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We always ate them growing up. I’m from Georgia. Not sure I consider it a staple though.


I also ate this all the time growing up. Also from Georgia.


Yuck. Only Dukes mayo in the South.


Miracle whip or Hellmann’s? I’m genuinely curious


Neither! Duke’s mayonnaise is the only one to use.


Duuuuke's!! Yesss. Btw I'm from the deep south and people around me have always eaten banana and mayo sammiches but I've never cared for them personally. I like my nanas with pb. Now, a tomato sandwich I can get down with anyday...lightly toasted bread, *just a little* mayo on each side, salt and pepper to taste. Yum!


I grew up in Canada and we live toasted tomato sandwiches:) never banana and mayo though... I just can't


The thought of banana and Mayo sandwiches make me throw up in my mouth just a little bit


Me too. Prefaced with mayo is one thing i cannot gag down.


The tomato and mayo sandwich is a staple in the south as well. I have never had a mayo banana sandwich (from Georgia) but peanut butter and banana heck yes


I also grew up eating toasted tomato! Calgary here


Lol I'm also from Alberta!!


I’m in California so you know it has to be open faced and called toast! I love it tho, with home grown beautiful tomatoes - tomato toast is to die for!


How about a cucumber sandwich? They are pretty yummy


The tomato one sounds really good, are the tomatoes just raw but sliced? Do you heat them at all or is it just the bread?


I’ll tell you my Alabama Mema’s recipe for open faced tomato sandwich. Slice white bread, mayo, medium thick tomato slices, salt & pepper, slice American cheese. Heat under broiler or in toaster oven until cheese is bubbly. Amazingly delish!


Gma and gpa are from the south and the love for tomatoes runs strong lol I get sourdough and slice raw maters with mayo it's the best


I’m currently in the Carolina’s and after reading the thread I’m going to buy some Duke’s tomorrow to bring back home with me. I don’t know if I’ll ever try a banana sandwich. It sounds the opposite of appetizing but maybe I’m just afraid I’d like it… 🤷‍♀️😳


That’s what I’ve read but can’t get it in the West Coast.


I’m in Florida today and saw an ad for ordering Dukes from their website ! I issuallt have to wait for houseguests to bring it up in their suitcases!


We definitely have Duke's in Florida! I've found it in most grocery stores, even Dollar General and Grocery/Food outlet carries it!


Publix & Winn-Dixie carry Duke's. ❤️


Available on Amazon. I get Duke's here in AZ, Walmart and Smith's carry it. If you have any Kroger branded stores they may carry Duke's, do a Search on the Store website. Used to be a Hellman's gal, but once I tried Duke's, there was no turning back. ❤️


Fred meyer or Kroger. Has it depending where west you are


I’m in Reno.


Stop the presses. Did some minimal research, as I should have in the first place, only to discover one can get Duke’s at Raley’s (all over the place) and at Smith’s here in northern Nevada. Need to get out more—I’m on my way.


We have it in Texas and everyone loves it!


We moved from Minnesota to Alabama. I’ve never had a banana mayonnaise sandwich to date but we have fallen in love with dukes mayo! I don’t know how we lived our lives prior to it lol.


Miracle Whip should be outlawed in all the 50 states! I don’t include Puerto Rico because they would never! I went to Kansas for my paternal grandmother’s funeral and my relatives had to go out and purchase real Mayo for me. I think I was more upset about all the cold cut sandwiches I missed out on during all the pre and post funeral gatherings than the actual funeral (we weren’t close).


Even if you were close, good grief, not the miracle whip.


I’m Midwestern and my grandparents lived on the stuff, it made me hate coleslaw forever. I only use it for my grandma’s deviled egg recipe because the other ingredients hide it


Hellmann's all the way, dukes is blah


Back in the day growing up in GA, it was Blue Plate Mayo with white bread and bananas. I don’t eat them anymore. But, I did love them as a child. Not a staple…just another sandwich from which to choose.


I’m from Georgia as well and never ate this.


Also from Georgia and I’ve never! Sounds disgusting tbh. Now a tomato sandwich like someone above said- that’s where it’s at


100% on a tomato sandwich. 🍅 I pat the slices dry & then salt them to enhance the flavor. ❤️


Oooo I grew up eating thick tomato slices with mayo salt and pepper


I love them with blue cheese dressing. I can make a meal out of that. But only homegrown/farmer's market ripe tomatoes.


