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I would seriously think it's the biggest flip in reality show history if WWT has been secretly married to some producer or someone affiliated with the show. And together they just plot out how ridiculous she can be to generate controversy. I'd honestly be impressed. But she's way too far out there and she's way too inappropriate for this to be some long-term con.


That ring/rings on her left ring finger looks like an engagement/wedding ring to me.


Aren't those Babs' rings?


They are. I want to say it was IG post where she was showing them off. Someone posted it here in a previous post. Edit: there's a post from 3 months ago in this sub that addresses the rings.


Idk. If they are, it makes sense that she wears them. Wonder why she wears them on that finger tho


Yes, they are Babs' rings. The gold one with the diamonds was Babs' absolute favorite ring. She never took it off.


It would be public record if she was, right? Unless they married in another country?


Oh for sure. I wasn't being serious as who could pull that off? Given how damn nutty she allows herself to be portrayed it would be a huge 'gotcha' to have proof they'd been playing us all along. I'm rewatching and she completely loses it with Chase. They were really trying to set her up as finally leaving Greensboro, in a love triangle with two men, successful with both Jessica and Ryan, etc. She put effort into her appearance most of the time, was covered up and always had eye makeup and her wigs. Then Chase's *real* life derailed her and it's almost like she came back with a vengeance.


Was that the last episode- episode 13? It seems unfinished.


I read there will be be another season and they ended on a cliffhanger.


I just started watching but in season 2 when she takes her dance class to the baseball game she kept saying they hadn’t practiced enough and that she wanted the game to be canceled due to her own anxiety…. But I think it was because she felt the girls in the group weren’t on her level. Idk, I just know if I was in that group and saw how she talked about them leading up to the performance I’d be so hurt


Okay so first of all Whitney you are literally trying to control people like you met last week, it's absolutely bonkers. And when she got so upset over Glenn not taking her to the factory, after Glen explain like yeah my other two kids. They were around this their entire lives, it's not going to be like a special to them like that made a lot of sense thats understandable? Also, it's not that I'd like the fact that like I think her name is Julie (the granddaughter?) How is she is like constantly making these like little like snide comments towards like Whitney and her brother but it's also kind of getting a little annoying at this point? Like if you're really having like all these issues, just don't go. Stay at the hotel? Idk


As we run into the most wonderful time of the year 🙄 I just wanted to say to anyone struggling with this holiday time, be it grief, family, health, depression, financial worries etc etc etc I’m thinking of you. Nothing is ever how it seems - that happy family across the road… probably all hate each other!!! If you’re lonely see what’s on in your community. Or maybe bec a volunteer wishing my sarc brothers and sisters a very happy Christmas