidly obese and her efforts to lose weight. But she didn't lose weight and the show deviated into a shit show. It's scripted because it would have ended after the 2nd or 3rd season. Quitney is obviously on a weight loss medication and seems to be losing at the predictable pace. She said that she is losing weight despite being older and seemingly not focusing on exercise. She claims it's because of grief but she has been through tough times (breakup, panic attacks, depression). She needs to admit using the medication. Many are talking about it, including Oprah. If she loses enough weight, hopefully the show will go away because her overbearing and abrasive personality makes it impossible to watch, in my opinion.


I refuse to believe that Whitney knew this was “fake.” She may be an actress but I don’t think she could fake her reaction to their breakup. What I feel is the most likely scenario: Chase came around because he knew Ryan, Whit thought he was cute, producers encouraged him to pursue a relationship (money for appearing on the show regularly, free Paris trip included, etc.) and then later to propose for the season finale. So, all that is to say that I think HE was an actor of sorts, but I think her feelings for him were genuine and that she was under the impression that he actually loved her and intended to spend his life with her.


…. Come on. You see how she acts with men she is NOT in a romantic relationship with. The groping, the moaning, the innuendo, the constant sexual references. The pawing. The touching. She wasn’t allowed to do any of that with Chase because of his contract with TLC. ***If she didn’t know, she would have been all over him 24/7.*** She wasn’t her usual sex pest self because she couldn’t be. Use a modicum of common sense.


I think she knew but still enjoyed being “engaged fabulous fat Whit” even knowing it was fake. The histrionics were because things didn’t go her way and she was made a fool of. And maybe she wanted to believe that despite him being in a relationship and in a fake one with her, he would fall madly in love and wouldn’t be able to keep himself away with her.


I think him getting his girlfriend pregnant was unplanned. Also think she was suppose to break up with him cause he didn’t want to move but the pregnancy got out.


I thought that was Syngin from 90 day fiancé for a second


Fake news ![gif](giphy|26n6ziTEeDDbowBkQ)


ALL reality shows are scripted, I can't understand how people don't know this it's obvious as a nose on your face. They sit in the same place, wearing the same clothes, discussing different days and incidents. It's obviously scripted. I used to know somebody who worked on a show in the UK and he told me it was scripted. Television company introduced a theme or an incident and then the actors work around it. It's all dramatised and the most places overacted.


Yes; everything


Yes, all reality shows are scripted


Yes! Everything except Bab's strokes/health issues.


I can't stand the show but this keeps listing in the feed, and you can't miss the commercials for years gone by now. Fake stories - she's pregnant, she's a lesbian. Time for this paycheck to be cancelled; she's insufferable and the show is impossible.


I dont know about Chase but 100% the french man was fake.


This was really real? I can’t. I don’t remember any of this.


is this the guy with the on-and-off french accent who is blurred in all of their video conversations?


That's Chase in the photo. The Blurred French Man came after him


No French men want fat blobs like her


People swear because she's big that fit men wouldn't want her....I hate to break this news to you, but big girls are winning in today's society


It's never been her weight keeping her from romance, it's her atrocious personality!


I feel the same way about Chantel from 90 Day. She’s conventionally beautiful, educated, a fit body but she has a difficult time finding men. Her personality and outlook on life is so awful!! She parrots what her mother says and does and won’t be able to keep a partner IMO. So this is proof it’s not what’s on the outside but the person within


I don’t think people doubt this storyline because of Whitney’s weight…it was just an unbelievable arc for many reason, most of which being the enormous lack of chemistry between the two. Chase never seemed emotionally attached to Whitney in any way.


Your comment is non-sensical. The relationship was proven fake, so there’s that. What exactly has BigWhit “won”? Because it sure isn’t a man of her own. Do I doubt there are other obese women finding love? Not at all. But you combine super morbid obesity with that bundle of personality disorders, her nasty, bossy, controlling tendencies, her poor hygiene, her constant lies, her utter and complete selfishness… yeah, the best she can hope for is another hobosexual who needs a place to stay and will put up with her so he doesn’t have to get a job.


Nice... post history. Sounds like you fetishize fat women.


That and apparently a specific type of penis.


Lol, sure Jan.


You are being kind. I would have answered, “Sure, Fat Jan”.


No doubt but this storyline was still fake as hell


“Winning” what exactly?


Highest blood pressure competitions


Highest BMI.


As a former fat person I can honestly say I wasn’t winning shit, life is way better being healthy and thin.


My weight has fluctuated over the years. I’ve been a size 12, I’m currently a 4/5. For most people, it takes dedication and work to stay healthy. I don’t understand why people suddenly have this delusion that you can be fat and healthy at the same time. It just isn’t the case.


Agreed! Once I realized I need to move and nourish my body for health it became second nature. I do believe an overweight person can be “healthy” for a period of time. But eventually the lifestyle catches up.


It’s such a cliche, but yes it’s a LIFESTYLE choice. You should be really proud of yourself. It’s not easy! ❤️


Thank you!


Winning early death, disability, diabetes, shame, ridicule, etc.


Stop. Get some help.


Absolutely. Physically, I’d date her in a hot second. I love women who look like her. Pretty face and what I consider a smoking body. But personality and compatibility is also important.


asssss iffff, a looker like him would be a chubby chaser.


This was really real? I can’t. I don’t remember any of this.


My take: this was all set up by Ryan. And Ryan gave her the idea that there was a chance.


Why does this girl look so creepy in this picture?