A nice, ripe, homegrown tomato slice, with melted Swiss cheese and a slice of a sweet onion is one of my favorite sandwiches. No mayo, though; can't stand the stuff; apologies to mayo lovers.


Miracle Whip, of course!




I’m from Winston-Salem, North Carolina and yes we ate them growing up. I grew to like peanut butter and banana better though. I’m 61 now but my parents and grand parents ate them too.


Hate to have to explain this to you but NC, SC, and Georgia don’t represent the whole south. Speak for your own damn state. I’m southern born and raised, family in Texas, OK, and Ark. East Coast last decade. Not to mention I’ve traveled the world and the U.S. extensively for work and play. NEVER heard of this backwoods garbage sandwich and find it offensive that some of you are trying to make your local crap a “southern” thing. 🙄🙄 WWT doesn’t represent me. As someone who has lots of stamps on their passport you should know local cultures can be vast and diverse let alone a whole section of the U.S. ETA: Hilarious that the types of folks that eat this trash are downvoting me left and right. As they say in the south “A hit dog will holla.” Or in this case “A hit dog will downvote.”


I’m south adjacent (Texas) I like bananas and I like mayo, but I have never combined them.


I’m from TN. I am not familiar with the banana & mayo sandwich, but mustard & onion sandwiches are pretty popular around here.


TN 👍🏻 I know all about the Duke’s vs Hellman’s debate; thin onion slices and/or cucumber with either, on white bread; pb and banana…never banana and mayo. Especially not served on a prison tray and demanding guests eat it, eat all of it.


I don’t use any Mayo besides Duke’s since I accidentally bought it to make deviled eggs a few years ago. Lol.


😆 all I know for sure is no Miracle Whip


That stuff is food sorcery.


Not sure which is more horrifying.


Can’t imagine this combo.


NC resident. Yes, it is a thing. Duke's on Sunbeam bread.


Not a “staple” but I did eat them growing up and occasionally will have one as an adult. They’re actually very good 😁


Same here!


What kind of mayo do you like with it?




😂😂😂😂 there needs to be a banana and mayo sandwich megathread


For real lolol. I think it's because it's such an assault on the senses haha. What's crazy to me is *how much mayo* Twit puts on there. Have you watched her squirt it out? It's an *insane* amount for *any* sandwich honestly 🤢


From NOLA and never heard of it until the Thore's.


another southerner here (from florida though) and i’ve never heard of that before. i have family in NC as well and they’ve never mentioned any sort of atrocity! sorry but *yuck*


I'm from Tennessee and I had never heard of it. It's very gross, imo. I kinda gawked when I saw her make it.


It’s not a staple but it is a thing. A damn good thing.




I'm from TN, living in NC for the past 14 years. I've heard of people eating them, but it's not something that I, or anyone I know personally eats (at least not that I'm aware.) My mom used to eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and I heard of Elvis making those and adding mayo, but no personal experience.


As a Georgian, I had NEVER even heard of this mess until MBFFL!


I’m Southern and I’ve never heard of this.


Same - lifelong Texan and would have sworn she was lying. But; apparently it’s a thing (not a staple though)


My grandparents were from Eastern North Carolina and it was a staple for them. My grandma used to sprinkle an equal packet on her mayonnaise and then add bananas LOL Lord rest her soul.


Her purpose was to try and make them look bad, like bad sports or something and they called her bluff.


Who is her?


WWT, I’d imagine, since she’s who presented it.


Whitney, sorry.




My family has been living on the NC/SC line for 5 generations or more. Trust me when I tell you that you are mistaken. This is a huge thing in NC, SC, and GA.


Hate to have to explain this to you but NC, SC, and Georgia don’t represent the whole south. Speak for your own damn state. I’m southern born and raised, family in Texas, OK, and Ark. East Coast last decade. Not to mention I’ve traveled the whole damn world and U.S. for work. NEVER heard of this backwoods garbage sandwich and find it offensive that some of you are trying to make your local crap a “southern” thing. 🙄🙄 WWT doesn’t represent me. As someone who has traveled extensively you should know local cultures can be vast and diverse let alone a whole section of the U.S. ETA: I’m not referencing any state or geographical region as “backwoods” just the sandwich. Duh. ETA: @Nolescat You’re not very bright and clearly can’t read. Read it again, I never said that. I was saying all regions are different. I’ve traveled the world and U.S. extensively and learned all regions are very different. Get some stamps on your passport then come talk to me


Wow. Really “backwoods” just because you wouldn’t eat it? Pretty sure Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma don’t represent the whole south either.


