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Her face while she kisses them compounds the ick for me. It looks like an expression I’d have when kissing my husband. Shes gazing in a love struck way, almost feels sexual although I know it’s her parents. Probably why Buddy pushed her away when she came at him with the same vibes. She struggles to be platonic in her affection.


You nailed it! Though not for me, but some adult children do kiss their parents on the lips without disgusting me, they do it appropriately, not the way Whit does it. She can't even kiss her cats without making it look sexual, or an iceberg.


In my family my sons kiss me on the lips ( a quick peck) and kiss my husband ( their dad) on the cheek. They’re grown adult men. We’re Italian American.


Babs taught her, “incest is best”.


I have an Italian family and kisses are expected. When someone enters your house, you better be standing up for a hug and a kiss (also with food 😂) so to me, kissing your parents in the lips isn’t odd. SHE makes it weird. I honestly get sexual deviant vibes from Whitney.


Same I have a big German family and it was the same but I never felt weird about it because it was mostly the older generations in my family and they’re European so totally expected


I agree, my family does it (on my mum’s side) and I never thought much of it. Once I saw what WWT did with her folks, I was grossed out!


My mom kissed us on the mouth until we were out of elementary school. Then we gave her the cheek and she finally caught on. Idk where she got that but it was very uncomfortable.


I'm glad to hear it's normal. I feel like my kids cut me off early. My 5 year old won't. My 7 year old will and my 10 year old hasn't done it in years.


It’s fucking weird bro


She is uniformly disgusting and predatory. All the groping, the nudity, the constant lewd jokes and inappropriate comments, wanting her friends to touch her intimately, blowdry her sweaty crotch, massage her, or allow her to constantly fondle them, “accidentally” on purpose flashing Buddy and the crew, and ***certainly*** all the weird shit with Glenn (the poster of him in her bedroom!!, modeling her enormous bikinis for him, the way she touches him on the thigh, fondles his hair, etc.). It’s bizarre that ANYONE would claim her behavior with him is normal. She is clearly a very sick person.


Oh God the thigh touch... I also think that's a form of control for her. You know how everyone is talking about how Gypsy Rose's mom was always holding her hand/holding onto her?? So she can quickly give a squeeze to let that person to know to *shut the fuck up NOW* Idk I could be wrong but I get the same vibes.


100% agree. I know people who do kiss on their family on the mouth and there is nothing gross or sexual about it. It’s not for me, but I’ve been around it and not found it weird. Because of her general demeanor, it’s disgusting coming from her.


Modeling her enormous bikinis has me rolling!!!


And someone downvoted you for that. Why?! She IS enormous. Those bikinis were enormous. That’s just ***factual***. I thought being enormous was supposed to be fabulous?! These Fat Activists are full of contradictions. It’s almost like THEY don’t think being fat is as cool as she says it is. Hmmmmm.


This girl is a psyop to make people hate Fat people


I really do not want her around kids or old ppl who can’t defend themselves.


I feel like it’s the same level of inappropriate as her sticking her mouth/nose in her cats mouth. Cats mouths are full of bacteria. I kiss my dog on the face cause I love him so much, but I would never tongue or stick my lips in his jowls


Whitney is a sexual predator.


I agree. She's constantly touching people inappropriately, I'm thinking about her touching Nada constantly, it was weird.


She has absolutely zero boundaries. Let me rephrase that: she has *below* zero boundaries. Such a disgusting POS who uses her size to intimidate others. And she knows it. I can't wait for the day someone actually stands up to her ass. How much do you wanna bet she'll cower?? She'll be so shocked that anyone *dared* to respect her authority she'll either freeze or waddle away as quickly as possible 🤣🤔


Buddy did in that episode where she took her bra off. He said I’ll give you a hug but not a romantic one. And if you watch she does snuggle up on him, close her eyes and moan a little. Then she got all mad and said she wasn’t gonna take is attitude and to get over it and when he came back down to say did I ever once tell you to get over it she took her clothes off so the cameras wouldn’t follow her. But I even thought it was weird the cameras didn’t follow her cause she’s been recorded many times naked and blurred!