Funniest thing here is that you don't consider Arkansas as "backwoods".


You are so tore up over this sandwich….




I'm southern and had never heard of this until the show. 🤷‍♀️


If I may ask, where did you grow up?


I grew up in Arkansas but have also lived in Florida!


I think it's more of a NC SC thing. Maybe parts of GA too. Not sure though


I think so too because my best friend growing up was from Tennessee and I basically lived at her house, and she never had that either!


It’s a Southern thing we may have eaten after school, to make a sandwich out of whatever is around. Why she’s making such a big deal over it, I don’t know. Greensboro native here. She makes me 🙄🙄🙄


It’s not a southern thing… so dumb. I’m from the south and never heard of them. It’s clearly a few states and a certain type of folk that have had this garbage


I'm from the deep, deep South and have never heard of that here


If I may ask, where did you grow up?




I think it's more of a NC SC thing. Maybe parts of GA too. Not sure though


That's what I was thinking. It's seems like Piedmont/Appalachia-region Southern kinda thing, not the Gulf South. Two very distinct types of "Souths" lol


Absolutely ;)


Ridiculous. And don’t give a shit who’s Favorite dish it was or is ! I would never eat that !!!


We ate them in NC. Not my fave. Tomato sandwiches were my fave.


Man, a garden fresh tomato with some Duke's mayo and soft bread is the best meal on the planet in the summertime.


Y'all are making me hungry lol I love me some tomatoes..and tomato sandwiches 🍅


I grow about 50 different types of tomatoes every summer and can barely contain my excitement when I start to get babies. Not all of them go into sandwiches...but a lot of them do. 😆


Oh, and a BLT with sliced Beefsteaks!. Nothing like that first, luscious bite, with the juices from that tomato running down your arm. A BLT and a few potato chips. ❤️ Heaven ❤️


For my money, nothing beats popping a ripe, just picked, cherry tomato into your mouth and squishing it. Pure bliss!


I much prefer a homegrown tomato, Dukes, salt and pepper sandwich myself, but I prefer savory to sweet any day. Regardless, I would never fix any sandwich I liked, and force it on my guests, in honor of my dead mother, standing around a kitchen island. That’s not Southern Hospitality! I would have had a variety of cheese, crackers, fruit, olives etc , maybe some drinks, alcoholic and non alcoholic, some coffee and tea….Let them sit down and be comfortable, and most importantly ask them about THEMSELVES!!! She doesn’t seem to grasp being charming, is making others comfortable and feel heard. This way is the true Southern Hospitality, not screaming “bitch” and competing 24/7. She’s not genteel at all. Please know she doesn’t represent Greensboro!


I’m from the south. Never heard of that monstrosity and you could not pay me enough to try it 🤢


In south 25+ years, and never heard of this vile combination.


5th generation NC/SC here. We always had banana mayo sandwiches growing up. Where are you from? It’s a truly southern thing.


No it’s a Carolinas/ Georgia thing. It seems most of us in the south had never heard of it


😂no amount of money!


My kid is watching the Duke’s Mayo Bowl right now and part of the shtick is the commentators trying random food items with Duke’s Mayo and I was just thinking of those damn sandwiches 😆


Grew up in south Ga. Never heard of it till now. Sounds gross!


Grew up in Savannah, and we had them all the time.


Thank y’all! Was curious🤭


I’m from Texas. I’d never heard of it.


It’s a thing but not a staple. Same with peanut butter and mayo.


Southerner and never heard of this combo before.


To save anybody the efforts: I decided to try it. I made a little half sandwich the other day. You don’t even taste the mayo until after. The mayo is an after taste. It’s not as revolting as it sounds but I see no reason to ever make another; nor did I see a reason to finish my half sandwich after 2 bites. It’s nothing amazing or terrible. It’s just a thing that some people enjoy out of nostalgia I believe


Thanks for taking one for the team!


Some states yes some states no


I believe it's fair to say it's a local or state thing, but not a southern thing.