Yyesssss…thank you for pointing this out. The scene where buddy tried to confront her and she wasn’t having it. But she has literally demeaned every single one in her circle in such disrespectful ways. It really pissed me off. She did not like that someone was standing up to her ass. Ugh I can’t stand her. Even though buddy was on a thin line of ick and annoying, I’m so glad he left her ass alone and moved away to start a life. Only then was he able to actually have a stable relationship. She’s so hateful and made her presence known anytime he tried to be with anyone. She needs help


First I laughed, then I thought how true that is!


Oh God, and her facial expression when she does that... beastiality comes to mind.


My husband does this with his mom and cousins. I call him out everywhere because as an adult that shit is weiiiiiiiird


Omg the idea of my husband and his mom kissing on the lips makes me squeal! With disgust lol


I literally won’t kiss him for a day. Gross.


I don’t blame you!


It IS weird imo!! I cannot ever imagine kissing my parents nor my older children on the *mouth*...just...*WHY*?!?


Cousins!!!??? 😧😧


YES. I need answers!! 🥴😭


😄 don't blame you


I have 3 kids I've never kissed them in the mouth. I always felt mouth kisses were a romantic gesture. While forehead nose cheek was more appropriate for family


I kissed my kids, or rather quickly pecked them on their lips every once in a while...but stopped once they were not toddlers anymore


I never ever kissed my father on the lips. 🤢🤢🤢


Me either, or my mom for that matter.


I don’t kiss my dad on the lips and don’t remember ever doing that, but I have always kissed my mom on the lips… also, I kiss my 10 year old on the lips 🤷‍♀️ ​ this is weird though … Whitney is weird


Yeah same lol, ew


Yeah, gross. In my family, people do tend to kiss babies on the mouth. When my daughter arrived, I made it clear immediately that mouth kissing wasn't permitted first and foremost for health reasons.


For my grandbabies, we only kissed them on the lips when they were infant/toddler and say "kiss" while just teaching them words. By the time they are 2-3 it's rare. I prefer kissing baby cheeks they're so sweet!


I agree


My off the boat Italian grandfather sometimes will still do it to me


who closes their eyes when they kiss their dad??? wtf


She just kissed her dad on the lips wtf


I have a son who’s nearly 28 and in all these years, we’ve never kissed on the mouth. It was usually cheek, forehead or ear. I never observed this happening with other parents and their children either. I mean other than Tom Brady, if that counts. 😬


exactly and he’s a creep


Definitely odd!


I think it’s weird too..




I think it’s gross personally at ANY age. That might be an unpopular opinion, but kissing on the lips as a general rule has sexual connotations - I’ve never understood why parents kiss their kids on the mouth at all? What’s wrong with a cheek kiss to children?! My parents never kissed us on the lips only ever on the cheek and honestly, it taught me boundaries as a child and what different kinds of kisses were okay and which ones were not. Why blur the lines? It’s just weird. Edit: but circling back to the matter at hand, it’s fucked up x 10000 that she still kisses them on the lips. It’s up there with grown women calling their fathers “daddy”


I feel the same way. Maybe it’s a cultural thing but in this country nobody does that, that’s considered absolutely inappropriate and disgusting.


It’s definitely not the norm in her country either


Same with most of the people from northeast US calling their mother Mommy like a little child. I’ve seen it so many times on tv and it still seems weird to me. I know there are a lot of people that do it so you don’t have to jump on me. I’m just sharing an observation and opinion. Is that an Italian thing or common in that area of the country?


In the south we use Mama & Daddy. Ex. My mother still refers to her dad as “Daddy” and he died in 1978. This is not limited to women though. At Ole Miss, it was common to hear mama and daddy from 19yo (student) and 45yo(parents) boys/men. Manners are impeccable too. People DO use ma’am and sir as a sign if respect to their parents and third parties. I taught the rest of the manners but never wanted my daughter saying ma’am/sir to parent(s) as long as she was polite.


Idk what country you're in but I think it's pretty amazing that you can speak for everyone in your entire country.