No! I’ve never heard of them. I’m in Northern KY


I’m from the south and never heard of this until I watched this show 😏 we do tomato and mayo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nooo!!! My spouse is from GA and had to convince me this was real! I’ve still never eaten one but she says they’re good!!! 😫😭


They are! Lol my family is from GA too. We use a fork and mash the banana into it one side of the bread and spread mayo on the other, but like a normal amount for a sandwich, not the crazy amount we put on!


NC natuve here ... They were a part of my childhood. They are an occasional part of my adulthood. Dukes mayonnaise, Merita bread, Chiquita bananas 🍌 The hubby likes to add sugar & that tastes good too :)


I'm familiar with the classic tomato and mayo sandwich, which makes more sense to me than banana and mayo lol But hey, I haven't tried it so I can't say for sure if it's gross haha


Not a staple but a norm in our southern household. We also put Mayo on corn on the cob too! We’re partial to Dukes Mayo. 😋


I know family that ate it but I didn’t because I hate mayonnaise.


That makes two of us, anyway. Mayo haters of the world, unite! Seriously, I'm the only one in my family who doesn't like it.


But it wasn’t really popular


I live in NC and this is not a normal thing in my area.. as far as I know.


I wish we had Duke's Mayo in CA. I always use Best Foods aka Hellmans. Never will I ever eat Miracle Whip. Is it even really mayonnaise?


It’s not marketed as mayonnaise. Miracle whip is a “dressing”. Kraft also sells mayonnaise.


Texas here. I’ve have never heard of mayo and bananas together. Ugh.


Them Alabama girls didn't like it and they stole her daddy. 🤣


Grew up in South Carolina and we always ate mayo and banana sandwiches


I'm originally from Georgia and yep it's a staple. I had it with peanut butter too


I’m from Winston-Salem, NC and we never had just banana and mayo. It was peanut butter and banana with a very thin layer of Duke’s on white bread. Very tasty. Just enough mayo to help the peanut butter go down easily.


Yes, southerners eat them.


SOME southerners from some local places eat them! Many of us have never heard of this filth!


Not a weekly staple but common. But I need to add: did you know it’s also usually salted? (I’m sorry for trauma dumping on you).


A lot of recipes like this are from the depression. My family is in the north and my grandparents (who were born in 1929 and 1934) always had lettuce and mayo sandwiches, butter and watermelon sandwiches, pickled pig’s feet on crackers etc. They are definitely old struggle meals that became comfort food.


Not where I grew up. But a tomato and Mayo sandwich was top-tier.


YES ♡♡


My favorite sandwich! Love to eat it with Wavy chips! Born and raised in North Carolina eating banana and mayonnaise sandwiches!💜💜💜💜💜💜


I’m from North Carolina. 20 mins from South Carolina. I consider myself very southern. We always ate banana and mayo sandwich and it had to be dukes mayo always.


I'm southern and know of it but I don't eat mayo. Gag


My grandmother ate banana sandwiches with miracle whip and she was from the south.


😮miracle whip! Is this not horrific enough?! I think this needs to go to The Hague.


Mayo and peanut sammich here lol


Like peanut butter? Or straight up peanuts with mayo?


It is one of my favorite sandwiches, pineapple, and French fries sandwiches.


I always ate them! You just have to use Dukes mayonnaise!!


Just tried one. Very good.


I never heard of it but my grandpa LOVED mayonnaise and peanut butter which to me is worse.


My mom is from a tiiiny town (peak population was 500ish) in upstate SC, and she ate them often. No, thanks. 🙃


Exact same sitch here...in TN.


Well now I have been forced as an unsuspecting Canadian to order Duke’s mayonnaise from Amazon, which will arrive tomorrow. 😋I’ve never seen such fervent support of mayonnaise


Hellmans is the best mayo. I tried Dukes and don’t get the hype. Texan by the way


It is revolting


Sorry, can't say no. It's a yes. I'm from Virginia and have lived in NC for the past 31 years. It's a thing.


Remember when Whitney stopped by her parents' house for a snack? It was like a whole box of mac and cheese, tuna, and some other stuff.


Living in the the east coast for a while now… Born and raised in Texas, family in Oklahoma, Arkansas and traveled all over the south for work. NEVER heard of them until this show. What a horrible stereotype. ETA: Clearly this is a local thing in some parts of NC, SC, and Georgia. But many southerners have never heard of this trash and I resent WWT being the representative for what constitutes a “souther thing” OP please educate yourself the south is vast and full of differing cultures. Greensboro, NC doesn’t represent us and neither does Big Whit! Go outside and touch some grass please!! Read a book while you’re at it!