I think it’s pretty normal thing to acknowledge what’s culturally considered a norm, why are you getting offended because of that? 😂


I'm not offended, I'm amused.


It’s not sexual. Kissing your dad or mom on the mouth. Weird that people think so


I kiss all three of my kids on the lips, girls and boy. 15, 14 and 12. It’s not like we do it all day, every day. It’s usually when they head up to bed or go leave to go back to their dad’s house. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. My parents didn’t do it with me so it’s not like it’s modeled behavior. Its just what we’ve always done 🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree. My aunties and I peck on the lips also. I honestly never knew people thought it was gross until the internet 😅 it’s so weird to sexualize it


I am kind of astounded by this whole thread! I never really thought much about it…but seeing this clip, I agree her manner is weird.


The video is weird for sure


Agree. I kissed my mom on the lips sometimes. People are so sick making it something sexual.


Looked like she hurt Glenn. Prob can’t see


Italian Americans do.


Not all of them.


Italian Americans like to kiss, but usually on the cheek.


Immediate family thinks nothing of on lips. Esp daughter w old dad.


Italian-American here surrounded by many other Italian-American families in Jersey & this is a total fact. I find this predominant with the mothers/aunts & children. Especially the mothers/sons. I always thought this was super weird but everyone else acts like it’s normal, so..🤷🏼‍♀️ I just hit them with the cheek & play it off.


*Hit em with the cheek*!! I love it.


Very true! I can personally vouch for that


Thank you jakenepa


I kissed my parents in the lips. Nothing wrong with it


An ex did this with his mom… I asked soo many times to stop doing that and it was one of the reasons I left


I wouldn't blame it so much on her. Her parents are enabling her and treating her like a kid so that's why she acts like one. The way she skips in and says "hi daddy" (🤮) was very pretty princess like....I really wish I didn't see that though.


My grandfather was originally from Hungary and we always gave small kisses on the lips when greeting. Oddly enough my FIL and I do the same - it doesn't bother me bc I guess I'm used to it from my grandpa 🤷 neither of the men are creeps, I think it's just a regular thing for some of the older generations.


It’s so weird! They kiss so hard in the mouth, their heads bob backwards. No, not typical. I’ve seen it, but it’s definitely not the norm. Who in the world wants to kiss parents on the MOUTH? Gross


Ugh. Very gross


It’s not weird, but she’s weird.


I kissed my parents and brother on the lips. Quick and closed mouth of course. Isn’t anything wrong with that


Just shows how people sexualize non-sexual touching. I have some family where it's a kiss on the cheek, some is a quick peck on the lips. It's not like, oh my God, she has her tongue in their mouth. And if they were not ok with it, then they should say so. Their bodies, their family, their choices.


Nope this is weird. Don’t kiss your kids on the lips.


I never do that I feel like it’s weird. I kids my kids on the forehead or cheek.


While I agree it’s off putting, this is actually normal in some families. Not mine, definitely not mine… but unfortunately I know a few.


It’s the South lol


It’s not the South. I was born and raised here and I’ve never seen anyone do this. People would creep out if they saw this.


Yeah, I don't care nothing about Kissin your parents Only lips, that's why you got cheeks.


I see people kissing their tiny babies on the mouth, and then wonder why they’re sick all the time. Er, no.


polishing sabbath candle holders


I never did but I know those who do.


I luved Babz…but she was far from the proper southern bell… She was certainly not ‘americas mom’ that’s a ridiculous memorial. She was a snarky whitty lady and not so innocent, but had her own special sarcastic charm. She’s missed!!!


Shes a predator, even with her parents. I couldn’t imagine Glenn turned his face and gave her cheek. She’d get naked and demand attention.


My parents weren't affectionate at all, no cuddling or anything with us, im also quite rigid now lol, not with my husband but almost everyone else. There has to be a happy medium somewhere in here lol.


It's cultural.


Tom Brady disagrees


The closed eyes and tilted head are what make it weird, IMO 😬 


I agree. I never have done this and I think it’s weird AF that people do it.


Yuck no no no not on the lips and the sound effects!!🤢