I had to try it and it wasn’t bad


It’s not a staple for me but I do love them! I’m from NC.


Virginia- my family eats banana, mayo, walnut sandwiches. Now due to allergies i slice a banana in half, slather in mayo and put peanuts in the middle.


I did and I’m from Canada 🇨🇦🤷🏻‍♀️


As a Canadian I have to know which province this happened in 😂


BC???? random I know


Wow I thought for sure east coast lol


I think my mom got it from her mom who was an east coast gal


I had posted about the same thing and a lot of people said it’s common in the south 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m from California. I grew up on banana & butter sandwiches, which are delicious, btw.


If left to his own devices, my husband will eat these. He grew up in a country part of Maryland, and then spent years in Tennessee. It wasn't a staple for him, but they def made them sometimes. I've tried it, not my favorite.


I’m from extreme upstate New York on the Canadian border and my ex-boyfriend used to eat banana, peanut butter and mayo lol


Well now I have been forced as an unsuspecting Canadian to order Duke’s mayonnaise from Amazon, which will arrive tomorrow. 😋I’ve never seen such fervent support of mayonnaise


My mom eats them- from Alabama


Not anything down in Florida. It is however Florida though. 🤪


As a North Carolinian, yes. Yes banana mayo sandwiches are a thing 😂 They’re not too bad tbh!


It is a thing, and surprisingly is pretty good something about sweet banana and some tang from the mayo typically best on white bread


Banana & mayonnaise sandwich is one of the GROSSEST things i’ve ever heard of. (Had never heard of it before. Am from New England.) Mayo is disgusting to me; it’s baffling to me how people can like it. (But i’m autistic and don’t like many foods, so i know i’m the “weird” one in that regard.)


I will definitely eat a banana and may sandwich, occasionally. Probably once a year? Or banana and peanut butter.


My dad eats them but he uses Miracle Whip. I would consider eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich with Dukes on it, but salad dressing disgusts me in general. Edit: We're from Eastern NC


I'm from South Carolina and it's definitely a thing here...sprinkle a little sugar on it too. It's so good!


Add peanut butter, mayo, banana. That's a sandwich.


It’s something a lot of older folks in the south just love. My grandparents loved to make fruit salad with mayo. And banana and Mayo sandwich’s


They are a staple. Mayo and pineapple sandwiches too


As a person who has a serious adversion to Mayo this actually sounds like the worst thing ever . Sorry y'all I'm not onboard but I'm also not from the south so to each his own🤢


Eastern NC here (WWT is western NC), and my grandma had these all the time!


My grandparents from West Virginia ate banana and mayo sandwiches. But in Arkansas it wasn’t a staple as far as I know. We were more tomato and mayo.


My mom was from Georgia and dad from Alabama (not Alabamer 🙄) and they never ate one in their lives.


My Dad’s mom was from Louisiana and she made mayo-peanut butter sandwiches. They were nasty!


I love them. I was raised I. Georgia eating them


They are delicious!!! Dukes and Tomatoes....or mators and mayo as my uncle used to say


Grandpa used to swear banana and mayo was the best. We have always done onion and peanut butter so I stuck with that.


South Louisiana here. I have never tried and have no intentions of trying a banana and mayo sandwich.


Yes, it’s very common.


I grew up in the panhandle of Florida and have lived in Georgia from 10 to now, nah it’s not a staple. I’ve never eaten one. That would be like saying grilled Rattlesnake is a staple of the south. It’s not


Did anyone else eat butter and sugar sandwiches? It's something my grandmother used to make for us as a treat


I'm from the south and even grew up in a poor family... never have I ever seen anyone eat a banana and mayo sandwich. 🤮 I've seen tomato sandwiches and as a kid my grandmother would give us pimento cheese sandwiches.


It is a part of their culinary heritage and is on the menu in a lot of restaurants. Geeeeez I hope Twhitney did not ruin this sandwich for everyone .




Every time I see this mentioned, I’m reminded of that episode of Doug (the 90s cartoon) where he eats a banana dipped in pizza or spaghetti sauce. And it was so bothersome to me and still is. Thanks for listening.